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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
cooking while chronically ill
baking with arthritis or other chronic hand pain
living with chronic migraines
adhd meal plan
chronic pain tips
getting yourself to eat
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
when I was younger I spent too much time on rp chat sites, and one time I was John F. Kennedy and this stranger asked me what it felt like to get my head blown off or something. Like genuinly. And, idk I’m 14 years old. Anyways, I gave them a very non-problematic, artistic, answer, something like “I felt a breeze of fresh air and remembered my childhood” etc etc. And the stranger replied “that’s beautiful” and I replied “actually it was head hurtyyy head owwiee” and they replied by saying that I should be ashamed of myself for desecrating his memory or whatever. First of all, I have no excuse but it’s funny, and second of all, who asks that? What was it like to die? Nobody knows
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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My dad is a kroger manager and sent me this (repost without personal info)
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
i actually dont mind tumblr posts reposted to pinterest. the 13 y/o "pinterest in the only social media my parents let me have" girlies deserve a little treat
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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I’m sorry. I just. I just love farting stepdad so much 😭 Like use what you have available to you.
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
My dad and I once had a disagreement over him using the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
I said, "That's just not true. Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you brittle and injured or traumatized."
He stopped and thought about that for a while. He came back later, and said, "It's like wood glue."
He pointed to my bookshelf, which he helped me salvage a while ago. He said, "Do you remember how I explained that, once we used the wood glue on them, the shelves would actually be stronger than they were before they broke?"
I did.
"But before we used the wood glue, those shelves were broken. They couldn't hold up shit. If you had put books on them, they would have collapsed. And that wood glue had to set awhile. If we put anything on them too early, they would have collapsed just the same as if we'd never fixed them at all. You've got to give these things time to set."
It sounded like a pretty good metaphor to me, but one thing I did pick up on was that whatever broke those shelves, that's not the thing that made them stronger. That just broke them. It was being fixed that made them stronger. It was the glue.
So my dad and I agreed, what doesn't kill you doesn't actually make you stronger, but healing does. And if you feel like healing hasn't made you stronger than you were before, you're probably not done healing. You've got to give these things time to set.
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
The worst thing in the entire world is when you’re sweeping a big pile of dirt into a dustpan and it leaves that little coke line of grit behind. No matter how you position your pan or your broom and no matter how many times you sweep over it your outcome cannot change. As immovable as fate. I hate it so
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
HEARTBREAKING: Poor girl has to get out of the soft warm bed even though she is so so so so comfy
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
Bein’ a vampire is actually way less sexy when you consider you must now live a life without garlic knots
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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Wikipedia most webbed site of all time.
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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if a crab was verified would it do it like this or like this
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
I love it when people try to claim representation in fiction is being taken “too far” to the point where it’s no believable. They’re like: 
“What’s next, a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum?” Hi, my name is Rachel, also known as Rachna, and I’m a mixed-race immigrant on the autism spectrum. 
“What’s next, a transgender Latino man with chronic pain?” What, you mean my former colleague, Marco? 
“What’s next, a Black Jewish lesbian?” Bitch, I know I three Black Jewish lesbians, WHAT’S YOUR FUCKING POINT?
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katyisahelpfulpanda · 2 years
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