justfriends-iguess · 4 years
yall this is my favorite fic request to DATE 😭❤️ pls enjoy bc i got supAH emotional for this fic NGL 😭
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Im Nayeon ; you can have all of my everything.
writer’s note : so this particular request truly made me interested bc Nayeon has always been written as someone confident and loud so for her to be quiet and nerdy is quite a change of scenery 🥰 i am really excited to share this with you guys so plssssss enjoy ❤️ also..... THERE WILL BE A PART TWO!!!!
warning : bc i highkey love this fic, imma surprise you guys 😚
tips : guys i am not kidding when i say that this fic was a roller coaster of emotions so i had a LOT of songs playing while writing this 😭 but the most was Addicted To You by Ed Patrick (the title is a line from the song!!!) and Worship Instrumental by Adrian Jonathan so if u gey bebes wanna give it a listen, go ahead! So now, ENJOY THE FIC 😭💛❤️
words : 8,363 words (sis prepare yoself, it’s supa long 😭)
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She did not understand it— at all.
Im Nayeon did not understand why everyone was such a fan of Y/N Y/L/N. If Nayeon was quite honest, the former found the jock incredibly obnoxious and... messy; she was just on the complete opposite of the spectrum with her valedictorian self.
The fact that the valedictorian also grew up as neighbors with Y/N, didn’t really help her feelings towards the jock. However, they did grow up in the same neighborhood ever since preschool so they definitely knew each other more than they let on.
Y/N has never been mean or disrespectful towards Nayeon, no— instead, the jock has always been playful or kind with her, never really crossing the line with her but Nayeon always thought that Y/N was such a distraction in class, often laughing or sleeping in the back of the class.
But what truly annoyed Nayeon was that the jock always asked the valedictorian out on a date but Nayeon just knew that it was always a joke because why would the most popular girl ask a nerd out... right?
“No, absolutely not— I am not helping you study.”
Y/N looked at the valedictorian with pleading eyes as she insisted, “Please Nayeon, if I don’t pass this test, I’m off the team! The same team you watch every time that there’s a game! Come on, you’ve gotta help me out here!”
Nayeon then scoffed as she asked, “And that’s my problem, how? Y/N, this is the finals! Do you get that?? You slept through Mr. Jung’s class for the whole year and the exam’s in two weeks! Even God can’t help you-“
“Yeah, but we don’t know unless we try, right?” Y/N replied with a playful grin, earning an eye roll from the valedictorian as she continued, “Besides, I don’t trust anyone but you!”
Sincerely considering to tutor the jock, Nayeon sighed, crossed her arms and looked at Y/N before she questioned, “Give me one good reason to say yes, Y/L/N— convince me then I’ll tell you my answer.”
The jock then took a deep breath, straightened her back as she looked into the valedictorian’s eyes and simply shrugged while saying, “I will always choose you, Nayeon-ah,” Y/N admitted, her tone gentle and sincere as she clarified, “I’m sure that there are other people who are smart too but... I mean, we grew up together and I’m more comfortable with you so... I will always choose you— is that good enough of a reason?”
Nayeon saw nothing but warmth and sincerity in her neighbor’s eyes. It was something that she saw often but she has always pushed it aside because for some reason, her feelings were just so conflicting with how she thinks she feels. She keeps telling herself that she’s probably just not that keen with Y/N— but there are times where her true feelings, her hidden feelings... tells her otherwise.
Dreading to say the next words, Nayeon groaned slightly and declared, “If we’re doing this, we’re doing this my way and if I feel like you’re not putting in the effort, I’m stopping it immediately, got it?”
Grinning in satisfaction, the jock nodded as she teasingly replied, “With a tutor like you, I will always put in the effort.”
The valedictorian then rolled her eyes at the statement before she quickly turned around and was about to walk away until her wrist was held back by Y/N. Facing the jock, Nayeon pulled her hand away and quizzed, “What now, Y/N?”
“You’re hot when you’re in charge, Im Nayeon— did you know that?”
This made Nayeon groan and stomp her feet as she exclaimed, “Y/N Y/L/N! You are just so— UGH!”
Turning back around and stomping away from the jock, Y/N watched the retreating back of her neighbour as she grinned in joy and said out loud, “So, I guess I’ll see you in class?”
It was obvious that Nayeon was never going to answer but Y/N loved seeing the former’s reaction whenever the jock had flirted with her in the smallest way possible. For her, it was funny, satisfying and sorta... cute.
However, even while all of that was going on, the jock’s smile suddenly turned grim as she realized how fast her heart was beating. She knew that this wasn’t the first time her heart raced like this whenever Nayeon was around and she doubts it’ll be the last time.
“God, you are the perfect definition of a love-sick puppy... it’s disgusting.”
Smiling at the familiar voice of her best friend, Y/N turned around and was greeted with Jeongyeon’s expression of sarcastic disapproval. The latter was leaning against the lockers as she witnessed the entire ordeal between her best friend and her crush.
Walking towards her best friend, Y/N chuckled and replied, “You’re just jealous because you don’t have the balls to be honest about your feelings for Momo.”
“If that’s what ‘feeling’ looks like, I refuse to take any part in it.”
“.... And you wonder why you’re still single.”
Rolling her eyes, Jeongyeon waved dismissively as she replied, “Dude, I’m single because I want to. I’m a happy and independent woman.”
Y/N laughed as she then wrapped a loose arm around her best friend’s shoulder while saying, “You my friend, are a bunch of crap and you know it.
They then made their way to their next class as Jeongyeon scoffed in defense and fired, “Are you seriously questioning me?”
“Jeongyeon, I’m not questioning you— I’m saying it’s a bunch of bullshit and you know it.”
“You know what? I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel right now but I’m hurt— I’m hurt, Y/N!” Jeongyeon exclaimed dramatically before she continued, “And to think you were my best friend.”
Y/N then grinned smugly at Jeongyeon before teasingly said, “You know you love me, Jeongyeonie.”
As the two of them entered their class and made their way to their usual seats, the loud greetings of their best friends filled the classroom as Dahyun teasingly yelled out, “Finally! The two satans are finally here!”
Finding the greeting funny, Chaeyoung laughed as she chimed in, “If they’re satans, then what are we??”
“We’re a lost cause.” Dahyun joked, laughing loudly with the tattoo-filled girl as she then added, “We’re not satan-enough like the both of the- ow!”
Sana instantly hit her girlfriend, Dahyun’s arm as she warned gently, “Be nice— don’t think you’re that innocent, Kim Dahyun,” She reminded playfully before immediately looking at her two best friends with a welcoming smile and asked, “Took you guys a while.”
“Well, you know Y/N; if she sees Nayeon, her whole world freezes around her and she stops functioning like the idiot she is.” Jeongyeon mocked while she took a seat next to Y/N’s assigned seat.
The jock then playfully shoved her best friend as she defended while taking a seat, “That is so not true, Yoo Jeongyeon!”
“Actually, Jeongyeon unnie has a point, Y/N,” Chaeyoung agreed with a teasing grin as she pointed out, “You act all macho and flirty in front of Nayeon unnie but the moment she’s not looking, you become so hopeless.”
“But yet, Nayeon unnie can’t stand Y/N,” Dahyun chimed in mockingly as she jokes, “How will that work?”
The girls laugh as Y/N glared at her group of friends and huffed out, “Can’t believe I have a bunch of assholes as best friends.”
“Ya! I’m not a part of this!” Sana reminded as she tried holding back a smile before she added, “I think you and Nayeon are good for each other! You guys are like the typical next-door neighbours who despise each other and then end up falling in love with one another.”
“Yeah, but for this story, it’s only Nayeon who does the despising— Y/N’s in love.” Jeongyeon playfully sang out, earning another hit on her arm from her best friend beside her.
Before Y/N or the other girls could say anything, Nayeon and her group of friends made their entrance and almost immediately, the jock’s eyes were glued on the valedictorian.
Her heart instantly began to beat a little faster than it was before and she had to constantly remind herself to calm down. Taking a deep breath and releasing shaky one, Y/N then decided to shift her gaze elsewhere while not noticing that her best friends noticed her little mishap.
“Oh dude... You are so screwed.” Jeongyeon said jokingly but had a slight sympathetic tone to it before she asked, “Are you really that into her?”
That made the other girls pay attention to Y/N as the jock looked everywhere but them while she shrugged and softly said, “I don’t know... I mean— I guess..?”
While Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun looked at her with slight amusement, Sana, being the hopeless romantic that she is, looked at Y/N with understanding.
“When did you realize you liked her?” Sana asked, catching the attention of the jock as Y/N looked at her before the Japanese added, “Like at which moment did you realize, ‘oh shit, I’m in love with my neighbor’... do you remember?”
