Kely's Krypt
53 posts
---18+ Only, Erotic Captions --- Themes of Corruption, Bimbofication, Femdom, Bullying---
Last active 60 minutes ago
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kelykorruption · 9 hours ago
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You couldn't take it anymore. You had to be free of her.
It made you feel physically sick to be Mikayla. Not whilst you were her of course... it was afterwards. Afterwards when you slid off her perfect skin and returned to being yourself. Afterwards when you lay in bed feeling guilty and wrong for the evil you had committed.
But then the hunger and addiction to become her, to be free of guilt and take pleasure in the suffering of others filled you. You would become her again and the cycle of pleasure and disgust would start again.
You had found the skin in a trunk of a house you were renovating, hidden behind a wall in the attic. The owner of the house seemed to know nothing about the trunk. You stole the skin and took it home with you.
You had no idea where Mikayla had come from. Was she a real woman who had been turned into a magic skin, an experimental nano-suit, or something else? It didn't really matter.
All that mattered was that when you slid open the skin and climbed inside, you BECAME her.
First you'd push your legs inside, marvelling at how soft and hairless your legs were. Brown and tanned, perfectly long and sexy. Next you'd pull her ass and midriff over your crotch. Somehow all your fat and extra weight would melt away and you'd be left with her tiny waist and perfect plump ass. Your cock would be gone, Mikayla's perfect pussy now between your legs.
As you pulled the skin up the best bit was about to happen. Mikayla's tits were so big that even empty they could be seen on the skin - but as you tugged them into place they would grow and inflate. You'd moan as Mikayla's big tits bounced on your chest and you'd pushed your arms into hers.
All that was left was to pull over the face and the hair with your new manicured hands. Your body was now entirely feminine and somehow you fit inside this tiny thin skin. As you groaned and felt Mikayla's face fit to yours her hair would root into your scalp and the physical transformation was complete.
But that still left the mental changes.
When you wore the skin you would become Mikayla. Her arrogance, her hunger for sex and power and her cruel and manipulative personality would become yours. You felt your lips twist into an evil grin as you became the most evil bitch imaginable. You became pure evil.
It was only afterwards when you took off the skin that the full enormity of what you'd become and what you'd done as her would hit you.
And yet you couldn't stop...
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Your bullies big fat cock felt good in your mouth.
NO... Mikayla's mouth.
You could feel the tip of his magnificent dick tickling your tonsils and your blonde hair, tied up in a pony tail was swishing as you deep throated him and looked up with lust filled eyes.
You knew that later you'd be sickened by what you were doing here, but right now as Mikayla it felt so fucking good.
Brandon grunted as he pushed his cock deeper. "Fuck yeah, take it baby. You're the best slut I've ever had."
You moaned submissively, your tight pussy already wet at the thought of Brandon bending you over and fucking you hard. You loved what a mean powerful bully he was. You loved watching him beat on boys that outside of this skin were actually your friends.
It made Mikayla's pussy drip... too bad it made male you feel so sick afterwards.
You purred as Brandon began to cum in your mouth. Fuck yessssss. Sucking and slurping you giggled as cum oozed down your throat and you ate every drop like a good girl.
You were a slut for your bully and you wanted more. This was going to be a fun afternoon...
"Fuck me baby. Fuck me and don't stop."
Brandon looked at you suspiciously as you told him about Mikayla. You'd wrestled with how to deal with this situation and decided that if you couldn't develop enough mental strength to resist putting on the skin again, you could at least prevent Mikayla from fucking Brandon anymore.
You couldn't take it anymore. Waking up as you to remember how Brandon had fucked all your holes just made you feel sick.
By telling your bully the truth, you were hopefully making her unattractive to him. Surely Brandon would no longer want to fuck Mikayla if he knew you were inside her. Surely it would stop her.
Opening the box you kept Mikayla safe in, you revealed the skin to prove it and Brandon's eyes widened in shock as he realised you were telling the truth.
Then his grin turned wicked. "Give that here," he exulted grabbing Mikayla out of your hands.
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You watched in horror as Brandon took Mikayla and put her on. Seeing someone else step into the skin was strange. That was YOUR skin - but you realised with a horrible feeling of loss that it wasn't anymore.
