kelly-and-jordan · 5 years
In Dire Need of Programmers or Artists!
I am in dire need of programmers or artists for my Fangan. The reason I say is because I am a singular person working on a Fangan game and my motivation for it is going down the drain as the days pass and me thinking about working on this is giving me immense dread. I have tried my best on tilesets to sprites and my attempts are very slowly moving along and slowly draining my motivation. I will gladly assist on sprites to tilesets, I just need assistance on this.
I only have created three talking sprites for one character;
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These sprites have been free-handed by me, along with very few tilesets that I am hopefully redoing. The program that I'm using for the game is RPG Maker VX Ace, and I am hopefully setting it up to where the character sprites are two blocks instead of one, in which I only have the outline for one character finished, but if needed I can have it back to one;
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Artists needed are ones that can do; (All is digital, of course)
 -Pixel Art
 -Animation (like executions)
Not one person has to know have to do all of that I just need assistance with some of this, because I've been working on this for awhile and I can barely muster the motivation for the art.
Programmers, if you do not wish to fully help on working on this, it is fine, but if you wish to pointers on how to program will be immensely appreciated.
I do, truthfully wish to have this finished, that is the reason I have not called it off, because I do love the idea it's just I am a singular person doing all of this.
 Thank you for reading and possibly wishing to help. If you wish to help, please, let me know.
   With gratitude,
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
if you not blurred you’re a nerd!
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
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they say “treat yourself like you would treat your friend” so be kind to yourself, little artists
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
Russian exorcisms be like
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
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The two girls that still need voices!
1. Fumi Murakami: Ultimate Track Star. A busty young woman that has an attitude towards others and Monobani. She calls the killing games ‘unfair’ and ‘stupid’, she deems many students to be stupid for wanting to participate.
2. Hidemi Sato: Ultimate Beekeeper. (Taken) A young woman that hides her face and talks quietly. She doesn’t like others touching her hair or face. She moves quietly and sneaks around. She keeps to herself.
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
Sato: Naughty children get put down.
Tanaka: You mean put in the corner?
Sato: No. Put down.
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
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Inspired by @incorrectajin‘s text post. I really enjoy text posts that are ridiculous and turning them into mini comics. (I really hate drawing hats)
Art by me.
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
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I swear this isn’t as much text as it looks. Anyway, welcome to Why you should watch Ajin aka woah another fandom that doesn’t get enough attention
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
Two latest posts show character designs for characters still in need of voices!
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kelly-and-jordan · 6 years
 Hey there, KellyandJordan here, I'm the creator of DanganParty, a fan made game/comic for Danganronpa. Me and my friend are looking for voice actors. We need at least 15 or so people, maybe 17.
 Here are descriptions of the characters, if you wish to audition for one of the characters get into contact with me:
Monobani: Headmaster
A stuffed black and white rabbit. He’s very cocky and calls teenagers ‘perverts.’ He laughs at a lot of the teenagers and ignores them a lot.
Henko Akama: Ultimate Poet (Taken)
A timid person that keeps close to themselves. They aren’t one to speak much and is constantly in their own mind.
Bunta Kikuchi: ??? (Taken)
A scary looking young man that watches everyone in an attempt to protect himself. He trusts very few and takes interest in the killing games.
Aritomo Yamaguchi: Ultimate Taxidermist (Taken)
An eccentric young man that’s terrified of the killing game. He’s smarter than what he shows and chooses to question many. He takes interest in stuffed animals, such as Monobani.
Fumi Murakami: Ultimate Track Star
A busty young woman that has an attitude towards others and Monobani. She calls the killing games ‘unfair’ and ‘stupid’, she deems many students to be stupid for wanting to participate.
Joji Nakajima: Ultimate Astronomer (Taken)
A young man that isn’t the brightest student. He hangs around larger students and calls everyone a ‘friend.’ He wants nothing more than for everyone to get along and live peacefully.
Giichi Uchida: Ultimate Florist (Taken)
A very muscular young man that serves as a ‘protective barrier’ for other, smaller, students. He doesn’t like violence and chooses to stay in smaller groups, typically with Joji Nakajima.
Chobyo Ohno: Ultimate Marine Biologist (Taken)
A tall young man that gets nervous easily. He isn’t the smartest but is very observant. He looks up to others and doesn’t like to blame or be blamed.
Kayoko Fujii: Ultimate Actress (Taken)
A young woman that looks down at others. She doesn’t like news outlets or paparazzi. She shows interest towards older or smarter men.
Ikko Tamura: Ultimate Doctor (Taken)
A young man that is incredibly smart. He’s fairly vocal and cares for others over himself. He’s easily nervous when put in awkward situations.
Minae Ota: Ultimate Psychiatrist
A young woman that seems to care for others. Deems the killing games as ‘damaging’ and refuses to let anyone get hurt.
Megumi Okamoto: Ultimate Scientist (Taken)
A young woman that is fairly cocky. She calls herself a ‘mad scientist’ and seems to bully a few of the other students. She has a somewhat perverted attitude.
Kenki Onishi: Ultimate Trouble-Maker (Taken)
A young man with a tough attitude. He doesn’t like the other students but seems to show a softer side towards the kinder students.
Ippei Nomura: Ultimate Golf-Player
A young man that hates a lot of things. He’s picky and hates being called ‘short.’ He doesn’t care if a student gets hurt and doesn’t show much care about the killing games.
Hidemi Sato: Ultimate Beekeeper (Taken)
A young woman that hides her face and talks quietly. She doesn’t like others touching her hair or face. She moves quietly and sneaks around. She keeps to herself.
Ritsuo Chiba: Ultimate Ballet Dancer (Taken)
A nice young man that likes to show off his flexibility. He likes to listen to others problems and shows concern for others than himself. He isn’t very vocal about things.
Ami Hayashi: Ultimate Historian (Taken)
A young woman that’s very kind. She enjoys helping others solve trials. She chooses to be upbeat and seems to care for all of the other students.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this!
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kelly-and-jordan · 7 years
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I wish to be able to get more practice on my realistic art style along with drawing people. So if you would like to, please send me a photo of you (waist up, head shot, or full body) and I’ll draw you. But please no nude shots, or very sexual poses. Also I really like stuff like mermaids, gods/goddesses, angels/demons, so I might draw you like those in a way. You can request just a regular picture or a creature of some sorts.
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kelly-and-jordan · 7 years
I don’t care if I lose a thousand followers overnight, but if you think “tranny” or “shemale” are remotely acceptable ways to refer to a transgender person, please unfollow me.
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kelly-and-jordan · 7 years
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years later House is still as relevant as he ever was
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kelly-and-jordan · 7 years
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We can’t allow this to continue. A petition has also been launched by change.org and signed by tens of thousands of people.
It demands a full investigation of all the facts and unlawful repression in Chechnya of the LGBT population and calls for punishment for the ‘guilty parties’ and the end to the practice of extra-judicial violence.
You can sign that here.
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kelly-and-jordan · 7 years
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Got bored made gore.
Also I became addicted to Camp Camp.
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