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Using refranes to see how advanced the Alzheimer’s is in a patient - since its measuring their capacity for interpretation and memory recall:
Desde principios del siglo XX, los psicólogos clínicos y educativos, los psiquiatras y los neuropsicólogos han empleado la interpretación de refranes como una herramienta diagnóstica para evaluar inteligencia, psicopatología y disfunciones cerebrales.
En pacientes con EA, se describe que las dificultades en la interpretación son más marcadas cuando se trata de refranes novedosos.
Results suggest that the processes that may be predominantly affected in patients with AD are the investigation of the conditions of the problem, together with selecting an alternative and formulating a cognitive plan to resolve the task.
THOUGHT: but also what about the fact that these are mostly understood in context to a social situation that is happening?
Is our language sexist or not? An approach of the issue from Latin American popular sayings:
Under the vision of the didactics they empower different attitudes, values and behaviors settled in the consciousness and social representation of the “ideal being”.
Desde lo social, en las relaciones con amigos, con la pareja, con los compañeros, hasta lo individual, con la manera más recomendable de actuar en circunstancias diversas.
Otro grupo de refranes encontrados es el que tiene que ver con la situación de la mujer en nuestra sociedad, vista desde la óptica del varón. A través de estos también se ha perpetuado la inequidad de género de la que aún hoy las féminas son víctimas
Puede considerarse que toda costumbre que se transmite de generación en generación, adaptada y modelada por el medio ambiente en que vive la gente puede ser parte de esta cultura popular, por ello se dice que es la manera más directa de conocer profundamente a un pueblo.
Estos comprenden los más diversos campos del pensamiento y la vida del hombre: tradición, destino, palabra, familia, trabajo, educación, sentimientos humanos, sociedad, reflexiones sobre la vida y la muerte, entre otras cuestiones
Josefina Guzmán Díaz (2005) en el trabajo titulado: La muerte viva en México, refrán, memoria, cultura y argumentación en situación comunicativa, donde expone que “el refrán es un género corto de origen oral en el cual opera unametáfora discursiva con enorme fuerza apelativa y frecuentes cargas: pedagógica, jurídica, moral, ideológica, política, genérica, etc.”
Es por esto que se habla de una perspectiva androcéntrica del lenguajey de la sociedad, al considerar al hombre, como género, el centro y la medida de todas las cosas; de ahí que lo masculino se realce como modelo que se debe imitar y lo femenino se señale como lo “otro”, al definirse no por sí mismo, sino en su oposición con él. Desde esta mirada donde el sujeto de referencia es el varón, las mujeres son vistas como seres dependientes y subalternos.
Este tema de la inseguridad constante del hombre con relación a la mujer, debida a su esencia liviana se convierte en un motivo reiterado en este refranero, al igual que la equiparación de su figura con cosas materiales de poco valor económico y sentimental. Ejemplo de ello es Tres cosas hay en la vida que no se pueden cuidar, una cocina sin puertas, la mujer y el platanar(Colombia).
La comparación con animales en algunos casos también tiene que ver con la desconfianza y la falta de credibilidad de las féminas ante el varón como en No te fies de mujer, ni de mula de alquiler(México)
Refranes como enseñanza viva:
El refran le pertenece a la cultura popular, la historia cotidiana, pequeña, no escrita, representativa del temperamento de la gente sencilla
List of refranes as the break down women’s roles
Refranes about eating habits
List of refranes Colombianos en orden alfabetica
community-based pedagogies
Latino proverbs in clinical settings
Intergenerational transmission of values through adages
Un refran mestizo?
Corrupzion social y los refranes
Refranes post-modernos
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Story Ideas
Curiosamente, hace 7 años se presentó un hecho similar: en una cachama apareció un número que les hizo ganar el chance a muchas personas. También ocurrió en Chocó.
Also- Maria Pajon and Diomedez Dias
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Intimacy Contracts
Specifically as it pertains to sexual relationships
Examples of what a relationship contract can include:
Details regarding date nights (when they happen, how often they happen, what they should frequently consist of, who plans them, the balance between stay-at-home date nights vs. go-out-for-something-special date nights, etc.)
How each partner will take responsibility for themselves (regarding their health, happiness, career progress, emotional growth and personal development, etc.)
Details regarding their relational balance of independence vs. intimacy (how much alone time they will prioritize, how often they will spend time with their friends outside of the relationship, how often they will take separate vacations)
Facing disagreements as they come up/never going to bed angry/coming clean and being honest about emotional responses to each other
Never threatening the relationship (i.e. never hinting at ‘well maybe we should just break up then’ during a fight)
Committing to radical honesty and not tip toeing around delicate issues unnecessarily
Setting intentions for dividing household chores/tasks that pertain to the relationship
Setting parameters as to how they will celebrate birthdays/anniversaries/major milestones
Agreeing to never keep any secrets from each other (secrets being defined as anything that you know/do/thought/said that you wouldn’t want your partner finding out about)
Example written out.
