justslils · 11 years
What have you been doing that has you so tired?
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Break Time?
I think I need a break from work.
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justslils · 11 years
It's been blissfully quiet these past few days! I've rather enjoyed actually getting work done.
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justslils · 11 years
It's not that simple Marls, not for me. I was brought up to care, to worry about appearances and reputation. I wish I didn't care so much; I know how bloody stupid it is to worry about it all.
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Oh dear Merlin,
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justslils · 11 years
So I'm like a phoenix now? Reborn in a blaze of glorious fun and excitement? I care Marls; I've always cared at least a little bit. It's hard for me not to.
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Oh dear Merlin,
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justslils · 11 years
Shame really, I could have gotten some hilarious photographs. You know how much I love my camera. Plus, it would have given us plenty of blackmail material Rem.
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That probably won’t happen again anytime soon. I have to say though, you sound fairly disappointed it didn’t happen.
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justslils · 11 years
Ruined me more like. What will people say? I'm supposed to be miss prim and proper.
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Oh dear Merlin,
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justslils · 11 years
It's still mean,  but I can't help but wonder if she has a mirror in her dorm.
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Oh dear Merlin,
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justslils · 11 years
I was at least a little afraid of what might happen considering the amount of alcohol I saw consumed, but apparently we are all responsible young witches and wizards and no one removed clothing or anything else mad like that.
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I definitely count that as a win. I think the party in general wasn’t too bad for everyone, no one was too much of an idiot.
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justslils · 11 years
Marls, that's mean. What'd she ever do to you?
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Oh dear Merlin,
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justslils · 11 years
That party was definitely a success. I looked ace; I drank more firewhiskey than I should have. And I didn't have to taint my lips!
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justslils · 11 years
We should do something about that lying cheating squid. It's evil and manipulating us all. 
Not all rumors. For example, last term there was a rumor that they were setting dementors loose in Hogsmeade. Oh it's just one time and when its over things will go back to normal. Now relax Frankie, it's a party.
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I bet that squid has been lying to everyone. Who knows how many other relationships it’s had. And is having!
Rumors have truth in them, you know.  I didn’t mean age-wise, more.. doing something with people you obviously dislike. 
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justslils · 11 years
We've been betrayed! I feel so deceived and used. Oh the shamed of it all. To be cheated on by a squid.
Oh I'm not perfect; in fact rumors of my perfection have been greatly exaggerated. It's not immoral to snog someone at our age, but in my case it'll just lead to increased irritating behavior from the snogged party.
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Well, we can’t both be dating the giant squid. I can’t believe they’d just cheat on me like that. 
Sorry, Lily, there’s a difference between perfect and Prefect. Though for you, not so much, really.  That sounds like a pain. Amazing how our morals fly out the window in an attempt to prove friends wrong. 
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justslils · 11 years
Nope I'm definitely the one dating the giant squid, Frankie! I announced it last term.
We are perfect, we even have little badges that say so. You'd definitely recognize him, and it's definitely going be problematic later but Marls says I'm a prude and I'm going to prove her wrong!
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Yeah, sometimes I mix her up with my other girlfriend. Lives in the lake, usually mistaken for the giant squid. Actually is the giant squid. That one.
Perfect patrol my arse. Half of the prefects use their status as an excuse to cause trouble and get away with it.  Also, if this mysterious person is someone I’d recognize, I really don’t think I want to know who it is. Why do you have to snog someone, again?
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justslils · 11 years
You know, the blonde one that plays quidditch and dares her best friends to wear stupid things and kiss arrogant gits and sleep in boys beds.
Have a little faith oh fearless leader of the prefect patrol! Besides, you'll look out for me won't you? Oh don't worry, I'm sure you'll find out when he shows his face.
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Girlfriend? Oh, right! I was wondering why you looked different. 
My point still stands, but I’m curious as to who this stupid prat is. There’s a long list to choose from. 
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justslils · 11 years
Oh Frankie-boy, I'm a tough girl. I can handle myself, even if I'm wearing a ridiculous outfit your ridiculous girlfriend picked out for me. Besides somewhere in here in this room is a stupid prat I have to snog in front of everyone and I think I need a little liquid courage.
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Be careful with the shots, you don’t want to have too many and have to be carted out of here or something. Or worse, spend the night here and wake up with hungover teenagers of varying Houses.
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justslils · 11 years
I love this room; I've got my never ending supply of Firewhiskey shots, of which I've had two already, and things are all glowy and nice.
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justslils · 11 years
Better be good, McKinnon. [Laughing, Lily allowed herself to be led] I'm going to have to find a tracking spell or something. And if someone stole it I'm going to hex the piss out of them more than once.
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Fantastic. [Hooking Lily’s arm in hers, Marlene led her up towards their dorm.] You can always look for a way to track it, you know. Or if you spot anyone wearing it, hex the shit out of them.
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