keilanabug · 25 days
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keilanabug · 1 month
apollo cabin headcanons
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children of apollo
• apollo claims his children with a radiant golden aura with "we are the champions" playing triumphantly in the background.
• they are all born with a golden ring around the iris of their eye.
• many, if not all of them are born around sunrise and die around sunset.
• whenever there's a day that the sun isn't shining, it means a child of apollo has died and the sun god is mourning them.
• sometimes, someone will sing a random note, and then everyone around them will harmonize with them.
• the infirmary is always so HECTIC. like they all have insanely good accuracy so they’re just constantly throwing medical supplies at each other.
• they’re experts at hiding earbuds under their clothes so that teachers don’t see them.
• they’re all really sensitive to sounds. every tune that is off-key is the equivalent of a fork scrapping against a plate.
• their adhd is worse than most demigods because they can’t stand silence. long testing periods where you have to be silent are absolute torture for them.
• they all have some form of synesthesia.
• it’s harder for them to get sick compared to other demigods but when they do, it’s a mess. they take a lot longer to recover from the sickness.
• they’re always awake at the crack ass of dawn. not because they’re the children of apollo, but because apollo plays loud rock music every morning at a frequency that only his kids can hear.
• they’re basically roosters.
• they all have perfect pitch (they can tell what a note is just by hearing it).
• not all of them are good healers but there are certain times when it is mandatory for all children of apollo to be working in the infirmary.
• these times are mostly during and after war, an outbreak of a highly contagious disease, or after a particularly violent game of capture the flag.
• those who can't heal cut bandages, hand things to their siblings, and comfort scared patients.
• during the winter they always have the feeling of the warm sun shining on their skin even if it isn't there.
• as cool as they try to act, they are all shakespeare enthusiasts and can't help but quote it if you get them started.
• twins are common in the cabin since it sort of runs in the family.
• they’re ready for a musical number at any time. like one of them can yell the first note of a song and everyone else will join in.
• because artemis has her hunters, apollo tends to have more sons than daughters (it evens things out). when a daughter of apollo arrives to camp, her brothers are super overprotective over her.
• they’re known for replying to things with song lyrics.
• those who are musically inclined had formed an acapella group called the acapollos.
• they are completely terrified of the dark, due to their father being the god of light.
• they don't hate the dark itself— they're afraid of what they can't see, resulting in each of them having night lights above their beds. these night lights are shaped like the sun.
• they tend to glow when they’re near their crush or favorite person. the stronger the feelings are, the brighter the light is.
• they have secret late night jam sessions with lyres, pan flutes, and tambourines that can go all night. apollo listens in with a magic radio whenever they happen.
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cabin exterior
• the cabin is bathed in a soft, golden glow, reminiscent of sunlight. this effect is most pronounced at sunrise and sunset, symbolizing apollo's dominion over the sun.
• the walls are adorned with intricate sun motifs and celestial designs, depicting various phases of the sun, stars, and constellations.
• musical notes and lyres are carved into the woodwork, reflecting apollo's role as the god of music. wind chimes made of delicate metals hang from the eaves, creating a harmonious melody when the breeze blows.
• quivers of arrows and archery targets are prominently displayed around the exterior.
• golden and yellow flowering vines, such as sunflowers and marigolds, climb the cabin walls, adding a natural touch and symbolizing the sun's life-giving energy.
• the architecture features clean lines and an open, airy design, with large windows to let in plenty of sunlight, creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere.
• one wall is dedicated to a mural depicting scenes of various prophecies, showcasing apollo's gift of foresight. the mural changes and updates itself magically as new prophecies are made.
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cabin interior
• various musical instruments, such as lyres, guitars, and harps, are scattered around the cabin. there are also dedicated spaces for practice and impromptu jam sessions, complete with sheet music stands and comfortable seating.
• the walls are adorned with paintings and murals created by the campers. these artworks depict scenes from mythology, portraits of famous musicians, and abstract representations of music and light.