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Memory Recall
Memory Recall- Types (2mins)
Sleep Apnea - causes short term memory loss
Lack of b12
Stress + Depression (prolonged)
- Exercise, No smoking and light drinking = helps with combatinf short term memory
Always go back to the basics, strip it down to the very simple elements- effective thinking
best way to teach people critical thinking is to teach them to write.
Creativity thinking =making new connections to try and solve a problem. Not the same as creative expression. To teach creative thinking you must teach kids to become adaptable to try and solve a problem.
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How psychics who hear voices cope could help people with psychotic disorders:
Reflecting on Fernyhough’s book, Jerome Groopman notes that in the early parts of the Bible, the voice of God gave direct commands to Adam, Abraham, and Noah. It spoke to Moses through the Burning Bush, going by the Book of Esther, making itself known again to the apostle Paul in the New Testament. Socrates, who wrote nothing down, heard a “sign” from childhood. The voices of three saints guided Joan of Arc as she rebelled against the English. Groopman cites Martin Luther King, Jr.’s autobiography, in which he describes “the quiet assurance of an inner voice” telling him to “stand up for righteousness.”
Powers and Corlett’s work orbits the idea that schizophrenia is, as Powers put it, an “outmoded” label that describes a cluster of different symptoms rather than a single unified condition, he says.
Psychic Institute for Higher Learning
Hearing Voices Network
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Necocli - Links
Community-based Tourism?
Volcan de lodo; virgen del cobre:
Agricultural breakdown from a capitalist:
Contemporary Bullerengue artist and festivals:
20 To Dos - tourism:
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Alice Wu, On the“The Half of It”
Conversation with Alice Wu, Director of Saving Face:
Central to creating for her is:
Authenticity: the characters have to feel real and like they have depth.
Timelessness. “I don’t like to lean into the trend of the moment because once you do, you date your film”.
As someone who does believe that fundamentally we’re all much more similar than we are different and that basically, most people are born good and most of us, fundamentally, if we have the resources, will choose to do the right thing. And if that’s true, then I’m wrestling with this thing so “are these people [Trump voters] bad?” Am I suggesting that a whole bunch of Americans in the country are bad?” So I decided I should set this in “Trump country”. I don’t say Trump in the story but this was my way to understand. It’s funny because since then people have come up to me and said that this was exactly like the town they grew up in.
Big voice v. Little voice:
My big hope really was people would feel the textures and it just makes the story on one hand, more grounded, and on the other hand, more universal. And that it would help me have a little more empathy.
“I do think we all tend to regress to being teenagers when for a number of vulnerable emotional things but definitely to love.” - Alice Wu, on creating a teen film that speaks to broader issues
“I’m a bitch to cast for because I’m so specific about what I want and I’m like, ok great...can we see more people?” I probably read 500-600 people for each of those roles. I was watching links and watching links going nope, nope, nope. I saw so many teen actors for the role of Paul or of Astor. They’re not “known” stars for Ellie. Aster is very specific - it has to be a U.S. born LatinX woman (not the sexy LatinX stereotype).
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Jean Luc Godard, On his potentially last film, Film Socialism about European Union and old war stories that make up the culture of Europe.
“Well, I just make films. And I’m interested more in facts, given my age. But what interests me about facts is not just what is happening, but what is not happening. The two go together, and you have to link them together… you can’t just talk about what’s happening, and yet people don’t talk about what’s not happening. And what’s not happening can lead to a total disaster, a catastrophe.”- Jean Luc Godard
Re: Beginning, Middle and End
“I said that quite some time ago to go against Spielberg and others, who said there has to be a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. Of course, I didn’t make this a real hobby horse, but once I drew a parallel: it was an equation, x + 1. A child in primary school can easily understand that equation: if x + 3 = 1, x = -2. And when you produce an image, be it of the past, the present or the future, you have to do away with two images each time to find one really good one. It’s like the equation. That’s the key to cinema, to a good film. But when you talk about the key, you can’t forget the lock as well.”
Top 40 Comedies
Nouvelle Vague Cinema Artist - other than Godard
It’s not even that the Nouvelle Vague is a blind spot, necessarily – I’m an admirer of other films from the movement, such as Alain Resnais’s Hiroshima Mon Amour, Agnés Varda’s Cléo de 5 à 7, François Truffaut’s Jules et Jim and Jacques Demy’s The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Rohmer, Rivette, Chabrol, Truffaut
Movie to Watch
FREE Shorts
499; Conquistador in Modern Mexico
INTERVIEW W/ JULIE DASH- Whenever you need some strength to tell off your white professors, elegantly...