Much to Y/N’s surprise, this question truly caught her off guard because no one had ever asked her before which meant that she never truly thought about it— but deep down, if she really thought about, she did know. She just never acknowledged it.
“I think I was in the 8th grade...” Y/N recalled, her expression distant and her lips forming a smile so small, anyone could miss it before she continued, “I was walking home from school and she was sitting by the porch because she was sick that day and she was listening to music with her earphones on so she didn’t notice me standing there— just observing her,” She remembered, the faint memories of that day replaying in her head as she resumed, “Then the sun was setting and when I just gazed at her under the warm-colored sky, my heart went ‘badum, badum, badum’. She was just so.... beautiful. Even with her messy bun, her runny nose and mismatched pajamas, she was just insanely breathtaking.”
Sana sighed with content as she asked softly, “Then what happened?”
“Then every time I saw her after that day, my heart just went wild,” Y/N admitted with a small smile as she concluded, “I didn’t mean to fall in love with her... it just kinda happened.”
The jock’s best friends looked at her with a mixture of amusement and also... a bit of endearment. They’ve always known that their best friend had a crush on the valedictorian but never to this extent.
They’ve always seen Y/N as someone who’s confident, loud and charming so to see their best friend being vulnerable in love, it was an unusual change of scenery.
Initially, the four girls was silent at first and at loss for words but then, Sana suddenly chimed in and said, “I don’t know why but that was so sweet, I think I might cry.”
They laughed at the Japanese’s words before Jeongyeon looked at her best friend and asked, “Dude, if you liked her that bad, why didn’t you ever tell us? I mean, I know I give you a lot of shit for looking like a love sick puppy but you’re my best friend and if you truly love her, we could’ve help you out!”
“It’s not that simple, Jeongyeon-ah,” Y/N sighed, her shoulders low and her eyes slightly joyless as she continued saying, “I mean.. this is Nayeon, we’re talking about. She’s not just any girl.”
As her friends watched her with a tinge of sympathy, they didn’t have enough time to reply with anything as their next subject teacher walked in the class.
“Good morning boys and girls, are we ready to go through your essays on ‘Catcher in the Rye’?” Tiffany Young asked, her expression bright and cheerful as she added, “And please don’t start your whining— I gave you two weeks to complete this homework.”
Like always, Y/N instantaneously brushed her emotional part aside as she groaned playfully while whining, “Miss Young, can’t we just strike a deal or something and just hand in our essays instead of embarrassing ourselves in front of the entire class??”
Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Sana were slightly amazed at how quickly Y/N changed her mood, looking at each other knowingly before Jeongyeon cleared her throat and decided to chime in while saying, “Miss, as Y/N’s legal best friend, I have to agree with her statement.”
As the class laughed, in exception of the valedictorian herself, Tiffany rolled her eyes playfully as she joked, “Why is it that every time I want the class to present something, it’s always you two that are so vocal about not doing it?”
Y/N and Jeongyeon looked at each other with knowing grins as they shrugged and the jock joked, “We’re fraternal twins, Miss. We do everything together.”
“Yeah Miss, we’re like super glue— we’re stuck with each other for life.”
Laughing a little at her students’ antics, Tiffany shook her head with amusement while saying, “Then thank God we don’t have group projects for this subject because I do not want to know what chaos you two would bring.”
In that moment, while the class was laughing at the teacher-student interaction, Nayeon was rolling her eyes from a distance.
“God, here they go again.” Nayeon huffed out as she shifted her gaze to her books on the table. “It’s not even that funny.”
Jihyo, Momo, Mina and Tzuyu looked at their best friend with raised eyebrows before Jihyo shrugged and pointed out, “I don’t know unnie, it was pretty funny to me.”
“Yeah, but you don’t hate Y/N— Nayeon unnie does.” Tzuyu reminded, a small and teasing smile on her lips.
“Is it really hate though?” Mina questioned silently as she added, “Maybe they just don’t get along that well but I don’t think Nayeon unnie hates her.”
Momo then thought about the question before she furrowed her brows and looked at Nayeon while asking, “Why do you hate her, unnie? I never really understood why.”
Nayeon sighed and leaned her elbows on her table as she breathed out admittedly, “I don’t hate her... I just— she’s just so annoying sometimes!”
“Yeah, but she’s always so nice to you.” Momo pointed out sincerely before she added, “Actually, I’m starting to think she might actually like you.”
“You know, that does make sense,” Jihyo agreed as she looked at Nayeon and said, “That would explain why she always asks you out.”
The valedictorian then looked at her best friends with complete disbelief as she exclaimed, “Y/N?? Liking me?? Ha! Cute but no.” She said as she quickly added, “The jock doesn’t like me! She’s just playing around with me because she knows I’ve never been on a date before! Besides, she probably asks a lot of girls out-“
“Nope, that’s not true, she’s never asked us before,” Jihyo pointed out with a smug smile as she also pointed out, “And I can definitely say the same for the other girls in the school because I heard from Jennie that a few girls tried to ask Y/N out but she immediately shut them down.”
“Also explains why she’s always walking you home if you agree.” Tzuyu chimed in with a shrug.
Nayeon scoffed at her best friend’s claims as she replied, “That does not justify anything and you know it— also, Y/N asked Seolhyun out before so-“
“Yeah, that doesn’t count, unnie. We were in the 4th grade!” Momo pointed out while chuckling in amusement as she asked, “And honestly, would it really be that bad if she actually did like you? She is nice to look at.”
“She’s nice too,” Mina added as she continued with, “She’s always helped me in some way or another.”
The valedictorian sighed and just shook her head as she muttered out, “I’m not saying that she isn’t nice, I’m just saying she gets on my nerves sometimes.”
“Why is that?” The four girls asked, their brows creased and their heads slightly tilted to the side.
Nayeon took a breath and released a shaky one as she shrugged once again while mumbling, “Okay, so maybe she doesn’t really get on my nerves.. it’s just sometimes she’s so obnoxious and such a clown and whenever she laughs, she has that stupid grin on her face and she snorts like an idiot and-“
Jihyo, the closest to Nayeon out of the 4 girls, looked at her best friend with interest. She had never seen the valedictorian like this before. The stuttering, the avoiding glances and the lowered head. Then within a moment, a thought came into her mind; a thought she never considered— until now. For some odd reason, it made sense to her.
“Oh my... unnie, do you actually like her?”
Nayeon looked at her best friend with wide eyes as she gasped silently and exclaimed in disbelief, “What?!”
“If it’s true, it all adds up now!” Momo exclaimed excitedly as she quickly included, “You don’t hate her— you just hate how she makes you feel all giddy and stuff!! Also, it explains why you never miss any of her basketball games!”
“Ooo, that does explain why Nayeon unnie got so annoyed at Irene unnie for asking Y/N out one time,” Tzuyu chimed in teasingly as she continued, “Nayeon unnie looked like she was going to kill someone!”
Scoffing, the valedictorian shook her head in complete bewilderment as she fired back, “Are you guys listening to yourself?? Do you know how crazy you sound right now??”
“Oh please, look at how defensive you’re being-“
Unfortunately, Jihyo didn’t have any time to complete her sentence because out of the blue, a familiar voice had cleared their throat and said, “Excuse me ladies, do you want to tell the whole class what you’re talking about?”
The four girls looked at Tiffany with wide eyes as they struggled with an appropriate response. In the end, they simply shook their heads and lowered their heads in defeat.
As the older lady walked away from them, Nayeon looked at her best friends, who simply shrugged with a smug smile, as her eyes subconsciously shifted to the one person who she’s been calling her neighbor for most of her life.
Nayeon watched as Y/N was talking and laughing with her group of friends, a small smile unconsciously forming on the valedictorian’s lips. She knew what her best friends had said was true; Y/N was nice and she knows it. Despite the frequent teasings and the witty jokes, Y/N has always taken care of her one way or another— Nayeon’s just never really acknowledged it.
Realizing she had been staring, Nayeon quickly looked away but she hadn’t noticed that one of her best friends had caught her in the act. That was until she felt a pair of eyes on her and the valedictorian turned her head so fast that she gasped as quiet as she could while she was greeted by a staring Jihyo.
Jihyo looked at the valedictorian knowingly before she sighed and pursued lips before saying, “Now you understand where I’m coming from, right?”
The thing is, Nayeon did understand where her best friend was coming from and to be quite honest, she wasn’t sure if that was the answer she wanted.
A few days had passed and Nayeon was still as confused as ever. She kept thinking about what her best friends had said to her because ever since then, she couldn’t really see Y/N in the same light anymore.
