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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My tenth and additional recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me, for now more than seven days–without a review: ‘…dass du die Stimmung der Jahrzehnte spürst.’ Edited by Linda Erker, Edith Stumpf-Fischer and Anna Drechsel-Burkhard. #lindaerker wrote her matriculation paper about Dr. Rosl Ebner, who had to flee Austria in 1938 because of her Jewish origin. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Ujla8l9Y_/?igshid=1amgljamcqcgu
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My ninth and additional recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for now more than seven days–without a review: ‘America Day by Day’ by Simone de Beauvoir. It accompanied us during two trips through the US. La Fonda. Or Palermo? https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9voVtlLjb/?igshid=frfz0m4h3tv0
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My ninth and additional recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for now more than seven days–without a review: ‘America Day by Night’ by Simone de Beauvoir. It accompanied us during two trips through the US. La Fonda. Or Palermo? https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9uqFjFQ4D/?igshid=1sjms5m5orcem
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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#harunfarocki The Creators of the Shopping Worlds/Die Schöpfer der Einkaufswelten (2001) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1U_-gFrAA/?igshid=1butvyoy3k8w4
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My eighth and additional recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for now more than seven days–without a review: ‘Werner Schroeter’ edited by Roy Grundmann. Palermo or Wolfsburg? https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sZDLVlxnB/?igshid=1v8ubmvwrhvrr
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My seventh recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘Petrolio’ by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Some well-informed sources say that the research #pierpaolopasolini published in his recent book led to his assassination. But it's not only the research which makes the text worth reading. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-U1EOuF_uN/?igshid=zskkqy324oby
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My sixth recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘Die Ästhetik des Widerstands’ by Peter Weiss. I discovered the book in the library of #sabine_breitwieser. This is one of the books you cannot stop to read. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SUBj4F5Vv/?igshid=zchu4hdx24la
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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By the way, #josefdabernig found on one of his trips this image of my grandfather Nicolo Lombardi from #bivongi, #calabria. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QDu9ClkJn/?igshid=1ug1tsugmllcd
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My fifth recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘A Corner in Wheat’ by Helmut Färber. I got the book as present from #harunfarocki. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QBto1FoNN/?igshid=bs6siigxc3de
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My fourth recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘Tristes Tropiques’ by Claude Lévi-Strauss. I discovered that inspiring book in the library of Josef Erker. From “sectors” to “structures”. Now I would be happy if #sabinebreitwieser would also accept the #bookchallenge. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NSA0zFw4d/?igshid=1mvm0ej6y4kjr
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My third recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘Transit’ by Anna Seghers. She tells about the difficulties to leave Pétain’s State of Vichy France 1939/1940. If you get a visum for another country you do not only need a ticket, but you do also need an exit permit to leave. Now I would be happy if #herbertj.wimmer would also accept the #bookchallenge. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Kn_3vl-rr/?igshid=1w7ynkg6fdzqc
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My second recommendation for #bookchallenge, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘Not Without Laughter’ by Langston Hughes. The Harlem Renaissance writer tells the story of Sandy Rogers, a young boy in small-town Kansas, and of his family–black life in the early twentieth century of racially divided US-America. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-IDPBZlolI/?igshid=1bf7ovf5ie2xi
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kaligofsky · 5 years ago
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My first recommendation, by invitation of #ruthkaaserer, to post the cover of a book of importance to me for seven days–without a review: ‘Der deutsche Klub. Austro-Nazis in der Hofburg’ by Andreas Huber, Linda Erker and Klaus Taschwer. The book is about a far right Viennese network which undermined the First Austrian Republic with National Socialist ideology. Now I would be happy if #hildegundamanshauser would also accept the #bookchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FPUPLFVie/?igshid=1i0a0b0d53lod
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