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Nikki Giovanni
n m1975 Interview w/ Nikki Giovanni -on the responsibility of learning to express ourselves and advance our own art as artist and young people. No-ones every done it for you, no one is going to do it.
Interview of Nikki Giovanni w/ James Baldwin?
Why did you move to France?
It was silly of me to think that I could move and leave the U.S. I carry home with me wherever I go.
What is your relationship w/ x (earlier work) now?
What do you think of our generation of writers?
Replace one romanticism with another
There comes an age when we have to understand the world around us and define our lives for ourselves. Its beyond black/white/gender but its harder based on identity also.
When I’m in trouble I hum learn who you REALLY are. Not just the culture who built you.
We use to think we knew white people. If you don’t know yourself- you can’t know anyone.
Nikki Giovanni says the older generation is concerned with morals while she is concerned with power. Generationally civil rights v. Black power?
“Power without a sense of oneself is unstable”
Give to children the gift of knowing where they come out of (the times their parents grew up in) so they can have respect for it but not be trapped by it. so they can carry it further than you and i could. Both give it to him and liberate him from it.
Malcolm X: “White is a state of mind”
What we did with Jesus wasnt suppose to happen? We took him over
of course its wrong, but we’re talking about human beings”
Too many gems
“A sense of life which is the only thing that makes things civilized”
What a writer has to do is always go to the source. There isnt anything left to work from”
the only thing a writer has to do is write the truth. When it comes out someone might get hurt, but what they dont understand is that in order for something to hurt- it has to hurt me too”
your suffering does not isolate you he does
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Coronavirus- Service Workers
8 Questions Employers Should Ask About Coronavirus
Is thought to spread largely through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing, and it seems to spread easily. It may also be possible to become infected by touching a contaminated surface or object and then touching one’s nose or mouth.
Limit visitors especially those with fevers. Temperature is not an exceptionally accurate way to assess risk, though, as some with the coronavirus will be contagious but have no fever, and others will have higher temperatures not related to this virus. Thus, an elevated temperature in combination with respiratory symptoms is the best indicator of possible infection.
Employees have ready access to washing facilities and that those are kept well stocked with soap and (ideally) paper towels; there is some evidence that paper towel drying is less likely to spread viruses than jet dryers. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes should be distributed throughout the workplace, and all frequently touched surfaces such as workstations, countertops and doorknobs should be routinely cleaned. Increased cleaning of common areas using standard cleaning agents can also reduce risk of spread of respiratory disease.
Maintain current phone/text and email contact information for all employees and test organization-wide communication periodically.
Companies should review their paid time off and sick leave policies now. Policies that give employees confidence that they will not be penalized and can afford to take sick leave are an important tool in encouraging self-reporting and reducing potential exposure.
When working from home isn’t an option, these resources can help workers avoid coronavirus
There is currently no federal law to mandate paid sick time; instead, a handful of states and cities require employers to provide paid sick leave to qualified individuals.
‘Can we offer conditional paid leave even if we haven’t set up our compensation structure in that way?’” he says. He encourages workers to ask their employer whether existing or a new category of paid leave is on the table if the spread worsens in their area.
Workers who are part of a union may consider speaking with a union representative about their leave options, as well.
Family and Medical Leave Act provides eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to take care of their own or a family member’s “serious health condition.”
For workers who need to be on the premises to do their jobs, Goldstein says employers may be able to accommodate alternative shift schedules, where workers come in outside of the traditional 9-to-5 workday. This could result in staggered commute times and fewer people in a space at a given time,
“Taking an attitude of cooperation and letting employers know what would help you would be hugely beneficial,”
For example, if you’re a working parent, it’s worth talking to your manager about what would happen given a mass school or child care facility closure, and what you would need from them as an employer.
Make sure your emergency contact information is up to date.
What Are Companies’ Legal Obligations Around Coronavirus? - spoiler: practically nothing- just cover their asses legally.
In the United States, employees are protected under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, so if an employee becomes infected at work, in some circumstances the employer may face penalties. Unprepared employers may be exposed to lawsuits related to workers’ compensation, invasion of privacy, discrimination, unfair labor practice, and negligence.
For example, public health guidance for reducing transmission includes ensuring that employees have easy access to handwashing facilities and/or hand sanitizers and that public surfaces such as counters, doorknobs, and elevator buttons are regularly disinfected. Employers may also consider changes to reduce overcrowding, such as facilitating remote work, shift work, and perhaps physical layout changes. Such measures may help protect workers from infection and help protect organizations from liability.
Workplace vs. Coronavirus: ‘No One Has a Playbook for This’
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Coronavirus - Schools
K-12 National School Closings: Map + List;
Educations Week also has an ongoing list of articles they're producing on Education and Coronavirus. Including: how to deploy school nurses, who gets paid and how if schools are shut down, lessons learned from remote learning, how education companies are adjusting.
