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keendaanmaa · 3 hours ago
"how do you tell the difference between a whippet and an italian greyhound" simple. look at it head on. if it looks like a dog it's a whippet. if it's making a face like you've just threatened it with a firearm, it's an iggy
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keendaanmaa · 3 hours ago
fuck it, i'm curious. reblog and tag with the first fictional death to ever rewrite your brain chemistry and/or make you cry like a baby. mine was ares from the underland chronicles (who, for context, was a giant bat.) to this day i will weep if i think too hard about it. okay, go.
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keendaanmaa · 4 hours ago
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keendaanmaa · 4 hours ago
don't ever look up what your childhood friends are up to now!!!!!!!!!! like girl you're a nuclear safety engineer. i put on matching socks today. we played tag a thousand years ago.
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keendaanmaa · 4 hours ago
hi sorry i just need to rant about lightsabers for a bit. (bear with me. i swear this isn’t just nitpicking the accuracy of physics and swordplay in a space opera, bc I swear I wouldn’t make a post JUST for that)
so, i have a bit of experience with swords. not actual swords, but bokken and wooden replicas, at least. i’ve been trained in basic shakespearian stage combat since i was 8 years old, but the only move I got really good at was the moulinet, aka that flippy thing everyone complains about in the prequels:
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however, unlike everyone claims, THIS MOVE IS NOT USELESS. sure, it can be used to show “i’m fancy and well-trained,” but it’s ALSO extremely useful for acquainting yourself to the heft and length of your weapon, as well as readjusting your grip if your other hand is occupied (historically by a shield), or even if you just wanna do it quickly because you’re worried the other guy is about to stab/disarm you. it also helpfully keeps others at bay when your grip is at its weakest because they don’t wanna get hit by the blade and bleed tf out, much like poor anakin up there. Not to mention, IN UNIVERSE they can use moulinets to deflect blaster fire and seek openings in other saber users’ defenses.
HOWEVER X2: this move should not be possible with a plasma blade/”laser sword.”
Keep reading
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keendaanmaa · 7 hours ago
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more areas of overlap that i don't have room to edit in: unfashionably religious, significant scars, terrifying grandfather, hates killing people, fractious barons, etc etc etc
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keendaanmaa · 14 hours ago
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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keendaanmaa · 14 hours ago
im curious . only count weddings that you like, remember. i went to one when i was 1 year old and that doesnt count
reblog for sample size etc etc etc
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keendaanmaa · 23 hours ago
points and laughs at my mutuals getting famous posts while i remain safe in my relative obscurity
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keendaanmaa · 24 hours ago
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When times are hard and the news is basically awful, I feel it’s necessary to repost this photo of Darwin as Science Officer Meow.
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keendaanmaa · 24 hours ago
stop what you're doing right now and look at archaic period terracotta fox scratching its head
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ok you can continue
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keendaanmaa · 2 days ago
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Source: poeticalphotos
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keendaanmaa · 2 days ago
points and laughs at my mutuals getting famous posts while i remain safe in my relative obscurity
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keendaanmaa · 2 days ago
'the ultimate computer' aka uncannily precise vision of the future in which starfleet wants to replace jim with ai but spock and bones are not having it
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I am going feral at all the times ai is being a menace in this show and how accurate it is to the bs present we're living in
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keendaanmaa · 2 days ago
Jason and Tim have similar competence standards and end up swapping employees sometimes.
"Boss, I'm outta the game with this hip---"
"You're outta the beating-up-traffickers game. I got a guy who can get you into the scaring-the-rich game just fine."
"You mean, like...?" A fist into an open palm, quirked eyebrows.
"Nah, verbal intimidation only unless someone steps up to the plate. Mostly you got good eyes and this Wayne kid values having people around who can observe things that aren't spreadsheets."
"Hey, you said I did pretty good at that Excel thing!"
A pointed look.
"Ohhhh. I'm gonna get to learn spreadsheets and threaten people? Oh, man. Thanks, boss!"
"They've got the same insurance, too, so that'll roll over automatically."
Meanwhile, on Tim's end of things:
"I noticed that you tend to get impatient with slow results, that you're happy to yell at people for safety violations, and that your plan to remediate the company's incompetence in these areas involves 'firing every single one of them who can't get their head out of their ass.'" Tim smiled.
His employee smiled back. "I mean, that's why you hired me as safety supervisor, right?"
"Of course; your proactive attitude is one of the reasons we chose you. However, I also noticed that a lot of your frustration stems from employees whose work is being impacted by personal issues, often ones stemming from attacks by prominent local criminals."
"Listen, I'm from Minnesota. I know from cold. And I also know that you can't let a little hypothermia from Mr. Freeze screw up your numbers, especially not when those calculations impact lives." Squared shoulders, hands on the hips---yeah, definitely more of a cultural fit with Jason's organization.
Tim nodded and continued his pitch. "And you're competent with a firearm, correct?"
"Hey, I'm not about to go postal just because---"
"No, no, you misunderstand me. You're a skilled employee. I'm just wondering if you might benefit from transferring to a work environment in which you can shoot some of the people who are actually causing these problems."
"I'm sorry?"
"You have a dartboard with Leeds's face on it because he screwed up so many times after that Ivy incident put his kid in the hospital."
"...Okay, I admit that's not my best look."
"The organization I'm recommending you to has a printer next to the firing range; it's sized specifically for target paper."
"It's also an organization that works specifically to keep kids from needing to be in the hospital."
"Oh. You mean---" There was really only one group it could be.
"They need someone with your eye for logistics. Hood's work isn't 'legit,'" Tim made careful air quotes because the dorkiness tended to put people at ease, "but your insurance would roll over to them automatically. And you can rest assured that they take safety very seriously."
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keendaanmaa · 2 days ago
Look, we're all going Through It. Let's become pirates.
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keendaanmaa · 2 days ago
i think i got the major ones
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