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*This* close to losing my absolute shit.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kay-kaylen · 9 days ago
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🕰️REQUIEM: A SEES!Ryoji/Ryomina AU IS OUT🕰️
While REQUIEM is 100% free, you are given an option to donate any amount if you are able! Any amount is highly appreciated!
This is the biggest project I’ve done in any fandom I’ve been in but this couldn’t have been possible without your support! I hope you all enjoy 🥹
Details under readmore!
FT: 🌙 A chronological journey worth 15k+ words of interaction and story between Ryoji, The Protag & SEES 🌙 18+ NEW Illustrations & art 🌙 New level info, Ryoji social link & dorm events
🌙Formatted like a screenplay with each event/story beat progressing chronologically as you read through 🌙 Includes embedded links that leads to relevant art and comics (I recommend going through them again for the sake of immersion since it’s meant to be in order!)
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kay-kaylen · 21 days ago
blushing is so stupid you're literally my blood wtf. obey me
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kay-kaylen · 1 month ago
It's such a slap to the face reality check now that we know Luka's backstory. He's a human being who was stripped of his humanity by the aliens literally upon his first breath. Out of everyone, Luka is the most perfect showcase of the horrific treatment of humans at the hands of the aliens.
He was conditioned from the very beginning to fight for his own survival, maybe even met with approval and praise. He wasn't even a pet. His entire existence from his birth was solely for Alien Stage. The small world afforded to humans by the aliens was so much smaller for Luka. He's not a bird that was caught and caged to sing. He was a bird HATCHED in a cage to sing.
That's why he acts so childishly. Why he doesn't seem to understand what he did wrong. Because he doesn't. He's still a child. He's the child that the aliens stopped from growing before he even took his first steps. He never even got the chance to understand and experience what life means to him, unlike everyone else. For Luka, Alien Stage IS his world. There's only one thing that exists outside of it, and it's Hyuna.
Hyuna is his ONLY connection to his humanity, but she's just one person who's experienced her own horrors. She can't ever carry everything Luka's been through, but the fact that she tried at all? Tried to understand and forgive him? Still CARES for him even now? Enough to die for him without hesitation? THAT'S what it means to be human.
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kay-kaylen · 1 month ago
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Another part for the weekend! This story is slowly coming to an end. There's gonna be four more parts (or rather two, plus epilogue and a bonus chapter) before the story is finished. A big thank you for everyone still reading this!!! <3 I've noticed readers have become less it seems, but I'm glad there's still people left who enjoy this story idea! Your comments mean so much to me, it's always the highlight of the week, so thank you so much for taking the time to write them!! <3 <3
This plays right after leaving the mind-space scene and Mashita finds himself back into reality, still running from The Departed. And now he has finally found a use for the frog it seems! x'D In case it wasn't clear to see, it had been in Daimon's poket. He managed to grab the frog before he got attacked by the Departed but wasn't able to use it in time. I know this is probably not the greatest idea I've come up with but I needed to find a solution to continue with the story before I lost my motivation to work on this. Also, that scene was meant to be funny, to cheer up the atmosphere a little bit, with all the drama that has been around (not quite done yet with the drama, though! :D).
Of course The Departed is less than amused to be assaulted by a "frog-bullet". (btw in case anyone's wondering, the frog is fine. A bit shocked, but not hurt.) They are ready for their final attack, hopefully everything goes according to plan...
I hope you enjoyed this part! Next time the pacification will happen. Also, about that - I wanted to give just a little warning beforehand: Please don't expect too much, it will probably feel a bit flat, but hopefully not too unsatisfying. I don't want anyone to get disappointed, so this site note as a small preparation for next time. Anyway, I hope you'll have a great week. Until next time!
Thanks for taking a look! :)
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kay-kaylen · 2 months ago
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WHAT?? WHAT??? WHAT??? WHAT????????
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kay-kaylen · 2 months ago
YEAH that's something I've always thought about, because it's not like she ever stopped anything Ego does. She equally monitors these boys on the cameras and sees them break down, but doesn't do anything about it. She's just as responsible for these guys being as fucked up as they are.
“anri cares about the blue lock boys” “anri is like a mother/sister figure to the blue lock boys” “anri is kind to the blue lock boys” meanwhile this is anri with kunigami:
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SHE DOES NOTTTTT GAF ABOUT THEM 😭 they are a means to an end for her!! obviously she doesn’t hate them and of course she was happy they beat the u20s but let’s think critically here…was she truly proud of them as people or was she just happy that the program wouldn’t be shut down??
the narrative (especially via her interactions with ego) treats anri as someone very naive and dumb, but blue lock and hiring ego were HER idea. everything that has happened to the boys is a direct consequence of HER actions, decisions, and dreams of japan winning a world cup. let’s not forget she’s also only 3 years older than aiku, kaiser, and sendou — she has no interest in taking care of a bunch of insane high-school-aged soccer freaks, she literally just wants her country to win the wc because she herself is a soccer freak!!
