karqmie · 1 year
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🌱 The Scribe and the Architect 🏛
"Our views are contradictory but it is through contradiction that more speculation and philosophy may be born."
(istg hoyyoverse wrote a whole slow burn friends to enemies to lovers fanfic for them and i thoroughly enjoyed reading kaveh's character stories)
I've had this idea for matching pin sets for kaveh and alhaitham since the start of this year and playing through all the event and story quests made me feel so much towards this pair that I had to do something about it ;A ;
Come camp with us at the kickstarter pre-launch page!
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karqmie · 1 year
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this is me requesting your presence to the holy matrimony of kaveh and alhaitham pin designs for an upcoming kickstarter! im so exciting to share them and spread the roommates agenda ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
link to the kickstarter pre-launch page here!
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karqmie · 1 year
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happy birthday to my baby girl kaveh ♡
posting some of my older art here on tumblr! imma build a shrine for my boi
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