So, maybe she does go to Y/N’s basketball game every time without fail and maybe she does get annoyed whenever someone asks the jock out on a date but in Nayeon’s belief, she’s only annoyed because every time Y/N gets asked out, the jock immediately asks the valedictorian out too! It just doesn’t make sense! .... Right?
“Nayeon-ah! Im Nayeon! Hey gorgeous, wait up!”
Halting her steps and turning around, Nayeon subconsciously squinted her eyes slightly due to brightness of the sun as she saw the familiar sight of her neighbor who was currently jogging towards her before she groaned internally in annoyance.
Still not over the ordeal that she had with her best friends, the valedictorian sighed and forced an unwelcoming smile as she breathed out, “What do you want now, Y/N?”
Noticing that her neighbor wasn’t in the greatest of moods, Y/N creased her brows slightly before she gently asked, “Whoa sweets, are you okay? Need me to shit on someone?”
“It’s just..” The valedictorian managed to mutter out before she took a deep breath, releasing a shaky one and said, “It’s nothing— what do you want, Y/L/N?”
Still sensing the tension from the girl, the jock simply shrugged and asked, “Do you... want to go grab some food on the way home?”
“And ruin my dinner? No thanks but I-“
“Well, it doesn’t have to be anything heavy; maybe some coffee or cake.”
Nayeon was curious to the sudden invite as she loosely crossed her arms and questioned, “Why?”
Y/N shrugged and gave the gentlest smile she could ever muster before she effused, “Just cause.”
“Y/N, I don’t have time for your jokes-“
“I promise you it’s not a joke,” The jock reassured with a sincere smile as she continued with, “One cup of coffee of your choice and I’ll be out of your hair.”
The valedictorian sighed as she caved, “Fine but instead of coffee, I just want hot chocolate.”
“And you’re paying.”
“I was planning to but yeah, okay.”
At this point, Y/N was smiling widely in satisfaction and even when Nayeon noticed the slight reaction that her heart had, she playfully rolled her eyes before turning around once again and walking away from the jock while saying out loud, “Can we just go to that damn place already?”
The jock chuckled affectionately, finding the valedictorian adorable as she went after her. If Y/N was honest, she wasn’t really sure where to bring Nayeon for a cup of hot chocolate because the idea was rather sudden, even for her.
But even walking in silence was good enough for the jock as the both of them made their way to a diner that was nearby to their homes. As the door bell rang the moment they swung the entrance door open, both of them were internally satisfied that the diner was rather empty and not as hectic as they expected.
They then took a seat at a corner table that was by the window before a waitress came up to them and gave them the menu. Still in complete silence, Nayeon looked through the menu while Y/N... was looking right at her.
The jock was in awe at how gorgeous her neighbour looked, even without makeup and she found it even cuter that Nayeon was so focused on the menu, that her expression at that moment was just heart-melting. Y/N knew she was way in too deep with her neighbor but knowing who the valedictorian is as a person and how much they’ve grown with each other, she didn’t really care anymore.
“Why are you looking at me and not at the menu?”
Y/N widened her eyes as she realized she was caught red handed before she quickly shifted her gaze to the menu, not realizing that her staring— was making the girl opposite of her, slightly flustered. Trying her best to get over the entire situation, the jock cleared her throat before she managed to mutter out, “I-I think I’m just gonna get a milkshake.”
Nayeon noticed the slight stammer but she decided to digress as she put the menu down and sighed, “I think I’ll have the same thing.”
“I thought you didn’t want to ruin your dinner?” The jock asked teasingly, a playful glint in her eyes as a smirk formed on her lips.
“Just shut up and order our milkshakes, will you?”
That had made Y/N laugh as she nodded and mockingly said with a playful salute, “Sir, yes, sir!”
Almost immediately, the jock then placed their orders with the waitress before the milkshakes quickly made their way to the table as Y/N slurped the drink the moment the straw made contact with her lips.
At that point, Nayeon was trying her best to hold back a smile forming on her lips as she shook her head and softly muttered, “You are a child.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you very much.” The jock joked with a grin as she then added, “Also, life’s too short to be serious all the time.”
Nayeon chuckled quietly as she then quizzed, “Then are you going to tell me why did you suddenly invite me to a diner after school where we could potentially ruin our dinner and get our butts kicked by our mothers?”
“Then are you going to tell me what’s going on in that little head of yours?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just stressed about finals.”
“Im Nayeon, you do remember that I know you like the back of my hand, right?”
Knowing very well that she can’t actually tell Y/N what was really bothering her, Nayeon smiled sarcastically as she crossed her arms and fired back, “You do know I care more about the finals than you do, right?”
The jock then raised her hands in defense while saying, “Fine, lets not talk about it then; I can wait.”
Nayeon then looked at her neighbor with interest as she leaned her arms on the table before she brazenly asked, “Honestly Y/N, why me?” Noticing that the jock was confused at the sudden question, the valedictorian clarified, “Why did you ask me to tutor you? You know you can get anyone to tutor you considering their crush on you so... why me?”
“Because you’re smart.”
“They’re smart too.”
“You also live right next to me.”
“You can always have them come over your house.”
Y/N then hesitated slightly, her heart racing and her mind reluctant on admitting her next words as she shrugged and softly said, “.... Yeah, but they’re not you.”
Nayeon’s breath hitched as she gazed into the sincere and warm eyes of her neighbor— the same neighbor that she’s always said she despises. Silence took over their entire conversation as the valedictorian sensed nothing but honesty from Y/N, her heart blatanly racing compared to before. Breaking their gaze, Nayeon then cleared her throat and stammered out, “Y/N, w-we should probably-“
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the jock and the mute from JYP High School. Having a little date with your girlfriend before the game with us tomorrow, Y/L/N?”
Recognizing the mocking voice, Y/N groaned and temporarily shut her eyes before she faced the source and was greeted with a boy in his varsity jacket while she forced a smile and said, “Hey Clarke, bye Clarke.”
The boy, Clarke, grinned smugly as he replied, “Aw, am I interrupting? Is that why you’ve been missing your shots on the court? Because of this mute?”
“Gee Clarke, rich coming from you considering you’ve been missing shots ever since you were on the team,” The jock fired back with a sarcastic smile as she continued with, “Your team went from number 3 to number what again? 57? Wow, must’ve really impressed the scouts.”
Obviously, this had irritated Clarke as he gritted his teeth and exclaimed, “It’s 48!”
“Yeah, that’s just so much better.” Y/N mocked, before she then concluded, “So, why don’t you go practice your 3-pointers for tomorrow and leave us in peace, hm?”
Clarke then took a few steps closer to the jock before he threatened, “How about I leave with your mute-girlfriend here and we’ll see if you like that, huh? Maybe I can try practicing my 3-pointers with her instead-“
This honestly angered Y/N as she scoffed and stood up, going face to face Clarke who was understandably a few inches taller than her as she rebuked, “You really want to try me, my dude? Really?”
The boy was unfazed as he smirked and sneered, “Maybe your mute here has some tricks up her sleeve-“
Not wanting to hear the entire sentence, Y/N interrupted Clarke by shoving him so hard that he stumbled a few steps back as she hissed, “You’re really starting to piss me off, 57; you better watch it.”
Clarke was no longer smirking as he exclaimed, “I told you it’s number 48!!”
Y/N was about to jab another insult towards the boy before she felt a warm hand tugging hers as she turned her head slightly and was greeted with a worried Nayeon who whispered, “Don’t waste your time on him, come on, let’s just go home.”
The jock could feel her anger slowly dissipating as she took a deep breath and released a shaky one while nodding before she left the amount due on their table and looked back at Clarke with a glare, “You better watch your back, Clarke boy. Try doing this well on the court tomorrow then maybe we’ll talk.”
Y/N then gently grabbed Nayeon’s hands as she dragged the both of them out from the diner with many eyes on them. On the way home, the jock had released the valedictorian’s hand but was still heaving in anger as she couldn’t believe that she didn’t manage to stop Clarke from saying such inappropriate things about Nayeon.
The thought of him sexually harassing Nayeon like that, truly made the jock’s blood boil in pure anger and hatred and the valedictorian noticed that. She then realized that since they were already in front of their houses, she slowly and gently grabbed Y/N’s wrist, halting their movements as they both faced each other before the valedictorian cooed, “Hey, stop thinking about that idiot, he’s not worth the stress; I’m fine, see?” She reassured while raising both her hands and adding, “No scratch, no nothing.”
The jock sighed and shook her head in disapproval as she ranted, “But he still shouldn’t have said those things! God, if I could just punch-“
“No, Y/N, that would not help the entire situation at all; if anything, it would put you at a disadvantage and he gets to watch you get in trouble instead.” Nayeon reasoned, unconsciously taking a step closer as she also added, “You’re better than that— I know you are.”
