k1ssaphobe · 19 hours
Fate - spin, measure, cut
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🌙 Leon S. Kennedy x reader
Based on a request by @bat-yo-us 🫶🏻
《Content》: blood, injury, big feelings, Saddler being ew
After a sick twist of Fate, you're tossed into a nightmarish situation with your lover. Vows of protection and safety fall short when you're injured just to save his life.
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A dull, pounding ache sat deep in your bones as you dragged your body further down the path of this hellhole.
You were exhausted, littered in bruises and cuts, and your head was starting to spin from the lack of hydration.
The mission was clear; rescue Baby Eagle and then get out of there as quickly as possible.
Neither you nor Leon had anticipated this to become a matter of days where you'd fight for your life and run from literal nightmares.
The Fates were cruel mistresses, and apparently, they took joy in making you suffer as Ashley was continuously ripped away from right under your nose.
You found her admirable and strong, handling this situation better than you did.
Maybe it was the adrenaline and the survival instinct that kept her going. Whatever it was, you needed a whole dose of it.
You were a medic officer, only sent to take care of any of Ashley's potential injuries on the flight back, not run from Infected, giants, and mutated assholes that wouldn't shut up about their God.
Leon, on the other hand, treated it like just another Tuesday, something that both impressed you and pissed you off beyond belief.
You knew what he'd seen and that this probably was just another Tuesday for him, something that never failed to make your heart ache for him.
But now, under the circumstances, you were forced to pick up a weapon.
You needed to protect yourself. Leon couldn't keep both you and Ashley safe, and no matter how harsh it sounded, she was the important one.
A faint feeling of safety returned when you took the elevator deep into the castle, reaching the Merchant's shooting range.
You slid down the wall and sat on the floor, a sigh of relief slipping past your lips while Leon practiced his aim on the wooden pirates.
You watched him closely, his concentrated expression and slightly narrowed eyes, down to his stance and how the muscles flexed in his bicep.
Maybe you could've enjoyed the sight if your doom wasn't hot on your tail.
It was like the Moirai were watching from above, Atropos sharpening her scissors with a sinister smile while Lachesis measured the string that was your life only to end it in a second whenever they pleased.
The weight of it all lay heavy on your shoulders, a feeling of dread that's been in the pit of your stomach since the beginning, only sinking deeper into your insides.
"It's your turn. Come on." Leon said, holding out his gloved hand to you.
You snapped out of your thoughts with a small 'huh?', your brain needing a second to catch up. He saw the distant and glazed over look in your eyes, and to say it didn't worry him would be a lie.
You weren't made for this.
Hell, neither was he (was anyone?), but he learned to deal with it. But you weren't supposed to see this.
Your job was saving lives, nursing them back to health with a comforting, almost matronly smile on your lips, not take them, no matter how lost or corrupt.
His heart cracked.
He became an Agent to protect innocent people from nightmares like this, yet here you were, the most important aspect of his life, the one that delicately held his heart, subjected to all the horror he tried to shield you from.
"I'll teach you how to use a gun without hurting yourself and to really hurt someone else." He smirked, although it didn't reach his eyes.
You only managed a pathetic laugh but took his hand anyway. Leon pulled you off the ground and led you to the correct position at the shooting range, angling your stance with his hands on your hips.
The simple touch made you want to melt into his arms and forget everything you'd witnessed the last few days.
"Alright," he sighed, his chest pressed to your back while he shoved one of his guns into your hands, "hold it like this, you don't want to hurt your fingers. Now, tighten your muscles, lock your elbows and don't forget about the recoil. And aim, obviously." Leon huffed a half-hearted laugh.
You mumbled a quick affirmation and exhaled, steadying your hands before locking your eyes on the wooden pirate and pulling the trigger.
The sound, along with the recoil, made you flinch. Pain shot from your wrists up to your shoulders. Out of instinct, you dropped the gun and rubbed at your sore hands.
"Jesus Christ.." you muttered.
"It's pretty hefty. Are you alright?" Leon asked softly, a comforting hand resting on your back.
"Yeah, it just caught me off guard." You chuckled awkwardly, swallowing thickly.
"No worries. Let's try again." He gave you a small smile and gently placed the weapon back into your hands.