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kay-kaylen · 2 months ago
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blue lock objectively is insane and probably bad. but the thing about blue lock is that once you watch it youre like holy shit this is peak. its a disease.
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kay-kaylen · 3 months ago
When your game crashes and you haven’t saved in several hours
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kay-kaylen · 5 months ago
A lot of people are talking about Ivan's hypocrisy with Sua and how he berates her for sacrificing herself for Mizi and becoming a source of trauma for her and then he did the same thing, but there's a heartbreaking perspective on this.
Sua and Mizi loved each other. The love was reciprocal. Sua died KNOWING Mizi loved her. Ivan's dislike of her comes from the fact that she knew damn well what her death would do to the person who loved her and she did it anyway. She KNOWINGLY hurt Mizi in the worst way possible while still claiming to love her.
Ivan? Ivan's been drilled for YEARS that Till DOESN'T love him. His love isn't returned. It's very possible that he just believes that he won't be a source of trauma for Till, because Till doesn't love him. So he can die for him all he wants. Of course, the elephant in the room is that we no longer know what Till thinks of Ivan after he kissed him and sacrificed himself for him, but that's AFTER Ivan is already dead. He had no intentions or expectations that what he did would actually hurt Till. And there is something so unbelievably sad about that.
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kay-kaylen · 6 months ago
ships that have smaller top & taller bottom have been hitting hard recently. discovered chirisu after watching AiB. all i can think about while looking at chishiya is how he is probably the kinkiest mfer under his indifferent demeanor & arisu's innocence never fails to rile him up.
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kay-kaylen · 7 months ago
*cracks knuckles*
Alrighty then let's see if we can figure out what these flowers symbolize from tiny photos shall we.
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This is either a lavender or a purple hyacinth, both have meanings that would fit these two.
Lavender Associated with royalty, elegance, luxury and generally high status. It's also associated with peace and serenity due to its calming effects.
Purple hyacinth Symbolizes deep regret and sorrow, generally either used at funerals or to ask for forgiveness
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This one was really tough but I THINK it's a red trillium??
Red trilliums are generally unappealing flowers because they smell really putried, like a wet dog, in order to attract flies. Symbolically, they represent recovery; the ability to overcome life's challenges with dignity, strength and grace, and inner connection between one's physical and spritual self.
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Very obviously a yellow pansy. They are pretty solidly stated to be a flower symbolizing optimism and joy
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Right next to the pansy is a purple carnation, if I'm not mistaken. Has MANY varied meanings.
The most common one is capriciousness aka unpredictability. Giving it to a loved one is basically saying: "I can't tell what you're going to do next." Which can have both positive and negative connotations.
The second most common use for purple carnations is for funerals to express condolences. It can also symbolize a sincere "I'm sorry." when given to someone as an apology.
Lastly, some people associate the flower with success and wealth, but that has less to do with it being a carnation and moreso that it is purple.
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Don't think I would miss the other pansy. But honestly, I have no idea whether this is a white or purple pansy, which was...incredibly annoying. But both have suitable meanings and can honestly represent BOTH of them.
White pansy Symbolizes innocence and purity
Purple pansy As with most purple flowers, symbolizes wealth, royalty and high status
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I think this is a white lily but honestly, it could be any white flower and I'd believe it. But I lean towards white lilies.
Has a strong meaing of hope and purity, new beginnings, rebirth etc. It is a very popular flower to be used at weddings.
Me upon seeing this new Blue Lock official art.
“Nagi is sooo adorable!!”
“Hmm, For someone who is supposed to have white as their color, you sure have A LOT of purple flowers.”
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“Wait, it that-“
“Why is bro making a flower crown😂”
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“Dude can’t even feed himself, what on earth could possibly motivated him to take up arts and craft despite being half asleep and have to be physically supported by a teddy bear to even sit up right?”
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“Nwm, forget I asked’
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kay-kaylen · 7 months ago
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kay-kaylen · 7 months ago
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kay-kaylen · 7 months ago
I would like to never get a papercut again please
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kay-kaylen · 8 months ago
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how much fun are we having in this timeline folks?
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kay-kaylen · 8 months ago
*files nails*
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kay-kaylen · 8 months ago
Whitesnake. Listen. I am severely allergic to seafood. And one time at a Japanese restaurant, I decided 'fuck this' and gobbled up a giant plate of tempura.
So worth it. Tempura is fucking delicious.
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[ Standverse AU ]
Comic where the Foestands visit the bar, and the Queen and King make a pact.
(also yeah they're at Queen's cat cafe)
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