Mikayla had a new host now... your bully. He moaned and gasped in pleasure as Mikayla's big tits attached to his chest and he pulled her face into place. He shook back her long blonde hair and laughed as he felt her pussy and tits.
"Hahah you fucking loser," he purred in Mikayla's sexy voice. "I feel incredible. Why would you ever tell anyone about this? Haha you idiot."
Brandon was the perfect wearer for Mikayla. Unburdened by conscience, uncaring of how evil he was when he put her on. Brandon loved being a cocksucking slutty bitch who got what she wanted.
And now that your dilemma was solved, you felt an unbearable desire to become Mikayla again.
Too bad you never would. You just weren't suited to her anymore...
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kelykorruption · 1 day ago
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Why would you ever need the outside world? Stay locked away in your goon cave and pump endlessly
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kelykorruption · 2 days ago
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kelykorruption · 7 days ago
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kelykorruption · 2 months ago
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Stroke yourself stupid loser.
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kelykorruption · 2 months ago
Helpful list for all you little losers out there 😈
How to become more addicted to porn and ruin your silly brain 💞
1 - Stop cumming. Full orgasms makes you feel like you 'had enough'. You should never have enough, you need to be kept in the edge.
2 - Stop being picky. Good girls don't choose. Watch every single porn that shows on your feed/timeline/search results.
3 - Stop skipping. The video timeline should not exist for you, you should watch from beginning to end in normal speed and without pauses.
4 - Edge for every single video/image. It doesn't matter it you liked it or not.
5 - Always watch porn when you feel sad. This will make your brain see porn as a method of escapism and it will slowly gets more needy for it.
6 - Any horny thought should lead to watching porn.
7 - Get used to it. Stop watching porn only on your bed or bedroom, watch it as you would to any youtube video.
8 - Expand your fetish list. Start to try slightly different porn categories and gradually develop a wide taste.
9 - Use as much porn plataforms as you can. Video streaming platforms are not the only way to consume porn. Use twitter, tumblr, image folders, etc.
10 - Punish yourself for not watching it. You spend a day without porn? Then the next time you watch you wont be allowed to touch yourself, and so on.
11 - Start to save it. Download the files you most like and watch them everyday.
12 - Lose hope. Stop wondering about recovery, this is for normal people, not dirty sluts.
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kelykorruption · 2 months ago
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kelykorruption · 2 months ago
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My boyfriends older brother was SUCH a fucking douchebag. He was always belittling Joey and making out he was weak, pathetic and inferior.
Personally I just think he was jealous. Brad fancied himself as a real Alpha male, but he was just a dumb bully who people feared rather than respected. By comparison Joey might be a bit nerdy, but he was popular with his friends and at least he'd managed to get a girlfriend unlike his aggressive older brother.
Brad was obsessed with being masculine. Sure he worked out and had an amazing body, sure he was stronger, taller and physically superior to Joey - but he was also a cruel and arrogant bastard.
He was only prepared to date a girl equally ad obnoxious as him. He was into vain arrogant blonde gym bunnies. Bitches with big tits and long nails who bullied other women and acted like spoiled Instagram brats.
"If you were a hot girl, you'd soon get sick of my loser brother and you'd be completely into me," sneered Brad when I challenged him on it one day.
"Fuck you Brad, I'd hate your guts just the same as I do now."
"Whatever bitch. I bet you wouldn't be able to go longer than a week without betraying Joey and sucking and fucking my dick. You'd soon switch to the winning team if you were hotter."
I folded my arms under my small boobs and leered at him.
"Hah - I'd take that bet. Nothing could ever make you attractive to me."
Brad's eyes flashed dangerously. "Big words little lady. How about we do make it a bet then?"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny silver coin. "I've been waiting for something good to use this magic dare coin on. How about we agree to a bet and let the magic go to work. I transform you into a hottie using this and if we haven't fucked by the end of the week you win the bet."
I gawped at him - but something about the way he said things made me realise he was serious!
"If I win the bet you become permanently transformed into a bratty popular bitch and you stay as my girlfriend permanently. If you win the bet how about I never bully Joey again and I get transformed into a nerdy loser just like him?"
Before I knew it he'd shaken my hand and tossed the coin. There was a bright flash and...
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I immediately knew something was wrong.
My tits. My small tits that I had always felt a little self conscious about. They... they were massive.