Y/N’s breathing became calmer at the sight of Nayeon’s brown eyes, her heartbeat not as rapid as it was before, which she then released a deep sigh and nodded in response.
Knowing that the jock probably isn’t in any mood to say anything, Nayeon smiled affectionately and rubbed her arms while saying, “Why don’t you go get a good night’s sleep and not worry about it anymore? You do have a big game tomorrow and you can show Clarke the way a game should be played.”
The jocked gave a small smiled as she nodded before she watched Nayeon take a step back and make her way to her own house. Right before the valedictorian was about to go inside her house however, Y/N called out and asked, “You’ll be at the game, right? Like always?”
Nayeon nodded with a warm and gentle smile as she reassured while teasing, “I may find you annoying at times and there are days where you make me want to just hit you repeatedly but yes, I’ll definitely be there— like always.”
“Then you’ll let me take you on that date that I’ve been asking for?”
The valedictorian chuckled in slight disbelief as she shook her head with a small but visible smile before she turned around and sarcastically said out loud, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Nayeon.... sweet dreams.”
Y/N was always nervous before a game but today— she was both angry and nervous.
After her encounter with Clarke yesterday, she tried her best to get over it but the words kept replaying in her head and she hated it. She didn’t manage to tell any of her best friends about what had happened, since she refused to let it distract her even more.
That being said, her teammates knew that every time before a game, Y/N usually goes quiet as she tries to get into the right mindset but today, they noticed that she was extra quiet.
“Yo, Y/N!” Her teammate, Jackson Wang called out as he added, “Someone’s here for you!”
Confused to who it might be, the jock made her way to the locker room door as she was then greeted with an awkwardly smiling Nayeon, who adorably waved at her while one of her hands was behind her back. Y/N smiled with creased brows as she questioned, “Nayeon? What are you doing here?”
The valedictorian then revealed a small gift in the form of Reese’s peanut butter cups as she softly said, “I just wanted to give you these... for good luck.”
To anyone, the chocolates may have a small meaning but to Y/N, they meant a lot more. This was a part of her memory growing up with Nayeon, that she will forever cherish and she couldn’t help but get a little emotional about it.
Y/N smiled warmly at the girl as she said, “I can’t believe you remembered... you always gave me these on my birthday growing up.” She then teased affectionately, “Be careful sweets, some may say you’re getting soft on me. You might ruin your reputation.”
“Maybe I am... but is it wrong of me to say that I don’t really care anymore?”
Nayeon was getting soft on Y/N and she wasn’t going to deny it this time— not anymore. After what had happened last night, she spent the whole night thinking about her feelings and dissecting how she truly felt about the jock. She wasn’t really sure how she came to the conclusion, but all she knew was that she was tired of denying it any longer.
Maybe it was after she realized that she couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N last night and wondered if the jock was going to be okay. Maybe it was because she was worried that Y/N was going to blame herself for an idiot’s fault. Maybe it was because she finally realized that she liked Y/N more than she originally thought she did.
Y/N could only stare at the valedictorian with wide eyes, dropped jaw and hitched breath as she truly struggled to respond. Her heart was racing and her body was getting warmer by each second which meant that the jock knew that her cheeks were increasingly getting redder each time.
Nayeon, however, found it cute and she chuckled quietly as she took a step forward and brazenly hugged Y/N, her arms going around the jock’s waist while she gently muttered, “Good luck tonight, Y/L/N. If everything goes well tonight, then I’ll think about that date you’ve been annoying me about.”
The jock didn’t have enough time to respond as Nayeon then released her grip and smiled shyly before she turned around and left soon after. By now, Y/N knew her cheeks were definitely red and she even placed a hand over her racing heart because she was in complete disbelief at what just happened. Followed by slight teasings from her teammates, the jock’s temporary bliss had to be cut short when they were asked to make their entrance to the court.
With her nerves slightly better after her short interaction with Nayeon, Y/N looked around the court and connected her eyes with a smirking Clarke, which automatically made her anger spike up instantly. Nonetheless, the jock refused to mess up the momentum in her head, as she quickly broke the eye contact and searched for a familiar face in the crowd. The moment her eyes had landed on Nayeon, Y/N instinctively smiled as she gave a small wave towards the valedictorian.
In the stands, as Nayeon was waving back with a small grin of her own, her best friends were watching with wides eyes from the side and they could not believe at what they were seeing. Jihyo, on the other hand, was smiling with endearment and it was because she knew the struggle that her best friend had to go through for the past few days regarding her feelings towards the jock considering Nayeon had called her up every night about it.
Then with a blink of an eye, the buzzer rang and the game began.
Both sides of the stands were full of both home and away supporters, the former being naturally louder as the game was being held at JYP’s court. The game began smoothly and cordially, with the usual bad-mouthing from the away team as everyone’s eyes were locked on the court. Initially, JYP was leading the game with 3 points after Amber Liu had managed to score a 3-pointer before the half time buzzer rang.
Now, with the points at 76 for JYP and 73 for the away team, the tension was finally getting to them. With only 15 minutes on the clock, Y/N knew that she had to score a few more to secure the team’s victory for tonight’s game. The jock was about to shoot her 3 -pointer until she was strategically blocked by Clarke himself, as he chuckled mockingly before saying, “Hey Y/L/N, how about we make a deal?” He said as Y/N continued to ignore him as he added, “How about I get to spend the night with your precious mute if I win this game and I’ll tell you how she tastes?”
Like a volcano erupting, Y/N simply halted her movements, earning gasps from the crowd as her face formed an angry expression before she exclaimed, “What did you say to me?!”
Both teams immediately stopped their movements as they made their way to the two players before both Jackson and Amber held Y/N back while Clarke was pushed away by his own teammates while mocking, “I said.... let me spend the night with your girlfriend and I’ll tell you how she tastes-“
“You son of a bitch!”
Unfortunately, the hit came a lot quicker than anyone could’ve expected and almost immediately, chaos erupted. Breaking through the human barrier of both Jackson and Amber, Y/N managed to land a punch on the jawline of Clarke’s face. The moment he fell on his back, groaning in pain as he held his jaw, the boy then stood up before he charged at the jock and managed to land a punch on her face too, but this time, on her cheek instead before he landed another punch on her eye.
Completely angry now, Y/N then shoved him as he fell down before she landed a few more punches. The fight had no upper hand fighter but it was clear to anyone there, that it was a fight that was not going to end anytime soon. The coaches of both teams then groaned in anger before they ran towards the group of chaos as they too tried to stop the fight from progressing any further. They then pulled the two bloodied-up teenagers apart as both teams held back the two players who were still mouthing off insults with their bloodied lip.
“That’s enough! Cut it out!” The JYP coach had warned as he stood in the middle between the two teenagers.
Nayeon and the rest of the girls, including Y/N’s own group of friends, had watched the fight go down and immediately rushed their way to the court before the valedictorian pushed her way through the crowds to get to the jock. After getting to the centre of the entire fight, Nayeon gasped and covered her mouth in shock as she witnessed Y/N being held back by her teammates while her face was completely bloodied up. Her left eye was bruised, her lips was busted and the amount of blood on Y/N’s jersey made the valedictorian’s breath hitch.
Making her way towards the jock, Nayeon immediately blocked Y/N’s view of Clarke as she then grabbed the jock’s face with both of her hands while her eyes quickly scanned the injuries on her face. The moment Y/N’s eyes were locked on Nayeon’s brown eyes, the jock chest heaved as she struggled to breathe out, “N-Nayeonie? I-Is that y-you?”
Her heart breaking at the sight of her beaten-up neighbor, Nayeon held back her angry tears before she tried her best to muster a weak smile as she nodded and reassured, “Yes, Y/N, it’s me, I’m here-“
“I-I’m sorry, I s-shouldn’t have punched him but he just kept-“
“It’s okay, Y/N, it doesn’t matter now,” The valedictorian reassured before she placed the jock’s arm around her shoulders as she said, “I’m gonna get you checked, okay?”
While the two teams were still going at it with each other after what had happened, Nayeon prioritized the girl in her arms as she guided her to the school’s infirmary with their group of friends following right behind them. Understandably, the group was completely silent when the nurse was checking Y/N’s injuries, as she too was shaking her head in disbelief in the slight severity of it all.
“Is it that bad?” The valedictorian reluctantly asked, her voice shaky and laced with worry as she added, “Do I need to call her parents?”
The nurse sighed as she shook her head while saying, “Other than a black eye and a busted lip, she’s fine... but that said, her eye is bruised up pretty bad so she should let it rest for a few days until it swells down.”
