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The epic war between Archilles and Hector. A trojan war of Troy
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The Seven Sleepers or Ashab Al al-Kahfi is a medieval legend of seven young men hid inside a cave during the reign of Decius 250 AD and yet we're seen alive in the street of Emphesus during the reign of Theodosius II of Rome, some years after the Council if Emphesus 431 AD. It was said the cave was located at Emphesus, Turkeye and some Muslim scholars said it is in Amman, Jordan.
In the Quran it is claimed that the Sleepers slept 309 years in the cave with a dog named Qitmir. The name of the Sleepers according to Christian are Constatinus, Dionysius, Joannes, Malchus, Marthininianus, Maximinanus and Serapion.
In Islam they are known as Mukthalmina, Thamlikha, Marthunas, Saribunas, Zunuwanas, Nainunas, Falyanthatyunas and Qitmir (dog).
The story of Ashabul Kahfi was sent down in answer to three questions which musyrik Mekah in consultation of the people of Book (ahli Kitab) had put to the Holy Prophet PBUH in order to test him.
1) who were the Seven Sleeprs
2) what is the soul/or made with
3) what do you know about Zul Qarnain.
The story of the Seven Sleepers is referred to in Surah al-Kahfi 9-26. There was a group of youth from the royal blood and respectful Rome leaders who believed in Allah and uphold steadfastly their belief against the cruel and oppressor King who called his citizens to worship idols. They slept in a cave for 309 years. Then they woke up and asked one of them to go to the bazaar looking for some food. Later they were discovered by a new pious Ruler or King who later built a mosque out of the cave.
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The 100 is an Interesting fiction.
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The 100 is an interesting fantasy serial. It is about 100 juvenile delinquents back to earth to determine the habitability. It is a post apocalyptic science after nuclear war when mankind who saved from the war escaped in the starships or space stations. Starred by Eliza Taylor, Bob Mosley, Paige Turco and others the author opened our mind of the mystery of the universe, our struggle and survival.
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A long ago before the existence of the universe and all creatures there was nothing except the will of Allah. Allah is the Supreme Creator the Lord of the whole universe and He created universe by His power and will. Allah created the universe in 6 days. During these 6 days Allah created the skies the mountain and the ocean and all the living beings that inhabitate the universe. Allah created the angels to worship Him all the time. He also created the Jinn the invisible beings who have the ability to choose between good and evil. Allah created universe using His words. He simply
Said "Kun" and the universe was created instantly. Allah is the Supreme Creator the Almighty who has the power to create and destroy at any time. Allah created the universe so that humans worship and know Him and so they would live in harmony with other creatures. This is the story to remind us of the important of being grateful to Allah for all the blessings we have in our lives. We should be grateful for the universe we inhabit for the living beings around us and for our ability to worship Allah.
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He was born in the 10th century in Jerusalem. His name has been mentioned in the Quran 16 times. He was a short thin featured man with blue eyes. He had a wonderful voice. He was given the ability from Allah that he would able to understand the language of animals. He was a blacksmith and extremely talented in this field. He could melt steel with his own hands to make armour. He slept very little because he spent his night praying to Allah. He was known for defeating Goliath, a huge human being and a popular warrior. He became the King of Jerusalem. His son, SulaymanAS was also a prophet and a King. Just like taurat was revealed to Musa AS, and Injil to Isa AS and Quran to Muhammad PBUH, the Zabur was revealed to him by Allah. He is the prophet Dawood AS.
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Josip Broz Tito pemimpin Yugoslavia yang pertama di zaman Komunis yang memerintah negeri2 Balkan termasuk Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovania, Macedonia, Montenegro yang bermusuhan dengan Stalin memperjuangkan fahaman sosialisme
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Imam Ghazali dilantik sebagai imam besar institusi pendidikan Nizamiyah di bawah Sultan Nizam Muluk. Beliau meletakkan jawatan kerana takutkan jawatan melalaikan hatinya. Kemudian beliau bermusafir ke Tanah Suci Dan berkhalwat disuatu tempat di mana beliau mengarang kitab ihya ulumuddin.
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Ramadhan ini menonton siri Jejak Rasul ke 11, menjejaki kehebatan Kesultanan Acheh dalam era 1593 hingga 1636 yang merupakan zaman kegemilangan Acheh. Kehebatan kerajaan Islam Acheh ketika ini dikagumi Dunia kerana berjaya mengekang kekuasaan Belanda dengan bantuan Sultan Selim 2 Khalifah Islam Turki Othmaniyah menentang Belanda.
Sultan Iskandar Muda Thani adalah pemerintah Acheh yang memerintah Acheh ketika itu. Penasihat baginda ialah Tun Sri Lanang, pemimpin Kerajaan Pahang yang tawan Dan dibawa ke Acheh Dan dilantik sebagai penasihat. Dikhabarkan Tun Sri Lanang inilah yg menulis Surat kepada Ratu Elizabeth 2 England.
Sewaktu Acheh memerangi Pahang baginda berkahwin dengan puteri Pahang Dan mengambil Putera Pahang sebagai anak angkat yang kemudiannya dinamakan sebagai pengganti beliau.
