kallixn · 10 years
*hugs you real tight* Would you please send this to the first ten people on your dash to keep it going? Make someone's day with a hug! (//hope to see you again soon :) ((no pressure or anything sorry -.-u)
! Bless you, this is so sweet.
I am sorry that I’m so forgetful that I forget to pop back in now and again ;w;
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kallixn · 10 years
There is nothing satisfactory in his answer -- it leaves only a distinct uneasiness to precipitate in the back of his mind. Dunban's effort does not go unappreciated.
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"Melia." Kallian shakes his head slowly. "Indeed, I was hoping that I would see her sooner rather than later, but it seems that was not meant to be. I'm certain I will find her before long." As it stands, catching up with the other man was more than pleasant enough.
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Noting the prince’s agitation at the question, he frowned slightly. Kallian’s answer makes it clear the High Entia has no idea what happened. “No matter what happened, I’m glad to see you around.” He smiled at Kallian. “Have you seen Melia yet?”
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kallixn · 10 years
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[ Forgive the sudden, extended absence. Finishing up a rough grading period will do that to you. But I'll be popping in a little more frequently and fixing up all the stuff I didn't fix up here. In the meanwhile, drop me a line and I'd be happy to start something small. Or something more complicated. Let's just get things going over here. ]
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kallixn · 10 years
Age does not cross his mind — only a number to mark the arbitrary numbers of his existence. Two decades passed, he is but a child. An infant, adolescent, yet growing into the name he bears and the title he may yet grow into. He does not. But its shadow is a measure more tangible than the demarcation of a time beyond his consideration.
He knows that the High Entia are long-lived. He knows that, to the Homs, their lives seem almost eternal. Perhaps to him, their lives seem only marginal. He does not consider how it makes them feel — the acceleration and acuteness drawn from the brevity of their experiences. He slows when he considers their impermanence, as a whole, at the passing of the Second Consort. The mother who would not see the lifetimes of her child — their children.
A century, and another, are nothing more than moments of his life. Brief memories populate their reach, no more vivid or rich for their number or range. He wonders now how many lives he may have lived, in the years he feels only as moments.
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kallixn · 10 years
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kallixn · 10 years
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Involuntarily, his lips press together at the mention of an unsavory memory, of a sensation that had replaced an experience he could articulate properly. Telethia. He could, perhaps, recall the words he had spoken last to Melia, the force that had carried him forward against Lorithia. The sensation of finality and anticipated bliss, however, seemed to have proven itself quite illusive. There is no satisfactory explanation to the question posed before him, and Kallian makes no attempt to lie.
"A small miracle, perhaps?" A shade too cheerful in its dismissal, he's sure the lack of conviction is obvious. Still, he smiles for its own sake.
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He smiled. “Of course. The rebuilding of the colonies are going quite well. I must ask though, how are you here? Didn’t the Telethia…” He trailed off, gestureing vaguely at Kallian.
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kallixn · 10 years
Justice, Respect, Afterlife
'Justice' is a concept with strong sway amongst the High Entian people. Led by an imperial family, supplemented with the presence of multiple Ministries and their various responsibilities, it is no notion taken lightly. Raised as a prince, Kallian is very much in accord with these ideas, learning from a young age that proper justice requires a degree of objectivity, no matter who is involved in the conflict or the concern. What is just is not always kind or merciful, and of this, he was made painfully aware. But if it is for the sake of the people, then it is so.
Kallian holds a deep respect for the other species of Bionis. He knows that he and his people have been blatantly ignoring the activities and the conflicts at the lower levels, for the sake of their own defense and preservation. Having come into more contact with them during the formation of the allied forces, Kallian can more clearly see how they’ve adapted to a lifestyle with a consistent threat of danger. That they are so accustomed to it, while alarming to see what they’ve been subjected to, is consistently fascinating to him.
Lineage is of pivotal importance to High Entians, from their belief and faith in the work of their forefathers to some of the more radical beliefs about the purity of their blood. The afterlife, however, is something not often touched on. That the memories of their family members passed stay with them is undeniable, bearing on their kingdom a cultural significance, though the details of a particular afterlife are never expanded on. It was an idea that Kallian himself never grappled with, knowing only that it was his duty to prevent if, when possible. The idea that the entire race of High Entia is nothing more than sentient cells of the Bionis, however, would have posed an interesting question the validity of their actions and the legitimacy of their agency.
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kallixn · 10 years
dear current and future rp partners: i’m going to go days without replying to you, please don’t take it personally.
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kallixn · 10 years
"Oh, Oh, Do you know where Melly is? Riki want to show her pretty flower, he found!"
“‘Melly?’ Ah, I suppose you mean Melia.”
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Diminuitve as the Nopon seemed, the height with which he seemed able to bounce never ceased to amaze him. “I believe Her Highness is simply gathering the last of the things that she wants to take with her on her journey. She will see you presently, if you do not mind waiting just a while longer.”
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kallixn · 10 years
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kallixn · 10 years
Put one of these words in my ask and I'll write a headcanon about it for my character(s)
requested by anonymous as a continuation of this meme.
(Chain of) Command
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kallixn · 10 years
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"--Dunban." Always a pleasant surprise to see the homs, to see how much had changed since their last meeting. "Well enough. I pray that you can say the same?"
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“Kallian? It’s good to see you! Are you okay?”
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kallixn · 10 years
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&; independent Xenoblade Chronicles RP blog &; semi-selective -- multifandom and multiverse &; writing tends towards para/multi-para; will adapt accordingly &; NSFW tagged appropriately
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kallixn · 10 years
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Title: 皇家兄妹 | Artist: seiko [Pixiv Gallery]
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kallixn · 10 years
test title
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