Most Districts Wont Be Ready for Remote Learning...has links to some digital learning resources from curriculum development to groups doing advocacy
Mountain Brook Schools in Alabama started developing an emergency e-learning strategy while preparing for the H1N1 virus in 2009. Schools ended up not needing to close for that event, but the district still developed an “eDay program” and learned some valuable lessons, according to Donna Williamson, who retired last year as the district’s chief technology officer.
Individual districts could lift each other up as well. After a particularly snowy winter closed schools for numerous days during the 2017-18 school year, South Windsor Public Schools in Connecticut began developing “Snow Day Scholars,” a distance learning program that includes online components but doesn’t require students to have internet access or a digital device at home.
“Students Are Lonely: What Happens When Corona Virus Forces Schools Online” - Important takeaways re educator’s transition to online learning and some approaches from the international community. A learning community that has relative access to resources tho.
“In general, teachers and schools are not used to an online environment,” explains Watts, who taught for years in Hong Kong but is now based in Princeton, N.J. “So much of teaching is a relationship—and understanding what that looks like online is a completely new venue to figure out.” One enterprising principal she knows created a Google folder for schools to share their virtual learning plans. Another educator started a burgeoning Facebook group for international educators to trade tips and began a detailed list of helpful online tools, including the digital portfolio platform Seesaw and the ebook library Epic.
However, teachers can run the risk of assigning too much work or feeling pressured to spend too much of their time connecting with students. On the international educator Facebook group, teachers cited a need for setting boundaries, describing 12 or 18 hour days that can leave them exhausted.
To lessen demands on his time, Lee Shawver often has students wrestle with problems alone or in groups, using the distance imposed by virtual learning to get students problem solving or thinking critically. “I’ve been very deliberate about that,” he says. “Sometimes saying to my kids, ‘Hey, I’m not ignoring you. I’m not being rude. I’m trying to build a skill here.”
Though LeClair says her teachers are also mindful to assign screen-free activities, such as recording the details of their physical activity and building things out of household materials.
“Parents can be forgotten in all of this because their kids are home now and they’re having to be like the lead teacher or tutor for their kids,” says Lee Shawver. “It’s just turning families upside down.” Recently, the Shawvers’ school in Qingdao began a program called Mindfulness Mondays, where students complete writing reflections on a weekly theme—this week it’s superheroes—with podcasts and activities for parents and teachers as well. “We’re trying to think of ways to build community through this,” Robin Shawver says. “Just so people can kind of lighten the load of both the work and the anxiety that everybody’s feeling.”
Those that typically perform well in the classroom are adapting well to the online environment. Other students, however, are struggling. “Students are bored; students are lonely,” he says. “It’s much easier to hide in a digital world. And we have students who are just completely absent.”
The Case for Shutting Down Schools Instead of Moving Online
For instance, a Washington State community college study found that most students on average do worse in online courses compared to face-to-face ones, but younger students, Black and Latino students, and students with low prior GPA do even worse.
In MOOCs, we found that students whose parents didn’t earn a BA were more likely to drop out than students whose parents have a BA. And that effect was most pronounced for the youngest students.
I won’t second guess the folks in the trenches who have to make these hard decisions. But if your school does go online, the first question should not be “what tech should I use?” The first question needs to be "How do we support our most vulnerable students?”
If you do go online, figure out how you will make ongoing, human connections with your most vulnerable students. The best online teachers I’ve met tell me that most of their time is spent tracking down students who need help, especially those who don’t ask for it.
Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid - identifying individuals and community resources. Has a worksheet that can be replicated pretty simply and includes link to printable worksheet.
Visual breakdown of military spending v. spending that could be allocated towards fighting the coronavirus.
"Amid Coronavirus Fears, the CDC told Schools to Plan for Remote Learning. That Harder Than it Sounds” Re vulture tech companies
This has opened up an opportunity for tech companies trying to market products enabling distance learning, though experts caution districts not to rush into making big investments.
Companies are jumping at the opportunity to showcase products in districts that are at least considering remote learning. This week, the for-profit education company K12, one of the largest providers of online curriculum in the country, started contacting school districts in counties that have been affected by the new coronavirus in Washington and California to offer their services in the event that schools are closed.
Free online services: The company behind the popular online quiz site BrainPOP is offering free use of its tools to schools closed due to the virus. Outschool, an online learning program that’s often used for home-schooling, is offering free teacher training about how to hold classes online by video. And Khan Academy, a nonprofit that offers free online lessons and quizzes, is drafting a page aimed at helping new users get started if they are facing school closures.
Other research has found that students don’t suffer much academically from occasional snow days, but they do post lower test scores after longer spells of closed school.
