kalh-plays-dnd · 8 days
Notes: Session #2
Summary: The party begins to form as they get to know each other and exchange experiences.
At the end of Session #1, Viliam noticed a cloud of dust quickly approaching on the caravan's trail. Now, the cloud closes in and turns out to be two young men — barely out of boyhood — sharing a horse. Both have tanned skin and sandy hair, with bandanas pulled up to over their noses and dusty capes obscuring their physique. The one holding the reins has a slight point to his ears, while the other is distinctly human. Both carry short swords.
Fred notices they both wear standard military boots with reinforced steel toes and a small insignia on the side.
Around the party, time stops. There is a noticeable absence of sound as the human stranger begins to get off the horse. The pointy-eared one clutches something against his chest. Fred prepares to charge, but Viliam calls him back and asks the strangers what their business is. Aurora, with Fred's intimidating presence, convinces the strangers to keep going and raid another caravan.
As the strangers leave, time resumes and the pointy-eared one discards what he had been holding, which Fred collects: a roughly hewn cobalt stone wrapped with fine silver threads, attached to a leather cord. Fred considers it spoils of battle and puts it on. Viliam identifies the stopped time as some form of the spell Time Stop. Niko convinces Fred to let him attempt to identify the cobalt stone, but casts Prestidigitation instead to cause a flash of light. He warns Fred the stone might be a dangerous item.
During the caravan's lunch stop, Aaria and Zia are offered complementary tea and biscuits. Viliam sends Alvin to attempt to steal some tea from the caravan's storage, to figure out what type it is. Alvin is semi-successful: he gets caught, but the teabag he stole is already wet, so he absconds with it. Viliam identifies it as an average black tea with floral overtones.
Over dinner that night, the party attempts to figure out why they were unaffected by the time stop. Conversation reveals they all received the same message from Rogan Underbite, and that Zia and Aaria know Wish, that Aurora knows Rogan and Luca, that Fred, Niko, and Viliam know none of them, and that no one knows Adelaide.
Aaria is convinced they ought to help Rogan, with Zia, Aurora, Viliam, and Niko willing to help. Fred is hesitant due to his job and commitments to his parents, but Viliam offers to hire Fred's services (3gp per day, doubled after Rogan and co. have been found). Fred remembers the terms of his assignment and agrees to discuss time off with the Garrison in the hopes they might approve it. Aurora offers to assist.
In the early pre-dawn morning, Aaria is visited by Sussorra (the Lord of Dreams/the Whisperer), who tells her that they want to see her flourish, that she is to keep an eye on the old man (implied to be Viliam), that she is to say hi to the Lord of Life when she meets him, and that Wish is beyond their sight. Aaria wakes up and goes to sit outside, falling asleep by the remains of the campfire. Viliam, who only needs 4 hours, wraps her with a blanket when he wakes.
Later, when the party asks, she says she was inspired to compose music.
During lunch, Aurora pays the caravan driver 20gp to get Niko and Viliam seats in the covered carriages. She doesn't tell them she's the one who paid.
With the third day being an overcast, though peaceful day, the party has plenty of time to converse. Conversation returns to Rogan's message and what they might expect. Most importantly, they try to work out what connects the party-members — why the six of them?
As the question comes up, it strikes Viliam that he recognises Aurora, Zia, and Fred. He doesn't know where from or in what context, but he has met them before. This sparks a suspicion that something has been hidden — memories vanished from their minds by magic means. It reminds him of his lost love — a beautiful woman, dark skinned with silvery hair, braided, like starlight — whose name he realised two years ago he doesn't remember.
Zia talks about travelling, and has the distinct impression she used to always have company in her travels — a sense that she was never alone. When she has this revelation, Betta awakens in the back of her mind, and she sees that Betta is aware and watching. Zia asks if Betta is alright, to which Betta says, "No."
Eventually, the party reaches the end of the day and everyone retreat to sleep. Viliam sits on the steps outside a carriage to watch the stars, while Niko finds a space to curl up on the floor of the same carriage in which Fred and Aurora are.
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kalh-plays-dnd · 8 days
Southern Sík: Map
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kalh-plays-dnd · 8 days
Welcome to the Campaign
Summary: Campaign starting notes and maps.
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kalh-plays-dnd · 8 days
Wizard: Spellbook Mechanics
Summary: Adjusted spell cost, not known to many.
