keerthi-draws · 2 years
one shot: the six stages of grief
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♢ the six stages of grief
written for @keerthi-draws​
relationship: Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger
rating: mature
synopsis:  Draco Malfoy had put in his thirty-fourth application to become an Auror for the Ministry but the last thirty-three applications have been rejected on the basis that he was a Death Eater and couldn’t be trusted. Hermione Granger finally found it in herself to acquire enough power to have any sort of influence over the Auror Department and asks them to give the blond man a chance. He was redeemed. He wasn’t a Death Eater any longer. Nobody except Hermione believed in him. But he was getting a chance. But, before he could join the Aurors in the DMLE, Draco Malfoy was required to prove himself through one test. He needed to prove himself. Prove that he was worthy to be classed as an Auror. And as he was forced to apparate to Azkaban Prison, Draco quickly realised that this test wasn’t as real as he had once thought it was.
word count: 1.6k
! ON AO3 !
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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The Man in Toulouse (E) Ron/Hermione, Grindelwald Wins AU. Amazing cover art by @keerthi-draws
When Grindelwald defeated Dumbledore in 1945, a totalitarian regime rose in Magical Europe and Sang Law ruled.
Hermione Granger has been hunted her entire life, living amongst the other unregistered Muggleborns and half-bloods in the Underground. After an incident in a Muggle shop, Hermione must run, reliant on a curious Sangless Runner who saves her from the Viribus dedicated to upholding Sang Law.
Chased by ruthless Hunters, Hermione has to decide if she can trust Ron Weasley as they make their way to the legendary Man in Toulouse.
Inspired by the television show “The Man in the High Castle”, as well as the book “1984” and other dystopian works of fiction, this story explores a world where the Axis powers won World War II and Grindelwald proved victorious.
Now Complete!
Read it on Ao3
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
Why do you ship dramione? I don't get it.
I have debated answering this ask for quite some time. However, I am going to be optimistic and assume that you are inquiring why I ship dramione out of pure curiosity.
If not, then please ignore this post as life is really too short to be sat worrying about what someone else is doing with their time. I apologise this may be lengthy.
Now let’s start with how I got into dramione. My friends at school were constantly talking about fanfiction, at the time I was solely a book reader, iPads and tablets didn’t have the lovely new book smell I craved so I didn’t pay it much attention. I read some fanfiction in 2012, mostly as a dare, I had to read a Snape/Hedwig fanfic, that to this day has really “scarred” me. But to each their own. I admire the creativity of that person.
I started reading dramione in 2013, after much debate about what I should read, I had listed majority of the ship names in my head and “dramione” just sounded right. Like that way you feel when the sun hits you. I cannot be certain of what the first fic I read was now. But I know the first multi-chapter I loved was Isolation by bex-chan.
Now, the reason why I ship it, apart from the nice, insanely talented and just freaking amazing people this fandom has? I would say the end products. I can’t even imagine how these people do it but they do and it’s incredible.
I mean why dramione? Great question, but I don’t actually think I have an answer. Is it possible because I’m a hopeless romantic that would love the idea of someone changing their entire belief system to just be with me? Maybe. Do I like to read that someone can love someone despite knowing all the terrible things they’ve done but decide fuck it? However I think I just always love the stories of characters that just shouldn’t work but do, and do so incredibly.
I see a lot of the times people saying that it’s disgusting shipping dramione cause Draco bullied Hermione, that the idea sickens them. However I think we forget that Hermione isn’t a perfect saint either. Girl physically attacked him and in a way fucked with him psychologically in the books.
And not to get too personal. But I’ve been bullied, and not just name calling etc. At school I would eat lunch in toilets (I know how hygienic?). I went out with a boy who hurt me cause I didn’t know any better. But the difference is….this is fictional. It isn’t intended to hurt someone, if anything these works have brought me immense joy when I was at my lowest and maybe that’s the reason why I ship dramione.
(This is where I’m going to do some shout outs, please only spread love and appreciation, NO HATE!)
We have insanely amazing writers (in no particular order):
@ambpersand / @lovesbitca8 / @senlinyu / @indreamsink / @heyjude19-writing / @galfoy / @willhavetheirtrinkets / @mightbewriting / @colubrina / @cleotheo / @floorcoaster / @pacific-rimbaud / everythursday 💔 (I miss H&V everyday) / @rizzlewrites / @misdemeanor1331 / @ravenslightwrites / @magicaltraveler3
The incredible artists of this fandom:
@avendell / @jaxx-in-a-box / @nikitajobson / @enselius / @darrusha-art / @keerthi-draws / @ladykenz347 / @mia-moriarty-art / @abrilas-art / @efinna / @artfleureia / @ayaka-arts
And honestly any creator that contributes to this fandom, they have helped me during some bad times personally with their works and I’ll always appreciate that!
And honestly I can’t even begin to write how lucky I feel to be part of a fandom with these incredible people to look up to. So if you’re interested jump in and enjoy the ride, if you’re not then I hope you find your passion and it’s just as good. We all deserve to find those things in life that bring us joy.
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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Mean Girls (2004) dir. Mark Waters Ms. Marvel (2022- ) Episode 6 “No Normal” dir. Adil & Bilall
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
Duo #23 keerthi & maraudersaffair
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Prompt: Aurors - undercover mission - overprotective Draco
Art by @keerthi-draws
Fic: Protect Her by @maraudersaffair Wordcount: 8431 Summary:
Aurors Hermione and Draco go undercover as a couple. The problem: Draco is entirely too overprotective.
Another problem? They have to share a bed and Draco wakes up aroused.
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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Hades y Persefone versión Dramione Este dibujo entra en el DTIYS de @keerthi-draws Espero les guste
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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Dramione 🍦
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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Dramione all dressed up!
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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AU where Hermione returns to Hogwarts for her 8th year. Draco and Hermione share a moment in the midst of the battle.
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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female awesome meme: [6/20] female dynamics → Tara Jones and Darcy Olsson
I just want to live my life. We can do that.
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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he’s my weirdo bubblegum ice cream loving bestie who punches homophobes in the face <333
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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The Man in Toulouse (E) Ron/Hermione, Grindelwald Wins AU. Amazing cover art by @keerthi-draws
“This is what they do. They burn you, and slice you, to remind you that they have the power. But they don’t have all the power, and that kills them. It’s why they have to do it. Just remember that.” (Chapter 13)
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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“I was just starting to think that this place wasn’t bad enough.”
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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Must one need an escuse to post a picture of Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy?
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
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keerthi-draws · 2 years
i love bread and i dont care what happens to me because of it
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