juvenal-blog · 9 years
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i thought i might as well fuckin hop on and im sort of surprised
this test has made me realise that im way more sinful than i normally think i am but theres just been so many fuckin situations ive been in that have led to some truly ridiculous shit happening that doesnt seem nearly as fucked up now than it did in the moment
i mean im only 20 so i dont know if this is normal or not but i guess my next step up now is to get it on with 5+ people so remember to follow your dreams kids and one day hopefully you wont end up like me with a dead end day to day existence topped off with goals the consistency of pure unadulterated motherfuckin dog shit
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
damn i think theres something really wrong with my brain 
but its not like thats anything particularly fuckin groundbreaking or whatever
why is the concept of hardcore macho hypermasculinity that supposedly rejects all aspects of identity considered too ‘effeminate’ or ‘gay’ but totally has men worshipping their fabricated ideal of the paragon ‘’’male body’’’ and the apparent way a true ‘mans man’ is meant to act most likely in order to conceal their false sense of self-identity that has been imposed onto them by a fuckin awful socialisation into the modern world that aims to carve away any kind of deeper emotional expression or alternative gender expression in men so, so goddamn gay in itself
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
happy birthday, dave! please look after yourself and your lovely bathroom resident and have a great time. :)
holy shit its my birthday today? this is sacrilege i thought i stopped having these things a long time ago i didnt know i could even agenah but thanks john on this day i become legendary as i cross over from the irrelevant age of 19 into my big dick second decade 20 year old phase its time to grow up get my shit together and finally be the responsible adult society deservesjust kidding its probably going to take me a year in itself just to change my age on my blog lol happy birthday daves universally
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
Me at my second Rodeo
Me: This ain't my first Rodeo
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
if i could swing a really big sword it wouldnt even matter if anyone loved me or not
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
@nostalgicrogue @timelock
oh sorry yall i didnt see you there you actually came at the best time i was two seconds away from contemplating my existence and draking out on a level way too deep for being completely sober at 11:30 in the morning so if im slightly incoherent then i guess you can piece that shit together yourself
im juve no one actually calls me juve in my day to day life because im really dave but theres a lot of people named dave on here so ive elected to be juve to have some semblance of individuality you feel me
whats good??
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
so i rarely get real since my name is dave meme strider and im always clownin around since if a professional could have a field day with psychoanalysing the shit outta me wed actually find out its one of the few ways i feel safe expressing myself as a person which is depressing in so many ways on so many different levels but i just woke up and got this feeling that like for a second i gotta pop into existence 
i have these weird pale marks all over my body that i dont know how i got but ive always been stupidly progressively more self conscious of so much so that i started working out to have something i can feel normal about and i dont even think ive been naked in front of another person for weeks which considering the way i act all the time my friends find extremely bizarre 
i think theyre meant to be old scars but i cant remember how i got them and theyre more of just an eyesore rather than a cool hectic bunch of battlescars that i can show off to people like ‘hey look see this giant ugly mark on my chest and my back this is where i apparently got impaled through the chest isnt that fuckin sick dude doesnt everyone think impalement is cool as shit’ 
they always tell me that i have literally nothing to be self conscious of im 6′4 and 200 pounds and built like a bull but i dont have just one or two odd scars here and there that are little cosmetic boo boos no man fuck that my body is like a *canvas* for this shit ive got one around my fucking *neck* for shits sake which is probably the worst one i have people must think ive had a freaky time with a few collars when they notice it
its so frustrating because i know i have these scars and a lot of them are so brutal that i cant just *forget* where i got them but i have these huge gaps of memory in my shitty head i cant remember where i got most of them all i only know that it was from the game and its so fucking *frustrating* at this rate im going to just burn them all off
i need to move to somewhere where its colder 
maybe after university ill pack my ass up and bail
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
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Ancient Greek gold wreath
Derived from wreaths of real leaves worn in religious ceremonies and given as prizes in athletic and artistic contests, gold wreaths were not meant to be worn but were definitely meant for display.
(Side note: looks like jewelry clasps haven’t really changed since 300 B.C.!)
