justthewaythingsgo · 5 hours
Reason to Live #10866
    Learning new things and being able to experience the world as you. – Guest Submission
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justthewaythingsgo · 7 hours
fireflies lighting up a rural Pennsylvania field at dusk
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justthewaythingsgo · 8 hours
Ana & Mia ruin lives. It caused me to push away loved ones and has severely damaged my relationship with food. I think logically most of the time. It bothers me that eds have caused me to thinks so illogically. I've mostly gotten better from mia, I haven't purged in over a year at least. I was still counting calories and restricting but I would like to stop. Very recently I've deleted my calorie counting app. I go through deleting it and then getting it back but I am going to try not to get it back so soon. The amount of time I was taking out of my day to count calories is honestly sad. I don't need to worry about counting calories when I know that I eat healthy. I hope I can get better for myself, for my future and for my loved ones.
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justthewaythingsgo · 22 hours
“Oh so we should just eat anything we want??”
Well actually YES but also:
Restricting food Does Stuff To Your Brain. “Restricting” doesn’t mean stopping when you’re full. I feel like this is what gets misunderstood a lot. It means placing rules and limits on food that supercede what your body is signalling that it wants. Let’s use cookies as an example. Restricting would be:
- I can only have cookies when I deserve them.
- I can only have cookies when I’m alone.
- I can only have two cookies.
- I can only have low-calorie cookies.
- I can only have cookies on set days, or so-called cheat days.
- I can’t have cookies.
- I can’t have cookies in the house.
- I’m bad when I eat cookies.
- Cookies are a bad food and I must compensate for having eaten them.
Whether or not you stick to the restrictions you set, your brain is learning to be an anxious mess around cookies. It might want to avoid anywhere that has cookies. It might feel shame for wanting or eating cookies. It might get exhausted from suppressing the craving and decide to binge. It might go into binge mode every time you eat cookies because you’ve taught your body that This Will Not Be Available Whenever. It might feel ridiculously important to eat all the cookies while you can.
I know we’re all so used to constantly talking about food, diets, weight and bodies, and it’s completely normalised to look at absolutely everything you eat and assign it the level of guilt you’re gonna feel for eating it, and to brag about not eating this and that, and to announce that you know it’s a Naughty Indulgence when you eat anything sweet.
But oh my god, it’s such a huge weight off your shoulders to just let yourself eat cookies because you wanted cookies and stop when you feel satiated and know that the cookies will be available next time you want cookies because you don’t need to earn them in any way. Because a brain that knows it can have cookies whenever it wants cookies, doesn’t crave cookies all the time. Nor does it feel any self-loathing when it does crave cookies.
And I just wish everyone a very chill brain and some cookies
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Diet companies won’t tell you this but starving yourself is a lot worse for your health than overeating
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i had this idea in the shower and had to draw it asap
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justthewaythingsgo · 2 days
Sometimes you may feel small in this world, you may feel insignificant. Sometimes you may think that so many amazing people with so many incredible traits, values and talents exist and that you are nothing special; that you are worth less compared to them. But darling, you are unique. You are one of a kind. Your worth does not decrease with more people in the room, with more people on this planet. I want you to know that you matter so much. Your traits, values and talents matter. They are enough. You are enough. You are so worthy. Always.
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justthewaythingsgo · 2 days
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a haiku i wrote
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justthewaythingsgo · 2 days
   ˚     . ✧     ˚     . ✧     ˚     .
i hope you feel at peace today,
know that better days are coming
   ˚     . ✧     ˚     . ✧     ˚     .
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justthewaythingsgo · 2 days
Reason to Live #10859
To look back on your life one day and be proud of how far you've come. – Guest Submission
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justthewaythingsgo · 3 days
Reason to Live #10853
  Being able to snuggle in bed with my partners during a thunderstorm.  – Guest Submission
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justthewaythingsgo · 3 days
Pretty girls and handsome boys don't skip meals~
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justthewaythingsgo · 3 days
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justthewaythingsgo · 3 days
Reason to Live #10849
    Hearing the crickets at night. – Guest Submission
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justthewaythingsgo · 3 days
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justthewaythingsgo · 4 days
That cookie tasted like perfume and skincare 😋
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justthewaythingsgo · 4 days
It is okay that I am struggling right now because I know that things do get better.
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