• the interior decor uses a warm color palette of golds, yellows, and oranges, creating a sunny and cheerful ambiance. the furnishings are made of light-colored woods, adding to the bright and airy feel.
• one wall is dedicated to a large blackboard or whiteboard where campers can jot down lyrics, poems, and song ideas. this serves as a collaborative space for creativity and inspiration.
• several small, soundproof practice rooms are available for campers to practice their instruments, sing, or record music without disturbing others.
• a corner of the cabin is dedicated to repairing and maintaining musical instruments. it is equipped with tools, spare parts, and workbenches for campers who enjoy the technical side of music.
• the cabin is designed with excellent acoustics, ensuring that music sounds rich and vibrant. this makes the entire cabin feel like a resonant chamber, enhancing the musical experience.
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cabin traditions
• on the winter solstice, they stay up all night so they can see their dad and all celebrate by saying "welcome back!"
• they have a weekly archery challenges among themselves with rotating themes, like shooting while blindfolded, hitting moving targets, or shooting from unconventional angles.
• they have an annual slam poetry competition in june when everyone is back at camp.
• the cabin regularly holds workshops on different aspects of healing, from herbal remedies to more magical techniques. they often team up with the demeter cabin for plant-based healing knowledge.
• they organizes an annual talent show open to all campers. it’s a fun, light-hearted competition where everyone can showcase their skills, whether it's music, archery, healing, or something completely unexpected.
divider by @samspenandsword
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keilanabug · 1 month
what if every Tumblr user suddenly looses their mouse?
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keilanabug · 2 months
“We need you out of retirement for one last job.” “Who?” “Not who, but where. The Olympics, in France. You’ve always been our best shooter.”
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keilanabug · 2 months
The CIA tries to kill Clark Kent, not because they know he’s Superman, but because he’s a really good journalist. They keep making it look like an accident, but every plan fails. It’s a comedy as the CIA can’t figure out why their attempts always go wrong.
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keilanabug · 2 months
🐥 drop an ask for a short blurb/headcannon! send me a prompt and i’ll get to work as soon as i can (check requests for guidelines -> will write fluff, smut, angst, crack)
Child of Apollo headcanons? I have a daughter of Apollo Luke Castellan fic I'm working on! By working on I mean have done the characters and that's it
child of apollo headcannons
i have a soft spot for children of apollo im gonna be real,,, this is gonna be a combination of research & random thoughts—mans usually has a decent amount of kids and a variety of specialities so choose what you like
has perfect pitch, always. think of charlie puth being annoying and naming notes easily, which is the annoying part about it because you’re always right
impeccable ability to play by ear; one listen to any song and you can replicate it perfectly on any instrument or you’ll know all the lyrics
imagine having like a banshee-like scream? or maybe a voice that can break glass
or maybe your singing is persuasive like a siren
the ability to enchant instruments to all start playing, even if you’re by yourself, like a one-person show
awesome healer yes, but i would think you’d be healed by sunlight alone, whether it be skin regrowing or sunlight as a powerup
uses the sun as a lie-detector (i used this in one of my fics for the trouble!verse); sunbeams to confirm whether someone’s lying or not
besides being an awesome marksman, you’re also killer at darts and pool and anything that involves shooting
constellated skin; when the sun shines on you, you look like you’re radiating bursts of light
no sunburns! always sunkissed and smelling like a summer day
body clock wakes you up at the crack of dawn when your dad is starting to spread morning light
internal body temp is always warm; the person you want to snuggle next to when its cold
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keilanabug · 2 months
(Dark) Apollokid Headcanons:
☆ Plague powers - obviously. Using this ability to be able to cast any kind of plague or disease/illness on an individual or a group of people, depending on the Apollokid's exact scope of ability.
☆ Being the children of the OG doctor, the medicine and healing god, they all know exactly which bones to break or bend in a certain way, for it to be fatal for the opponent. Even those who are not medically inclined. They just know.
