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***Owner 2***
As Y/N woke up to the morning light, you realized that Knifey was singing
"Daddy never was, the Cadillac kind" Knifey sang with his soft, loud, and kind of hot Australian accent
Knifey was startled by the sudden noise, he stopped singing after Gene bursts into the room, clearly drunk.
"ALRIGHTY w-wake up I'm gonna teach you some fucking, uhhh, bad-badass stuff" he mumbles slurping almost every word
Y/N becomes quickly annoyed by all the chaos and walks out of the house, bringing Kenny with you.
"S-sooo, w-wh-whats your f-fine ass doing in a p-p-place like this" Kenny takes his sweat time saying
Y/N comes up with a quick response "Usually I'd be flattered but it took you 10 minutes to say that"
Kenny becomes flabbergasted and he becomes very insecure.
"H-hey I have a studdering p-p-problem! " kenny says "i-i w-wa-w-was just trying to be nice"
Y/N feeling super bad and abilist quickly apologized as you and Kenny walk down the street you notice an iritatting buzzing sound
"Uh Kenny, shut up real quick" Y/N says
After Kennys speech stops abruptly so does the ringing
"Huh, weird" Y/N says
"S-so how are y-y-you cutie" Kenny vocalized with a slight blush to his face
Y/N thinks to himself "Wow, this gun is actually kind of cute
A sudden crash of thunder startles Y/N, you quickly wip around to reveal that it was just Gene and Knifey chasing after you. Gene still in his drunken state falls and get a major concussion.
Y/N sweeps by gene to check if he's okay. You put your fingers on Gene's neck and realize he still has a pulse. Seconds after checking his pulls he wakes up in your arms and slures his words again
"Get your h-hands of me you h-omo" gene says halfway asleep
Y/N puts him back on his feet and trys to sympathize with this raging alcoholic
"Hey bud, let's get you in a bed or something" Y/N says in a calming tone as you walk him back to your house. midway home he stabs you in the gut.
"Shut the fuck up sissy femboy" Gene says in between drunken burps
"DID YOU JUST CALL ME A FEMBOY?! Y/N screams " Just because I have child bearing hips and such a small frame doesn't mean I'm a FEMBOY"
"You're feminine enough for me to be super gay for you " gene says before lunging towards Y/N kissing you passionately.
**OWNER 2** (she/her)
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(We're not going to ask how Y/N's house got to Blim city. We're just going to assume it was put there by Y/N's employers
Also there's the use of the word cunt, so if that's a problem for you, sorry -Owner 1)
Y/N could barely hold in his excitement as he picked up the gun that was assigned to him. He finally got to kill living things for money instead of for free!
As he looked at his gun he noticed something... it had eyes, and a mouth.
he wondered if he was using a living being to kill things. Now, that's where Y/N crossed the line, but it was too late to return him. He had already boarded the ship to Blim City. The gun spat on Y/N making him flinch.
" H-h-hey man whats up-- ar-a-are you like, a bo-o-bo-bounty hunter or something? Oh yeha, My name's Kenny, by the way, and w-wow are you from heaven b-b-b-because you look like an angel, w-which reminds me of t-that dude Tyrael from Diablo, whichh is a reeally fun g-game, oh I haven't p-played it that's right.. b-b-but I bet i-its a fun game! " Kenny said, with all the stuttering and pauses it took the poor little guy about 10 minutes to get it all out.
Y/N stared at the gun in a mix of concern and confusion. " uh.. so I'm supposed to use you.. to.. kill other people? " Y/N asked.
" Yup! T-thats the idea, at least. I-I-I've had a guy who used me as a fleshlight before! " Kenny responded.
Y/N looked away from the gun. Talking to him was really unnerving, he set Kenny onto the table nearby as he waited to arrive...
Kenny and Y/N were finally in Blim City.
" H-Hey lo-look on that b-billboard! I-Its Gene Zaroothian, H-he u-u-used to be a b-b-bounty hunter too, b-but he's a homeless loser now. M-maybe if we can f-f-find him he'll teach you s-s-s-some stuff ab-bout bounty hunting or something. " Kenny said as you held him up slightly so he could see everything in Blim City.
You two walked around a bit and eventually found Gene. One of his eyes was greyed out and he was missing his legs.
" oh, geez man what happened to you? " Y/n asked, concerned about Gene.
" Oh don't worry, just went blind in my eye and lost my legs. I've been through worse! " Gene replied, sounding very nonchalant about the whole thing he then looked over Y/N's shoulder
" Hey is that your house over there? " Gene asked, pointing to it.
Y/N turned around
" Oh! Yeah. Why? " Y/N asked
" Well.. you're one of those new bounty hunters right? Maybe if you let me be your roommate I'll teach you some stuff about bounty hunting, " Gene explained " And, if you die, I'll get the house. It's a great deal! "
Y/N though about it. Sure he did just meet Gene but... It wasn't a bad deal. Y/N would get to learn about bounty hunting from one of the most experienced bounty hunters, and if he died the house wouldn't rot away because Gene would be living in it!
" Hm, alright then, Gene. " Y/N said.
Y/N finished helping getting Gene settled in the house.
" ...So basically you want me to go get you your sentient knife that you gave away? " Y/N asked
" Yup! " Gene quickly responded with
" Alright then.. doesn't sound too bad. So who did you give it to? " Y/N asked again.
" The Torg family, now go on and get him! " Gene yelled, annoyed at Y/N's questions.
Y/N ran out, ready to retrieve what was described to him as " a sentient ballsack " by Gene.
Y/N murdered 9-Torg and got Gene's knife, knifey, back. He spoke to Y/N in an Australian accent.
" Ay mate thanks for helping me back there, so what's sent ya over to take me? " Knifey asked
" Oh, well uh, Gene asked me to come and get you. " Y/N answered
" ...Gene? Oh I hate that cunt! When we get to wherever he is I want you to stab him in the gut! " Knifey yelled back.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock, first of all, he said cunt so casually like that? And second of all stab Gene?
Hell yeah! Y/N wanted to stab something, so this made Y/N want to get home faster.
Y/N stabbed Gene in the gut, Gene complained a bit but he was fine after a few seconds.
" Hey, now that I think about it I kinda liked how that felt. Stab me again! " Gene said
" Let the post-nut clarity set in, Gene. " Y/N responded flatly.
Gene rolled his two non-blind eyes and went back to watching the TV he had installed. Y/N had no bounty hunting jobs yet, as they had been given a week to settle in by his employers.
Y/N went to his room to find that Gene must've turned it into his room, as there was alien technology installed in the room.
" Hey gene, did you put all this stuff in my room!? " Y/N asked Gene from across the house
" Oh shit! Was that your room? " Gene asked
" Yeah, yeah. It was " Y/N said
" Oh well shit. Because I took all that gay stuff down and replaced it with some badass tech to make it mine, " Gene said " I moved it all into that walk in closet though, so I guess you can sleep in there. "
Y/N gave Gene a look of annoyance but complied. He put Knifey and Kenny on top a box that was in the closet and sat down in front of them
" So... is living with aliens usually this annoying? " Y/N asked the duo.
They glanced at each other
" Yup, and you better get used to it, Y/N. " Kenny answered
** THis chapter was written by Owner 1.
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