K00292810- Exploring Movement through traces of movement with footmarks• ceramics • painting • graphic design •(b.Ed)
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Graphic Design Storyboards Development /Illustrator
- Through my story boarding in graphic design using collage I found it was a way to expand my concept in a new way and to develop more ideas for adobe illustrator

- Going back to illustrator I found it was a much better result then my last attempt

- My first attempt at a zine is also included and it was mostly made with experimental photoshop and illustrator

- It represents my concept in a new way and accumulated all my work nicely
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• After attending Deborah’s photography seminar i wanted to use the latex piece I made to communicate movement through visual images/videos
• Using lighting I emphasised the traces of movement on the pieces to highlight the traces they had made

• From this I developed several images which have further developed my concept of traces made by movement
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Graphic Design Zine Practice,

- From my work in graphic design I began to experiment with Adobe Illustrator
-I began with some images I’ve accumulated throughout the duration of looking at traces of movement within my project and the concept of the 'poster' being "Leave no Trace" despite it being flooded with movement

- Although the final piece isn’t exactly what i imaged I feel it’s expanded my project and its concept through visual communication
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Ceramic Finished pieces,

I found that my work in ceramics was very engaging to my project

• Clay was an excellent way to be able manipulate surfaces to communicate traces that are left
• Glazing was another way of which I could communicate traces through colours and emphasisation with depth and shadows
• & finally latex was another way I furthered my work in ceramics, using layered white and coloured latex to create a piece that highlights movement from my initial ceramic piece made by the footmarks of my peers in the ceramic room
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Graphic Design - concept development
Staring off today in graphic design we stripped our concepts down to they're most simplest forms (using squares & shapes)

From this I developed a poster and a stop motion
This work proved to me how many different ways 'traces' can be communicated visually within my concept of which I explore through graphic design
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Primary Research,
Today I really wanted to further explore my concept through photos and film
I wanted to capture moments and traces left behind by these moments visually

Photoshop Photos Developed,

• From here I was told how to use photoshop and editing software in order to develop images of which I feel communicate 'Human Traces' effectively
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Painting Progress,
- painting i made using a tool in a tool making workshop
- using strokes and lines i was able to communicate traces while using my skills gained in gesture drawing by getting my friend to pose and act as my life model for this piece

- This process furthered my understanding of traces and how they can be portrayed and how paint can be manipulated in many ways to convey certain concepts or emotions
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Gallery Visit - Hunt Museum / Artist Research

• “John Shinnors "Shinnors clearly represents these subject themes, but does not refer to their literal-visual details in a linear, sequential, connected display of a 'realistic' technique. Rather, he assembles a mosaic of traces, clues and hints that refer to the subject themes."

• With Oil on canvas John communicates weight of the land in a very abstract way of which i felt relevant to footmarks/walking within my project

• His work inspired me to communicate my work in less obvious manners, stretching spaces, line work and mark making
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Life Painting,

• While painting our model Jeff I got a good idea of dimensional painting
• Slyvia gave me a good idea of how to create a realistic painting of someone using only 1-4 colours

• Through this practice I was able to see how simplistic you can communicate a concept such as ‘traces’ with few colours and shapes

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Artist Research / Richard Long ‘A Line Made by Walking’

- A line made by walking is a way for Long to associate movement with human emotions

- This work has influenced my project in the way that it demonstrates how traces of movement can convey emotion and human desire without having to outright portray it vividly
- Long masterfully communicates longing and impermanence with visual imagery and i attempted this also with photography

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Gesture Drawing - Painting

- Gesture drawing is a simple and effective way to communicate traces of human movement
- This practice helped me to further my project of traces by allowing me to practice my life drawing techniques (with the help of slyvia)
- And it will help me proceed properly with my paint work going forward
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Ceramics Development,
I was told to look at traces of movement through those seen on footwear and to communicate this with clay
I did this by layering red and white clay and stretching it to mimic the sight of footwear worn by traces of human movement

Furthermore I tracked traces of the ceramic room on a slab of clay
& More physically speaking created a place holder for ‘actual’ traces of human movement such as cigarettes i demonstrates with my ashtray

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Artist Research

Sinéad Glynn - Movement
- Within my work in ceramics an artist that influenced my work was Sinéad Glynn
- Sinéads love for Chinese culture that has influenced her work and her interest in their shoes in particular she chose to communicate by getting the women to dance on her clay in order to demonstrate their movements

- I too wanted to communicate movement with clay so taking inspiration from Sinéads work I documented the traces of the those in the ceramics room but asking to to step over a slab of clay i rolled out
- I felt this would be an interesting way to document a ‘trace’

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Ceramics / Initial Development

- My first elective began with mark marking which allowed me to strip down my concept of footmarks/ traces to a more basic level
- using ink and movement I was able to develop marks of which I felt represented my concept well and from here creating a viewfinder in order to take a closer look our concepts and create something new from them

- From here I brought my concept traces off the page for the first time and tried to create a 3D paper footmarks that I hope to improve with clay
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concept development for movement

- for movement i explored the brief with collage in my sketchbook this lead me to ideas such as shoes, feet prints or animal footprints
- with bare feet i stamped my sketchbook with my own foot and this lead me to the concept of evidence of movement through footmark
- i explored my artist influences that work with movement and feet and journaled my primary reasearch of visiting cratloe wood
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Evaluation of Disrupt,
- Below is my sketchbook and my initial response and development to the disruption of material and structures through pyrite

- I explored surfaces that mimic that of a home that is decaying due to the mineral pyrite within said structure (ie. paint strips, cardboard ripping and popsical sticks for wood planks)

- Furthermore i used collage of idyllic rooms and made tears in them to mimic cracks in a pyrite home, Painted (using pyrite itself) my own home and the wall broken down by the substance and i also explored more abstract patterns and disturbances to a surface to demonstrate disruption of structure,

- From my sketchbook work to my presentation on the wall there’s a clear development of my concept of disruption of material and surfaces due to pyrite, some of the work includes blown up examples of my sketchbook ex. cracks, texture on surfaces through clay and latex and pyrite work, pieces made in workshops and photography work i did within my project.
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Visualising Time Seminar
- A seminar i looked at in order to aid my brief was ‘Visualising Time’
- The seminar looks at ways artists have utilised time in “predetermined or spontaneous form”

- Within my notes the artists and their works mentioned aided my work when i began to project and photograph my work in Sharon Legears workshop

- Much like these artists in the seminar i found it fascinating how the process of taking these pictures in the behind the scenes can become artworks in themselves (ie. Robert Longo, ‘Men in the Cities’)
- Mentioned in the seminar Anna told us “one image wouldn’t do it justice” this taught me to take many pictures of my work like the shadow work in order to pick the best ones or compile them all to create something entirely new
- I demonstrated this in my notes with a flip showcase of the behind the scenes of my finished work and i found visualising the process of a work an interesting way to demonstrate the becoming of a piece and will certainly utilise it again.
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