You felt a tense feeling crawl up your spine, a feeling that often led you to being overstimulated, hoping the world would just go quiet for a moment.
You tried again anyway, pushing down any discomfort that bubbled up. Leon was breathing down your neck. He was caging you in and mumbling corrections and tips into your ear.
Those things were usually very welcome, but right now, they were driving you up the wall.
The gunshot was too loud, the recoil made the marrow in your bones shake, and all of his touches were only cutting more at the thin string of your sanity.
Your bullets kept missing, whizzing past the wooden decals as they mockingly stared you in the face.
The frustration was unbearable as you gritted your teeth. You aimed at their faces very clearly.
How come you still hadn't hit a single shot?
Leon sighed, tugging at your arms to bring them in a better position.
A position that didn't help at all.
"No- not like that. I already told you, you need to-"
"No, stop!" You snapped, flinging the gun out of your hands and shoving him off of you.
"I can't- I don't want to do this. Any of this!" You said loudly, your arms moving as you spoke while Leon only stared at you in mild shock.
"It's okay, everyone misses, you'll get it eventually. You just need to try again." He tried to encourage you with a lopsided smile but it only fueled the raging fire.
"I don't want to try again! It's not happening, okay?! This isn't my job, I wasn't trained for this- you were! The only thing I was supposed to do was make sure Ashley, and you, were okay on the flight back home. And now, I'm stuck in a literal nightmare where even the fucking dogs want to eat me and I can't catch a break!" You yelled, tears welling in your eyes as all of your emotions spilled out of you.
"Not to mention that I already feel useless as it is, and you feel the need to drill me like-like I'm some stupid soldier, telling me all the things I'm doing wrong as if I don't know them myself!" You heaved, angrily wiping at the tears that managed to fall from your lashline.
Leon watched with a frown as everything unraveled and you fell apart at the seams.
"I... I hate this. I don't want to keep running and fighting only to keep falling on my ass. I wasn't made for this! If it wasn't for you, I would've given up already and I'd be dead." You spit the words his way and he couldn't tell if it was an accusation or not.
"I'm tired and hungry and disgusting and scared and.... I just want to go home." You didn't stop the sob that ripped from your chest as it all came down, the horrors of the last few days fresh in your mind.
You hated the dirt and blood that was caked under your fingernails. You hated how you reeked of sweat and guts. You hated how your throat felt dry and your stomach twisted in hunger.
And right now, you hated him, too. You hated how resilient he was, how he managed to pull through even when there was no easy way out.
Perhaps it was jealousy that you couldn't be like that. The thought only made you cry harder because it wasn't true. You didn't hate Leon, not at all.
You loved him. You loved him so much that it hurt sometimes, but the world was a cruel place that somehow managed to pit you against him.
Leon looked helpless and stunned as you wailed, screaming your throat sore. These days would change your life forever, and only for the worst.
He could feel an uncomfortable pull in his chest, and he swallowed thickly, his head hanging low.
With each heart-shattering cry, you could feel the exhaustion take over as all your strength you had left was drained.
Leon felt ashamed, in a sense, that he hadn't taken care of you better.
You were right.
You were never supposed to be here, to see and live through any of this.
He had made the mistake of thinking your mind was like his, that you were like him.
But you weren't, and that's why he loved you.
You were the moon in his pitch-black night, giving him your sacred light to guide him to safety.
You were the sun that filled his days with joy, making the flowers bloom as your warmth tickled his skin.
You were the stars that would keep him company on a lonely evening, sparkling with love as he wondered what fascinating tales could be behind them.
You were his everything, and he had failed you.
Without a word, he pulled you into his arms, delicately cupping the back of your head as he held you against his chest.
All you could do was weep into his shirt, trusting him to catch you if your knees were to give out.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled into the crown of your head, following it with a soft kiss.
His lips moved to your forehead, gently holding your face. Your sobs had quieted down to sniffles, gasps for air and soft cries as he wiped the tears from your cheeks and the snot from your nose.
Your arms were tightly wound around his middle.
"I'm sorry for not protecting you better. I'm sorry for thinking you were like me. Ashley might be important to the government, but you're important to me. And I will make sure we get home. I promise you I'll keep you safe." He spoke softly, gently stroking his thumb over your cheekbone.
