keeping-an-eye-out · 2 years
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keeping-an-eye-out · 2 years
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Y’all already know that Gloaming, SC is #1 on that list! Come visit. There’s so much more than meets the eye(s).
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
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So... are we not gonna talk about this? 
Source: @violet-egress-speaks​
Miss Egress has a lot of explaining to do, the way I see it. She used to acknowledge the things in her photos, at least. YES, we can all see it. Now explain what’s going on, please. I need my journalistic integrity back. 
Soon they’ll see that neither of us are crazy. 
Oh and Violet, have fun at prom. I’m on standby whenever you want to talk about what really matters here. Gloaming needs the truth!
This has been Cain Mosni with a brief and sporadic update. Stay nosy, folks. You never know what you’ll find. 
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
Word to the wise... quit while you're ahead.
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
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We need you!!!
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
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A lead, I dare say? 
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Stay tuned, folks. Details incoming. ;)
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
hey Cain, I know you're getting a lot of hate recently after the whole Weaver sighting fiasco. & uh for what it matters, I believe you. You're a good reporter, man, and pretty funny too. Just wanted to let you know that. :) -🌸🥬
Awe shucks, thanks. You'll make me blush.
- Cain Mosni, your humble reporter and friend
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
this time last year you were going for mayor Mallowood's throat lol - now your hunting ghosts or something? idk dude but if you're having fun ..
Y'all there are so many more of these types of comments in my inbox right now. Don't want to dignify them with a response but YEAH, I am having fun. I wouldn't call these leads ghost stories, necessarily. More like... intriguing mysteries. There are some strange forces at play here, and us common folk aren't always aware. Takes a keen eye, such as that of yours truly, to see the truth.
And friends, have I ever spoken anything but the truth?
- Cain Mosni, reputable source of local, unbiased news
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
BRO you used to be funny. This hoax crap is getting stale lmao
You won't have anything left to laugh off once the Coroner snake gets to YOU next >:(
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
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Yo look it’s the old Coroner house on Lone Dove Rd. We already knew it’s haunted, but haunted by what? 
Well I’ll tell you. I was passing by early this morning and I swear I saw something weird and shadowy twisting up towards the balcony. Naturally, I took out my trusty, crusty flip phone and crept in for a closer look.
 It’s hard to describe... the thing was solid, but also not. Like a long, wiggly jello cup. I kept watching as it sort of wrapped itself around the wall like a thick vine and then just... slithered in until it disappeared. But this took several minutes. The giant boa constrictor(???) or whatever just kept going, unspooling forever like a pile of fricken spaghetti or yarn or something. The tail end was probably somewhere deep under the house. Who knows how long that horrible critter really is. I didn’t really see a tail, but at some point it must’ve flashed by because then it was just gone, deep within the confines of that dreaded death trap of yore. 
Ok, spill. Who liberated their pet snake in the swamps? I’m not mad, I just want to know. (Feel free to confess anonymously.) But seriously. Y’all know the parks service has been yelling about invasive species for over a decade now. C’mon. We’re better than this, citizens of Gloaming. Ya done created a monster. 
Also if you saw me trespassing on the premises for this scoop, no you didn’t. ;)
This has been your host, Cain Mosni with the Neighborhood Watch. 
Stay nosy, friends. You never know what you’ll find. Hopefully not a man-sized serpent though.
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
Happy New Year!
Howdy hey, Gloaming residents. Another year and our wonderful town is still on the map. Hard to believe, I know.��
This is just a quick check in, because I’ve been a bit occupied with some things. Just got out of the ER for a broken ankle actually, and I’m seeing a psychiatrist for reasons only partially linked to the occurrences at the end of last year. 
But that’s enough about me! Gossip and ghost stories wait for no one, so send those details my way. I will be updating in 2022, so don’t you fret. I’ve got a big scoop coming down the pike. Just you wait.
Then they’ll all see the truth. 
Anyways, stay tuned! Much love to my wonderful neighborhood snoops for sticking with me. Keep your eyes peeled. All of them.
This has been Cain Mosni with the Gloaming Neighborhood Watch, signing off for now. 
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
Wow, so you've resorted to hoaxes now? Some folks will do anything for attention.
Yeah, I suspected this response. I know I'm not usually one to pander to superstitions and the paranormal. But listen, a freak of nature chased me in the middle of the night and it was really scary. I almost died. Am I supposed to NOT write about it? Believe what you will, my guy.
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
BREAKING NEWS: It’s all true.
Hey y’all, long time no see. Sorry I’ve been so sporadic with updates on this new account. I’m rusty, what can I say? Plus, I’m a little, uh, shaken up as it were.
So, funny story. Personal anecdote this time, not an interview like usual. Y’know the Weaver’s Wood folktales and such, like the one I shared earlier this month? They’re all true.
Let me explain.
So I was hanging around at the corner store, as per usual, when I noticed it was getting dark. It gets dark real early nowadays, with the change of seasons and such. Anyway, I grabbed my slushy and chili dog, and I was heading back home to get some writing done.
I live on Lone Dove Rd. (yes, where all those disappearances happened in the 80s or whatever,) a little ways past the ranger station. Point is, it doesn’t take long to bike from the corner mart to my house if I don’t mind cutting through some sketchy backroads and dirt paths. As I was biking, I thought, “Huh, this feels oddly familiar.” Then it hit me: this was the SAME PATH that my interviewee had described when he had his close contact with that creature. The Weaver.
Ok. Well, from then on I was real creeped out. I was maybe two thirds of the way home, so I figured I’d just commit to my life choices and throw caution to the wind. Typical Cain Mosni style. Then I heard what sounded like a woman calling my NAME in the dark, a little ways off the path.