Nayeon nodded before she helped Y/N stand on her feet as she wrapped one of the jock’s arm around her shoulders again. With Jeongyeon on the other side, they all made their way to Nayeon’s car which could only fit a few of them. In the end, besides Nayeon and Y/N, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Chaeyoung decided to tag along as they all made their way to the jock’s house. During the drive, the valedictorian constantly glanced at the jock, who fell asleep during the ride.
“I swear if I see that Clarke kid again, he’s not gonna hear the end of it.” Jeongyeon gritted, her eyes angry and her expression in pure resentment.
“Don’t you worry, we’ll all be there too.” Jihyo chimed in, glancing at her driving best friend who was clearly stressing out right now.
The rest of the drive was quiet, everyone was processing tonight’s events as they all tried to calm each other down through the silence. Once they’ve arrived at Y/N’s house, they were surprised to see the jock’s parents standing by the front porch with a blatant expression of worry. The moment the car halted, Y/N slowly woke up as her father helped her out of the car and straight into the house before the jock’s mother looked at the group of girls in front of her and automatically asked, “What happened tonight?? I got a call from the coach and said that Y/N was driven home due to an injury!”
The other girls simply glanced at Nayeon to explain as the latter was most familiar with the mother of two before the valedictorian revealed, “She got into a fight with a boy from the other team but I promise you, Mrs. Y/L/N, Y/N did nothing wrong! He kept on provoking her since yesterday!”
Mrs. Y/L/N sighed and nodded knowingly as she admitted, “Yes, I know, she told me about it yesterday but I didn’t know it was this bad,” She muttered before she looked at the three girls with a sad smile while replying, “Thank you girls for your help but I think Y/N should probably rest for the night and you guys should probably get on home; I don’t want your parents to start worrying too.”
“Can we come over tomorrow?” Chaeyoung asked sheepishly as she scratched the back of her neck before she added, “We’ll just hang out with her or something.”
“Of course sweetie, you’re all welcome to come over tomorrow, especially after all of your help tonight,” The older woman mentioned before her eyes shifted to Nayeon and she continued to say, “And thank you, Nayeon; thank you for always being there for our Y/N.”
Trying her best to hold back her tears, Nayeon nodded in response as Mrs. Y/L/N made her way back into the house as the four of them simply stood in the driveway, somehow dazed in mixed emotions.
When the next day came, Nayeon quickly decided to stop by Y/N’s house after school and hoped that the jock was feeling better than last night. Knocking on the door, Nayeon was then greeted by Chaeyoung. The sight surprised her but she did notice that besides the jock, Y/N’s group of friends weren’t around at school today.
“Oh hey, Nayeon unnie.” Chaeyoung greeted simply as she chewed on a strawberry-flavored licorice vine before she added, “How was school today?”
“Uh, fine?” Nayeon answered awkwardly as she questioned, “Where were you and your friends? I only saw Sana and Dahyun but even they disappeared after 3rd period.”
“Oh, Jeongyeon unnie and I skipped to spend the day with Y/N, then Sana unnie and Dahyun unnie decided to hang out too but the three of them just left for a double date; wanna come in? Y/N’s showering but she should be done soon.”
The valedictorian then made her way inside, closing the front door in the process before she asked, “Where’s Mrs. Y/L/N? Is it only the both of you at home?”
The baby cub nodded before she revealed, “Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N are at school right now, to have a meeting with the principal regarding about what happened last night and baby Heeyeonie is sleeping upstairs.”
Nayeon nodded instinctively in acknowledgement before she quietly asked, “How is she? Did she talk about what happened?”
“She’s still pissed at Clarke for sure but she’s healing pretty well. Don’t tell her this but she’s a complete wuss when it comes to her medication— it took Jeongyeon unnie and I nearly an hour to just get her to apply some ointment on her eye and lips.”
Before Nayeon could even reply, a familiar and raspy voice intervened as steps down the stairs were heard.
“Chaeyoung, who in the world are you talking to-“
Both the valedictorian and the baby cub turned their heads facing the stairs where they were then greeted with a freshly-showered Y/N. The jock looked at valedictorian with raised brows as she rasped out, “Nayeonie? Did school end already?”
Sighing in complete relief at the sight of her neighbor, Nayeon released a happy sob as she ran towards Y/N before she carefully but tightly wrapped her arms around the jock’s mid-torso. Pressing her face against her neighbor’s collarbone, the valedictorian softly sobbed out, “I am so glad to see you; you nearly scared me to death, you asshole! Even your jersey was nearly covered in blood last night!”
To say Y/N was surprised was an understatement— the jock was at loss for words as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that Nayeon was hugging onto her like dear life. Slowly wrapping her own arms around the valedictorian, the jock sighed in content as she softly cooed, “...I’m getting better now, I promise.”
“Don’t you dare say that to me,” Nayeon warned affectionately as she pulled away slightly to look at Y/N before she added, “You had no idea how bad it was last night.... I was scared, Y/N.”
Looking straight into Nayeon’s glossy eyes, Y/N could feel the sincerity of her words and how they only emitted warmth, affection and care. She was in complete awe by the girl in her arms as she reassured her with a gentle tone, “I’m right here, Nayeon-ah... I’m with you.” She then wiped the fallen tears from the valedictorian’s cheeks as she whispered, “I’m not going anywhere.”
The valedictorian’s lips then unconsciously formed into an adoring smile as she muttered, “Hey, Y/L/N?”
“Take me on that date.”
Y/N smiled widely at the statement before she nodded and beamed softly, “Best idea ever, sweets.” She teased lightly as the jock then continued, “Hey, Nayeon? Can I ask you another favor?”
Nayeon grinned teasingly as she joked, “Is me saying yes to the date, not enough for you?”
“It is, but I have one more thing to ask and I’ve been thinking about this since the 8th grade,” The jock admitted before she took a deep breath, releasing a shaky one as she quietly asked, “.... Can I kiss you?”
The valedictorian’s breath hitched as she quickly responded, “Y-You wanna be... my first kiss?”
Nodding, Y/N smiled and whispered, “If you’ll have me.”
Gathering all her courage, Nayeon slowly leaned her head as the jock did the same, not long before their lips had finally made contact and the scent of jasmine from Y/N, had filled the valedictorian’s nose. They shamelessly continued to kiss, their lips suddenly becoming addictive to one another as they smiled into each and every kiss.
Pulling away gently, the couple smiled at each other with endearment as Nayeon shyly asked, “...Does this mean I get to have your kisses now?”
Y/N chuckled at the adorable question as she nodded while slowly leaning before she whispered, “Sweets, you can have all of my everything.”
As the couple connected their lips once again, a certain cub was watching the entire scenario unfold in front of her eyes as her jaw dropped and she gasped in surprise. Covering her mouth to silence the gasp, Chaeyoung hurriedly took out her phone and clicked on Jeongyeon’s number before she heard the familiar ringing sound.
Not long after, the call was picked up and Jeongyeon hurriedly asked, “Chaeng? What’s wrong? Is something wrong with Y/N??” 
Quietly making her way to the kitchen to continue conversation, Chaeyoung marveled, “Unnie, you cannot believe what just happened-“
“Chaeng, if it’s not about Y/N, can we talk later? I’m sorta with Momo right now-“
The baby cub groaned slightly as she quickly yelled through a whisper, “Nayeon unnie and Y/N just kissed!”
“..... The two love birds did what?!”
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
also, happy ramadan to all my muslim readers & i hope u have a good fasting month ☪️😌
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Hirai Momo ; it’s you & me against the world... right?
writer’s note : alright ngl this request honestly intrigued me because i was wondering what would actually happened if a surprise went wrong and how heartbreaking would that beeeee!!! ok so sorry if its angsty as hell in the beginning but i promise there’s light at the end of the tunnel hehe
warning : angsty as hell but reward towards the end 🤩
tips : my gay babies, u know i LOVE reading with a music background so TRY IT!!!!! For the angsty part, I was listening to Only (Live from the Royal Albert Hall) by RY X & i’m not gonna lie, it stung a little 😢 but as the angst began to go and the happy part came in, i listened to Canada by Lauv 🥴
words : 4,063 words
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6 months.
That was how long since Y/N last saw her girlfriend, Momo. 6 months and when she saw the opportunity arise, she grabbed it immediately.
Being close friends with the rest of Twice had its perks. That said, Y/N got a message from Sana saying that she’s got an extra ticket because her mother couldn’t make it and the concert was in Kyoto— right in her girlfriend’s hometown and she couldn’t let that opportunity slip.
Packing and getting ready for the surprise wasn’t that hard, much to Y/N’s surprise. She managed to get the help of all the girls and she urged them to keep her girlfriend distracted until the day she arrived, which was a day before their Kyoto concert.