You sniffled at his heartfelt words and and rested your forehead against his sternum.
"Thank you. Thank you for being you. Even if you're reckless and care way too much about others and it makes me want to lovingly kick your ass." You giggled wetly, followed by yet another sniffle as you wiped at your nose.
Leon huffed laugh, a soft smile gracing his lips.
"Thank you for allowing me to be the way I am." He responded gently, wrapping you up in his arms once again as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
You sunk into his embrace, a soft sigh slipping past your lips.
"I love you." You mumbled into his chest.
"I love you more."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your face dropped when Saddler twisted and contorted, limbs breaking while new, insectoid ones sprouted from odd parts of his body.
You watched in horror as he turned into a grotesque mutation of legs and eyes. You thought it was over. A foolish thing to think on your part. You should've expected this. After Méndez, and Ramón. Bile rose in your throat at the sight.
No matter how horrifying this was, his salvation didn't help him in the looks department.
You watched, heart pounding, as Leon threw himself into the thick of it, literally.
You stood back at a distance, doing your best to help him out with your mediocre shots. You managed to hit what you assumed was his knee now sporting a sickly looking eye.
His leg buckled and a scream ripped from his chest.
The fear that rushed through you when Saddler, or what was left of him, stared right at you with his disgusting eye was something you never wished to feel again.
The look was bone-chilling, your breath catching in your throat as you came face to face with the abyss that was the black pupil of his eyeball. Suddenly, you snapped back with a gasp, and your instincts kicked in.
You ran like you've never run before, your boots a heavy sound against the metal grate beneath your feet while your muscles burned.
From the corner of your vision, you could spot Leon with a determined scowl on his face while he continued to fill Saddler with mag after mag, hoping the lead would seep deep into his bones. Your lungs hurt as you sprinted away from Saddler.
You gulped heaves of air, hoping to get more oxygen to your muscles. Your one mistake, however, was slightly turning your head to look how far he was behind you.
He was hot on your tail, moving in an uncanny manner.
Like a broken toy, the mechanism jumbled.
One of his insectoid limbs hurled your way, your eyes widened, and in the split of a second, you threw yourself to a lower platform to evade his attempt on your life.
The air was knocked from you and pain shot up your nerves as you harshly hit the metal. You groaned and rolled onto your back, holding your side that would surely bloom in shades of blue and purple come morning.
If the morning ever came.
Leon's head snapped towards the noise and a bellowing call of your name made you turn to look at him. As best as you could, anyway.
He fed Saddler a few more bullets until he was stunned, collapsed in on himself while he spat illegible curses Leon's way, before running in your direction. You'd managed to get yourself to sit up but your gun was knocked out of your hand when you landed on the grate.
The ground shook beneath you as Leon jumped to your level, the steel bending under his weight.
He was beside you in an instant, pulling you up with a steady hand on your back.
"Are you okay?" He heaved, a worried crease between his brows.
Breathing hurt, you'd surely cracked a rib or two if they weren't broken.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good..." You forced out with a very unconvincing smile.
He gave you a sharp nod.
"Stay behind me-"
"WATCH OUT!" You yelled, watching in horror as Saddler came at the both of you with one of his pointy legs.
It was headed right for Leon, a fatal blow if you didn't act now. With only one thing on your mind, you smashed into him, pushing him out of the way as he fell with a grunt, the cling of metal echoing through the heavy air.
You had no time to get away yourself, so you were the victim of Saddler's attack as the spiny point of his limb pierced your abdomen.
It was a hot and agonizing pain as you sacked to your knees with a blood curdling scream. A raw and desperate scream erupted from Leon's chest as he watched the horror unfold in front of him.
His worst nightmare was now realer than it ever was in any of his dreams.
Everything became blurry as you desperately tried to stop your blood from spilling out of you. The crimson liquid spilled between your fingers.
You could barely make out Leon's silhouette as he heaved himself off the ground to reach you, only to be flung across the platforms by Saddler until he hit one of the metal railings with an unsettling noise.
It was like your head was wrapped in cotton, all sounds muffled as you tried to keep your eyes open.