I'll rule as follows [about Niko Warren's spellbook]: as part of your studies, you've discovered that you don't necessarily need fine inks or fine paper to transcribe spells. You can make do with any odd bits and pieces you can get your hands on. Transcribing spells, however, isn't only about the materials – it's also about the way the spell is transcribed. The spell's individual wavelength, if you will. To correctly transcribe a spell, you've got to mentally find the spell's wavelength. You know the spell has transcribed correctly when the words and symbols glow as you write them. 
Fine inks and fine paper are supposed to help find that wavelength – some sort of light enchantment crafted into them specifically to assist wizards, hence the average price of supplies being so steep. 
As established, you've figured out how to use perfectly normal paper and inks (we're talking 5sp for a 14ml bottle of bog standard ink, 2sp for 4 sheets of regular paper). It makes it harder to actually transcribe, so every time you try to transcribe you have to succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence check.
So to actually answer your question, you will need to acquire paper and inks to transcribe spells. How you acquire these is up to you. For the sake of ease, we can say you've already got d10 spare sheets of paper, and ink enough to make d4 attempts at transcribing.
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kalh-plays-dnd · 24 days
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Rough compilation of party illustrations.
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kalh-plays-dnd · 25 days
Notes: Session #1
Summary: The party-members' paths begin to converge as they prepare to set out from Nordhafen.
Aurora Nyx is working one of her last days at the medical practice attached to the Temple of Traveller in Nordhafen, looking forward to returning to Gre'gel to there be reunited with Dr Luca Myrk, her husband-to-be. Upon receiving the message from Rogan, she immediately closes for the day and sets out to find information.
From the army offices in Nordhafen she gets no answer, beyond a recommendation to reach out to the offices in Gre'gel. It will take a minimum of 48 hours for a reply, but she sends a letter and waits.
While she waits, she sets about securing passage on the next caravan leaving Nordhafen for Gre'gel, with the intention of getting off at the juncture to Waldstad. The next caravan is with Safe Travels, leaving at 10am in two days.
On the morning of departure, half an hour before she has to leave, a reply arrives via dusty currier. Aurora embraces the young delivery woman, pays her, and shuts the door in her face to read the following letter:
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Enclosed is a letter of introduction addressed to Sir Flynn Corrint at the Garrison in Waldstad, asking his assistance on behalf of Aurora.
When Aaria receives the message, she quietly slips out of the lecture she's currently in and goes to find Zia Taleweaver. She only makes it a few steps down the corridor when Zia sprints around the corner – having received the same message.
They decide to go to the library – a dusty half-abandoned affair behind the music hall, with the librarian seemingly always absent – to figure out where Waldstad is. Aaria is familiar with the place and its sorting system (alphabetically by category, alphabetically by author surname within each category) and quickly finds a book titled Music Throughout Benfer. Here she finds a map showing where various songs and artists are from. The map includes the location of Waldstad. While Zia keeps watch, Aaria cuts the map from the book and tucks it away. The book returns to the shelf.
Having travelled much, both know that cities the size of Nordhafen usually have some sort of travel agency that helps people get from point A to point B. While Aaria goes to pack, Zia tracks down Safe Travels, one of the major travel agencies in Nordhafen. On her way, Zia attempts to commune with Betta, but all she sees in the back of her mind is the flicker of a blue-and-purple fish vanishing in seaweed as a bone-deep sense of dread settles over her.
At Safe Travels, the receptionist (a female halfling with glasses and a neatly trimmed bob), offers Zia two comfort tickets for the caravan going to Gre'gel at 10AM in two days (10gp per ticket). Zia is too out of it to argue and simply accepts the tickets.
On the way back she stops at Boots & Keg, a local tavern in the area Wish has rented a flat for them – an elegant, well-maintained flat with two and a half bedrooms, in an equally elegant, well-maintained neighbourhood. The horse-shoe shaped bar in the centre of the inn is currently manned by Philip Nietzsche, the owner of the tavern. Zia sits by the bar and orders an ale to quietly process. Every once in a while she casts a Message cantrip to hopefully reach Aaria when Aaria passes.