She managed to bring along Momo’s extra clothes that the other girls had mentioned she forgot to bring and also her favorite teddy bear to sleep at night; ‘Bearing’ from Singapore.
To say she was tired was an understatement but the cheapest flight to Kyoto was only available at dawn and she sacrificed her sleep for the sake of seeing her girlfriend.
Arrival in Kyoto was a breeze as Jihyo managed to get one of the managers to pick her up at the airport but of course, Y/N had insisted to pay for the hotel room herself because they’ve already done so much for her.
What she was scared of, was the surprise.
For some odd reason, Sana had informed her that Momo hadn’t been in a good mood lately as netizens started to spread a rumor regarding Momo dating a non-idol; which is Y/N, obviously.
Y/N understood where Momo came from, as the latter had told her stories about the days she had to go through after her previous relationships had gone public and she felt as if she had brought the group’s image down.
Momo had also admitted that after people found out about any of her prior relationships, she felt a sense of anxiety and sad, because all she ever wanted was to be a human being, who happens to fall in love once in a while.
However, Y/N was optimistic and careful, making sure that every move she made was far from any paparazzis or overly obsessed fans. She made sure to use casual attire too, nothing that was standing out too much.
Not long after arriving at the hotel, she settled down quickly and changed into a different set of clothes before Y/N insisted on taking the cab to avoid any suspicious fans following the van or paparazzis alike. Arriving at the venue was simple but getting through the restricted entrance was another thing.
Y/N was given a pass, an employee pass from the managers, and she knew getting in wasn’t that difficult but then again, she was trying to avoid any pictures being taken so nothing could be blown out of proportions if the worst were to happen.
Thankfully, the cab had dropped her off pretty far from the public eye and she managed to get through easier than expected.
Upon arrival, she was greeted with the group’s managers and also a few of the members such as Sana, Dahyun and Jihyo.
“Oh! Thank God, you’re finally here!” Sana rushed to her, her expression worried and also a bit tired.
“We were waiting for you!” Dahyun admitted.
Y/N then furrowed her brows in confusion and asked, “Why? What happened? Is Momo alright? Did she find out about the surprise??”
“No, no, she doesn’t know a thing but her mood’s been off the whole day for some odd reason,” Jihyo explained, her face laced in worry as she added, “We heard from Nayeon that she’s been harassed online again because someone found out that she currently is dating someone.”
Not knowing what to do next, Y/N questioned, “So, what should we do? Should I still surprise her or...?”
The three girls looked at each other momentarily before Jihyo sighed and gave a kind smile while saying, “Of course you should— I mean, you came all this way to see her; you deserve to see her after all the trouble.”
“But just to be sure, we’ll make sure to go somewhere else when you surprise her, just in case if she, you know, breaks down and rants to you.” Dahyun chuckled awkwardly as the two other girls nodded in agreement.
Y/N sighed audibly with pursued lips as she nodded while saying, “Okay, where to next?”
“Momo-ya, can you wait here for a moment? We need to take our shoes from the car.” Jeongyeon said, the other girls fiddling nervously and hoping that the plans goes through.
Momo furrowed her brows in confusion as she sat on the couch with her phone in her hands before she asked, “Eh? Shouldn’t I come along?”
The girls had a temporary panic before Nayeon smoothly jumped in and explained, “Yours is already here but we took the wrong ones.”
Still confused but not really in the mood to question anymore, Momo simply nodded and looked back at her phone.
She misses her girlfriend and the 6 long months that she hadn’t seen Y/N, was really starting to take a toll on her. Nonetheless, after trying to call her multiple times with no success, Momo simply sent her girlfriend a text message.
To : baby jokbal 🐽 [7:31pm]
where are you? 😢
To : baby jokbal 🐽 [7:31pm]
i havent heard your voice the whole day and i feel like i want to cry so please call me back
To : baby jokbal 🐽 [7:32pm]
i love you, miss you and i hope you’re safe 💖
Sighing, Momo put her phone away as she leaned her head back against the head rest before she felt a pair of hands covering her eyes and a familiar voice talking to her.
“I don’t have to call you back because I’m already here, jagiya.”
This caused Momo to gasp in surprise before she stood up instantaneously, looked at her girlfriend who was grinning excitedly at her but for some reason, Momo couldn’t reciprocate the same way.
“Y/N?? What are you doing here??” Momo asked worriedly, making her way in front of her girlfriend before she dragged her away from any doors so no one could barge in on them.
Confused by the cold welcome, Y/N simply brushed it aside and chuckled, “To surprise you, of course!” She giggled warmly before adding, “I missed you and a friend had a spare ticket so I flew over-“
“Why didn’t you discuss it with me first??” Momo questioned, her tone harsh and her lips frowning before she added, “What if someone had taken a photo of you at the airport and it went viral??”
Still trying her best to stay optimistic, Y/N placed her hands on Momo’s arms while saying, “Honey, I made sure no one-“
“How sure can you be???” Momo hissed, shrugging off her girlfriend’s hands from her arms before she huffed, “Why couldn’t you just wait for me back home??”
“Don’t you know what damage you could’ve done if someone caught us together because of your stupid surprise?!”
Suddenly, the room went pin-drop silent with the sounds of the air-conditioner being the loudest sound there is. The warmth that Y/N was feeling, disappeared as quickly as her smile on her lips. Instead, it was replaced with disappointment and a slight anger.
Y/N looked at her girlfriend with disbelief, her brows creased and her lips finally frowning. Did she really just hear that? After all she did, this is what she got in return? No ‘hi, how are you?’ or maybe, ‘hi, i’m happy to see you’?
“A stupid surprise?” Y/N choked out, her voice weak as she wistfully questioned, “This is a stupid surprise for you? I didn’t sleep and eat just so I could catch the flight to get here and all I get is ‘this is a stupid surprise’? Wow - just wow. So much for a welcome, babe.”
Momo finally processed the words that she had said but that sense of fear she had over the word of mouth, was still overwhelming her. Her eyes had gotten glossy but her eye contact with her girlfriend remained as she replied, “You know how much trouble I went through when I got caught before and I told you that people took photos at times we least expect it-“
“Momo, did you really think I was that careless??” Y/N contended, her tone slightly harsh as she added, “Do you really think that I would be that clumsy for someone to take a photo of me??”
“They could’ve!” Momo challenged, her voice raising.
Y/N took a step back and retorted angrily, “But they didn’t!” She pointed out, her own eyes slowly started to go glossy as she added, “I’m not stupid, Momo! I’ve been dating you for a year, I know what to avoid!”
“We can’t be too sure, Y/N!” Momo rasped out, her tears finally falling before she added, “What happens when they find out about us?? What’s going to happen to us then?? Do you know what they’ll to couples like us?? They’ll rip us apart!”
“Fine, then tell me to leave and I’ll go!” Y/N wept loudly, her tears falling freely as she sniffled, “Just... I’ll book the first flight home-“
“Y/N, I don’t mean it that way-“
“I’ll just book the first flight out tomorrow morning, okay?,” Y/N croacked out, breaking their gaze as she looked down at the floor before whispering, “I shouldn’t have caused such a burden to you.”
“Y/N, you’re not a burden,” Momo sobbed out softly, trying to get closer to her girlfriend but was heartbroken when Y/N took a step back instead. “Jagiya, just understand where I’m coming from; I’m doing this for us.”
At this point, Y/N was emotionally exhausted after having no rest in her system and her entire body was just numb. She understood where Momo came from and she wouldn’t want to wish any of this on anyone but she began to question certain things.
She didn’t want to let Momo go and she understood that Momo just didn’t want her personal relationships to be exposed but at the same time, the selfish part of Y/N, just wanted to be with her girlfriend without having the fear of getting pictures taken because some people can’t accept that idols are still human beings who craves human affection.
She released a shaky breath and nodded weakly while whispering, “I don’t know if there is an ‘us’ anymore, Momo.”
This caused Momo to sob loudly as she took a small step closer while crying out, “No, no, no, no- baby, don’t say that; tell me you don’t mean that!”
Before Y/N could reply, the door suddenly barged open and the laughters of the other girls suddenly went silent as the 8 of them sensed the tense atmosphere in the room.
The 8 of them looked at each other before Jihyo glanced at the couple and realized that the both of them were heaving while their eyes were actually leaving tears.
“Guys, what’s going on here?” Jihyo questioned gently, taking a few steps closer to the couple before she continued, “What happened?”
Taking in a deep breath, Y/N wiped her tears and forced a smile as she looked at Jihyo and rasped out, “Thank you for all the help but I think I should go back to the hotel and let you girls perform without any distraction.”
Momo then grabbed her girlfriend’s hands and pleaded, “Y/N, don’t do this, please!”