My body felt different and I was no longer in a room talking to Brad. Instead I was in a strange bedroom and my body was different. My hair felt fuller and was more expensively conditioned, my skin was softer and lightly tanned, my hips wider and my body more feminine.
"What the fuck?" I gasped as I looked down to see my usually plain nails now had inch long manicures and my tiny feet were equally pedicured. There was a tattoo on thigh and my arm... I'd always wanted tattoos but been two scared to get them. I could also feel a piercing in my nose - again another secret fantasy of mine.
I grabbed my phone... only it wasn't my phone... it was a top of the range iPhone with all the extras. It unlocked to my biometrics and I switched the camera to selfie so I could see myself.
A girl was sitting on the bed. No... a woman. She was curvy in all the right places and was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I felt a momentary pang of dysmorphic jealousy and wished I could look that effortlessly good before it hit me.
I DID look that good. This was ME! I had totally transformed.
"The coin actually worked. I'm a hot girl," I gasped noting that my voice sounded richer and sexier. As realisation hit, I looked round the large bedroom I was in - 3 times the size of my usual tiny shoe box room.
I walked over to the window, noting how it was now almost impossible for me to walk without shaking my ass and swaying, and saw a balcony overlooking a huge garden and a private pool.
I was apparantly now living in the largest house in town. I was rich, hot and popular.
My pouty new lips curved into a smile. I couldn't wait to go find Joey, but first...
Sliding down my expensive panties I spread my legs and lay back on my new bed. Biting my lip I groaned as I splayed my fingers and used the index to begin rubbing my clit.
As my new tight pussy got wet, I grabbed one of my new boobs and squeezed. I'd never had big tits to play with before and it felt GOOD.
Mmmmh I'd go find Joey soon, but first I needed to release the horny energy I was feeling. Being in this body was making me feel so deliciously slutty and I needed some release.
"Ohhhh fuck," I moaned as my fingers moved down and I slid two into my moist pussy using my thumb to keep rubbing my clit. This was gonna feel amazing...
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Basking in the warm afterglow of the most powerful orgasms I'd ever experienced, I put on a designer dress - the kind of thing I'd never dared to wear in my old body and did my makeup.
In my old life I had a small collection of makeup - but now I had an entire metre long vanity. All of it was the most expensive stuff you could buy and it took me a while to choose the right colours and techniques to suit my perfect skin tone and fuller lips and lashes.
I felt amazing. I loved how great my hair looked. My old hair was unruly and difficult. It was always trying to curl and go frizzy. My new hair was almost psychic. It seemed to flow and wrap around my pretty head in the exact ways I wanted it to.
In short- I looked fucking stunning.
Being pretty and rich was already making me feel more confident and self assured than I'd ever felt before. When you're wearing a dress and makeup that costs more than some people might earn in a year - its easy to feel good about yourself.
"I am fucking HAWT," I drawled, almost drooling at how good it felt to be this way. I giggled and shifted my big tits. They felt so natural and part of me now. The way I walked and flaunted my body had come easily and naturally.
I'd agreed to meet Joey at a coffee shop. Whilst I waited I idly scrolled through my phone, tapping the screen with my sexy nails and learning more about this alternative life I now had.
Fuckkkk. I was popular. Really popular. I had every popular girl in school on my phone and I was the heart of every group chat. But there was one common theme coming out and as I scrolled through my heart began to grow cold with horror.
*Girl, why are you still dating that loser Joey?*
*Babe - I love you, but you have terrible taste in boys.*
*OMG - Sophie, we all thought it was a joke but you're actually dating that loser Joey?*
The phone dropped out of my numb fingers. So... so what? So what if all these bitches thought Joey was out of my league. What was wrong with me. These girls weren't even my real friends. Where was this urge to fit in and take their advice even coming from? A few hours of being popular and I was already sinking into the bitchy girl hive mind?
"Hey babe."
I looked up to see my Joey and I felt my heart began to lift. Only... something was wrong. This couldn't be my Joey. This had to be a mistake. My heart sank again.
The boy in front of me was short and pimply. His arms were thin, lacking in the muscle and tone I'd expect a real man to have. His chest was flabby, no evidence of a six pack or that he'd ever been anywhere near a gym. Thick glasses perched on his greasy nose and most dusgusting of all he had a slight belly. A peachy fuzz clung to his top lip. His clothes were dreadful too. Black t shirt, a baseball cap and skanky jeans. What... a... fucking... loser.
