keeperofanswers · 5 days
She was almost exactly like he remembered. Calm, stern, matriarchal, and bearing the unfathomable weight of millions of souls on her shoulders at any given moment. However, he knew the seraphim wasn't rattled easily- and she was clearly out of sorts. Something dire had happened. As much as he would have liked to reminisce about days in Heaven he would never have back, now was not the time. There was no time or space for regrets- never.
By contrast, the Gusion couldn't help but be fully aware of how much he had changed. This was not just the warping of his formerly angelic visage. The curious and studious man who imparted knowledge to all who sought him, who used to give lectures and demonstrations of magic to heavenly hosts, who once stood resplendent in wisdom and understanding- he was gone. Now stood a Grand Duke of Hell, commander of damned legions, and hoarder of prophecy only available to those willing to pay for that knowledge with their very souls.
He must have looked to her a monster.
Gusion picked a place to stand and regarded Sera's slightly awkward introduction with a gentle nod of the head. "Unchanging." He responds, summoning his grimoire in one hand. He set it down at the table so that his hellish crest shone nearby the seat he was offered to take. He flung his feathered cloak out with an gesture and it rested draped around the back of the chair behind him. Now was not the time for him to break the air of nobility- the impression he was doing the angel a favor by appearing, old friend or no.
Not yet.
"You would not have called me here without reason, Sera. Speak."
Sera wasn't sure if she was making a mistake. She hadn't seen Gusion in years, and she honestly wasn't sure if this was the time to change that. But she needed some sort of insight, and no one left in Heaven had quite the same gift he did.
She'd gotten no response in the two weeks notice she gave, but she knew better than to assume that was a rejection. So, as strange as it felt, Sera sat at the embassy waiting for someone she had no proof was actually coming, hoping for the best. If he was coming, she reasoned, he would do so fairly punctually. If he wasn't here by 15 minutes after the start time, she would leave.
She went over the plan in her head again—if one could even call it a plan. She was going to tell him about the situation in Heaven, the Sinner that had arrived before the last extermination had even concluded, and ask what he knew of it. Ask if he knew about it already, ask if he knew whether it would happen again. She knew she had no right to make these requests, but she was out of options; she could not trust her own judgement alone any longer.
When they door opened, her gazed fixed on the fallen angel, expression impartial, though this was more out of habit. Perhaps he already knew what this meeting was about.
"Hello Gusion." She gestured toward the seat opposite her at the table. "Please...have a seat." The trickiest part was figuring out whether to start with small talk as she usually would or get straight to the point. In the end, she decided to err on the side of caution, least she come off rude.
"How...have you been?"
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keeperofanswers · 6 days
The duke shook his head. "No, Andrealphus, I would begin with your questions first. I do not wish to instill any further confusion before I begin. Let us clear the air at the onset."
He waited only a moment before continuing anyway, "That being said, I know you wish for the basics first. As you may have already suspected, yes Duedephelon is my son."
He was the third child actually. Unlike the other two, his mother was from a vassal family and since he stood to inherit nothing, he was placed in her lineage rather than Gusion's own. The boy and his purpose were the entire reason for their courtship and he made no illusions of it.
He already knew what Andrealphus would ask- this he did consult the grimoire on ahead of time so he could formulate a satisfying answer for the Marquis. However, there would be no helping his reactions. He braced himself calmly. "Begin."
As he listened to the duke's explanation, Andrealphus let out a resigned sigh. Of course such a question wouldn't have a simple answer; he would simply have to wait for his child to arrive at the appointed time to get the side of his story in order to arrive at any sort of answer.
"...he is coming here to learn and train, only to fight a great evil back in his time?" The whole thing sounded like a strange plot in some sort of fantasy or science fiction novel. Not that he read those...often. Regardless, he was now left with more questions than answers, along with the unsettling feeling that it would fall on the marquis to keep his future son hidden from his family and associates.
This was going to be...interesting, to say the least.
As the topic shifted to the steward that had come into his care as of late, Andrealphus's expression turned serious. "Of course. I have many questions myself regarding this whole affair, but I wish to hear your concerns first."