Being the curious idiot I am, I stopped. I think I said something stupid and cliche like “Hello?” You know, like a typical horror movie protagonist. I pulled out my phone too, just in case...
Long story short, what greeted me was WAY too close to my interviewee’s description for my liking. I’d hazard a guess and say it was the same darn thing. It kind of slithered out of the dark, into the light of my phone’s crappy built in flashlight. Like an unwrapped mummy, but really long and thin. Inhuman. Long, white hair like corn silk. Longer fingers. A heaping pile of NOPE.
Well I turned tail and SPRINTED straight out of the woods as fast as I could. Something about the trees made me feel trapped, like an animal. Forget the bike. I booked it outa there.
I crashed out of the Weaver’s Wood and onto the paved road, which was thankfully devoid of traffic. All the while, I swear it was still calling my name. When I turned to look, the Weaver was still looming there behind me... but it wouldn’t step onto the pavement beyond the trees. Almost like it was being pulled back by an invisible leash.
Seeing this, I laughed in its face. I was euphoric. I was ALIVE, and the beast was helpless. I snapped a quick picture and ran home along the road. 
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So uhh, what the hell.
This has been Cain Mosni with Neighborhood Watch: your daily dose of local gossip and living, breathing nighttime horrors, apparently. Cheers, friends. Happy Halloween.
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT: “ I survived the Weaver’s Wood Weaver”
The fellow who submitted this story declined to give his name, claiming I would “sell it to the spirits in the woods” or “give my personal, private information to the government,” so we’ll call him Gary for now. This is some interesting stuff. Gary’s been through it. 
---- Witness Statement Begins ------ 
Have you heard of the Weaver's Wood Weaver? If you're looking for dark and unnatural forces at work in this town, that's your best bet right there.
I mean, of course you have. You live in Gloaming. Well, friend, let me tell you.
I work as a maintenance man at the power plant. Been at it since the plant started up. I'm an old timer, born and raised in this town. I was biking back from work one night. Three years back it must’ve been. I usually take a shortcut through the woods, down Crooked Path, because it's a smooth ride despite the name an I like to be home before 9:00 to feed the dogs.
This night was especially dark. The moon was hiding her face, and the ground was all muddy, as it just had rained. I was making good time when my tire hit a mud patch and I skidded into a tree. Fell tail over teakettle. When I go t my bearings again, my bike was all bent out of shape. I could hear a tune, music, in the distance in between the cicada calls. It was something unholy, indescribable, but music all the same.
Just then, by the light of my headlamp, I saw it. Nasty thing. Long and tall, with a neck too thin and tall n twisted for its body. Stringy, whitish hair like corn silk. A face that might've been human, but sunken, wrong. It was cracked and wrinkled like a petrified corpse. ITs eyes were not eyes, but holes with little pinpricks of light shining out at me.
And its hands, oh its hands. It had hands as big as rakes, and spindly fingers like knitting needles.  
Well I thought, surely i'd breathe my last breath tonight, so I might as well go out with a bang. I shook my lamp in its face and yelled at it to get back to hell. It just stared. Then, it reached out its long, long arms pAST me... and grabbed my bike.
Then it twisted the metal back into place like it was made of pipe-cleaners, set it back on the path, and was gone.
Don't know what to make of that, but it's all true. I don't care if the guys at the plant laugh it off. There's some dark forces at work in this town.
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
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Oh boy, I swear these posters get scarier every year. The interns discovered 3D word art this year, to some mixed results. And are they trying to give the kids nightmares? I gotta say, those clown pumpkins will be in my dreams tonight.
Anyways, it’s OCTOBER! Y’all know what that means. Pumpkin competitions, eating fried dough and puking it up on the Gravitron, pot-bellied hog races, and Mayor Mallowood’s uh, questionable DJ-ing skills. Yeah baby, the Gloaming Harvest Festival is back full swing, and you bet I’ll be winning that costume competition. Those third-grader Spidermans and store-bought Among Us cosplayers don’t stand a chance. 
Bring your friends, your family, your dog, your uncle, whatever. And you better come find me near the Main St. fountain on the 31st for an interview or anonymous tip-off about any juicy drama about town. I’m dying for some dirt. Come chat, grab some candy. What have you. Meet my dog, Creepypasta (Pasta for short.) She’s a very good girl. Follow my podcast, grab a copy of my zine, et cetera. [Shameless self-promo over.] It’ll be a fun time. 
‘Tis almost that “very witching time of night, when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world” - Willy Shakes. Aka SPOOKY SEASON!
As we say here in Gloaming, good tidings be with ye, and See y’all there!
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
"Just blame the geese. Works every time."
~ Rhoda Riggs, local picnic basket thief.
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keeping-an-eye-out · 3 years
Scratch that on the Gainey sheep hunt. He’s been found, and uhhh... it ain’t pretty to say the least. I’m no park ranger, but I’ve never seen a wild animal make such a mess of their prey before. Just in time for Halloween, am I right? 
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image source: Weaver’s Wood State Park Patrol.
If you have livestock or plan to raise em in Gloaming County, invest in a couple of good, burly guard dogs. There’s something nasty in the woods, probably a bobcat or my feral cousin from Florida. But really, my uncle has chickens, and he keeps two Rottweilers outside of their pen to ward off those darn wildcats and foxes.
This has been Cain Mosni with your daily scoop of neighborhood drama. Stay safe and stay snoopy, my friends. 
Brr, chills. I’m going to go make some tea. 
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