I've been staring down my drafts here for the past two days or so trying to will myself to write Pain
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Part of me wants to remake this blog as its own blog rather than having it be a sideblog to Majima now that my Akiyama muse is more active... Much to think about
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                    —    good  things  happen
                    —    love  is  real
                    —    we  will  be  okay
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[ URGENT ] : your muse kisses my muse passionately, believing it to be their last chance to do so. (( for @kamurochoslifeline. Consider either: Dead Souls verse or just before the end of 6 :') ))
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                                               @kamurochoslifeline; sent in                                     [ URGENT ]; Your muse kisses my muse                passionately, believing it to be their last chance                                                               to do so. ACCEPTING
“If you must Kill, don’t taint your legacy; if anything if you must murder please use my hands to do so.”  Those words had shook the dragon of Dojima to his very core. It had been obvious and evident to those who had known him, it hadn’t been often or hardly ever that Kazuma Kiryu would ever act on his own emotions. Calm, collected and using his fists had been something he’d been known for. But shooting his shot? Acting on impulses that would potentially brought doom and utter destruction to those who he cared about. So, instead of reacting and giving into those fleeting emotions, he practically ran. Ran from those feelings and emotions.  
We’ve seen it time and time again, whether it had been Yumi, and finally acknowledging how he felt while she died in his arms. Or even the mad dog himself, almost too terrified to react to those feelings he had harbored for years knowing very well it wouldn’t work.   Love and Kiryu didn’t belong in the same sentence, he knew that and for the most part he had been okay with that. But within that same token he knew once he left this hospital, there had been a chance he wouldn’t make it out. After all, there had been no limits that he wouldn’t cross for family.   Love and Kiryu shouldn’t belong in the same sentence, emotions were better left unsaid. But just mere minutes prior he wrote a letter to his son, it had been now or forever hold his peace. He stared at his best friend for what seemed forever, memories running through his brain like a digital movie.  From first meeting, to drinks; to even being the only one trying to talk some sense into him.  “Akiyama--” He started to speak, before closing his mouth, in truth words had always been hard for him. Didn’t matter when he was still in the orphanage or even now as a grown ass adult, he had been a man of action; how the hell was this going to be any different? With a heavy sigh, he stepped forward, almost praying to a non-existent god, for forgiveness before he did what could of been potentially another stupid mistake. Digits curling against the lapels of Akiyama’s shirt, pulling him against him, finding his own lips crashing down. His own actions, and emotions bleeding through more then his own words could ever do.     I love you, I’m so sorry.             I’m Sorry I waited till now to show you how i feel
                  Goodbye, for now. 
                                 I have to do this on my own.
Words that he couldn’t ever vocalize as his own lips chased Akiyama’s, before finally pulling away more gentle then when the wave came crashing down originally. He didn’t even know how the young man would of reacted, but could only hope that he got the message, with a small filled smile ghosted his lips before he shook his head, “I appreciate you, more than words could express... But this is something I have to do alone.”
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Akiyama straight up dies
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@kamurochoslifeline continued from here:
“Hmm...?” Kiryu thought for a second before continuing “Pretty sure, it’s no nut, no simp November. Or was that no simp September? I don’t recall. Answer the question though.”
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     ❝ Dunno, never actually heard of it. Probably September you’re thinking what with the alliteration and all. ❞  He tried not to dwell on the implications of Kiryu of all people being more aware of whatever... this even constituted, let alone Kiryu being so set on labelling him a ‘simp.’ As if he was the one frequenting those embarrassing live chats.
    ❝ To be honest with you, I don’t get where this question’s even coming from or why you’re so insistent on it. It doesn’t necessarily bother me, I’m just more than a little confused over here. ❞
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link I can tell you’re having fun picking on Akiyama
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"Now, hear me out okay? And honestly, I don't think you did because you are still here. But didya participate in No simp November a few months ago?"
     ❝ . . . ❞
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     ❝ Isn’t it “No Nut November?” ❞
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"But someone was usin' it on ya. Do a gotta give em' a good talkin' ta, bro??? BC"
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     ❝ ... Oh. ❞  Oh no. So this was Kiryu’s fault then. Akiyama made a mental note to ensure Kiryu knew exactly the position he put him in; while he may not be so concerned as to preserving Akiyama’s dignity, surely he’d feel some remorse knowing he’d upset the children. Still, as funny as siccing Itsuki on the older man did sound, the last thing anyone needed was this ordeal escalating more than it had already. With a light, dismissive laugh he’d hope help disarm both the situation and tension that came with it, he waved a hand through the air. 
