karmacrocodile · 2 years
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According to Sonic and the Tales of Terror (2018) in the chapter “Spook Forest”, Vector’s headphones are noise cancelling, and he almost always has them turned on.
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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Uhhhhh fresh starter call!
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
YOU FAILED HIM. / robotnikium​:
          ❝   No tricks.   ❞
          Lacking a remorseful reputation, Ivo almost winced at the comment. Vector had made an accurate observation, but the apology couldn’t have been from the despicable Doctor. No matter how he tried to convince himself that this work wasn’t his to get involved with, his true-to-his-word nature kept him awake just about every night as certain memories came and went in the few quiet moments of his life. Dreams he’d never admit to as another man lamented broken promises.
          This gift wasn’t out of some small good nature of his heart, he’d convinced himself, but to stop what picked away at him.
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          ❝   Look, I can … show you, if you feel the need to screen it.   ❞   The lid was lifted to reveal a small, wooden ship with a tiny crew. Three of the members were coated in familiar greens, yellows and violets … If his memory served correct, the little menace had a fondness of pirates. Mr. Tinker had made this a very important note.   ❝   Your … friend wanted him to have it.   ❞
No tricks, he says. Dangerous words to heed from one Ivo Robotnik, but with the way that he carries himself in these fleeting moments, that almost believable. Vector had always considered himself a skeptic in the face of the world -- after all, he'd many a time battled its two-faced intentions. And he knows the good doctor is the iron-clad definition, but something in accordance with that fact doesn't ring right.
Vector watches his actions, monitors his words. It's still so hard to believe how that jovial and selfless man catering to the joy of children back in Windmill Village is that stood before him. It had been a similar feeling he'd encountered back then, too. But Charmy had believed in Mr. Tinker, and Vector supposed that was the main motivator he'd gained quarter. To throw that all away, in the face of the kid...  those children... he's nothing if not disgusted, furiously betrayed on their behalf. Dealings with the infamous Dr. Eggman are never so different though, are they?
So is he intrigued by this ' apology ', or is he angry? He can't tell, but Vector's always tried to keep his temper in check at times like this, eyes skimming the gift.
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" And is that friend coming back? " he asks, rather pointedly as the man's brow furrow protectively in response. Oh, he knows the answer already. The futility of the question. But what’s the point of giving a kid false hope?
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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Chaotix Recital 🎶
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
I DIDN’T NEED... NEVER MIND. / skyfcx​:
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     “Vector… with all due respect? I think I do.” Tails had never seen such a mess. Slashed, punctured, or downright smashed furniture abound, a number of shattered windows, dented file cabinets folding in on themselves from the force of impact… To go down the full rap sheet of this assault would take hours, which was precisely why a trio of assistants were already taking matters into their own collective hands.
     Yes, the fox’s own tech squad was in full force about the space. Tails held a number of technological items at his front, fixing them as best he could with his own repertoire of replacement parts to save the Chaotix on the eventual wallet-shattering price tags repurchases and or repairs would’ve costed. Some were simply unsalvageable, but he had already worked his magic on a number of appliances.
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     T-Pup was busy doing his best Roomba impression, legs folded and tucked into the torso to instead allow a vacuum to overtake his underside. Twin rotor blades jut from the back to engage in a low flight, the robotic fox-dog hybrid slowly drifting his way across any flat surface those ever-scanning eyes saw. And with a quick shift of the body, torso shifting with a click to lock in place vertically, he even did the walls!
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     And Nicole, holo-screen by her front, had a scan of the room currently running behind digital eyes, thoughts mid-comparison between previous memory of the room to its current state. Anything missing or damaged would be jotted down, cataloguing what had been and pricing replacement costs for each item marked. Each individual price was calculated on the spot and added to a total sum at the bottom of a lengthy document. And as a warning? It was probably best to keep your eyes away from that number for right now. 
     “We can’t fix everything,” the fox began. “But we can at least help with the costs it’ll take to get the majority of this stuff back in here. And for a few of the really important things, Nicole can synthesize up some temporary replacements for the time being. She can make you a purple and black checkerboard window that’ll clash like crazy with your place, but it’ll keep the rain out!” 