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keeperofanswers · 11 days
Officially Back
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I'm back from vacation and my activity is going to resemble something closer to sanity again. Apologies for some of the short uncut threads and random posts. I should be getting back into my usual rhythm soon.
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keeperofanswers · 13 days
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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keeperofanswers · 20 days
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
hc + 👪 for a family-themed headcanon
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
hc + 💌 for a romance-themed headcanon
hc + 💕 for a loved-themed headcanon
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
hc + 🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
hc + 😶 for a headcanon about a secret they know of / keep
hc + 😴 for a sleep-themed headcanon
hc + 🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
hc + 🧼 for a hygiene-themed headcanon
hc + 🏠 for a home-themed headcanon
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
hc + 🤕 for a pain-themed headcanon
hc + 🚶‍♂️ for a habit-themed headcanon
hc + 👍 for a headcanon about things they like
hc + 👎 for a headcanon about things they dislike
hc + 💪 for a sport-themed headcanon
hc + 😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
hc + ☕ for a drink-themed headcanon
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
hc + 🌸 for a plant-themed headcanon
hc + 🌄 for an outdoor-themed headcanon
hc + 🌍 for a travel-themed headcanon
hc + 🗡 for a weapon-themed headcanon
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
hc + 🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
hc + ⏳ for a time-themed headcanon
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
hc + 🪐 for a universe-themed headcanon
hc + 🌂 for a weather-themed headcanon
hc + ⛄ for a season-themed headcanon
hc + 🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
hc + 🏆 for a goal-themed headcanon
hc + 💯 for an achievement-themed headcanon
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
hc + 💍 for a jewelry-themed headcanon
hc + 💄 for a makeup-themed headcanon
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
hc + 🎵 for a music-themed headcanon
hc + 📱 for a media-themed headcanon
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
hc + 💰 for a money-themed
hc + 💼 for a job-themed headcanon
hc + 💉 for a medical-themed headcanon
hc + 🛒 for a shopping-themed headcanon
hc + 🔞 for a nsfw-headcanon
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
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keeperofanswers · 20 days
Vacation Notice!
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So I don't spring this on everyone last minute, I'll be generally unavailable starting this weekend and won't be around again for about a week. I will be working on a lengthy post queue so I don't just vanish entirely and people can still get drafts replied to!
IMs will still be available during this time and I may do some basic asks meme stuff on mobile.
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keeperofanswers · 22 days
The Duke let the flurry of angry questions hang in the air like hooks. To actually go into full detail would require an explanation that would take far too long. The intricacies of the web of fate and how it spun itself was convoluted and maddening, even for him. Even moreso with how it could be altered and undone. Still, sometimes there were simply... inevitabilities.
"The calamity at Castle Noctua was unavoidable," He says in a calm almost businesslike tone, as if the gravity of the subject matter didn't even matter. "I simply allowed things to play out as they ought to. Had I been the one to recover Duedephelon in his delirium and so quickly after the incident, he would have been of no used to anyone. I want you to imagine what someone in his state would have done being brought here without proper foregrounding. Now take that same consequence and imagine that is how he rediscovers you- as yet another confusing duty and piece of information."
Gusion shook his head, "No, if he is not allowed to grow into his own naturally, the damage to his psyche would not have been allowed to heal. He would have been surrounded by too much information. I knew you would find each other again- it was only a matter of waiting for it to happen."
Thea took a breath and marched up to the building. Would he be here? She had an inkling this time would be the time. She'd sped through the entirety of this mansion including secret doors only her family knew outside of theirs and the like many times over in the years Phel had been gone. She'd swept the castle.
Servants had stayed, though they had no answers for her. Eventually they would give her a solemn shake of their head, though she'd still do a sweep anyway.
This time, they gave her a nod, a greeting, as she was welcomed in. Her eyes met with one in particular who gave her a smile a bit too wide to just be cordial. He was here.
"Where? Please don't make me look, I worry I'll undo some of the work cleaning." It was friendly, though almost desperate to see him. To have a... conversation with him. They directed her and she was off. Careful not knock into things but zipping past and then she stood outside of the door.