Interim Guidance for Administrators of U.S. Childcare Programs similar break down as... California School Guidance for Corona Virus - Has had to experiment a little more with remote learning bc of recent increase in forest fires... Broken down by 4 categories:
Preventative Measures
Coordinate with all partner organizations serving students to ensure consistent practices
If two or more cases of people being exposed in the larger community
Develop a plan to communicate with the school community
Consider alternates to congregate or group programming within the school including any large or communal activities such as assemblies. Alternate approaches which limit close contact may include conducting assemblies via webcasts or intercom announcements.
Consider implementing staggered recess times to limit the number of students who are together; and if possible, group recess by classrooms
If one or more people in your school are exposed
Implement communication plans for school closure to include outreach to students, parents, teachers, staff, and the community. Include information for parents regarding labor laws, information regarding Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave, and Unemployment Insurance.
If one or more schools in your district are exposed
Determine the timing of return of students and staff, and any additional steps needed for the school to reopen, in consultation with the local public health department.
Petition made to Chairman of FCC Ajit Pai for bridging digital divide in response to COVID 19 -using post-Katrina as an example.
Coronavirus: Wisdom from a Social Justice Lens - heard that this is a good podcast from multiple people but havent listened yet. Centers people with chronic illness + disabilities.
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NYC- Before It’s Gone Research
“Memorias de Bernardo Vega” Editadas por Cesar Andreu Vega
Pg 27: “Para el año en que fije mi residencia en Nueva York, 1916, como ya dije, los edificios de apartamentos y negocios en lo que vino a ser El Barrio, nuestro barrio o Barrio Latino, pertenecian a judios. Las avenidas sepitmas, Saint Nicholas, y Manhattan, asi como las called imediatas estaban pobladas por isralitas pudientes, cuando no ricos. La calle 110 era el centro profesional del distrito. En la Avenida Lenox estaban situados los comercios de lujo o fantasia. Las tiendas de menoraes categoria ocupaban la region Este de la Quinta Avenida. El gueto de los judios pobres se extendia a lo largo de la Avenida Park entre calles 110 y 117 y en calles al Este de la Avenida Madison. En esta ultima parte del barrio, ocuapada por judios pobres, vivian algunas familias puertoriqueñas y cubanas, aunquepara ese tiempo no pasaban de cincuenta. Pero aqui tambien residian algunos tabaqueros boricuas solteros ocupaban habitaciones amuebladas (”furnished rooms”), las que abundaban en las manzanas comprendidas entre las avenidas Madison y Park.” ...continua a describir la Marqueta y la manera que fue transformada bajo Fiorello Laguardia.”
Pg 28 “Para ese entonces Harlem era un baluarte socialista...El centro de asambleas y de los grandes actos bajo techos era el Park Palace auditorio relativamente grande. Foro publico era en la esquina de la 110 con Quinta Avenida. Ahi se discutia de todo”
Pg 30: Grueso de los tabaqueros Cuadras de la 3ra Avenida entre 64 y 106. Entre 15 y 20 calle Este habian hospedajes para tabaqueros puerto riqueños y cubanos.
Pg 46, Calle 86 y Primera Avenida una escuela publica donde se inscribieran casi todos tabaqueros. Puertoriqueños pero tambien hungaros y alemanos.
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New York City- Urban Wildlife
Wildlife NYC- website has common animals, broken down by accessible list, includes how to interact with them in your environment and behavioral patterns.
Stopping the Feeding of Animals at Parks:
First, there’s the problem that the animals may become dependent on human feeding with the result that it adversely affects the foraging behavior of the animals, causing them to become less active, deterring them from seeking out more natural foods.
Urban wildlife who are fed a diet of moldy bread, potato chips, French fries and ice cream will suffer from serious vitamin deficiencies, reduced immunity and increase susceptibility to infection.
Interactive Map of NYC Wildlife by Month- also includes breakdown by places
Botanical Garden list of wild animals. The list differs slightly from the NYC Parks list and includes rabbits, foxes, skunks.
How Climate Change Affects Animal Extinction in NYC
They found that local extinctions happened because of changes in how the animals used and interacted with their environment, not because of temperature changes. For example they found that: Reduced food availability led to local extinctions of three birds — a plover, a jay, and an auklet; A spreading deadly fungus killed off multiple species of tropical frog; drought killed off a local type of aloe tree and four amphibians; and lower oxygen availability in warmer waters killed off a fish.
Effects of New York City in Climate Change: “Living on Earth” Steve Erwood MP3
Jamaica Bay marshes are over 1,000 years old; if marshes disintegrate then hundreds of species will be affected. MTA flooding, etc
Jamaica Bay Eco Watchers (further research)
Ocean rise by at least 3 feet; costal areas can end up underwater
Short + Comprehensive FactSheet of Climate Change Effects on NY
Falling lake levels by at least 5 feet
Decrease in air quality due to increase in heat exacerbating urban pollution
20% increase in forest fires
Video: Climate Change Effects on Natural City Areas
How Climate Change Affects New York City’s Plants and Animals: Comprehensive breakdown!