     …A head lowers instead of the letting out the chuckle it wanted to. “I know I’m not the one who should be apologizing, but… sorry that all of this happened, Vector…” The fox felt as though somebody had to say it, and the perpetrators that caused it certainly weren’t looping back around for any expressions of regret. 
     Speaking of which, sights find the crocodile once more, confusion now running through them. “But what Eggman goon did you tick off for this kind of damage? It looks like all-out war went down in here! I live with a blue tornado with arms and legs, but I didn’t know a mess this big was capable of existing!”
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To say Vector had been startled by the kit's armada of repair people is too generous a statement. A raise of his brow, jaw almost dropping, as he's taken a flabbergasted step back. Sure, he expected the quaint visit time to time, just to check on how they were doing, but an entire DIY team? Gaia, this kid came prepared for anything -- but then why else would he be the technical backbone of the resistance?
Most people wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but the crocodile is as humble as he is prideful, insisting they'd make do as they always have. They functioned so independently that it's never been anything Sonic & co have had to worry about... not that they cared, Tails bringing in an entire care package for the office ( NO, THEY CARED TOO MUCH, he'd grumble begrudgingly ). Vector is resigned to it now, and he couldn't convince Tails otherwise if he tried.
The crocodile steps over a spread of glass, watching the disarray roused around the room. The back of his mind is trying not to think about the expenses -- this whole ' zombot ' fiasco had cost them a fortune, and he can't even be happy he has business, especially with how lenient their services are in situations so dire. He won't leave people hurting...
 " 'S not your fault, kid, " Vector sighs, gaze brushing around the room. He's thinking as he says this, quite intensely. A blink, and he looks towards him. Not about to question whatever else Tails has holed up in his workshop, he replies, " People with bad client reviews, I guess. Heh. "
He feels a pit of something in his stomach, he'll say that.
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 " ...And something else, " he muses, suddenly walking up to one section of the room and examining something. Sure, there's the knockon damage, but something about this is very... deliberate. Documents ransacked, drawers pulled out; not something you'd connect with destruction so mindless.
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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hello, I’m real on here for a little bit
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
I WAS THERE ONCE. / legionizedfreedom​:
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“Heh. Yeah. A classic.” Rough‘s sharp teeth grinned proudly, taking the ‘problem’ as a compliment. Look, if they can’t have an easy life? Then nobody else should get one either. Some people just let themselves be easily robbed.
Potential? Oh, real funny coming from a goody-two-shoes. Why would he even think that? He and his brother were dirty, no good thieves - criminals. Sometimes mobians from the Resistance could get confusing.
“Pffft - yeah, right, Leatherhead. If anythin’, Clutch SEES potential. Suuure, workin‘ with…some other folks didn’t turn out well, but this guy? He knows what‘s up.“
The crocodile's brow furrowed, a hint of withdrawn irritation in his eyes at the other's response -- and almost, a hint of pity, though not nearly as obvious as the grin plastered across Rough's face. Much like the potential he wasn’t seeing in being so vehemently materialistic. And of course they’d think that way; being at the bottom of the barrel, you do what you have to, even at the expense of others. Once upon a time, Vector dread that consequence. And to say some criminals slept at night...
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" Potential? Clutch sees nothing more than business in the misery you're causing, " Vector replies plainly, fists lightly tense by his sides. " What happens when that business runs south, huh? "
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
thinks abt vector having a criminal ex...
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
“Oh hello, Mister Vector.” Cream smiled softly at the crocodile, not expecting to see him, as she wondered what brought him…. Was he visiting her mother? Soon that thought vanished when he asked how she was doing.
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“I’m doing alright… I have been helping Mom And Gemerl around the house to make sure everything is alright.” She replied; her voice clipped together in a tone that sounded happy. “What about you, Mister Vector?”
