kerpowz · 8 years
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Strawberries are now available in Tbilisi!
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kerpowz · 8 years
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The only good thing about birthdays after the age of 18 is cake.
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kerpowz · 8 years
I was walking to find the bus stop to catch the bus home after the gym yesterday. I found a bus stop, but it was just a sign with a bus logo, without the digital board displaying which bus came and how long the next bus was. The bus stop was in front a short stretch of covered stalls helmed by ladies selling fruits, churchkela, and other stuff. My phone froze and died on me even though it was still at 70%, so I couldn't check if I was at the right stop with the transport app I'd recently downloaded. I tried to ask one of the ladies where I wanted to go, and if my bus came here. Just as I was talking to her... My bus sped past the stop. 😒 So I had to wait, trying to warm my phone in hopes that it'd resurrect and so I'll be able to check the arrival of the next bus. While waiting, another of the fruit stall ladies came up to me with a plastic bag and started gesturing, but I didn't understand what she wanted. I was thinking to myself "No, I don't want to buy any of your fruits???" Instead she took my slightly tattered plastic bag containing my pumpkin I'd bought earlier ($1.50 for half a huge pumpkin, can you believe???), and put it inside the bag she brought me so that it wouldn't fall out. She then asked me to stand under the shelter to avoid being sleeted/rained on. I don't know how many times I will post about the kindness of Georgian people, but it makes me so glad that people can be so nice.
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kerpowz · 8 years
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It's snowing!!! ❄️😄❄️😄❄️ I looked out of the window and started shrieking in surprise and excitement when I saw white! But reality has since kicked in: taxis won't come to my place because I live up on a high hill with bad roads, and I can't walk down to have my pain au chocolat (why do I talk so much about pastries???). I also have to walk to my friend's house about 10 minutes away, and my ears are gonna freeze and fall off because I left my beanie in a taxi a few days ago. Dammit. It's snowing... 😒
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kerpowz · 8 years
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My babies got all fat and juicy resting on top of the heater. Cinnamon buns feat. My new kitchen. First try with the oven and I think it was not too shabby. Also, it's 4 months to my wedding.... And I haven't planned or done everything. I have a small checklist (nothing in comparison to the detailed 1 year plan checklist I checked out on Google), but..... Nothing has been ticked off. I always imagined having a small wedding. Also because I knew I'd never be rich enough for a wedding planner! But who knew that planning a small wedding could be such a headache! Doesn't help that my wedding is in France but I'm now in Georgia! 😖
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kerpowz · 8 years
Short girl problems #179
One of my favourite things about my new house is the beautiful kitchen and the island counter top. Today whilst making cinnamon rolls, I realised... the counter top is too high for me! I was trying to scoop some flour into my cup and level it out, but I had to be on my tiptoes because I couldn’t see into the bag of flour! >(
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kerpowz · 8 years
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I changed into my sports gear and A asked if I was gonna do some exercise. I said yes, and asked if he wanted to join me. To my surprise, he said yes?!?!?! I told him that it was simple- I was just gonna do 2 rounds of a circuit, and I told him that it’s a few exercises you do for 30 seconds each with a 10 second rest in between. It’s just 7 minutes each round, so he shrugged and said “okay, it’s just 14 minutes”.  Doing this with him was awful. He kept laughing and that made me laugh, and seeing him have trouble doing the exercises made me laugh even more. He dropped out after “finishing” 1 round, and I had to finish the 2nd round by myself. Tomorrow my plan is to check out the gym tomorrow since A is heading to the office which is nearby to work. So if it goes well, I will look forward to rebuilding my strength. If it doesn’t, and I am not able to exercise... I will be going to the nearest Entrée for a 5GEL cappuccino & pain au chocolat breakfast. (;
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kerpowz · 8 years
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His & Hers. A has invaded my vanity dresser space with his 3 items! 😂 He loves Tiger Balm so these 2 jars were his birthday present from me last year.
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kerpowz · 8 years
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Had dinner out a restaurant to celebrate our first day moving in to our new apartment! Decided on Georgian House because it was the nearest restaurant we knew of which also has really good food. Halfway through our meal, a waiter comes to present us a bottle of wine. Confused A told him we didn’t order any wine, but the waiter said that it was a gift. We asked whom from, and he gestured to a gentleman at the opposite table. 
I’ve been offered drinks before when I was single, but never a whole bottle of wine at a fancyish restaurant by a stranger as a couple! People can be so surprisingly nice. 
Also, I love the kitchen in our new house!!!! Can't wait to bake something in the oven!
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kerpowz · 8 years
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A pick me up after a day of very early interviews (especially since I'm still jetlagged) and house hunting. Hello again, Tbilisi! Crossing my fingers for a job!
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kerpowz · 9 years
2 liters...poon
A’s mom made some apple compote for dessert after dinner. I asked her how she made it and she said apples, some cinnamon, and some sugar. She proffered a teaspoon for me to try, and it was nice and warm. It was sweeter than I expected, so I asked her how much she used. She said “ahh... just 2 liters...” My eyes went big and I said “2 litres?????” A translated it to his mom and she quickly replied “no no no, 2 liter spoons...” 
She meant 2 little spoons. Phew. 
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kerpowz · 9 years
The plan yesterday morning was to go to Lisi lake and to try to hitchhike to get there as it wasn’t too far off. Walked for about 15 minutes in the direction of the lake when a kind soul pulled over to let us in. A was about to grab the seat belt to buckle in but the driver told him there was no need. A laughed and asked him if he wasn’t worried that the police might stop him, but the guy just pushed his jacket bottom back to reveal a gun and badge saying he was the police. Yikes! Had some conversation while driving, and after some guessing games (because A’s vocabulary isn’t perfect yet), he tells us that he’s the CIA equivalent in Georgia and that he was a Major. I like meeting interesting characters.
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kerpowz · 9 years
Don’t be sad!
Sat outside the bar for awhile this evening while my friends were inside because I couldn’t take the cigarette smoke anymore and needed some fresh air (most restaurants/bars/cafes permit smoking within the establishment, which is most times unbearable for me because I think I’m a slightly allergic to the fumes). I was sitting on the bench just looking at the sky and thinking about life when a passerby called out something in what I presumed was Georgian to me. Thinking he was saying something like “have a good evening”, I could only smile and nod. He smiled and said something again, so I had to tell him that I was sorry I didn’t speak Georgian. He replied in English saying “I wasn’t speaking in Georgian; I was speaking in Russian. I was telling you not to be sad.” I laughed and told him I wasn’t, and wished him a nice evening. I like the people here.
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kerpowz · 9 years
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It's only been my third day in Georgia, but I already know this is gonna be my favorite Georgian dish. Khatchapuri: cheese and egg in bread with a slice of butter. What's not to love?!
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kerpowz · 9 years
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kerpowz · 9 years
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kerpowz · 9 years
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