Holding back her tears and trying to avoid a bigger scene, Y/N placed a teary kiss on her girlfriend’s forehead before she whispered, “Have a good performance, Momo-ya; I know you’ll do well like always.”
Y/N immediately but gently removed Momo’s grasp on her before she quickly made her way out while her girlfriend constantly calls out her name. The moment the door was pulled shut, the 8 girls immediately made their way to Momo and comforted her as she continued to cry.
“What happened, Momo-ya?” Jeongyeon asked her roommate, sad that she had to see her in this kind of state.
“Do I have to kill her??” Nayeon asked angrily as she added, “Wasn’t she supposed to surprise you??”
Jihyo then hushed the both of them before calmly saying, “Guys, let Momo explain to us what happened first before we jump to conclusions.”
“Momo-ya... what happened?” Sana asked gently as she wrapped an arm around her fellow Japanese before she continued, “Weren’t you happy to see her?”
Sobbing, Momo nodded while saying, “Of course I was excited to see her but— but I was scared, okay!”
Furrowing her brows with confusion, Jeongyeon asked, “Scared about what?”
Momo then looked at her roommate with red eyes as she said, “Scared that someone will catch us! That someone will send those photos to Dispatch and I’d go through this stupid internet bullying all over again!”
The moment the Japanese girl admitted her fears, the rest of the girls looked at each other as they knew exactly where Momo was coming from. This wasn’t Momo’s first relationship but it was the first one where it was involving 2 girls and if her first relationship with a man caused so much chaos— they can’t imagine what’ll the netizen do to her when they find out that she’s dating a girl.
However, the leader of Twice then chimed in, “As much as I understand where your coming from, Momo-ya, don’t push Y/N away because of your fears,” Jihyo reasoned gently as she then added, “A relationship is a two-way street and I’m sure your girlfriend understands the consequences of dating an idol but she did go through all this trouble to surprise you; she even took the dawn flight here because it was the only flight available.”
“It’s true, Momo-ya...” Sana quietly added as she continued with, “I had a spare ticket and decided to-“
“You were the one who gave her the spare ticket???”
“Only because she missed you and you missed her too!” The other Japanese fired back before she reminded, “Have you forgotten the amount of nights where you cried to me because you missed Y/N so much??”
“Sana-ya, you should’ve at least discussed with me first!” Momo replied before she added, “It could’ve taken a disastrous turn-“
“But it didn’t, right??” Sana challenged as she pointed out, “The rest of the girls may not be brave enough to tell you this but I do so here goes; try to be grateful for the fact that your girlfriend flew all the way here with no sleep, just to surprise the girlfriend who she hasn’t seen for the past 6 months.”
Sensing the tension increasing, Dahyun chuckled awkwardly before she quietly chimed, “Sana unnie..” She pleaded quietly before she grabbed the older girl by the arm and said, “That’s enough..”
“No! She needs to understand what she just did to the person she loves!” Sana pointed out while shrugging Dahyun’s hands off and looked at her best friend before saying, “You want my honest opinion, Momo-ya? Yeah, I understand where you’re coming from but it is no reason for you to treat Y/N this way after all she did for you; that girl deserves to be loved the way she loves you and if you can’t provide that... then, you know what I’m going to say.”
With that said, Sana then turned around as she walked away before the rest of the girls sympathetically looked at Momo who was sobbing slightly before Jeongyeon placed a gentle hand on the girl’s shoulders while saying, “We all love you— we are always here for you... but Sana does have a point, Momo-ya.”
“Alright, girls— let’s talk about this later. We have a performance to think about.” Jihyo reminded as she glanced at Momo and advised, “Try your best to distract yourself for the time being.. you can see Y/N straight after the performance and talk things through.”
As the girls slowly dispersed, Nayeon stayed with Momo as she wrapped an arm around her shoulder before the latter looked at the older girl and asked, “Unnie, what do I do?”
“I understand why you’re scared— if it was me, I would probably react the same way but at the same time.. if I was Y/N, I’d be hurt too,” Nayeon admitted gently before she continued, “My best advice is to talk to her slowly and... see where it goes.”
For some reason, this made Momo’s heart ache. She had a sudden rush of reminder of all the words she had said to her girlfriend and she felt so helpless. Looking at Nayeon with the same teary eyes, Momo released a shaky sigh while she contemplates her next words.
“What if there’s no where to go anymore, unnie?”
Momo knew that even if she wasn’t in the right state of mind, the show must go on. This was her job and she had expectations to fulfill. That being said, it didn’t lessen the pain in any way whatsoever.
Truth be told, there were many times where she could’ve just cried openly and be as obvious as she can but she knew it wouldn’t help her at all. So, as perseverance were one of the things she learned through her trainee days— she held on as long as she could.
The only time she’d shed a tear is when the group had won an award and they were doing their speech because to any unknown eye, Momo would just look like she was crying of joy.
But the act of deceit needed to come to an end somehow so the moment their performance was done and the ceremony was concluded, Momo immediately replaced her stage costume with the clothes that Y/N had brought earlier which initially triggered her even more.
Thankfully, her managers found out where Y/N was staying at and immediately drove Momo there. Now, finding the room number was the hard part.
Legally, hotels aren’t allowed to give out room numbers or keys without the consent of the customer or with a plausible cause but with Momo knowing Y/N’s full name and showed necessary proof of her connection with the latter, the Japanese got the room number at last.
Momo then asked her managers to wait at the lobby as she went up to the said room. Her heart racing, her body getting increasingly warmer, Momo was nervous and an absolute mess.
The Japanese could only stare at the room number— staying stagnant and not knowing the next move; the right move, at least. She knew that her girlfriend was more hurt than she was angry but that just meant that there was more things to solve on Momo’s part.
She wasn’t necessarily the best problem solver there is but this was her girlfriend; the same girlfriend who has been there for her through her absolute worst and she can’t imagine a life without her.
Taking a deep breath, Momo finally raised her hands and knocked on the door as she prayed that her girlfriend was still awake.
After getting no response for the first few knocks, Momo tried again by pressing the doorbell, following with a few more series of knocks before the door was slowly swung open— revealing a red eyed Y/N who was already dressed in her pajamas.
“Momo?” Y/N whispered rhetorically before she continued, “What are you doing here so late? You should go home and res-“
Momo, her heart immediately reacting to the sight of her broken girlfriend, shed a silent tear as she took a step forward towards Y/N while asking, “Are you really leaving tomorrow? Please tell me you’re not.”
Y/N was weak for her girlfriend— it was just a given when it came to this relationship so when Momo held her by the hands, she was frozen still. Noticing the tears leaving her girlfriend’s eyes, Y/N nodded and weakly said, “....I am. I managed to get a flight back tomorrow morning.”
Saddened by the revelation, Momo moved her hands to her girlfriend’s waist and it hurt her when she could feel Y/N stiffening at the touch before she pleaded, “Please don’t go back.. I’m sorry for what I’ve said to you just please— stay with me.”
“You wanted this, didn’t you?” Y/N reminded, her voice gentle but her tone bitter as she added, “I’m doing this for you, Momo-ya-“
“I’m sorry, okay!” Momo intervened, taking a step closer towards Y/N as she justified, “I’m just scared that— that I’ll lose you if they find out about us.”
Immediately cupping her girlfriend’s face, Y/N released a shaky breath as she whispered reassuringly, “I will never do that you; I will never leave you because someone doesn’t like us together.”
“My previous relationships told me the same thing, Y/N,” The Japanese recalled sadly as she continued, “But when the stress got to them, they took off— just like that.”
Y/N sighed but she understood where Momo’s insecurities were from. She’s heard the whole story and she too, would not want anyone to go through what her girlfriend had went through.
Pulling away slightly, Y/N then grabbed Momo’s hand before she pulled her inside the room, closing the door in the process, as the couple sat on the bed. They both faced each other as Y/N then held the hands of the Japanese as she gently said, “Look, I’m sorry that the idiots before me hurt you with the way that they did, and I can’t promise you that I won’t hurt you in any way but... I can promise you that I will not leave because of someone’s disapproval.”
Scooting closer to her girlfriend, Y/N then softly added, “I’m sorry that I didn’t think this through... I knew how scared you are with all of this and I should’ve at least planned it a little better.” She then raised her right hand before cupping Momo’s cheek and admitted, “.... But I just wanted to be with my girlfriend tonight and watch her perform; I know that sounds selfish but I did make sure that no one tailed me— baby, you have to have a little bit more faith in me. I would never risk your career like that.”
The teary eyes of the Japanese girl spoke volumes as she wrapped her arms around Y/N’s shoulder while she burrowed her head in the nook of the latter’s neck before saying, “I’m sorry... I should’ve just appreciated the fact that you were there when I needed you the most.”
