kat-calero-blog · 5 years
Dream Analysis
While we sleep our brains stay active—busy firing neurons and consolidating memories or information. In other words, this is what we experience when we dream. Dreams are the stories and images that our brains create while we sleep. Oftentimes, people like me do not remember what they dreamt about. However, recently, I have been having quite vivid dreams.
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All of the dreams I have been having are centered around me being stuck or me running away from people, not being able to find my way back to where I was. One specific dream I had the other night struck me. In my dream, I was in school taking a test but I then excused myself to go to the bathroom. The weird thing about it was when I was in the bathroom, I was stuck in a stall but I was oddly calm. I was listening to people coming in and out and it gave me a sense of panic but I was passive about it. It was like one part of me knew I had to go back in and finish my test but the other part held me back. It was quite bizarre—I was stuck but I could not do anything to get out. At the end of the dream, I never got to finish my test, I was alone, and everything went dark. It was the gloomiest school has ever been.
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When I woke up, I realized that it may be how my current living situation is now. With a pandemic wreaking havoc all around the world, all of our lives have been put on pause and most of us cannot do much about it except stay at home. In my case, my school suddenly shut down completely and I have been worrying a lot about my work and how my grades will turn out at the end of the semester. This, along with not being able to go out like I used to and worrying about the health of my parents and grandparents have been causing a lot of stress and hopelessness on my part. And just like in the dream, although I know I have some requirements yet to fulfill, it has been extremely hard for me to do so. I feel powerless and frustrated and I think the reason why the conflict in my dream was never resolved is that I do not have an inkling of an idea of when things will return to normal again. Ultimately, I feel lost.
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The one thing that gives me hope is the fact that nearly everyone is in the same position that I am. But with technology, scientists, doctors, and all of the other front-liners who are actively trying to combat this pandemic, I know that we will eventually be okay. The day we get to return to our lives, we will be grateful for all of the things we have been taking for granted—Things as simple as seeing the sky, being able to go to school, eating out, or just even being able to hug our friends. I know that day will be a good day; That is the light at the end of my dark tunnel.
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