☆ Sun powers are GREAT! Until their powers are closely linked with emotions, because Apollo is the god of arts and art is usually all about expressing your own emotions, so when a pissed Apollokid is under or near the sun, the sun's heat is suddenly a million times hotter and JESUS IT'S 85 DEGREES!!!!! IT WAS 35 A SECOND AGO WHAT HAP- oh, (Apollokid) is pissed as shit. Never mind.
☆ Leading on from the above, unless there's is other magic at play here, to either downplay the kid's powers, or to counter their sun magic, anyone who comes in their literal path will become toast. These Apollokids are walking suns. And sometimes, they leave a trail of fire in their literal path. Grass burns, smaller water bodies evaporate, trees and plants are scorched.
☆ To avoid the damage in the above point, either a Water deities kid would need to be cooling down the Apollokid, or straight up the kid goes and sits in the sea (where their powers are not enough to evaporate all the water or goes for a swim).
☆ The way Poseidon kids can control physical bodies by manipulating the water in one's body, Apollokids can do the same with all living organisms due to their vitakinesis. It's usually not acted upon, as it's incredibly immoral to do so to a person who may not have consented. But the occasional deranged test subject comes along to an equally maniacal Apollokid… And y'know, sometimes it simply comes down to self-defense... Truly.
☆ If justice isn't served, then they will serve it. Idak where the idea in myths came from that Zeus is the god of justice tbh, bc he's one of the most unfair gods out there, mythologically speaking……. Makes more sense for it to be Apollo, since he's already the god of law, order, justice, etc. I have another post which states all his domains etc. I think it's under the Apollo cabin headcanons tag.
☆ They can cause deafness to specific individuals, using music/sound powers. They can make your ears bleed. And if done for prolonged amounts of time, they can make your body believe it was always deaf.
☆ They can also cause blindness due to their sun and light.
☆ They can use photokinesis to make illusions and use their emotion magic to mess with your emotions, thus being able to make illusions that screw with you psychologically. Sometimes, they may go That Far.
☆ Their blood literally heals. It's like vampire blood, but they have literal sunlight in their veins, so vampires can't even touch them, without burning themselves. Gloves do very little to help vampires etc lol. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for non-vampiric bloodsuckers. Where their blood heals, people oftentimes hunt Apollokids down for their healing blood, to use them as test subjects, see what happens if they mix X in the blood, or deprive the kid of blood or make incisions in their skin;
Are they able to naturally heal themselves?
Can they feel pain through anesthetics? [stupid one Ik, but their dad's the dude who invented healing and medicine, so some crazy nutters do ask this question]
If they are deprived of blood, does their body naturally make more - enough to cover for the lost blood, bc they have a healing factor - is it extended to their blood too?
This is why most Apollokids live at Camp. Bc those crazy nutters can't get them there.
☆ Flower Gleam and Glow (Rapunzel's healing song) is the go-to song in the Infirmary to heal anyone if the Apollokids can't remember the exact chant or hymn or song to heal a specific injury.
☆ The songs will also vary even for the same injury, depending on the person they're healing. The healing song Has To Vibe with the patient. And sometimes a generalised song will do the bare minimum and they send that person off bc they're An Exhausted Healer Who Is Minutes Away From Collapse and just needs to hurry up, get through their patients lists then knock out.
☆ If you break the heart or mess with the emotions of an Apollokid or someone they hold dear. Oh boi. They can operate on you without anesthetics just to make it hurt. They can do any of the above (in the list). They can use their thermokinesis just to look at you and make you uncomfortable in your own skin literally. Their eyes hold the intensity of a thousand burning suns. Their hearts hold the capacity of loving you to the end of the world and back. Their eyes can also hold enough hatred to fuel another world war. Their hearts can also hold enough bitterness to take the life away (literally, if their powers were to go untamed) from every plant and living organisms in existence. You better check yourself.