Aaria packs her own and Zia's belongings, then heads towards the centre of Nordhafen to find Zia. She hears Zia's Message cantrip in passing and diverts to Boots & Keg, where Zia shows the tickets and explains they won't be leaving for a couple of days. Aaria notes that 10gp per ticket is ridiculously overpriced. They discuss leaving immediately, since they have the map.
Next to them, an elderly elf with an enormous beard and a cup of tea offers to help with the travel company. He introduces himself as Viliam. After some conversation, Zia gets fed up and goes to sulk in a corner. Aaria talks to him for a little while longer, advising him to not listen in on other people's conversations, then goes to sit with Zia. Aaria is silently enamoured by Alvin, Viliam's pet bearded dragon.
Zia stays in bed for the next two days, while Aaria keeps up with her lectures. She apologises to Zia for being short with her.
It is a lovely day in Nordhafen, and Frederic is a middle-aged orc on his way to work. Frederic works for Werder Shipment (owned by the Werder family), a trading company based in Nordhafen, through which goods pass from abroad and is dispersed throughout Benfer. Frederic is one of the higher-ups in terms of on-site security – one step away from management – and has the last 20 years worked on-site around the storage units. The site-manager is Krista Egger, a down-to-earth half-orc woman in her late fifties, who Frederic gets reasonably well along with.
Shortly after he takes up his station this morning, Frederic is called into Krista's office, where one of the higher-ups in the company overall, Rupert Hofberg, is waiting. Hofberg is a tall, gangly human in his thirties. He presents the following mission to Frederic:
A shipment of high-security goods have arrived from a research institute in Damaray, a country north of Benfer, and is to be delivered to Dr Bosant Schmidt at the Garrison in Waldstad. Krista has recommended Frederic for the position of Acting Head of the security team sent with the goods to oversee their delivery. A successful mission could mean a higher position within the company for Frederic, with double the pay he currently gets.
Frederic accepts the mission, and Hofberg leaves Krista to explain the details. Towards the end of the day, Frederic receives the following written brief:
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Frederic ensures his parents will be well cared for in his absence, checking in with the neighbours and asking them to help out with anything necessary. On the morning he leaves, his mum, Hilda, makes him a sandwich and his dad, Gerome, tells Frederic not to worry, because Gerome has "looked after this family for forty years".
Niko Warren receives the message with a splitting headache. He doesn't recognise any of the names, though he feels like he should. He is intrigued by the concept of "bullshit magic".
Before he does anything, however, he goes out to find breakfast. Swinging by Mrs Harder's bakery, he picks up two slightly-burned bread rolls. He shares one with Luna and keeps the other for later.
Next, he tracks down Slick and Dolly and sets Slick up with a job at the docks.
In the afternoon, he goes to check when the next caravan eastward leaves Nordhafen. While he examines the timetable and prices outside Safe Travels' offices, an elderly elf with an enormous beard comes by to also have a look. They talk, and the elf introduces himself as Viliam. Viliam offers Niko tea for the headache. They sit underneath the timetable and continue their conversation. Niko mentions Slick and Dolly, and wanting for Dolly to have a childhood. Viliam offers a place for her at the Temple of the Traveller.
When Niko suggests the Temple to Slick, Slick has strong opinions, but sulkily says he'll "think about it".
After speaking to Niko, Viliam goes to the Temple of the Traveller and speaks to the priests and priestesses about Slick and Dolly. One of the priestesses promises to look out for them and do what she can.
Before Niko leaves Nordhafen, he uses Luna as distraction and steals a top-hat and a cane from a gentleman outside a restaurant.
On the day of departure, he meets with Viliam and they set out together in advance of the caravan, so they can quietly merge with it as it catches up.
The first day passes peacefully, with good weather. When the caravan pulls off the road to stop for the night, they set up at the same time as a dwarf with an enormous backpack and a sign that reads "GORMAND'S GIFTS". The most prominent of Gormand's wares are jars of preserved strawberries (5sp), packets of smoked pork strips (2sp), and silver jewellery. Frederic buys a packet of smoked pork strips and, upon eating them, gains 1 Temporary Hit Point.
The caravan sets up a large campfire. Aaria and Zia have food provided and receive porridge with honey. Viliam brews tea. Aaria recognises him, notices Luna, and is immediately enamoured. Frederic offers Luna pork, and Luna gains 1 Temporary Hit Point.
Aurora takes the time to talk to Gormand, asking about Waldstad and anyone he might have encountered there.
