kamakiriwolf · 5 years
Looks like the blocklist is circulated again. Everyone knows this is the one true blocklist :3
TF2 Character Blocklist
The very first thing a new TF2 player must do is pick a class between the diverse set of mercs. But what would they really know about them? What if they pick one and the merc spouts something vile, sexist, or fatphobic right in the middle of a match? This is why a created a list of the most troubling mercs, so new and veteran players know which ones to void to make their TF2 gaming experience a safe and pleasant one. Please be mindful that this is not a call-out post. :)
Lesphobic (pursues Miss Pauling even though she was 100% confirmed by one writer (A CIS WHITE STRAIGHT MALE WHO WASNT EVEN THE ORIGINAL WRITER) to be lesbian.)
Fatphobic (has some of the most fatphobic lines against Heavy)
Abelist (Makes fun of Demo’s missing eye, calls him Cyclops)
Anti-sex work (gets insulted at the suggestion that his mother could be a porn star)
- American white nationalist
- Is a Christian, which is steeped in homophobia, racism and sexism. Prays to god in the middle of matches
-Anti-free Gender expression (insults Demo for “crossdressing”, hates men with long hair)
- Ableist
-Supports colonialism (believes everyone on his team is American or he’ll get angry. Also claims Demo is an Englishman not Scottish.”
-Sexist (uses female gendered terms as insults, belives women are physically weaker than men.)
-Hates France, believes the Frenchphobic stereotype that all French are stinky.
- Possible rape of Zhanna, as Zhanna was sheltered most of her life and might not have really known what sex means
-Sexist (uses female gendered terms as insults)
-Transphobic (assumes Pyro’s pronouns)
-Supports rape (voiceline “don’t worry boyo, I’ll be gentle!” with clear sexual undertones.)
- Transphobic (refers to Pyro as “thing” and is afraid of “it”)
- Ageist (calls enemy team “babies”)
-transphobic (Asumes Pyro’s gender)
-Ableist (insult’s Demo’s missing eye)
- Fatphobic
- Refers to Demoman as “black Scottish cyclops”
- In the same voiceline, its strongly hinted that he supports genocide and ethnic cleansing, at the very least he takes ethnic cleansing as a joke.
- Abelist
-Anti-sex work (shames Scout by suggesting his mother was a porn star, as if it was something to be ashamed of.)
-Transphobic (calls Pyro a monster that should go to hell)
-Sexist (refers to mercs he’s beating as women)
-Supports violence against women
-Fatphobic (openly says Heavy disgusts him and that he is morbidly obese.
-Forces his kinks on other/noncon (throws piss on people for sexual gratification.)
-Fatphobic (has some of the nastiest fatphobic lines)
-Sexist (calls Medic nurse as an insult, uses female gendered terms as insults, assumes Pyro has ovaries)
-Austismphobic (makes fun of both Pyro and Soldier’s mental health.)
-Misogynistic/Sexist (makes fun/shames menstruations)
-Supports rape (“Prepare for your examination!” in sexual overtones, while presenting his fingers in a way to suggest violating someone; performs surgeries on people without consent)
You would think that Pyro would be safe, with their cute animations and indeterminate gender. But even this “sweet” creature is steeped in racism. Pyrovision is how Pyro sees the world, and you can clearly see that all the characters are not only white washed when presented with the real world view, but in the Meet the Pyro trailer, they actually are presented as angels! White washing equals angels in Pyro’s eyes. Avoid this merc at all costs!
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
Imagine Soldier using the rule: “I licked it, that makes it mine.”
For everything.
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
Animal Abuse Should Always be Investigated
Despite whether evidence is fake or not (which I have doubts), you motherfuckers shouldn’t attack a person who was trying to help an abused animal. 
She privately messaged a person who she knew who could help the cat, and instead you drama queens tried to act like a bunch of abused bitches and setting a mob.
If it was a smear campaign, she would have just posted without consulting one person. 
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
Literally nothing will ever be as satisfying as the 4 minute long fight sequence in Kingsman: The Secret Service, in which Colin Firth mercilessly wastes an entire Westboro Basptist Church like congregation as the guitar solo from Lynard Skynard’s 1973 anthem Freebird plays in the background.
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
Doug Jones Appreciation Thread
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as Amphibian Man in The Shape of Water
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as the Pale Man in Pan’s Labyrinth
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as Faun in Pan’s Labyrinth
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as the Angel of Death in Hellboy II: The Golden Army 
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as Billy Butcherson in Hocus Pocus
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as one of the Gentlemen in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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as Edith’s Mother, Lady Sharpe in Crimson Peak
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as Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
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as Saru in Star Trek: Discovery
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as Abe Sapien in Hellboy
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
TIL that hard evidence like messanger screenshots are “not evidence” if you believe really hard enough.