Your breathing became shallow, and your fingertips felt cold as they slowly numbed. You could make out Saddler's taunting remarks and a kneeling Leon that had a rage in his eyes like you've never seen it before.
Your consciousness was slipping away from you, a hand still firmly pressed to the wound on your stomach even as your remaining strength was fading away.
You blinked away salty tears from your burning vision, touching your wet cheek only to leave behind a red stain.
"Leon.." You breathed out before your eyes rolled into the back of your head, and your arms fell slack to your side.
Leon's eyes burned with tears as he watched your form go limp, a sharp tug in his chest. With a newfound determination, he picked himself up, tightly gripping Saddler's staff before driving it into his large eye with a chilling scream, watching as all the grotesque lies spilled from him.
"So much for your salvation." He spat bitterly, burying one of his throwing knives right in the middle of Saddler's forehead for good measure.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The next thing you knew you were envolped by a comforting warmth, strong arms holding you like so many times before, muffled promised whispered into your ear, the delicate stroke of a calloused thumb on your cheek and chapped lips pressed tenderly to your temple.
Your vision was dark still, only a faint string of consciousness making you aware enough to pick up on the familiar sound of helicopter blades.
Relief settled in your bones.
You'd done it. Well, Leon had, really.
Ashley was safe, Leon was safe, Saddler was gone. That was all that mattered. Your part was done.
You'd leave it to the Moirai whether to cut your string or to deem you worthy enough so Clotho would keep spinning it.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon was a mess.
Red, bloodshot eyes with dark circles beneath them as he sat by your side tightly grasping your hand in his.
He hadn't slept in days, keeping himself awake with unhealthy amounts of shitty hospital coffee.
The only time he'd gone home- your shared home- was to shower and get a few things for you. And that only happened because Hunnigan was stubborn and persistent.
You looked so peaceful, a soft expression on your face as you took shallow breaths. You had all kinds of wires and tubes connecting you to various machines, but at least you could breathe on your own.
You were lucky, really, the surgeons had said the blow narrowly missed your spine. You were alive. You were stable, and the doctors were positive you'd make a full recovery.
But he couldn't shake the feeling that this had happened on his watch. He had promised to keep you safe, to protect you, and he'd failed once again.
The moment he saw you laying there limp, blood gushing from your abdomen, it felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest. That image would play in his mind over and over again until he died.
Leon sniffled and wiped a stray tear from his lashline, his thumb caressing your knuckles.
He didn't want to think of that horrible moment, but it was like that was all he could see when he looked at you. Your beautiful and angelic face now tainted with a horrific memory.
His hand found your cheek, cupping it gently.
"You're so stupid. So, so stupid. But if you wouldn't have been, I guess that would be me right now." He chuckled sadly, wiping at his nose.
"I wish it was." He mumbled, a heavy sigh following.
"Come back to me.." he whispered, his voice giving out as he brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face.
Leon pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before he left with a heavy heart, promising he'd be back tomorrow.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
He grew accustomed to the harsh white lights and the sterile smell of the hospital.
He looked terrible.
Sleep hadn't come easy to him, especially not on the ratty couch in your apartment that you'd wanted to replace for ages now.
Leon refused to sleep in your bed without you- not when you were in that horrible hospital fighting for your life.
He resorted to wrapping one of your shirts around his pillow, hoping it would give him the bit of comfort he so desperately craved, only to stain it with his tears.
The halls seemed to glum around him as he made his way to your room, rounding the corners with a familiar ease.
He took a deep breath as he stood in front of the door, collecting himself.
Leon was falling apart every time he left the hospital. Sobbing and crying in the shower, praying to whoever was up there to not take you from him, too.
He grasped the door handle and stepped inside, only for his world to stop for a second when he gazed upon you, awake, sitting up in the bed, laughing with a nurse.
The color had returned to your face, your eyes had that sparkle back that he loved so much, and your smile was enough to mend the tears in his heart.
He must've made a startled noise, his eyes wide and lips parted when the nurse turned to look at him with a soft expression.
You followed her gaze only to have tears welling in your eyes at the state of Leon.
"Leon." You choked out, shuffling to sit at the edge of the bed, dressed in one of his comfortable sweaters.