She smoothed her dress, her hair and stood up straight to whatever height she could. Which was... not much but the air of importance was there. "You know where Phel was. You knew he was alive. You were alive! And you just... disappear. You just..." She bit back the desire to curse, not something she often did, though there was a cold, stony anger brewing in the heart of the princess. Specifically toward this man.
"You are insufferable. You knew I was looking for him, for you, for any hint. And I know you won't tell me why in any useful way I'm sure, but that goes beyond indifference and is just cruel." She huffed.
"Whatever your answer may be, I'd like to hear it. Why? Why did you disappear, allowing me to search for your son, my betrothed... To fruitless ends? What was the point?"
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keeperofanswers · 24 days
Duke Gusion sat silently skimming his grimoire. He mentally went through all the possibilities this conversation could likely take once again. One of the advantages of a domain largely dealing with knowledge and clairvoyance was unparalleled preparation. Nothing about this debacle was going to fully catch him off guard- at least in terms of the words spoken. His foresight didn't allow him to understand the how or why of an event, only the what. The moods and thoughts of everyone involved would remain a mystery and a particularly volatile person could render any possibilities too fluid to read. To be safe, he kept the grimoire open while he had stacks and stacks of notes and a few spare pens. He glowered for a moment at the ones he knew were going to break later.
This whole situation was a mess and one he could only barely speak of in any degree of detail. He already knew how bad things could get if he did. The advanced reading was proving fruitful already. Regardless, there were too many pitfalls. He would need to be extremely delicate with this situation.
At Paimon's cue, he nodded. "Of course, Sire. Let us not waste any more time." He first turned to Prince Stolas. Both of the major participants at the table outranked him. Deference would be required, but tip-toeing around the issue was simply not going to cut it here.
He could do this as he preferred- directly to the point.
"Prince Stolas, I would like you to reiterate to me why you wish to nullify your marriage and subsequently your part in its alliance building." The Duke gave a measured relaxed gaze, perhaps even the solitary face entirely bereft of judgement. Gusion had built his entire diplomatic career on being easy to talk to even in a tense situation- he hoped things hadn't deteriorated in ways he couldn't see already and that Stolas would still be willing to speak plainly of the situation.
If there had ever been a time where Stolas wished a yearly Cleanse came and tore his heart out at spearpoint, this would be just such an occasion.
Somehow, and without conducting any previous audits, the heft of a heavy accusation now weighed upon the prince's shoulders. And with it came the inevitable scrutiny of his very own family - namely, his father. The last person Stolas wanted sticking their beak into his business. There was no shortage of reasons as to why he would prefer to keep it all under wraps. It showed in the smallest cracks behind the owl's otherwise near-perfect poker face.
A grand number of Goetia, father and son included, took the evening off to gather at a round table meeting. On one end sat Stolas, spine straightened in a fine angle, shoulders stiff, and elbows off the table. As instructed. Always. On the other, the disapproving gaze of Paimon, who lounged more comfortably upon his own throne with a glass of wine in hand. And at a point of convergence in between them both, surrounded by other imposing members of the royal court, is where their trusty mediator would be sat.
Their debate had yet to begin, and the tension in the air felt so permeable, a blade could slice through it. Behind Stolas' prim, proper and mild-mannered visage, the man inside was crumbling, feeling as though he could vomit... and he probably had, minutes before arriving at this reunion.
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"...well, this is awkward. Are you going to lead off this bloody meeting or what? I've no time for badinage." the king deadpans, leaning and glancing towards their stand-in as he awaits the officiation of the usual formalities. Knowing the discourse could become heated, all parts had convened on allowing Gusion to serve as an arbitrator, a middle party of sorts. It remains to be seen if he will, indeed, serve to qualm any potential discourse of an unruly persuasion.
|| -- @keeperofanswers
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
@holyfurnace from Starter Call
Another visitor.
A glance through the grimoire in the morning always gave Duke Gusion at least a cursory glance at who would be arriving, as well as a few glimpses of who might be arriving.