I physically shuddered as I looked at him and then I realised this WAS Joey and he'd always looked this way. I'd just never noticed before - or perhaps I hadn't cared.
He leant forward for a kiss.
I moved my head to one side away from him and put a menu up between us. "So what do you want to drink?" I asked coldly.
As Joey sat down, looking hurt at my lack of affection I could only feel cringing embarassment. It suddenly felt like everyone was looking at us and I could almost feel some of my popularity draining away.
I felt physically sick looking at this dweeb. I had never realised what a scrawny loser Joey was. I couldn't take it anymore.
"I just need to fix my makeup," I lied. Standing up I almost barfed in my mouth as I felt Joey's hungry eyes on my ass. "In your dreams loser," I thought as I walked away.
Damn it. What had happened? Before the wish I'd been madly in love with Joey. Now I was disgusted by him. It had to be me...
Or maybe I was finally seeing the truth. My own self esteem had been so low when I was a loser too - I hadn't realised what a pathetic piece of shit Joey was.
The fire exit was next to the ladies. I didn't even look back as I slipped through the fire exit.
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I decamped to another coffee shop a few blocks down and ordering a frap - sat down to collect myself. I felt ashamed but also relieved.
My phone began to ring. It was Joey. I hesitated fot a moment... then I blocked the number.
Then I opened my social media apps.
I felt a surge of satisfaction as I changed my status to single and blocked Joey on every single app. Then I began messaging my girls.
"OMG - you were all so right. He is a loser. I don't know what was wrong with me. I just ditched the loser and now I'm gonna ghost him."
It only took me five minutes to erase Joey from my life. I had never felt more relieved.
Now what?
My circumstances suddenly came back into focus. I was only hot and popular because I'd taken the stupid bet with Brad. Shit.
At the end of this week I'd turn back into the old me. The only way to avoid it was to fuck Brad.
The thought shocked me. Then suddenly it interested me. My pouty lips twitched into a smile.
"Mmmmh he is kinda hot. And he may think he's the fucking Alpha, but I know boys like that. He'll be pussy whipped within a few weeks of us dating. All I have to do is make the right approach. Hmmmmm."
It wasn't even a question anymore. I had no intention of losing this new popular life of mine. I was going to fuck Brad so I could be a spoiled bitch forever.
I found Brad's contact details and my fingers began to type...
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"I told you you'd change your mind," grinned Brad as he pulled up in his car and I slid into the passenger seat.
"Who said I've changed my mind?" I pouted.
"Haha - look at you Sophie. You're a fucking stunner now and you're already acting like a petulant spoiled bitch. A little sex appeal has really gone to your head."
"Oh yeah?" I smirked. "Looks more like it's gone to your dick. Are you getting hard for me Brad?"
"Who wouldn't? You have no idea just how sexy you are now. It's not just how you look. I love how you're acting. I heard you blocked Joey and trashed his reputation. Guess your date didn't go so good."
I tossed my hair back and folded my arms. "You think you're so fucking clever don't you Brad. You knew that once I looked this way Joey wouldn't be enough for me. You think I'm so desperate to stay this way that I'll do anything to suck your dick."
Brad's grin intensified.
"Thing is though Brad, if I don't fuck you the coin wears off sure. But don't forget, I just turn back to normal whilst you become a nerd."
"Wh... what?"
"Don't you remember our bet? If I don't betray Joey and screw you, then you have to stop bullying him and you become a nerd too."
"Wait," frowned Brad. "Shit... did I say that?"
"You assumed I'd be so desperate to stay this way - I'd be willing to become your submissive little slut. Well - we'll see. Tick tock Brad."
I commanded him to pull over and blew him a kiss as I walked away.
"Pick me up tomorrow and take me shopping. Bring your credit card." I walked off without a second glance.
Of course I wanted to fuck him. Of course I wanted to keep this body. But I wanted to make something quite clear.
I had the pussy. I had the power.
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Breaking Brad in was fun.
Seeing him get increasingly desperate as the week progressed got me so fucking horny. I acted like such a cocktease that week. I wanted him to panic. To know that I had the power. In his arrogance he'd made a bet that could very easily backfire and burn on him.