Any of the nurse's concerns fell on deaf ears as you opened your arms for him with a pleading look and glistening eyes.
His startled expression fell, replaced by a feeling of relief washing over him as a sob escaped his chest and he rushed over to you, falling to his knees and wrapping you up in his arms as carefully as he could.
Leon rested his head against your sternum, listening to the steady beat of your heart as he cried in your embrace.
You joined him, weeping as you gently stroked his sandy locks, your cheek pressed to the top of his head.
The nurse slipped out of the room promptly and quietly, leaving the two of you to let out all the overwhelming feelings that sat inside your chest.
"I thought I'd lost you..." he cried, slightly tightening his grip.
"I'd never leave you." You hiccuped, gently pulling his face from your chest, a wet patch on the fabric.
The pain and fear in his baby blues was enough to break your heart.
"No more crying, this is supposed to be a happy moment." You chuckled wetly, wiping his cheeks with the sleeves of your sweater.
"Sorry, I just-.. you're okay." He smiled sadly, cupping your cheeks.
"I'm okay." You nodded with a small smile.
He sighed heavily, resting his forehead against yours.
"I was so scared, I-"
"Shhh, it's alright. I'm okay, you're okay. A little roughed up, but nothing we can't handle." You spoke gently, nuzzling your nose with his.
Leon nodded and swallowed. He let out a shaky breath.
"You're right. I'm just glad you're alive." You smiled softly.
"So am I." You breathed out contently, letting your eyes fall shut in comfort.
"I love you." Leon whispered, his arms loosely wrapped around your middle, minding your bandaged stomach.
"I love you more." You replied with a soft giggle, pressing your lips to his in a gentle kiss. He sighed against your lips, one of his hands moving to cup your face. You pulled away with a soft smile.
"And another thing." You said quietly, making a puzzled expression take over his face.
"I quit." You said with a chuckle, pulling a laugh from him.
To see his face light up like that and to witness the dullness in his eyes vanish made your heart swell.
"I'll put in your notice with Hunnigan." He smiled, sniffling as he stroked your cheek.
You nodded with a giggle.
You let him climb into bed with you, snuggling into his chest so he could catch up on all the sleep he's lost.
You couldn't help but smile when you heard him snore softly, his breathing steady. You let yourself slip into sleep as well, giving your body the rest it needed to heal all while you were safely in his arms.
Perhaps the Sisters had deemed you worthy enough; Clotho was still working her spindel with skilled hands, Lachesis was carefully and delicately measuring your string and Atropos was taking her time polishing her scissors to a sparkling shine, so the blades would be sharp to cut your golden thread when the times was right.
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Let me know your thoughts!! 😊✨️
More of my work -> 💫
《Leon Taglist》: @k-fallingstar @vampkennedy @allysunny @dmitriene @entr4p3 @leonslittlekennedy @argreion @angelstargel
Lmk if you want to be added! Make sure I can tag you! 🩷🐝
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k1ssaphobe · 19 hours
you're all so sweet ☹
all my moots are so cool omg
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k1ssaphobe · 20 hours
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k1ssaphobe · 1 day
all my moots are so cool omg
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k1ssaphobe · 2 days
update its probably not a stomach bug just a really bad acid reflux flare up oops
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k1ssaphobe · 2 days
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690 notes · View notes
k1ssaphobe · 2 days
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k1ssaphobe · 3 days
do not drink iced coffee if you have a stomach bug
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k1ssaphobe · 3 days
NOOOO CORA you’re sick??? :( sending you tons of good energy, make sure to drink fluids and eat well so you get better super fast!! ❤️
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thank you you’re so sweet!!! i feel a bit better today, there’s been a stomach bug going around my school but im hoping it’s not that 😓 hope ur having an amazing day vivi 🫶🏽
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k1ssaphobe · 3 days
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sellsword 🗡️
(total time: 7 hours)
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k1ssaphobe · 4 days
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decided to use a diff brush
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k1ssaphobe · 4 days
there's no way I'm sick again.
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k1ssaphobe · 4 days
I have a severe case of wanting to do everything and ending up doing nothing
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k1ssaphobe · 6 days
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do u guys think i made the right choice with cinnamoroll or should i’ve put pochacoo? be honest
original idea
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