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
Not a vet but I’m actually studying to become a veterinary technician. Reading cat and dog behavior was the first course. Recognizing symptoms was the second. Of course I would need to palpitate her body and would need a vet opinion for an accurate diagnosis, it’s definitely not conclusive of abuse, it could be a number of things. Also volunteered at a cat and dog shelter.
but even a layperson who knows what a healthy, unstressed cat is supposed to look like should say that cat probably should see a vet and get a feces egg count. Maybe even just give her a generic deworming pill to see if that helps her coat and eyes, since tapeworms are nasty fuckers. When my old cat (18) started getting a dull coat and losing weight thats what I did and within a couple days he was looking much healthier.
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Since you prevented people from replying to the pictures of your cat, which wer presented as “evidence” that you don’t abuse you cat, in response to the screenshots where you describe kicking and hitting her, I will make a new post.
This is not a healthy cat. The eyes are dull and watery, and look fearful, at least not calm and stressed, in the one picture she is looking at you. She is tense, her mouth slightly open. Her coat is dull as well. This is a stressed cat. Old cats still retain a shiny coat and clear eyes up until the day they day unless they are sick, starving, stressed, or infested with worms.
When cats trust you, they look at your face, their eyes are soft and they blink slowly. Her eyes are quite wide for not being bright or healthy looking.
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kamakiriwolf · 5 years
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Since you prevented people from replying to the pictures of your cat, which wer presented as “evidence” that you don’t abuse you cat, in response to the screenshots where you describe kicking and hitting her, I will make a new post.
This is not a healthy cat. The eyes are dull and watery, and look fearful, at least not calm and stressed, in the one picture she is looking at you. She is tense, her mouth slightly open. Her coat is dull as well. This is a stressed cat. Old cats still retain a shiny coat and clear eyes up until the day they day unless they are sick, starving, stressed, or infested with worms.
When cats trust you, they look at your face, their eyes are soft and they blink slowly. Her eyes are quite wide for not being bright or healthy looking.
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
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I once played Cards Against Humanity with a group which included a really really drunk Irishman back in Boston. I gave this card as he was the judge and he had an existential crisis…
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
Me, doing chores: Plotting story ideas and wanting to write
Me, eating a meal: Plotting story ideas and wanting to write
Me, doing anything else: Plotting story ideas and wanting to write
Me, opening a Word document to write: what is plot?? ideas, nope, don’t have those. words aren’t real.
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
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Uh, yeah, I am in Team Fortress hell…. but I had to draw my most favourite class.  🤷
[Available as a sticker]
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
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ヽ(_ _ヽ)
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
who is old enough to be part of the fanfic.net era where we literally talked to our characters? like, had conversations with them?
cause I do. as a lonely child of 12 who had no friends, it was a favorite pasttime of mine to boot up the dial-up internet and type out imaginary conversations with ouran high school host club characters in the beginning notes before even starting the damn chapter (which was inevitably 500 words long and absolutely awful)
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
Meltdown (Sniper/Scout)
“Yo, Snipes!” Scout opened the door to the camper, striding in. “Didn’t you say we were gonna do target practice today? I thought…”
He trailed off, noticing where Sniper was.
Sniper lay curled towards the wall, his hands covering his face. His body quivered slightly each time he breathed, and every breath was accompanied by a gentle wheeze.
Scout knew what was going on, and he knew what to do. He grabbed the blanket from Sniper’s bed, draping it over him just after checking to make sure he hadn’t hurt himself.
“Hey, it’s okay, Snipes,” Scout assured softly, patting the other man’s arm before rising. “I’m gonna get you a coffee, okay?”
He brewed a cup of decaf coffee, and then returned to Sniper, where he sat near him and occasionally offered a touch of comfort (he knew Sniper didn’t always like to be touched during these moments).
After a few minutes, Sniper lifted his head, his breath evening out. “S-Scout?”
“I’m here,” Scout settled beside him, handing him the cup of coffee. “Here ya go, if you want some,”
“Oh,” his hands no longer quivering, Sniper took the drink, pausing to wipe the wetness gathered at his eyes. “Thanks,”
As Sniper sipped from the cup, Scout put his arm around him and laid his head on his shoulder. “You okay, now?”
Sniper curled into the blanket, resting his head against Scout, sighing. “I’m better. Thank you,”
Scout smiled at him, giving his cheek a quick kiss. “You’re welcome,”
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
Small Rant
It bugs me to see Scout drawn like a prepubescent, but whatever. However, it’s most disturbing and disgusting when I see him drawn like a prepubescent *in nsfw stuff.* Go on, whine and cry about he’s “over eighteen” if you’re giving him a prepubescent face and body, you’re drawing child porn. You’re sexualizing a prepubescent body and that’s literally the definition of pedophilia. End of story. You can’t convince me it’s “just your art style” when you draw all the other merc like adults but Scout is looking like a little kid.
It’s worse when prepubescent-drawn Scout looks like he’s scared to be there while the adult-drawn mercs are clearly enjoying themselves. That screams molestation fetish to me.
It’s these kinds of artists that I approve of putting on a watch/blocklist.
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kamakiriwolf · 6 years
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Some people (thank you,,,)  wanted to see my Pyro again so here’s a quick doodle for now - I have bigger plans for her but right now I lack the energy and motivation for it ;_; Also, yes, that’s a Bianca Del Rio joke
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