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❝ Same old. The boys and I are chugging along, ❞ the crocodile replied with a toothy grin -- yeah, chugging along with a mass amount of debt... At least the surge of cases made up for it, but he couldn't bring himself to charge for a lot of them. This had been a terrible thing on everyone... ❝ The office is lookin' a lot better than it did. Once we get it spick and span, y'll be able to come over and hang with Charmy again. ❞
The place hardly looked presentable and Vector is pretty self-conscious when it came to the Rabbit family. He knew they had bigger hearts than anyone on the block and he didn't mean to trouble them with his own problems. A pause, and he rubs the back of his head.
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❝ Good to hear you're doing alright, kid. Y’guys need anything, call though, alright? ❞
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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espio’s organizing one of the boxes of closed files, trying to make it slightly easier on their future selves should they need to reference something down the line. when vector breaks the silence, their hands still for a moment — and then the file gets they’re pulling is slowly taken from the box to be set across the top. “ i’m worried too, ” he admits, gaze focusing thoughtfully on the file for a few seconds more before lifting to vector. “ has he said anything to you?? ”
The crocodile's eyes close, thoughtfully but mournfully. He's quick to pick up that someone's behaviour is amiss, especially when it came to the kid. Charmy is at the heart of everything that they do, and Vector has come to realize the drastic extremes to which that is true. Sighing, he kicks up his shoes on the desk, head soon sitting in his arms behind his back.
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❝ He tries not to, ❞ Vector responds with a sigh; he supposes Charmy gets it from them. All this hiding and pretending... but no kid's gotta' go through that. ❝ He's around a lot more. Caught him with a couple nightmares once or twice. It'd be a miracle if it didn't do a number on him, but now...  ❞ He shakes his head. ❝ That poor kid. ❞
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
 ... / robotnikium​:
With a deliberate pace, the Doctor’s head turned slightly in the direction of crocodile with held tongue. Its a small, stuffy office. A far cry from the tall ceilings and pristine surfaces of his own. Doctor Robotnik was out of place everywhere he went for the simple fact that chaos was bound to follow. But, ah … he slowly turned, almost like a guilty dog.
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❝  Quick it is. I have something for your little brat.  ❞ Lacking any weapon, any indication of threat - The Doctor instead held in his hands a small and ornate box. Pink wrapping paper with shimmering gold accents and a gentle green bow on top. Like many things, it didn’t quite look right in Eggman’s grasp … but there was no indication to (immediately) distrust him, either.  ❝  I suspect it wouldn’t reach him if I had sent it in the mail — so here I am, in person.  ❞
Vector’s anger was justified. There wasn’t getting around that. But any destruction that trailed behind the Doctor appeared far from sight.
❝ It's Charmy, y'moustached monster, ❞ the man spits with an unimpressed venom; no one called his kid a brat, especially some snotnosed scientist with a tall order of a punch to the face. Folding his arms, Vector raises an eye ridge at the gift presented before him -- a quizzical glance though nonetheless a suspicious one. Although they'd had dealings, Vector isn't so sure he can treat this  ' gift '  with the same sincerity. If there had been, at all. He's no fool -- the Doctor could do business, but he did it like a businessman, the worst kind.
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❝ And you'd be right, ❞ he states finally, drumming fingers on the sides of his arms as he watches the scientist with a cautious yet distrusting gaze. Last thing Vector would trust is a suspicious package in the mail: he hadn't been born yesterday. Still, there's this lack of tension in the air; the armada the other had usually so arrogantly carried. Hmmm... He passes a scrutinizing glance between the gift and Eggman. ❝ This is an apology, ❞ he comments thoughtfully, a finger to his jaw. ❝ That’s unlike you. We're not about to suffer buyer's remorse, are we? ❞
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
gonna write on vector tonight ✌️😔 in the meantime boop this for an aesthetic board of our muses! as always specify if multi
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
holds up a water gun. write fallout verses
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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This is how the fight in #48 went in Vectors Head
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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Chaotix Radioooo
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karmacrocodile · 2 years
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the chaotix being standins for three-dog is literally the greatest thing ever
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