k-lara7 · 3 years
GIVE ME A REASON: PART SIX - A Rogue One Fanfiction
This is a shorter installment, and maybe pointless… maybe I’m dragging this out too long… But also, who cares, I’m doing this for fun. I just love playing with them!
Read on AO3
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Title: Give Me A Reason: Part Six
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Jyn Erso POV, Cassian Andor
Pairing: Cassian/Jyn (mostly pre-ship?)
Spoilers: Rogue One; Episode IV A New Hope
Setting: Post-Rogue One AU (Cassian & Jyn live); Also during/post A New Hope
Warnings: Some coarse language. References to wounds. And… Cuddling?
Words: 1,720
Story Summary: Jyn’s entire universe has been turned on its head, so maybe she’s clinging a little too hard to the one thing she feels certain of (strangely enough) as she tries to figure out her place in the galaxy. And maybe she’s being a little overprotective of a wounded captain.
Also can be found on AO3.
The Death Star had come for them.
But Jyn couldn’t bring herself to care. It did seem a little strange to have been spared the last time only to probably be destroyed this time, barely a week later. But either way, it was the end to her life she now knew to be her fate, or whatever. It just felt right. It just was. Not the Death Star specifically, but,
Jyn Erso would die in Cassian Andor’s arms.
Whether it should’ve been on Scarif. Or it was here on Yavin 4. Or the next day. Or thousands of days in the future.
And there was a sort of peace in knowing that. One that allowed her to climb into his bed, slide her arms around him, and bury her face in his shoulder. He stirred and her heart skipped a beat. It was easier when he was unconscious, to consider how she felt about him, how she’d been attracted to men before, even had something akin to a relationship with one or two, but it had never felt like this.
“Yes, it’s me. We’re on the base on Yavin 4. Safe. In your quarters.” It was easier to preempt any confusion or alarm Cassian experienced when he woke from his heavy, partially drugged, mostly just exhausted from his body’s healing, sleep.
“How long?” he asked, then realized there were static-laden voices broadcasting over the basewide intercom. “What’s going on?”
“You’ve been asleep for 12 hours,” Jyn said, moving closer and partially on top of him to prevent him from trying to get up in a rush and falling flat on his face. Also, she was admittedly afraid on some level, afraid to be alone and facing death. When he was near her, when they were physically entwined in some way, she felt like everything would be okay. Even if she died, if it was in Cassian’s arms, then everything would be okay. Irrational, yes. But that didn’t make it any less her truth.
“The Death Star is here,” she said, once she could tell he was awake enough to understand, not muddled by pain meds. “The Alliance is scrambling their forces to engage. They’re leaving the comms open, since you know…”
“We’re all dead if they fail.”
His arms wrapped around her and engulfed her in his warm embrace. Cassian Andor, a man who, she didn’t think she was wrong to guess, hadn’t received much at all in the way of affection in his life, somehow was so good at holding a person he made the pain of the universe go away, made the entire universe fade away except for his hands on her body, gentle and undemanding but also firm and reassuring, his breath hot on her neck, sending shivers down her spine, and his body beneath hers, so strong despite his injuries.
“Are you okay?” she asked, remembering the physical state of him.
“Mmm… Yes.” His hands tightened their grip on her side and shoulder, reflexively, a gentle squeeze as he murmured into her neck. “Feels good.”
He probably meant he felt fine, but oh, yes, it did feel good. Or maybe he was still quite medicated?
“My weight isn’t putting pressure on your injuries?” Jyn asked. “Maybe I should…”
“No.” Somehow he managed to pull her further into him, her breasts flattening against his chest, her hip practically fusing to his, her breath hitching momentarily and then joining the rhythm of his own breaths...in and out… in and out… in and out...
Cassian sighed, made a frustrated, growling sound.
“I need to use the ‘fresher,” he said, loosening his grip on her.
Jyn rolled off from him, swung her legs around to sit on the side of the cot and waited to see if Cassian could manage to stand. He slid to sit on the edge of the bed next to her and took a moment. She didn’t press him, though an instinct inside of her wanted to offer assistance, wanted to take care of him, wanted to ease the pain and struggle his recovery was.
He stood, again pausing for a moment, then walked slowly across the small room to his private refresher facilities. Apparently, it was one of very few benefits to his officer’s rank, for the small quarters were nothing more than a glorified closet. But she supposed it spared him from having to sleep in a large barracks with a bunch of others, not that it would’ve deterred Jyn in the least from crawling into his bed.
