156 posts
Anya Mayfair | Original Writing | ✨ Aesthetics ✨ | 30 and a little bit | she/her | follows from @lifeofkaze
Last active 4 hours ago
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kaze-writes · 2 months ago
🌹🌹🌹🌹 Love you!
I love you, you crazy cookie!
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kaze-writes · 2 months ago
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kaze-writes · 2 months ago
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kaze-writes · 2 months ago
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kaze-writes · 2 months ago
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kaze-writes · 3 months ago
I'd love to return the favor... Two 🌹🌹 for you, ma'am! 😊
Thank youuu 💛💛
Here's two sentences from a very much unfinished short I wrote as a writing warm-up the other week for you:
Soon, the bleak colour palette of late autumn was broken by vibrant red dots, which seemed to increase the further he went. The sight of them filled Leon with the familiar mixture of sadness and revulsion.
~from: Hero of War~
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kaze-writes · 3 months ago
🌹🌹🌹 and 🌹🌹🌹to you as well
What a lovely bouquet. Following your extra request, here's an excerpt from Never Have I Ever, a shameless smut story I had abandoned all hope of ever writing... until I did. A/N: This is entirely unedited so... bear with me.
Jaz didn’t respond. Her head was turned to the side, eyes fixed to the open door to Rich’s music room, through which the silhouette of a shiny black grand piano was just so discernible in the soft light coming in from the hallway. Slowly, she turned to Leon.
’Have you ever seen Pretty Woman?’
’Once, I think. Why?’
 Her smile was sweet but there was a spark in her eyes as she rose to her tiptoes to whisper into his ear.
’Never have I ever been done on a grand piano.’
~from: Never Have I Ever~
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kaze-writes · 3 months ago
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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kaze-writes · 4 months ago
Random headcanon for Jaz? (Couldn't find the symbol 🙈)
It's the oddest symbol, isn't it?!
ൠ - random headcanon
Of all bandmembers, Jaz is the only one who can't play another instrument. She tried learning the guitar and dabbled with the piano in the past but nothing has ever come even remotely close to the fulfillment drumming gives her. She's made up for it by perfecting her craft, often working as a session drummer or doing small to mid-sized tours with other artists when the band is between tours and albums.
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kaze-writes · 4 months ago
☮️& ❤️ for Leon (naturally)
Naturally 🙏
♥ - family headcanon
Leon was very young when his parents died, and not much older when he lost his last living relatives as well. Even after all these years, the knowledge that he can't remember his father's voice or the way his mother smiled sometimes becomes so overwhelming that he thinks it might choke him.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Mara and Leon met in the care system when it felt like the world had given up on them. Mara didn't think much of him at first, but when it all came crashing down on Mara, Leon was there for her and refused to leave even when she screamed at him to. None of them ever mentioned it again but Mara has never forgotten about it, and she never will. For Leon, she would do anything and everything, and God have mercy on anyone who dares to hurt him.
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kaze-writes · 4 months ago
Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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kaze-writes · 4 months ago
I hope I'm not asking too much, but these questions are goooood. So, if you're willing:
Silence, plants, metal, dreams, courage for the Rockstars, envy and love.
You? Never 💛
SILENCE - Dialogue or description?
Dialogue, always. Once the people in my head get going, they never seem to shut up.
PLANTS - What food appears most in your writing?
Not food but... my characters do like a good drink 😅
METAL - What would your book's cover look like?
So when we did the first version of When Stars Ignite, the banner was a picture of a view from onstage when all the lights were turned off and all you could see were lit phone screens. Something along those lines, maybe?
DREAMS - Why do you write?
Because I can't let the ideas go otherwise. If I don't put them down on paper, and put them down properly, I'm forever haunted and frankly, that gets really annoying.
COURAGE - Give an out of context spoiler!
Leon has more of Taylor Swift in him than he likes to admit.
And for the rockstars themselves:
ENVY - Which author do you most want to write like?