Dikisahkan bahawa baginda mempunyai seorang anak lelaki. Putera baginda telah difitnah bersekedudukan dengan dayang istana menyebabkan baginda menjatuhkan hukuman rejam kepada putera baginda itu. Ini menyebabkan baginda tidak mempunyai pewaris takhta. Justeru baginda menamakan anak angkatnya yang juga menantunya putera raja Pahang sebagai pengganti baginda dengan gelaran Sultan Iskandar Thani.
Sultan Iskandar Thani hanya memerintah Selamat 5 tahun Dan mangkat tanpa meninggalkan waris Dan bermulalah era pemerintahan empat Ratu di Acheh iaitu bermula dengan permaisuri Iskandar Thani iaitu Sri Ratu Safiatuddin Tajul Alam Binti Sultan Iskandar Muda.
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just finished Marco Polo series. I've learned that Polo was an influenced personnel to Kublai Khan, the Mongol Khan of Khan.
Polo followed his father travelled along Silk Road to Mongol. He was left by his father as a servant to Kublai Khan. His father was a Cristiant preacher.
Kublai admires Polo's intelligence and later became his agent or advisor in his administration. It was learned that Kublai applied opened administration and biased to Chinese cultures. He appointed his ministers among his sons from different races, or they may called bastard son. Among them are Ahmad which was her Finance Minister, Yusof in charged for trade and more. While Polo was a new comer in his administration and yet his presence was jeloused by VVIPs especially the Crown prince.
Polo advised Kublai in conquering China from Song Dynasti. And finally suceeded in the coupe from the inner Mongol and Cristian. To restore his power Ahmad advised Kublai ti kill the child emperor of Song although was agaisnt by Polo and the crown prince. The dramatic scene was revealed when Kublai kill the child softly on his lap. And he cried. His queen scold him for his inhumane character. The killing of last heir of song dynasty cause the rebellion from chinese community and jeopardise Kublai leadership.
The opened administration of Kublai and his favour to Chinese caused infavour from mongol tribes. For the second time his leadership was challenged in the council. And he retained his leadirship to be khan of the khan.
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The Vikings
Ragna Lothbrok, pejuang puak Norse memulakan ekspedisi menjajah England dan Eropah. Ragna bermula dengan menewaskan kezaliman Earl Haraldson di pekan Kattegat, Sacandivania. Bersama saudaranya Rollo. Ragna mencabar Haraldson untuk mengembara ke negeri Barat atau England. Ragna mengupah Loki membina perahu panjang dan memberanikan diri memulakan ekspedisi ke Barat. Ragna berjaya mendarat di utara England buat pertama kali dan membawa pulang harta bersama dengan seorang paderi bernama Althelstan. Kejayaan Ragna menjadi cabaran kepada pengaruh Haraldson yang akhirnya tewas di tangan Ragna dalam pertarungan kombat. Ragna dilantik menjadi Earl atau Ketua puak di Kattegat.
Ragna menari pengaruhnya dengan menyertai Raja Horik menentang Jarl Borg yang telah mempengaruhi saudaranya Rollo. Ragna dan Horik mula memperkuatkan ekspedisi menjajah England ke daerah Wessex melawan Raja Echbert. Ragna bersama isterinya Lagertha dan Althelstan memulakan penempatan Viking di England . Kemudian ke Paris di mana Rollo menjadi gabenor. Ragna dibunuh oleh Raja Aella negeri Northumbria dengan dilempar dalam lubang ular. Namun begitu anak2 Ragna meneruskan perjuangan Vikings iaitu Hvitserk, Sigurd Snake in the eye, Ubbe, Bjorn Ironside dan Ivar the Boneless. Ivar dan Ubbe telah menakhluk Great Britain pada tahun 865. Sementara Ubbe menguasai Norway menjadi Raja Norway. Viking juga telah cuba meluaskan pengaruhnya ke jajahan Islam di Sepanyol Andalusia dan juga menghampiri Constantinople Byzantine.
Semangat juang Wira Lagenda Viking, Raja Ragna yang mahu mengubah kaumnya dari hidup kemiskinan yang hanya bergantung kepada sumber pertanian dan hidup dalam kezaliman ketua2 suku yang menindas kepada dunia baru telah mencatat sejarah kehebatan bangsa gasak yang berani. Walaupun pada asalnya mereka merompak emas dan perak tetapi mereka kemudiannya menjadi penjajah dan memgembangkan pengaruh bangsa mereka ke eropah. Bangsa Danes atau Denmark, Sweden dan Canada adalah darah mereka.
Semangat juang Vikings juga berasaskan kepercayaan mereka kepada Tuhan mereka iaitu Odin dan menemui kematian yang bermakna ke syurga Valhalla. Semangat juang dewa Thor dan Loki sering menjadi laungan menjadikan mereka berani dan tidak takut mati. Mereka juga percaya hari kemusnahan yang dinamakan Ragnarok...
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The Book of Fish (Korea)
Seorang cendekiawan yg dibuang daerah di Gunung Hitam kerana fahamannya yang anti kepada Raja. Dia tidak menulis banyak buku kerana menjaga keselamatan keluarga dari dibunuh oleh Raja. Ketika di dalam buangan beliau mengajar orang kampung dan Chendau telah menjadi muridnya yang setia. Si Guru mula belajar ilmu Marin berkenaan lautan dan ikan daripada Chendau secara tidak langsung dan mula menulis buku Karya Marin.
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Watch "How did the Roman Empire get so BIG? - The History of the Expansion of the Roman Empire" on YouTube
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