Part of her felt like she shouldn’t watch his laborious movements, out of respect, but she couldn’t look away. What if he needed her?
Force, what if he didn’t need her? Not like she needed him? Aw, fuck. She needed him.
She watched the muscles in his naked back twitch, stiff from inactivity and injury. But her eyes were inevitably drawn to the perfectly uniform lines of small circular marks running down his spine. She knew there was a matching sort of trail along his ribs. Injections of some sort of bacta cocktail meant to speed the fusing of the fractures in his vertebrae and ribs, injections straight into the bone. How painful would that have been if he’d been conscious, she couldn’t help but wonder, couldn’t help but want to wrap her smaller body around as much of Cassian as she could, run her hands gently over his scars, old and new, make sure his wounds were healing and his bruises fading, hear him sigh contentedly against her skin, hold him forever.
As he disappeared into the ‘fresher, Jyn realized she was hopeless.
Cassian Andor had taught her about hope. And had made her absolutely hopeless at the same time.
But why fret about it? What did it matter?
Jyn was used to dealing with life moment by moment, day by day. And she might not have many more moments, anyway.
The loud, static-laden voices crackling over the basewide intercom announced the launch of yet another squadron of fighters, then abruptly switched over to some ship’s communication officer announcing visual confirmation of the target. The Death Star.
Looming on the horizon like a moon, a harbinger of death, bringer of eternal night. Cold, austere, which made it somehow more terrifying, somehow worse than staring down an angry brute about to put a knife in you. It was just so inevitable, indomitable. Made her feel so small, insignificant, so alone.
“Do you mind if I turn this off?”
Jyn startled. How had she not noticed Cassian reappear in the small room? He pointed at the comm, which was broadcasting the prelims of a battle to determine all their fates.
She didn’t want to listen to it either.
“Please do,” she said, already feeling less… alone.
She watched Cassian lean over to switch the speaker off, wincing in sympathy with him as he straightened again, taking a deep breath that expanded his chest and shifted the muscles beneath his skin, mesmerizing her more than a little. His mostly naked body preoccupied far too many of her thoughts.
But what else had she been supposed to do? She’d woken up drenched in sweat that first night in his quarters, had to strip out of the heavy infirmary clothes, found Cassian tossing in his sleep, nearly feverish, removed the sweltering clothes from his body, as well. Little did she know, how enthralling she’d find his lean muscles, the shape of his body, the feel of his bare skin, his-
His hands cupped her face and Jyn looked up at Cassian Andor, his kriffing gorgeous dark eyes fixed on her. His fingers swept some stray hair from her forehead, tucked it behind her ear, returned to swipe gently over the nearly-healed scar above her eyebrow, in her hairline.
“Are you okay?” A knot formed in her throat. Cassian was a good man, despite every questionable thing he’d done and tortured himself over. Of course he would care about her wellbeing. It didn’t mean-
“Your blaster wound still hurts?” His fingers feathered over her shoulder, not touching the freshly healed injury this time.
“It does when you jab your finger in it.” She grabbed his wrist and tugged his hand away, throwing him off balance so that he fell into her and she managed to catch him and ease him onto the bed, right where she wanted him.
A chuckle escaped him and he smiled, making something flutter inside of her. And then he was reaching for her, pulling her close.
His embrace was everything she’d never known she’d wanted. His hands stroked her back and he buried his face in her neck, nuzzling a sensitive spot just behind and below her ear.
She sighed, wrapping an arm around his middle and burying the fingers of her other hand in his messy, soft hair. She pressed gently as she massaged his scalp down to his nape, eliciting a hum of pleasure from him that vibrated against her bare skin and into her flesh.
If this was to be her last moment, Jyn held no regrets. It was a good moment.
“Jyn?” His voice had a lethargic but happy edge to it, thick and low and sleepy. She could sympathize.
“Yes?” She twisted her finger in a lock of hair curling about his neck.
“Please don’t let me sleep so long this time.” His whisper tickled her ear. “No more than 10 hours. Okay? Please?”
He wanted her to wake him up in 10 hours… Like there wasn’t a battle raging in space nearby… Like he didn’t believe they were quite probably going to die soon, incinerated by a weapon her own father helped design. Like he didn’t believe they were going to lose, after all. Somehow, he believed they would be there, together, ten hours from this moment.
Such a man as Cassian… The most unexpected thing she’d discovered about him was his belief in hope. That he possessed any at all after all he had done, all he had seen. And then he’d given it to her.
And again, it warmed her, deep inside, that small seed of hope. She snuggled closer to the man, hoping for something she couldn’t even begin to conceive of. But yearned for it, with every fiber of her being.