I swear I onla got my hands on Daisy Jones & the Six after the very first draft of the first rockstar version was done but... ffs, Taylor Jenkins Reid is goals.
LOVE - Who reads your writing first?
@the-al-chemist has been my trusted first reader and advisor from the start and I wouldn't want anybody else to rip my rambling to shreds first 💛
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kaze-writes · 6 months ago
Let’s do this, mf ☀️
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kaze-writes · 8 months ago
I hope you're well. I've been meaning to ask you a few questions about the process of turning your fanfic written with the-alchemist "When stars Ignite" into an original story, particularly as regards the characters.
I don't have any similar projects, but I'm incorrigibly curious.😅 That said, feel free to ignore my questions if you don't want to answer.
How do you manage to give the characters a new depth and an identity of their own, while retaining the essence that appealed to readers of the fanfic?
What difficulties have you encountered in transforming fanfiction characters into original characters?
To what extent do you change their story arcs and character traits?
Thanks in advance for sharing your experience and I wish you all the best in this project (and in life!!!)🌺🌺🌺
This ask has been sitting in my ask box for an embarrassingly long time, and no small part of the reason was just how absolutely emotional your interest in the project (despite having read the first version already) has made me.
Knowing that there are people out there who are interested in this project I've put (and am still putting) the greatest part of my blood, sweat and tears into... I am very, very grateful for that.
And ofc, I'm grateful for these incredible questions too, so let's get into them!
How do you manage to give the characters a new depth and an identity of their own, while retaining the essence that appealed to readers of the fanfic?
If you looked at the latest draft I have sitting printed out on my desk, you'd notice that the characters are anything but consistent (yet). That is because, as in fanfiction as well, the more you write them in their adapted state, the more you get to know them. Towards the end of the book, the characterisations become more and more consistent as compared to the beginning, when you can still see the "old" personalities shining through. It's a hard balance to strike between wanting to preserve personalities that have made the story work and trusting your characters enough to let them grow into their own, at the risk of running into dynamic problems further down the line.
Ultimately though, I have yet to go wrong with trusting my gut.
2. What difficulties have you encountered in transforming fanfiction characters into original characters?
When the rewrite process started, I thought it was a matter of splashing some new paint (aka names) on the established characters and polish up the writing. I thought, it would take maybe one or two months to do.
Oh boy, was I wrong.
As well as the points mentioned in question 1, the safety net of background knowledge fandom characters bring to the table cannot be overestimated. With my new set of characters, and an audience in mind who had no idea about the quirks, personalities, or conflicts of these characters, you slowly begin to realise that a whole new method of introducing them is necessary. Also, many things you'd put into an AU as an easteregg suddenly doesn't make sense anymore in an original story, looking very strange and out of place if left in the manuscript, so all these things needed to change and be adapted.
That being said, the biggest difficulty I encountered was the added pressure of knowing that the characters only have one chance at a first impression. Only the things I put into this book and the way I make them translate to the readers are how my characters are going to be perceived. It's a very scary and stifling thing, which took me quite some time to overcome (and might still take a little more).
3. To what extent do you change their story arcs and character traits?
It's hard to say at this point. Some of the background stories obv were very different, with esp dynamics being entirely new compared to the canon characters back then. Most of these things were kept, but even early in the writing process, the characters began to diverge from where they started (esp Orion/Leon were growing apart in personality so quickly, it was astonishing). I've tried to retain their core characteristics but as mentioned above, at some point I decided to go with my gut and let the characters do as they saw fit. For some, this resulted in monumental changes, for others less so, but I think we've reached a good balance by now, or so I hope.
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kaze-writes · 9 months ago
I just want to be happy :[
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kaze-writes · 9 months ago
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kaze-writes · 9 months ago
Had a bad day, cried a little, made some chickpea curry, realised I have no more chocolate and got very upset about it, wrote the first chapter of Icarus... a regular Sunday in Kaze City, I guess.
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