justwillpower · 9 years
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“Yeah, love you too Allen.”
he shifts his weight a bit and carries barry without once complaining or making a jab about his weight. instead, he’s getting good on his threat and bending to scoop the speedster up into his arms with a low exasperated sigh. it was going to be a long walk back to his apartment then.
“Man, even Oliver holds his food down better than you.”
but he wouldn’t trade either of his idiot friends for anything. even when he was getting a few weird looks walking along with an arm full of long gangly limbs.
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“You’re such a jerk.”
Words that would be so much more heated and intimidating if he wasn’t leaning into the warmth of Hal’s touch, burying his face against his shoulder and letting the other bear the brunt of his weight.
“No flying. I’ll throw up.”
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justwillpower · 9 years
-- @fastestdorkalive
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“Newsflash Allen, you’re not alright.”
of course he’s got a hand round barry’s waist, dragging him closer and upright even if the other man thinks to put up a fight. hal isn’t above punching his friends. especially if it means they’re safe.
“Shut up or I’ll carry you like a princess.”
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justwillpower · 9 years
Uncle Hal!
don’t mind him squinting a bit.
“Wally--? Damn, kid it’s been a while.”
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justwillpower · 9 years
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Justice League of America #29
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justwillpower · 9 years
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The Flash 2x02, Flash of Two Worlds introducing Patty Spivot and Jay Garrick
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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Green Lantern Corps v3 #40 - “With a Bang” (2015) pencil & ink by Bernard Chang & Mike Colak color by Marcelo Maiolo & Tony Avina
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justwillpower · 9 years
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but have you considered — hal jordan with small children
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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( he doesn’t need to follow Jason to know what’s waiting in the next room. he’d been called back to the corps and couldn’t keep an eye on things here forever. the room was a mess, broken screens and upturned chairs. signs of a struggle were everywhere when he’d finally come back nursing a broken arm and a handful of bruised or cracked ribs. )
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     [ He searches Hal’s face, looking for the facts, or maybe the lie, and after a few moments, makes a dead ass bolt for the door. ]
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justwillpower · 9 years
No point in getting out of bed.
“You make a very convincing argument.”
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and weren’t they allowed some shred of happiness? as mired as their past was in shadows and half-evils, hal can appreciate the moments of light, the moments the weight of guilt, of self-hatred, is lifted and he can smile with fragile ease.
ollie’s cheek is warm beneath his fingers.
the bed is welcoming and the weight of his body is a reassurance against the demons in his mind. it’s easier to meet those eyes in the morning rays of light. fingertips kiss light and soft along old scars before hal gives in, before he leans down and steals a kiss rightfully his to claim.
fingers skate along taut muscle and hal smiles down at the shadow of a man he feels his heart breaking for every night. he has shouted, wept, and fallen at oliver’s feet with bleeding heart in hand. it is the little moments where the illusion of normalcy hasn’t lifted, that hal can tell himself they’re in love. that they’ll stay.
the night will bring bruised knuckles, sharp biting words, and an ache of violent kisses. they’re like clockwork, intertwined and tearing each other apart only to put the pieces back with shaking hands come morning.
he loves him too much.
“How could I say no?”
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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justwillpower · 9 years
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