I made him treat me like a Princess. I made him take me on dates. Meanwhile I kept calm and stopped the panic rising in me that if I didn't do something soon I'd also turn back. I couldn't go back to being a loser now.
All the while, that disgusting little loser Joey kept trying to see me. Ugh. I fucking hated him. My new body, my new life was everything I'd ever wanted. I'd taken to being popular so perfectly. I deserved this.
"You little cockteasing slut," snarled Brad as he drove me home from our date. His hands were white on the wheel. "We're both going to lose everything because of your dumb games."
"Mmmmh I love it when you talk dirty. Admit it Brad. You love me this way. You thought what you wanted was a submissive bimbo girlfriend - but that's why your relationships never work out. What you really want is a bitch. A woman who drives you a little crazy. you want this toxic relationship don't you."
"You know I do. Fucking hell Sophie - I think I'm falling in love with you. I only wanted you at first to ruin that little losers life, but you got me obsessed. I can't stop thinking about your body... how much I want it, how much I want you."
He pulled the car over and looked at me with mad desperate frustrated eyes. "I need you."
"Then come to my house tomorrow. And bring your loser brother with you willing or not."
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The drama was finally coming to an end. The stage was set. I sat on my bed, dressed in a sexy pink bikini. I knew I looked good. I knew I was fuckable.
There were only a few hours till the week was up and our bet was complete. It was time to get this show on the road.
If I went through with this I was never going back and I would be stuck as an entitled popular bitch and Brad's girlfriend.
My pussy was wet at the thought.
Joey was struggling against the ropes tying him to the chair in the corner. His mouth was stuffed with cloth to prevent him calling out.
"I want you. I need you," growled Brad.
"Then come take me," I giggled unhooking my bra and letting my big perfect tits flop free.
Brad's pants dropped pretty quickly. He advanced, his big cock ready for me. I winked at my former boyfriend. "Wow Joey. Your brother has a real dick, not like that pathetic little thing between YOUR legs."
I reached out with my manicured hands and purred as Brad's cock slid into my hands. I began to stroke and pump his already swelling meat as he kissed me roughly and passionately and I moaned.
"Yessss, you're my slut now, and I love what a bitch you are," moaned Brad as he squeezed my tits and tasted my skin, kissing my neck.
"Fuck yeah baby," I gasped. "Looks like we both win the bet. Now give your slut what she needs."
I opened my mouth and slid his big cock into my mouth with a horny moan.
As I glugged on Brad's big cock I felt my skin tingle and knew somehow that my transformation was becoming permanent. I was in Heaven as I worshipped my man.
Joey squealed and gasped in emotional pain as Brad grabbed my head and forced it down deep onto his cock. Making him watch was just so fucking hot.
Brad pulled his dick out of my mouth with a pop and slid it between my tits. I poured lube down over my chest and grinned... smooshing my boob's together and letting him tit fuck me.
I gazed lovingly at Brad's muscles and his powerful alpha physique. This was the kind of man I needed. Strong, powerful, dominant. He got me dripping wet.
Losers like Joey had no value to me. Other than as someone to bully.
"Yes Brad. Fuck me. Make me your bitch forever. Win the bet and make me your girl."
With a snarl, Brad pushed me back and I eagerly spread my legs as wide as I could. I shivered and gasped as he teased his cock against my pussy then with a grin he pushed it into me.
"Ohhhhh FUCKKK!" I screamed as he began to pump my tight fuck hole and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
As my new boyfriend began to rail me in front of my old, I laughed. Brad had been right... I couldn't resist him or this life. Perhaps he hadn't meant to become so obsessed with me either - but we were now the perfect couple.
I was a bad influence on Brad and a twisted evil popular girl. Perhaps this was who I had always been.
And as I began to cum, I turned my head and looked into Joey's eyes and felt nothing but amusement.
It was all over for the little loser and I was Brad's forever now...
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kelykorruption · 2 months ago
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You know your place.
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kelykorruption · 2 months ago
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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Can you even tell the difference between real life and your fucked up fantasy anymore?
When Porn is the only thing on your mind where does your perversion end?
Ruin your life for Porn!
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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Losers like you have no limits. That's what makes you such a fucking loser. Normal people feel shame, but you feel arousal. You should seek help, but you won't, because you love this feeling.
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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kelykorruption · 4 months ago
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