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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and you’ll poke that bear ‘til her claws come out / mad woman by taylor swift
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k-lara7 · 4 years
Office Decoration
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3o57UrK
by guineapiggie
Cassian didn’t think there were a lot of ways to surprise him with violence anymore. Until he was waiting for an elusive client in a swanky lobby and was, literally, assaulted with a Christmas tree. And, though that didn’t seem to matter much in the grand scheme of things, with the employee who was tasked with decorating it.
Words: 2956, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Mon Mothma, Leia Organa
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Jyn Erso & Leia Organa
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Christmas Tree, and being buried underneath one idek, Rebelcaptain Secret Santa
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3o57UrK
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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incorrect rebelcaptain quotes
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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RebelCaptain, 2018 - Part 1
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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@starwarsnet mission 01: Favourites 
                                                            JYN ERSO
What chance do we have?  The question is “what choice.“  Run, hide, plead for mercy, scatter your forces.  You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power  &  you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission.  The time to fight is now!
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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if i had to be stuck with anyone 
i’m glad i’m stuck with you 
time loop au 
for @ruby-red-inky-blue 
Jyn gripped her beer tight in her hand and stared hard at the neon sign above the bar until lights blinked behind her eyelids. She always ended up here. Leia’s birthday party raged on behind her, but she already knew what was going to happen. Han would make a drunken speech and Leia would cry anyway. Luke would hook up with Bodhi much to everyone’s surprise and Shara would nearly get kicked out by the bar staff for dancing on the tables. Leia would eventually come over to where she sat at the bar and say –
“Hey, Jyn! Come with me, you have to meet Cassian–”
Keep reading
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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★ Hello RebelCaptain fans ★
Today is the LAST day of RebelCaptain Appreciation Week. Today is a free day, but if you need a prompt, it’s Love ♥
Please remember to tag your works as #rebelcaptainweek so we can reblog them. If your work hasn’t been reblogged within 24h of you posting, please reach out and let us know!
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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Rebelcaptain Appreciation Week ( @therebelcaptainnetwork )
Day Seven: Free day - Instagram AU
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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♡ Rebelcaptain Week ♡ Day One → Touch
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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for @therebelcaptainnetwork​‘s rebelcaptain week, day 1:
moment they became my OTP
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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It’s time to announce fourth annual RebelCaptain Appreciation Week, dedicated to celebrating our favorite tragic power duo: Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. The event will run from August 3-9!
Day One: Moment They Became Your OTP || Touch
Day Two: Parallels || Reunion
Day Three: Colors || Dream
Day Four: Media Adaptation (AU/Crossover) || Soulmates
Day Five: Favorite Traits || Secret
Day Six: Underrated Moments || Persevere
Day Seven: Free Day || Love
Please use this week to celebrate Jyn and Cassian in any way you would like, whether it’s making gifs, graphics, mixes or fanvids, writing fic or meta, creating fanart, etc. 
We included two prompts for each day to ensure that the posts didn’t only skew towards visual work. But please feel free to do either one or both! The point is to create as much positive Jyn x Cassian related material as possible.
How it will work:
Please tag your posts with #rebelcaptainweek in one of the first five tags so we can see it
@therebelcaptainnetwork will reblog ALL work with this tag
To find works created for this event, we will be tagging all reblogged works #rebelcaptain week, and specific days will be tagged #rc week: day [one]
Feel free to message us with any comments, questions or concerns. We hope you guys have a lot of fun and we look forward to seeing what wonderful things you will create! We’ll also post reminders as we get closer to the event.
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k-lara7 · 4 years
i hate when rich people condescend with the whole 'money can't buy happiness' argument like listen. just because buying your fourth car didn't fill the void in your deluded disconnected-from-reality life doesn't mean not having to worry about food/ bills/medicine wouldn't greatly improve the mental health of literally everyone else on the planet
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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Jyn is not good with her hair. Maybe, if she really tries, she’ll manage something but it’s way more fun to pretend being inept when it results with Cassian braiding her hair for her. Not that he’s really better but he told her once, months ago, braiding hair was a tradition in Fest and he learned on his sister (and on his head too) so she wanted to see how he’d manage.
He seems to enjoy it and even if the result isn’t better than what she’ll do by herself, she won’t complain. They get to spend some time together and that’s far more precious than how she looks in the end.
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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Jyn and Cassian + Blaster
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k-lara7 · 4 years
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Rebellions are built on hope.
Rogue One (2016) dir. Gareth Edwards
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