He looked over the name again. Zalgaras, one of Paimon's untitled spares, technically a prince but with no official bearing, raised in Wrath- and one that had a complicated future. The old Duke set his beak and closed the grimoire for the time being. This time he would prefer to see how the cards were dealt rather than catch a glimpse of them ahead of time. If he knew too much then the young man might ask too much.
This one was better to head off personally. He outstretched a talon and an intricate glyph appeared in front of him. "Ubi." The glyph flared with a gout of arcane flame and he vanished, only to appear in one of the waiting rooms of the library. There he waited for the page to bring the young man here. If he read correctly they would already be on the way.
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Send '🤝' for a pro and a con to befriending my muse!
PRO: Gusion is easy to talk to and is a skilled listener. He's good for giving useful advice.
CON: When he's around. He spends massive amounts of time secluded in his enormous library and often has to be tracked down.
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Send '🤝' for a pro and a con to befriending my muse!
PRO: The benefit to befriending a clairvoyant is that Gusion will always know when you're showing up and there's usually a place already set aside with fresh tea and treats and all the servants will already know what you're going to need when you arrive. It's like coming to a place you're a common regular of even on your first visit.
CON: That damn grimoire is always open. If you're spending any amount of casual time with him, he might still be glancing at it from time to time on whatever future he's become fixated on.
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Send '🤝' for a pro and a con to befriending my muse!
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Starter Call
Like this post for a starter with Duke Gusion. It will presume a fresh interaction if there is not already a verse or previous threads going on with your muse.
If you want to plot something or set up a preexisting relationship with our characters, my IMs are open.
Multis and sideblogs, please tell me who you want this for.
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keeperofanswers · 1 month
Gusion let out a frustrated huff. "No. I only know that it will happen. There is a point outside of our own time that I cannot see. My Grimoire's power only reaches so far. I would have to continue to monitor the exact line of possibility that leads to it and working backwards from an event is difficult. Imagine those childish adventure books with branching paths and being asked to start with an ending and find how you got there after the fact. Now make that book endlessly large."
Andrealphus's suggestion that the boy be held in his own domain was an interesting suggestion. "It would not be too difficult to simply claim I am fostering the boy. However, if what I have seen is true keeping him contained will be impossible." The Duke narrowed his eyes, "As much as I loathe the concept, the child has a destiny, Andrealphus. He will come to our timeline, learn and train in ways he could not in his mother's home, and return to defeat a great evil." He shook his head. "Truly the mortal realm is baffling at times."
With that matter done he flicked his wrist and the first window vanished. "Now that we have the matter of your son well in hand, I would like to move to the matter of mine."
"I cannot see any harm befalling her, especially if I am the one escorting her to your abode." He would need to check on her condition and health first, but Andrealphus was confident she would wish to see her future child. He would bring Yui too, but someone needed to stay behind to watch over their egg.
Andrealphus frowned upon hearing this revelation. "Do you know about this incident, specifically what would have caused it, and how?" If it was something truly powerful and dangerous, then it was only right for him to know.
"...I understand." No one could know of this child's existence before the appointed time. The boy's current state was that of an egg, and the plan was to keep him a secret until he was old enough to decide the path he wished to follow, as well as be trained by Andrealphus himself in the hope that he would assume his place among the goetia. "If that is the case, then perhaps he would best reside in your domain. I would house him in my mansion, but too many come and go, and I cannot guarantee he can be confined and hidden at all times." He could certainly try if this suggestion was off the table, but there was only so much he could do other than keep the child prisoner. The idea sent chills down his spine.
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keeperofanswers · 2 months
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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keeperofanswers · 2 months
The imp seemed to turn the questions over in their head, twirling the pencil they held on the desk. "Hmm... There's always some things that could have no answer, of course. Hold on..." It takes the imp a moment before turning to a small closed laptop and started to look through it. "Ah, here it is." They begin reading it off like reciting a legal document.