The following day, Aaria and Zia come out to walk alongside the caravan for a little while. While Zia cuddles with Luna, Viliam notices a cloud of dust quickly approaching on the caravan's trail.
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kalh-plays-dnd · 29 days
Notes: Session #0
Summary: Rogan Underbite travels to Waldstad, learns of the Aerfleet Plant, and breaks an invisible boundary.
The session starts in Gre'gel, in the workshop of Rogan Underbite (PC), a dwarven engineer and inventor renowned for experimenting with flying contraptions. In Rogan's company is Luca Myrk (NPC), a long-serving half-elven doctor of the Benfer Army currently stationed in Gre'gel due to the unrest and ambushes in the surrounding Gilpfel Mountains, and Wish (NPC), a tiefling engineer who has come halfway across the world to see Rogan.
Wish has only been around for a couple of days, having left her companions, Zia (PC) and Aaria (PC) at the Bardic College in Nordhafen. Luca, on the other hand, is a good friend of Rogan's. The two have worked together on multiple occasions to develop various tools for Luca's practice, especially in recent time as Luca prepares to leave the army, marry a doctor from Nordhafen (Aurora, PC), and settle down.
Tonight, Rogan is making plans for an expedition to Waldstad, a town – barely large enough to be called such – a few days' travel from Gre'gel. His research indicates there might be some natural resource there he might harvest in order to get his flying contraptions off the ground, so to speak. Wish offers to accompany him, and Luca has a few days off and decides to accompany them.
During her time in Gre'gel, Wish is staying with a wealthy patron, Lady Adelaide Merrill (NPC), and upon mentioning the expedition, the Lady expresses a wish to join them, as her family used to run some business in Waldstad and she should like to visit again.
In the morning, the party sets out.
In Waldstad, they take rooms at the Perlen Tavern. Rogan makes enquiries, and eventually finds his way to the Herbarium – an overgrown building with a few loose tiles, ivy, and a veritable jungle inside. Rogan takes the time to repair the loose tiles, and the proprietor, Maggie, a red-haired half-elven woman, emerges. She is happy for it to be repaired, as her landlord has made no move to repair any of the issues yet.
Rogan finishes with the tiles. Inside, Maggie offers tea as thanks. In return, he offers to make any other repairs. (In the morning, he fixes a leaky tap in the bathroom.) From Maggie, Rogan learns of a lily-like flower called an Aerfleet Plant. Supposedly, this plant can be used to create a substance that helps constructs fly. As far as Maggie is aware, it grows best north of the Flachwasser, the river that runs north of the woods encircling Waldstad. There is an old path through the woods in the north-western corner of the town, to where there used to be a bridge. Whether it's there still, she doesn't know.
Rogan spends the night with Maggie. In the morning, they express a mutual desire to see each other again, then Rogan leaves, gathers his travelling companions, and sets out to find the Flachwasser.
After an hour of trudging along a partially overgrown path through the Walden, they reach the slope down to the banks of the Flachwasser. It's 30 feet across, and the majority of the bridge seems to have either collapsed into the river or been scavenged. Rogan lays his foldable travel ladder across and, after some poking about, discovers an invisible wall running along the centre of the river.
The party is attacked by a spectral being and, despite their bests efforts, are consumed by it. Rogan is the last to be captured, and in his final moments his mind expands and reaches for anyone who might hear him: "If anyone can hear me, we need help. Some bullshit magic north of Waldstad. It's got Luca, Wish, Adelaide, and me. Come find us."
In the late morning of Nordhafen, five people hear the message: Niko Warren (PC), a homeless wizard; Aaria (PC), a travelling bard; Zia (PC), a travelling story collector; Aurora (PC), a doctor looking forward to her wedding; and Frederic (PC), a mercenary guard on his way to work.
There are no traces left of Rogan and his party, except a 2-foot crack in the invisible wall, right where the bridge ends.
STAT BLOCKS: Luca Myrk, Wish, Adelaide Merrill
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kalh-plays-dnd · 1 month
#player character (#rogan underbite, #aurora nyx, #aaria, #zia, #frederick, #niko warren, #viliam)
#npc (#luca myrk, #adelaide merrill, #wish, #maggie the herbalist)
#divine champions
#lore (#macawra, #fundat)
#session notes cc
#random encounter
#stat block
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