     ❝ Oh no. No no. No need! It’s not something you should go calling people buuut that’s just a friend of mine messing around. Promise he’s just kidding. ❞  
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“Okay. Hear me out. How would you react, if I get myself a dick piercing—
Do you think I can pull it off?
Eh, Akiyama?”
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Of all the moments he could’ve chosen to take a drink, it was just Akiyama’s luck he’d have chosen the most inopportune moment. Kiryu’s idea of conversation had him coughing to clear his windpipe, and although he just managed to reign in his reaction as to not alert Date manning the bar to his choking, he was certain he’d at least drawn the older man’s attention from the other end. 
     ❝ Kiryu-san? ❞  His intonation rose to the point where he knew his voice had just been shy of cracking, so he shook his head, and in a tone more level, carried on. Even he could tell Kiryu was getting a kick out of busting his balls.  ❝ With all due respect, I don’t know how you expect me to react at all if I wouldn’t even see it. I don’t think you can not pull something like that, provided this isn’t your idea of coming out to me as a nudist to boot. ❞
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"I heard from Haruka that you can dance. . . Do you just dance or do you twerk?"
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Another bizarre question coming seemingly out of nowhere courtesy of Kiryu. This one caught Akiyama off-guard far less than its predecessor, and this time around he can’t help but to give a small, wry grin through his own fleeting incredulity. 
    ❝ Haruka-chan said I can dance? I don’t know if or how she caught wind of it, but I’d hardly call those street battles I got dragged into dancing well, so you tell me. ❞  It felt so innocuous he couldn’t help but to teasingly tack on,  ❝ But since you’re so curious, I’ll ask you: do you seriously think you could imagine me doing that? ❞
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"Bro, what's-a simp?"
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Akiyama could’ve sworn he felt his neck crack from the sheer speed at which he swivelled to look down at Itsuki. The innocent question had come supposedly out of nowhere, and provoked its own set of accompanying questions from him; who had she heard the term from? In what context had it been used? Where, when, and most importantly, why had she thought to ask him of all people? 
Although he tried to keep his discomfort at being put on the spot too obvious, he shifted, rubbing the nape of his neck and stalled wordlessly as he wracked his mind for a way to answer without actually answering.
     ❝ Uhhh...  First off, where’d you even hear that? ❞  As if he were looking for the answer himself, he shifted his gaze up. ❝ Ah. Well. You know... what’s the original meaning. English word —- Simple? Don’t go using it with people, it is an insult. ❞
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@kamurochoslifeline: Continued from [ x ] 
 Kiryu rolled his shoulders as his lips curved upwards into a small grin. Not saying Kiryu didn’t enjoy having the upper hand, but he did enjoy having the upper hand. And his expression showed just that. Letting the silence overlapping for a few minutes before he let the words leave his tongue,                               “You heard me. Why are you such a Simp-Coded whore? I mean, I didn’t say you were my simp-coded whore, I don’t see what the issue is?”
While Kiryu so bluntly reiterating what he’d said in what Akiyama could only imagine was the most poor choice of phrasing he could’ve possibly managed should have confirmed Akiyama hadn’t misheard the first time, he still struggled to process what Kiryu had said. More importantly, he had to wonder if Kiryu himself had any idea just how he’d sounded; knowing the older man, he’d be entirely oblivious to the effect his words had. 
Akiyama’s brows rose in disbelief, mouth, again, agape as he stuck Kiryu with one of the most baffled looks he could muster on the spot. 
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     ❝ I —- again, huh? . . . Kiryu-san — there’s so many things I could say I don’t even know where to start with that. ❞
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//that ask was there for like a week and I still can’t stop laughing about it
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“Why are you such a little simp-coded whore man?”
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Akiyama’s response came preceded by a long period of silence  — an awkward one where he could only stare, blink and gawk as he tried to make sense of Kiryu’s question in his mind. Surely he’d misheard something . . . Right? His lips parted, but with another few seconds to work through a response, the most he managed to produce was a stilted, 
     ❝ Excuse me? ❞
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Since it’s relevant to this blog, might as well throw this up here
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    “ I think we’re just the types of people trouble finds on its own. Better we’ve got each other to help us get through it, right? “ - @kamurochoslifeline/ @frenziedhound
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