"The Duke's foresight comes from his grimoire. The text it contains is context specific depending on what he is looking into and only showcases predictions of future events. The text is restricted to the most likely events to occur. Some things can be changed but others cannot. Abstract things and the truth of people's minds and emotions are not something easily seen and is considered outside of the Duke's purview for the purposes of seeking an answer he is able to provide in most cases. You may otherwise ask any question you wish if you manage to find Duke Gusion over the course of your stay and he will do his best to answer as honestly and as accurately as he is able to. He may not, for example, be able to tell you how to solve a great crisis, but what exactly to say to help a friend in need or what action to take for success in a future endeavor are well within his means."
They then close the laptop and turn back to Jillian. "I hope that answers your preliminary questions, Mrs. Fitz."
Jillian let out a little sigh of disappointment, before offering an understanding smile, "Well, that's jus' how the cookie crumbles, I guess. Thanks for lettin' me know, 'fore I sunk too much time here." she said. She picked up the paper, pulling her trusty red pen from her beehive hairdo. Just before signing it though, when what the imp said seemed to fully register. "Waitwaitwait, pump the breaks for jus' a second- the Duke can see the future?!" Jillian asked, shock clear on her face, "An' he knew I'd be here today?" she asked, before placing a hand over her eyes, "'course he would, if he can see the future!" Letting her hand slide from her face, Jillian quickly scrawled her signature in neat cursive on the paper, taking the visitor's pass from the imp behind the counter gave her and placing it around her neck. A small, mischevious smirk crossed her face, upon hearing about the open door to the private library. "You should be careful sayin' that to folks- makes it sound almost like a challenge, rather than a warnin'." she teased, before thinking about any questions she had. "Is there a chance there isn't an answer? Or rather, one that even Duke Gusion might not know yet?" Jillian asked, pressing her hands together as a look of nervousness crossed her face. "I really hope that's not too awfully rude of me to ask- I promise, I'm only askin' because I'm pretty clueless about how all this works, not outta any disrespect meant towards any of you or Duke Gusion."
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keeperofanswers · 2 months
Gusion took his time to let Andrealphus process the reality shattering problem that was causeless effect. The exact details of this conversation weren't something the duke had planned on looking into so he was genuinely curious when Andrealphus mentioned bringing his former-fiance into the proceedings. He tilted his head curiously. "I do not see the harm in it if you both believe nothing will befall her during the visit. I will do my own due diligence to foresee any possible calamities and prevent them." As best he could anyway. Sometimes an outcome was simply inevitable and there were no pathways to changing it, but that was a deep worry he often kept to himself.
"As to your question, Andrealphus, the problem with seeing the breadth of the flow of time itself, sometimes the water splashes." He shakes his head. "To put this as simply as possible, an incident is almost certain to occur in a month's time and your future son will be finding himself far outside of his own timeline. Understand this magic is not my doing- it will originate from his side. However, it is powerful, dangerous, and ultimately forbidden. If anyone is to know that this happened it could spell peril for quite a number of us purely for the fact that the knowledge that this is even possible cannot be leaked. I trust you will keep this secret with your life. I have done all I can to ensure that the fallout occurs in my own domain where I will best be able to monitor it ahead of time."
The Duke's words caused his brow to furrow. Why such a specific time? What was going to happen? He has more questions than answers, which served only to agitate the marquis. However, he kept his expression neutral as he spoke. "If I may ask, does this event have something to do with the vision you have shown me? If so, should Caim be present as well?" While she could not come herself, there was nothing that stopped Andrealphus from bringing he here.
Looking back to the images, Andrealphus remained silent as Gusion spoke. He highly doubted that anything would happen to Caim, for Yui would be sure to protect her wife come hell or high water. He knew little about the youkai world, along with its dangers, but he knew that Caim was more than capable of handling herself. There was, however, the risks that came with laying an egg. He made a mental note to visit her as soon as this meeting was over.
At his last line, Andrealphus froze. "...beg pardon?" he asked, not because he hadn't heard, but because he didn't believe those words. "I believe Caim has only just laid his egg, and it is far from hatching. How would I be able to meet him so soon?"
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