In Long Island Sound, fishermen are now catching scup, black sea bass, summer flounder and northern kingfish, warmer water species that were uncommon years ago when the catch was mainly winter flounder, cod, bluefish and striped bass. Good premise for the beginning of the TV series- new animals move in, but why?
In the last several decades, many North American plants and animals have moved approximately 36 feet to higher elevations or 10.5 miles to higher latitudes every 10 years. New environments are often less hospitable for the species entering them as there might be less space or more competition for food. Some species may be moving as far they can go if they are on top of a mountain or hemmed in by some obstruction. A recent study found that almost 50 percent of species that move to a cooler environment end up going extinct.
Long term vision: By the 2080s, average temperatures in the New York metropolitan region could go up 8.8˚F, precipitation could increase 13 percent, and heat waves in New York City could triple. Sea levels around the city, which have risen a little over one foot since 1900, could rise 39 inches by the 2080s and possibly 6 feet by 2100.
Species at risk: Saltmarsh sparrows are in danger of decline since wetlands are especially vulnerable to climate change. Recovering species such as egrets and peregrine falcons could become vulnerable again; and the red knot, a shorebird, might soon disappear altogether. Eastern Tiger Salamander; Spruce Grouse; Shortnose, Lake and Atlantic Sturgeon and Bog Turtle. York is expected to lose its spruce-fir forests in the Catskills and Adirondack Mountains by 2100. (What effect might this have on the quality of New York City’s water supply that depends on the natural filtration processes of the ecosystem in that region?) Besides the spruce and fir trees, sugar maple, beech and birch forests as well as elm, ash and cottonwood forests are moving north, while hardwoods like oak and hickory, as well as invasive plants, are moving in.
The warmer winters and longer growing seasons are helping pests, pathogens and invasive plants proliferate (many weed species thrive with higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere). “Warmer temperatures accelerate insect biology. Warmer seasons cause insects to grow faster, produce larger individuals which produce more eggs and more babies, and should give them a longer feeding season.”
Fish in Long Island Sound are responding to the impacts of climate change as well as to ocean acidification and human activities such as pollution and shoreline development.
In response to all the dread in this article. Here is a report that lists all the ways we can respond to climate change.
One NYC 2050: A livable climate
NYC Nature Goals 2050
Community Wildlife Habitat
U.N Report on Effects of Humans on Plant + Reccs
Bring Wildlife Back to the City
Bees in Offices as a Solution
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Before It’s Gone- Relationships
Polyamorous Woman Color Codes Her Lovers
More emphasis on the newness of collecting lovers. Does not want to get bored.
Administration is the one part of my job I’ve always hated, but I’ve really improved since I started dating.
The thing that really distinguishes poly guys from average guys is that you can have a thoughtful conversation with the former.
The bedsheet cycle is a tricky thing to master. I’m a bit slacker than I used to be.
I don’t want to make poly seem like a cult, but sometimes the only people who understand are the other people who do it too. Spice Girl Hair complains that she never meets straightforward guys. I’m tempted to “polynate” her, but hold back.
The more sex I have, the more attractive I feel and actually look.
Scheduling a night off. I could get used to this quiet, but I don’t want to.
Who Really Practices Polyamory?
That’s really all polyamory is — being open to the idea of loving more than one person and having a serious relationship with multiple people at the same time.
20 percent of people have at least attempted some kind of ethical non-monogamy at some point in their lives.
Polyamorous people eschew the use of any and all labels — not just sexual identity labels — often choosing the “other” category and writing in their own option. For example, when it came to political affiliation, polyamorous folks often chose “other,” writing in anarchist, progressive, democratic socialist and none.
Bisexual and pansexual participants were much more likely to report being in polyamorous relationships, whereas straight participants were more likely to report being in monogamous ones. Half of bi/pan people reported being polyamorous compared to only 36 percent of heterosexual individuals.
Second, polyamorous folks were significantly more likely to report being divorced than monogamous respondents. The results don’t indicate that “polyamorous relationships are less strong or stable in general, but rather a reflection of the fact that with more relationship experiences subsequently comes more breakups.”
Only slightly more people who were in a poly relationship reported having a bachelor’s degree or higher and identified as Democrat. There were no major differences between groups when it came to ethnicity, except that respondents in poly relationships were significantly more likely to identify as “multiethnic” and “native.”
Participants in poly relationships were significantly more likely to make less than $20,000 a year, and those in monogamous relationships were more likely to make $100,000 per year.
A Cultural Moment for Polyamory
Making Love and Trouble
Three Waves of Non-Monogamy: A Select History of Polyamory in the U.S.
