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Hii 👋 She/her || Mphfpc || Merlin || sometimes other stuff who knowsTikTok- Jcxsy.edtz (all my Mphfpc edits can be found on there) Stay hydrated 💧🫶
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jxmimac · 13 minutes ago
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I have been looking at this gif for a solid ten minutes and I still expect them to kiss any second
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jxmimac · 1 day ago
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Family doesn't judge each other, they judge others together 😌
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jxmimac · 3 days ago
so tired of all these fics where merlin is captured and is like "p-please n-n-n-n-no" like this hoe didn't show up to camelot, immeadiately commit aggravated assault, get arrested, get out of prison, continue to try both commit aggravated assault and regicide, and then within the next 30 minutes of the episode commit like 3 counts of murder 😭😭
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jxmimac · 5 days ago
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“what happened to the young boy who came into my chambers just a few years ago?”
“he grew up”
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jxmimac · 15 days ago
i love when i “make a mental note” of something. it’s gone within 20 seconds
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jxmimac · 15 days ago
Au where Arthur is in love with Merlin but he's not even in denial, he's just incredibly annoyed by his own feelings.
Gwaine: Merlin looks lovely today, doesn't he?
Arthur: unfortunately, yes.
Gwaine: don't be so - wait, you're admitting it?
Arthur: *already on his way to Merlin. Ruffles his hair, shakes him about, tells him to Clean the stables.*
*Merlin suddenly looking like he'd been run over by a horse.*
Arthur: much better
Gwaine: ...
Arthur: what?! It's distracting!!!
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jxmimac · 21 days ago
random enoch doodles i made in my free time
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jxmimac · 21 days ago
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jxmimac · 24 days ago
hands down the bbc merlin version of the sword in the stone legend is the funniest possible version of it. this big dramatic scene of arthur realising his true potential and finally believing in himself as a king as his remaining subjects watch in awe, witnessing a sign that their king is destined to carry camelot to greatness, because this legendary prophecy about removing the sword from the stone has finally come to pass,
and then merlin’s in the background whispering to gaius just ‘yeah i stuck that in there like last week and made the story up on the spot. gonna use magic to make it look like arthur’s actually doing something’ SIR PLEASE
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jxmimac · 24 days ago
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perfect new meme template just dropped
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jxmimac · 28 days ago
i’ve been thinking and like. what would happen if millard took ambro? because it amplifies peculiarities, but millard is already fully invisible. would it just make his blood invisible too (if i’m remembering correctly and it’s visible when he gets shot)? would he start making the things around him invisible or be able to start manipulating his visibility?
another thing is the light beams shooting from the eyes when using ambro. do you think that because he’s invisible and there isn’t any barrier other than his clothes that he’d just start glowing like this instead
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like a sunburst, or is it some component of the eyes that causes the light because of the whole ‘absorb it to see’ thing
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jxmimac · 28 days ago
Take this Hugh the journey might be dangerous
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jxmimac · 28 days ago
I appreciate your dedication 🫡🫡🫡
A true asset to the long surviving Merlin fandom 😔✊
News from Merlin Official?
Year 2 day 138
No ✅
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jxmimac · 28 days ago
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KidK's masterpiece, the Seaglass Blanket! It's for sale over on our Etsy account, so check it out!
The blanket is heavy, soft and warm. Each square is a unique cable knit design in really pretty shades of green, blue and teal. It's a real stunning piece, all handmade by @noirandchocolate
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jxmimac · 28 days ago
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jxmimac · 29 days ago
Displaced Twice, Still Holding Onto Hope
💔 Imagine being forced to leave everything behind—not once, but twice.
That’s my reality. My name is Naser, and I have been displaced twice because of war. I lost my mother. I lost my sister. I lost my home. My brothers and I are starting from nothing.
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But even after losing everything, I refuse to give up.
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🏡 What We Need 🔹 A safe place to live. 🔹 A chance to go to school. 🔹 The ability to rebuild our future.
We have lost so much, but we still have hope.
💙 Will You Be Part of Our Journey? Your kindness can change our lives. Even if you can’t donate, sharing this post helps more than you know.
🙏 Thank you for believing in us.
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jxmimac · 30 days ago
Dragonlord reveal: The Darkest Hour rewrite
Bamf Merlin
The Prince Regent faces the Cailleach. “I am willing to pay whatever price is necessary” Arthur spoke, his voice steady with determination.
