kanofsoda · 4 years
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Superman protec (ง'̀-‘́)ง
but he also attac (ง'̀-‘́)ง (ง'̀-'́)ง
(based on this post)
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kanofsoda · 4 years
Harley Quinn after breaking up with J*ker: *blows up a chemical plant, gets a hyena, kills several people, crushes more bones than a pro wrestler, breaks into GCPD, steals a car, adopts a kid, finally gets her egg sandwich*
Batman, sipping tea somewhere in the batcave:
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kanofsoda · 4 years
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kanofsoda · 4 years
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— so next time you think you can distract                  yourself from your insecurities by victimizing a girl,                think again              she may be me and             I fight like a girl
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kanofsoda · 5 years
Freddy: Only gay people can read this.
Darla: What does that say?
Eugene: "Onl-" I-I mean, no. No I can’t.
Billy: It literally says “Only gay people can read it”. Are you guys idio- oh.
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kanofsoda · 5 years
It’s so ironic since people dont have a problem with Thor and Loki, who’ve been literally raised like they were actual brothers
it had to be said
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kanofsoda · 5 years
If there was a live action MCSM movie you know who would play Ivor?
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This guy.
I’m serious!!! He looks just like him and is able to make both the “cynical” Ivor face and
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The “happy weirdo” Ivor face.
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kanofsoda · 5 years
when we gonna have a convo about that scene where everyone is going to their family and flash is welcomed home by a bodyguard and looks visibly disappointed (like he was expecting someone else not a bodyguard)? or we not ready for that yet.
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kanofsoda · 5 years
Flash and Peter’s relationship had clearly changed by Far From Home. Flash only makes 1 admittedly below the belt dig at Peter the entire movie (for which he is duly called out for by MJ), he then winks after Peter gives him a thumbs up after he calls him a “dickwad” (implying they both know its just banter), genuinely compliments Peter on the E.D.I.T.H glasses (the ONLY person other than Betty to actually do so) and doesn’t join in on Brad attempting to throw Peter under the bus in London. I have to think that them both being snapped has something to do with it, like Flash realised there’s bigger things in life to worry about than being jealous of Peter but still being Flash so he has to give him a little shit every now and then. Like, these two could totally be bro’s in Spider-Man 3. I do feel like they’ve set up some kinda situation for Flash to come through and actually help Peter out for real in the next movie. Like he’ll 1000% start a counter YouTube channel to Jameson to defend Peter/Spidey. 
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kanofsoda · 5 years
Tony: Shit!
Steve: Language!
Peter: Let's fucking kill these shithead bad guys!
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kanofsoda · 5 years
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I’m (not) okay ha ha
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kanofsoda · 5 years
I just realized something
So in The Avengers, Tony and Bruce have this small conversation about the Hulk.
Tony: That much gamma exposure shoulda killed you.
Bruce: So you’re telling me that the Hulk saved my life? That’s a nice way to put it. Saved... for what?
Tony: I guess we’ll find out.
Notice the “saved for what” part. Flash forward 11 years later and the group is deciding who will snap the gauntlet to save everyone and survive at the same time.
It is Bruce Banner, who is now a mix of Bruce/Hulk. He says, “It’s like... I was made for this.”
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kanofsoda · 5 years
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this is sorcery!
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kanofsoda · 5 years
I don’t think the friendship between Luis, Scott, Dave, and Kurt is appreciated enough.
First of all:
Scott got out of jail AND WHO IS THERE TO PICK HIM UP? not maggie, not paxton, but Luis.
Number 2:
Scott knows his friends can’t be taken seriously BUT does that mean they’re untrustworthy? No. When they needed more men to make the Yellowjacket heist possible, Scott immediately suggested Luis, Kurt, and Dave. He does this again in Ant-Man and the Wasp.
These three are for a lack of a better word: the loser criminals. But scott doesn’t see it that way. He thinks of them as people who have nothing better to do, who could use a little shot at redemption just like him, and well, he trusts them with his life.
Scott gives back to his friends. In an Ant-Man deleted scene, Scott uses the suit to help the guys out at the casino. And then he just smiles when they get back all happy and dancing and strappin with cash.
Scott could’ve teamed up with them and said, hey, let’s do this thing and split the money fifty-fifty. But he didn’t. He let the guys think that they won all on their own.
The ex-cons establish a business. And who’s the boss?
They could have chosen Scott since he’s the one with the leadership but that’s not the case. Scott could’ve been the boss, he could’ve run the entire business in his house (and just order the other three around) but instead who do they make the boss? Who cuts back on costs? Who had to make hard, tough, boss-ish decisions and sacrifice the yummy taste for the oatmeal packets?
They trusted Luis to lead them.
Like Scott said, he’s just in charge of security. But Luis is the boss.
In conclusion, Luis, Kurt, and Dave are oftentimes overlooked in this film about heroes. But when the heroes are in need of help, these three come through. Scott always gives them that second chance, doesn’t give up on them, because he knows how hard it is as an ex-con. How can you all sit there and not even celebrate this family of preshus boys???
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kanofsoda · 5 years
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I wish I had a suit. I would even like a suit with like minimal powers, you know? Or maybe even just a suit. With no powers.
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kanofsoda · 5 years
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# i love this duo
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kanofsoda · 5 years
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#same energy
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