How Movies Brought Polyamory into the Mainstream
Polyamory is a Quietly Revolutionary Political Tool in the U.S.
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January 21, 2020 News
“NYC Drug Prosecutor Also has a Secret Database for Dishonest Cops- But They Wont Release It”
- Legal aid is checking the list thru FOIA to see if there are names of cops in any of their cases; that way the cops integrity is compromised and their clients can win more cases.
- Journalist makes note that staff at DAs offices are not elected so they cannot be held accountable/ voted in.
- Quotes prison abolitionist, Jason Martin, running for Manhattan DA- who also believes the Drug Prosecutor should be abolished...unclear why.
- Janos Marton, running for Manhattan DA. Against current Manhattan DA, “leading jailer”, Cyrus Van Jr.
- Vance has been the target of criticism for decisions by his office that seemed to favor powerful defendants such as Jeffrey Epstein, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr., and disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.
If elected, Marton said, he would commit to reducing the number of Manhattan defendants in New York City jails by 80 percent by the end of his first term. He would achieve that goal by declining to prosecute certain sex work and drug possession offenses, he said, and by detaining people pretrial only as a last resort.
- Criticism: Though some advocates criticized JustLeadershipUSA as too willing to compromise and accept new jails, Marton said the political landscape was different when the campaign began, and it had always been about shrinking the jail system and investing savings into communities most harmed by incarceration.
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New Left/Militant Cinema- Independent Study
Rediscovering U.S. Newsfilm
Cinema Militant
Left of Hollywood
Enduring Images
Researching Newsreels
Newsreel Film + Revolution
Chicago Film Archives
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Haiti Prep
Contextualizing the rebellions as a fight against a neoliberal system not as a “crisis” or against one politician. Includes a list of demands
Moise and predecessor Martelly- are accused of stealing 2 billion in PetroCaribe’s social investment money in Haiti from Venezuela
Hillary, under the Obama administration, refuses a proposal to allow the minimum wage to be raise in Haiti from 24c to 64c.
How does the U.S. have this kind of fiscal power over Haiti?
The refuse to raise the minimum wage here and back home.
Accusing anti-riot police officers (and people hired by the government as fake police) of engaging in repressive violence, the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights/Réseau National de Défense des Droits Humains is calling for an investigation into the misuse of tear gas and incidents of police brutality by the Haiti National Police.
Resistance has been taking place since July 2018
U.S. ambassador in Haiti, Michele Sison, was acting like a commander in chief in Haiti and a “cheerleader” of Moïse and not listening to civil society, which has been mobilizing against the corruption of public officials and mismanagement of the economy.
Where is the PetroCaribe money?”Andre’s question has become the chant of anti-grassroots activists in the country, which ignited in June after its Superior Court of Auditors accused the president and others aligned with his PHTK political party of embezzling billions of dollars in savings from the Venezuela PetroCaribe program.
Are there people sympathetic within the current system? ie: the Superior Court Auditors? Or are they competing for a piece of the pie as well?
Jan 2018 article on UN backed police committing a massacre in Grand Ravine, calling it a “gang raid”. UN Troops have been there since the 2004 U.S. backed coup de etat against Jean Bertrand Aristide.
What has been the U.N.’s role in this protest? What side are they on?
Killings that took place during the February 2019 demonstrations. These protests in demands of holding officials accountable for Petro Caribe money have been going on since October 2018- and were revivified when the state declared an economic emergency in Feb 2019.
Thirty-four people were killed and 102 injured – including 23 police officers
Thousands of Haitians took to the streets in October and November 2018, in response to revelations that billions of US dollars meant for infrastructure were missing from the Venezuelan-sponsored PetroCaribe fund.
They resumed in early February after the government declared a state of economic emergency, with demonstrators expressing discontent over the cost of living and calling for President Jovenel Moïse to resign.
19 de Noviembre
las barriadas populares marginalizadas de la capital Puerto Príncipe, fueron sacudidas en la madrugada de ayer por diversos tiroteos de origen desconocido que aparentemente no han dejado un saldo de víctimas ni heridos. Según las denuncias de los movimientos sociales urbanos se trata de nuevos intentos de aterrorizar y desmovilizar a la población. También ha sido denunciado el sobrevuelo amenazante de drones de última tecnología. Estas tentativas buscarían evitar que las mayorías populares retomen el control de las calles
A este cuadro de situación debe sumarse la permanente infiltración de paramilitares desde los Estados Unidos, hecho que ya había sido corroborado en el marco de las masivas protestas de febrero de este año, cuando siete hombres, estadounidenses en su mayoría, fueron arrestados portando un arsenal de guerra y avanzados equipos de telecomunicaciones. Tras su captura, estos serían rápidamente extraditados sin mediar prácticamente ninguna investigación.