Merlin pushes him out of the way. “No. You will not”
“Merlin, stand down! This is not your time to play hero” Arthur pleads, trying to keep his wayward manservant at bay, desperate to keep the situation under his control.
But Merlin ignores him. He keeps his eyes focused on the Cailleach as he walks closer to the stone alter in front of the torn veil. “We know what price must be paid for the veil to close. A blood sacrifice”
“Indeed” The old crone smiled a wicked smile, “The witch killed her own sister upon the blessed alter, and tore open the veil between the worlds. A similar sacrifice must be paid to close it”
“Then I give my life to repair the damage my sister caused” Arthur tried yet again to step forwards, but once more Merlin interrupted him.
“A blood sacrifice, yes. You did not specify that a life must be taken. And I willingly give my blood”
“Merlin!” Arthur groaned indignantly as his servant ignored him.
The Cailleach moved closer to the pair, taking them in. Her eyes looked calculating as she observed their odd behaviour.
“And what would the blood of a servant be compared to the life of a prince?” she mocked. She knew of course that he was Emrys, she knew what powers he possessed. Perhaps she wondered how he would challenge her.
Merlin steadies himself, shoulders tighting and back straight, “I am the last dragonlord”
The Cailleach smiled.
“I am the son of Lord Balinor Ambrosius, third of his name, Duke of Elmet and descendant of the Fisher King.” Pausing for just a moment to gather his courage, he continued;
“I am the last of my kind, the last man in a lineage that predates the Roman Invasion. You ask what my blood is worth…Dragonsblood flows through my veins: the ancient creatures of the Old Religion, venerated and revered all over the world. My blood is that of dragons.”
Merlin could not keep his eyes off the torn veil in front of him. He could feel Arthur looking at him, probably distraught and angry, but he knew had to keep going. But then, In his peripheral vision, he could see Lancelot nearing the veil — no!
Merlin could not stand by and watch as another friend looses his life when he knew he could prevent their death. He is Emrys, magic incarnate, and the Cailleach knew it.
The magic inside him flared up. It’s not the first time he’s used his powers to speak change into existence. If he says his blood is worth the same as a life given willingly, then it is.
“A single drop of my blood is worth more than the life of a High Priestess.”
A moment to silence passed before the Cailleach nodded her head in acceptance.
«How brave, young dragon. So you do challenge me after all. Very well. But are you sure you’re willing to part with such a precious thing? You might save your Prince’s life tonight, but tomorrow when you return to Camelot he will demand that you burn at the stake for your powers”
Arthur’s breath hitched and he tried to lift a hand and reach Merlin. He ignored his hand as he raised his voice again.
“Then so be it”
Merlin kneeled down to get the dagger he always kept in his boot. Handy for all sorts of occasions; cutting herbs, whittling firewood, stopping assassins, and apparently, sacrificing his own blood.
Holding his hand up and over the alter he spoke “I willingly give my own blood to heal the veil that Morgana tore open. May the spirits find their rest and return to their rightful home”
The blade cut into his palm and he squeezed hard. A single drop of red fell down onto the alter already tainted with Morgauses’ blood.
A warm and soothing wind rushed through the Isle of the Blessed as the torn veil stitched itself back together. The silence that followed was deafening as the haunted screams of the spirits disappeared and the wind stopped howling.
A few moments passed before the Cailleach spoke. “It is done. The veil is closed, and the spirits will no longer torment the living. Your sacrifice was accepted by the gods and goddesses.”
Her eyes leered form under her hood
“But will it be accepted by your Prince? He is, after all, the son of the man who eradicated your entire family”
She disappeared into thin air before he could reply. Not that he knew what he would’ve said. Neither does he know what Arthur will say once he turns around.
But he knows what he will see.
The face of a man who’s been lied to for years. The betrayal and fear will be clear as day, and there is nothing he can do about it now. He made his choice, and now he must stand by it.
Merlin knows he ought to be executed or exiled simply for existing. All the knights surrounding him has sworn an oath to uphold the laws of their kingdom — and the law says he must die. They’re all expert killers, carrying swords and dressed in battlearmour. If they were not his friends, he would be petrified.
Merlin can only hope Arthur is kind enough to allow him a moment to say goodbye to Gaius and Gwen before he’s banished.
And perhaps Arthur had been right all those times he’s called him a coward. Because when he turns he does so without looking at Arthur or the knights, instead keeping his eyes on the stone floor at all times.
“We must hurry back. Camelot will be happy to see their Regent alive and well”
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Read it on AO3 here
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