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
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local dog enthusiast has a hot date, sources say
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
theyre the greatest i got so absolutely goddamn hype when i found out another eternity had come out and theres a few nice tracks on there but if im being honest nothing will ever top shrines for me ungirthed is one of my top favourite songs of all time its like how can one song be such a sick *jam*
ive had hordes of porn blogs following me before like i was the all gracious godhead of pure thirst and it never gets any less confusing these kids with their kinks are always fuckin beyond me and also fucking beyond me beyond my scope of knowledge for real 
hey now dont doubt the sexual and erotic prowess of rocks where else would you find such a perfect earthen object theres gotta be something in it that someone somewhere in our forsaken world finds arousing
omg yes!! i love purity ring theyre one of my favorite bands! youre so lucky that youve been to a show, im pretty sure they were just here in june too :( i could probably afford to fly somewhere and catch them at one of their upcoming concerts but its not really in the cards for me right now so ill just hold out and hope they come back to new york one day!
but thank you…. im trying to be strong through this rough time of having the most unfortunate kind of followers, i cant say ive ever posted anything remotely promiscuous in nature but you know kids these days and their kinks.. you could post a picture of a rock and someone would probably want to do dirty things to it
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
TNGHT – Chimes
From: Unreleased
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
im glad that at least someone supports this concept. sadly i finished off the last of my pancakes about half an hour ago and have since been just sitting motionlessly at my desk staring to the heavens wishing for whatever sadistic being lives up there to toss me another few glorious fluffy circular breakfast treats to keep me chuggin along but so far no good
my rat still has not responded to any of my borderline patronising conversation so naturally ive been led to believe hes trying to make a point here with his silence something deeper than even i, a philosophy major, could ever comprehend
Nah man, I liked your story. I’m supporting a good time with rodents and maple syrup.
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
its good to have an outsiders opinion but regret is a strong word theres only been a few times in my life where ive felt true fuckin unadulterated regret and i can probably safely say not getting smashed off my ass at the cross isnt one of them
i think i just spent so much fucking time around my exams being fucked up out of my mind that im taking a subconscious downtime to remember what its like being sober and that usually results in me doing shit even weirder than what id normally do while drunk just with a bit more extra precision
well anyway theres been a shit metric ton of heatwaves down under lately so much so that one may even say eating while naked is pretty much becoming a customary action and besides im naked most of the time since i gotta take advantage of living alone for as long as possible before someone inevitably moves in and makes it awkward yknow
Oh not at all. I believe staying at home and conversing with your rat was the right thing to do. I would’ve done the same in your situation, aside from eating naked considering how cold it is here. I think the question is, do you regret it?
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
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i give you the honours of a cordial invitation into one of my legendary tumblr posts and you repay me like *this*
to be totally honest with you i actually had to look up what gesundheit means ive never heard anyone say that where i come from before and for a second i thought you were taking advantage of my inferior monolingualism and unleashing the most god forsaken offensive insult one could only dream of in another german world
how did we become lost in translation in a language im assuming neither of us are fluent in
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
dont quote me on this im just going on nothing more than a mere hunch and the highly obvious lyrics on your page but i think you may be into purity ring and thats fuckin rad i went to one of their shows once when i was in the states it was awesome on so many different levels
also my sincerest condolences about your pesky porn blog issue you cant ever win with those fuckers theyre ruthless like a goddamn virus or a possum who wont stop setting up camp in your bathroom theres no way to definitely get rid of them you just gotta grit your teeth and keep away from any even slightly suggestive tags like theyre the plague
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
oglogothics liked your post: so its saturday night and the whole squad... autotechnician liked your post:so its saturday night and the whole squad... novabone liked your post:so its saturday night and the whole squad went out...
i believe this is what the professionals call... schadenfreude 
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juvenal-blog · 9 years
so its saturday night and the whole squad went out to the inner city while im sitting in my apartment alone and naked and eating pancakes from yesterday mornings endeavours talking to my rat like i would to my child as though he can actually understand me because for some really good reason i thought this would be a better use of my time than getting black out drunk in a club at kings cross
not a bad call id say the cross has all these shitty curfews now cause the police are trying to clean it the fuck up and i dont wanna end up getting thrown onto the street at three in the morning
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