☆ Asterokinesis. Stellar energy manipulation. They use this type of energy for pretty much anything, because their bodies are basically Cosmic StarDust. Star Dust or other starry names are common nicknames for Apollokids. They can manipulate ANYTHING to do with stars and do so effortlessly. Some have this ability stronger than others, but they all have this ability. For some, it's just being able to absorb this type of energy. For some, they can absorb and re-use. Others can absorb, Transmutation and reapply etc. It varies from person to person. The most powerful ones, asterokinetically, can do anything. They can redirect stellar energy buse it for constructs, absorption, transmutation, defense, attacks, etc you name it. They can implode themselves and others too, using the gravitational energy from stars.
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keilanabug · 2 months
Tips for writing black characters
Day-to-day practical and minor stuff, specially regarding hair
If you have curly/afro hair then you are only going to need to wash it one or twice a week
But it can take a while. When I had long hair it used to take me 2h in the bathroom to properly wash it. That's why I only did it once a week. But it really will depend of the thickness and lenght of their hair.
It can be a little harder to find products for their hair, because straight/wavy hair products don't work on ours
If you wash curly hair many times a week it will eventually lose its nutrients, differently from straigh hair
If your character originally had curly hair but straightened it, it's probably going to look a little drier than naturally straight hair. it's a case-case scenario, though
If they have a skin care routine or want one they'll also need products made specifically for black skin
Your character is not immune to sunburns. It's harder to see if it gets red depending on how dark their skin is, but it's there. The more melanin they have, the more protected from the sun they are, but it's not gonna 100% prevent them from getting sunburnt.
Oh, and it can be pretty hard to dye it because first, if your hair is very dark, you have to decolor it, and depending on how black it is it can take a while and a few tries to get in a tone good for dying.
If they have long hair they're probably going to take a while combing it because you have to apply the hair cream lock by lock
They may have a haircare routine every month or so. Not everybody does it but if your character is disciplined and wants their hair to be extra healthy and neat they'll probably have one
If they care a lot about their appearence they'll probably have a lot of hair brushes of different types because depending on your brush you can comb it in a variety of ways, making your hair look fuller, making the curls look defined, etc.
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keilanabug · 2 months
I love genuinely innocent “boys will be boys.” Just saw a guy come out of a frat house to poke a pair of jeans they’d left outside - they were frozen solid, and as soon as he confirmed that, like twenty more boys came rushing out of the house going “YOOOOOOOOOO”
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keilanabug · 3 months
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Mmmmmm pine
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keilanabug · 3 months
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keilanabug · 4 months
After all these years, it finally happened
It happened
I had a dream I was a worm
I was a worm in a relationship with a human man
He still loved me even though I was a worm
The question has been answered
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keilanabug · 4 months
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keilanabug · 5 months
Apparently, Morgan's classmates have been hearing some honest feelings about her various uncles and aunts on their lunchboxes and bags. She's very annoyed that Rhodey isn't on more merch.
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keilanabug · 5 months
adult hood is just
*buys a half gallon of milk* *uses it all within a few days* *decided to buy a gallon of milk to not run out before next shopping trip* *uses a teaspoon of milk that week and it goes bad somehow* *buys a quart of milk instead so it won’t go bad* *uses it in one day* *buys a quart and a half gallon of milk because the gallon was too much but the half gallon was not enough* *only uses the half gallon* *gives up on milk for a few days in general* *buys a gallon of milk again just to tempt fate* *somehow uses all of it without realizing and then has to eat sad cereal with like the 5 drops of remaining milk*
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keilanabug · 5 months
So I have eliminated Clint as the one putting coffee grounds in the garbage disposal. Mostly because I just saw him eating them with a spoon.
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keilanabug · 5 months
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abstract and modern art haters are sooo snobby like klein literally Created an entirely new pigment and then painted a canvas in a way where the brush strokes wouldn't be visible. the insinuation that people with no skill could reproduce that is so annoying because unless you are skilled at color mixing and painting you definitely couldn’t lmao
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