Miles de manifestantes se movilizaban coincidiendo con un nuevo aniversario de la Batalla de Vertières, aquella que diera la victoria en 1803 a la "Armada Indígena" de Jean-Jacques Dessalines contra las fuerzas napoleónicas, dando paso al triunfo de la Revolución Haitiana de 1804.
Los convocantes de la jornada fueron las diferentes coaliciones opositoras que acaban de llegar a un entendimiento por el que, en una eventual transición política, la presidencia sería ocupada por un juez de la Corte de Casación, y la primatura por un miembro de la oposición política. Se trata de la Alternativa Consensual, comandada por el Sector Democrático y Popular del abogado André Michel, parte de la oposición parlamentaria de la tradicional clase política y representante de algunos de los más importantes factores de poder; de la Pasarela, iniciativa que pretende oficiar de puente entre los diversos sectores de oposición, y que es impulsada por Bernard Craand, un tecnócrata que se desempeñó como coordinador del Foro Económico hasta septiembre de este año; de «Mache Kontre» conformado por los partidos socialdemócratas OPL, Fusión y otros agrupamientos menores; del flamante Bloque Democrático del ex Ministro de Asuntos Sociales y de Trabajo, Victor Benoit, disidente de la coalición socialdemócrata y fiel exponente de una pequeña burguesía conservadora; y por último del Foro Patriótico, coalición de más de 60 movimientos sociales urbanos y rurales, sindicatos y partidos políticos de izquierda, espacio que resulta el más representativo a las movilizaciones de calle pese a su persistente espontaneidad. Cada uno de estos grupos junto con el sector de la sociedad civil, designarán dos representantes para elegir a las nuevas autoridades de concretarse la esperada dimisión de Jovenel Moïse, exigida por prácticamente todos los sectores de la vida nacional.
What interest does the U.S. have in backing Haiti?
la geopolítica norteamericana puede contar con el accionar de Haití contra Venezuela en espacios regionales como la OAE y la Comunidad del Caribe; con el sostenimiento de las relaciones con Taiwán y con el consecuente bloqueo de los intereses comerciales chinos en el país; y también con amplias prerrogativas para la explotación minera estadounidense y canadiense al norte del territorio insular.
Hahahaha!!! Quote from Moise about “listening to each other”:
"La única forma de resolver problemas es hablar, sentarse, escuchar, mirarse sin prejuicios, encontrar la solución adecuada para sacar a las personas de la tribulación que es hoy", expresó el presidente Moïse en su alocución del lunes.
The police force is also protesting?!
So then who is agitating protestors? Is it national police v. local police? Who are the different players on the military front?
Las demandas, que no han sido respondidas, incluyen mejoras salariales, laborales, cobertura de salud y el derecho a sindicalizarse.
International Context: Welcome to the Global Rebellion Against Neoliberalism
NYT labeled the global rebellions as common only in their popping off because of“pocketbook issues” not class warfare or neoliberalism.
Some of these movements have been organized by unions or formal opposition parties, but many are of the horizontal, leaderless sort. (“Be like water,” as the Hong Kong protesters put it, channeling Bruce Lee.)
the country’s finance minister lamented that the “fruits of [Egypt’s] economic reform were not captured by ordinary people.” Measures imposed by the International Monetary Fund had in fact caused inflation to rise 60 percent over three years, plunging millions into poverty. This is what a Morgan Stanley analyst recently called the “best reform story in the Middle East.”
The word gets thrown around a lot these days, but this is what neoliberalism means: a globally applicable method for preserving the current overwhelming imbalance of power. It works microcosmically on a municipal level—think decaying public transit systems with an apparently bottomless budget for racist fare enforcement, while billionaires hop in helicopters from rooftop to rooftop—and macrocosmically on a planetary scale, in which national elites collude with multinational corporations and international financial institutions to keep labor cheap and wealth and resources confined into established channels.
It is hard not to notice that not only in Haiti but in at least half a dozen countries from Ecuador to Zimbabwe protests were sparked by increases to the price of gasoline. It is no secret that we have to begin weaning ourselves off fossil fuels immediately if we are to have any hope of preserving some bearable version of human life on earth, but although nearly all of these countries have been hurt by the climate crisis—and their most vulnerable citizens hurt the hardest—these fuel hikes were not about reducing emissions. The IMF frequently ties loans to cuts in energy subsidies, and fuel taxes are an easy if regressive way to defray public debt: two tactics for getting the poor, and all those who have not benefited from official corruption, to bail out those who have.
Any attempt to tackle the climate crisis that does not also take on the basic needs of the overwhelming majority of the earth’s inhabitants will catastrophically fail.
Food sovereignty is one of the demands on Haiti’s list- is clean fuel another? How is climate crisis being addressed in the demands?
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