“Speaking of which, the girls told me that you’ve been having a bad week lately... Wanna tell me what’s going on?”
Momo tightened her grip as she shook her head and said, “Let’s talk about it tomorrow while we go on a date; the managers gave me a day to spend with you. Now, I just want to cuddle and fall asleep in your arms again.”
Without further ado, the couple got ready for bed as Momo shamelessly used Y/N’s clothes as her pajamas before the two of them laid in bed and instinctively faced each other, like how they always do whenever they’re together.
“You’re still so pretty after 6 months of not seeing each other,” Momo whispered as she continued, “You’re still the same person I love— and I’m really sorry for what happened-“
“It’s okay, jagi, we’re over that— I promise. As long as we’re okay and solved the issue, that’s all that matters.”
Comfortable silence then took over them as they just gazed at each other with pure love and affection. Y/N then placed her arm around Momo’s waist as a small smile formed on both of their lips.
Leaning closer to her girlfriend, Momo then raised one of her hands before she placed them on Y/N’s cheek, gently caressing it as she muttered, “Hey, Y/N?”
“It’s you and me against the world, right?”
This made Y/N smile widely as she nodded before leaning forward, connecting their lips gently while the subtle fragrant of mint fill their noses. She then pulled away slightly and kissed the tip of Momo’s nose before she gazed into the eyes of her beautiful girlfriend— so sure of the words she was going to say next.
“Yes, baby— it’s you and me against the world.”
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
Please understand where Im coming from guys, and follow these request guidelines 🙏🏼
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Requests Guidelines
hi there my lovelies, i’ve received a few requests that i needed to reject because i’m not at that stage of writing them yet or i’m not comfortable at writing it so here are the guidelines for future requests.
to those who have requested but it goes against the guidelines, i’m sorry!!! 🙏🏼 please request according to the guidelines then we’ll see from there! ❤️
1. Smut
Currently, I will not be accepting any smut requests because I’m not at that stage where I’m good at writing at it yet. I am learning something new every day so maybe the time will come where I will accept smut but not now, sorry. (even if I’m 22, I’m still learning how to write such an intimate scene)
2. Plots / Scenarios
I understand that some of you have very specific plots or scenarios in mind but that does take away the creative freedom on my end which makes the stories that i write.... too stiff. I’m sorry to make this a rule but i have received some request that were too specific and it was just too stiff for me to enjoy writing it.
As much as I love requests and enjoy getting new ideas from all you, lets work together to get the stories that you want but leaving some of the creative writing for me as well.
3. Abuse / Kinks / Fetishes
When it comes to abuse, I have seen some imagines/scenarios where abuse was the main idea behind it and I refuse to write such things. I do not condone abuse in any shape or form so I will not accept any request for such things.
I understand if you have a liking towards kinks or fetishes but I’m sorry, I’m not comfortable at writing it and probably never will. I completely support those who have such kinks or fetishes but unfortunately, I’m just not comfortable at writing them.
I know this must be so random but it needed to be clarified. I’m so grateful that I’m getting new requests every few days but it needs to be said on which requests that I’ll actually accept.
For those who are wondering, I am 22 years old, so writing certain concepts are fine by me (such as drinking, smoking, clubbing, a lot of swearing etc) but I have realized that I have some young readers here so I’m trying to make sure it’s not as.... dirty. 😂
I know this comes off as strict or serious but if I want to keep the quality of my stories high, then I want to make sure you guys know what I do and what I don’t do. But still, thank you guys so much for the support! Words can’t describe how grateful I am for you guys! ❤️❤️
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
SURPRISE SURPRISE! This is for all Blinks and Rosé stans! MY REwaRD TO U FOR WAITING FOR ME TO GET BETTER ❤️💛❤️💛❤️💛
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Park Chaeyoung / Rosé ; so easy to fall in love.
writer’s note : so absolutely love this request because i’ve lived in melbourne for a couple of years so writing this is bringing back goooooood ass memories 🥰 wanted to keep this short and simple, no angst no nothing. ALSO THANK U FOR THE 100 oVER FOLLOWERS?!?! It hasn’t even been a month!!!!
warning : mate, it’s fluffy and its gay
words : 2,510 words (short & sweet fluff)
tips : So Easy by Phillip Phillips was such a GOOD song to write this fic to and is such a perfect song to listen to while reading this 😭❤️ Give it a try if you don’t mind it and let me know what you think! ❤️
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Was she in a dream? To be quite honest, she wasn’t sure herself.
After a long flight from Seoul, Y/N just wanted to sleep in and call it a day. She just want to catch up on the sleep she lacked because she wasn’t going to spend her vacation in Melbourne like an old grumpy grouch who hasn’t gotten enough sleep in her system.
But right now, she wasn’t sure if the kisses that she’s feeling at the moment, were a dream or not.
Fluttering her eyes open while she instinctively stretched on bed, Y/N’s eyes landed on her beautiful girlfriend, Park Chaeyoung who’s also known as Rosé to some.
The recently awaken girl smiled at Australian native before she softly cooed, “Good God, I don’t know what I did in my previous life to wake up to such beauty.”
Rosé rolled her eyes at her girlfriend’s cheesy comment as she grinned while shaking her head before she caressed Y/N’s face and said, “I won’t be such a beauty if we’re not up and getting ready to go to the beach in half an hour.”
This caused for Y/N to groan playfully as she whined, “Babe, we just went through an 11-hour flight from Seoul to Melbourne; I think we deserve a day’s worth of sleep.”
“Y/N, we’ve only got a week here and tomorrow, I’ve promised Alice that we’ll spend our time with her,” Rosé reasoned with a small pout before she suddenly sat up and straddled her girlfriend’s waist while softly pleading, “Pretty please, baby? I just want today to be us.”
Y/N knew that her girlfriend was very well aware by the fact that she was absolutely weak for Rosé’s pout and her adorable baby voice. It worked everytime whenever the Australian native wanted something and Y/N knew it wasn’t going to change anytime soon.
Placing her hands on her girlfriend’s hips, Y/N sighed and chuckled in amusement as she breathed out, “You, Ms. Roseanne Park, are playing a dirty game.”
Rosé giggled before she placed a quick kiss on the tip of Y/N’s nose as she teased, “Yeah, but I win every time and that’s all that matters, sweets.”
As the Australian rolled off of her girlfriend, Y/N could only sigh as she forced herself to sit up and gaze aimlessly around the room. She’ll admit it, she was definitely in a daze and she knows she could sleep for another few more hours but at the same time, Y/N loved seeing her girlfriend happy.
With that said, Y/N got out of the covers and immediately made the bed as she then made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. Thankfully, it didn’t take her long to get ready but they still needed to pack for the short trip.
While Y/N was brushing her teeth, the girl could feel slender arms going around her waist and as she looked at the mirror, she could see Rosé leaning her chin on the crook of Y/N’s neck.
“I love this,” Rosé sighed out before she chirped, “Waking you up, planning a trip to the beach then spending the week with my sister; it’s like my life is normal.”
With her mouth full of toothpaste foam, Y/N spit some out before she gargled her mouth with water and said, “Baby, if your life was ever normal, you and I would have never met.”
The Australian giggled as she then tightened her arms while softly saying, “I still have yet to thank Soojin for introducing us both when she did. If she hadn’t had urged Alice to bring me along to the party, you and I would be non-existent right now.”
Y/N smiling lovingly towards her girlfriend through the mirror as she quietly chirped, “It’s funny how fate works huh, babe?”
Rosé just nodded with a gentle smile before she placed a quick kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek while slowly untangling her arms around her waist and said, “Best hangover I’ve experienced.”
The Australian then teasingly pat her girlfriend’s butt while the latter laughed in response as the both of them continued to do their errands for the the daytrip.
For the couple, the trip to Melbourne was rather unexpected but because Rosé felt a bit bored being at the dorm with no schedules at all, she impulsively thought a trip back home would be a great idea for a much needed distraction.
Of course, she needed approval from both the group and the label, which included the approval of her managers. It was hard at first and Rosé expected no less. They were already reluctant on letting her go, let alone letting her go with her very hidden girlfriend.
It was no surprise to anyone that any relationship that Rosé would be in, would have to be hidden from the eyes of the public. However, it wasn’t because she was embarrassed or ashamed by the fact that she was dating a girl but it was merely because some fans wouldn’t accept the fact that their number one bias- was actually taken.
She’s seen it with her fellow bandmate, Jennie and she’s also seen it with her other friends in the industry. It’s not that idols aren’t allowed to date; no, nothing like that.. but they were to stay quiet regarding the relationship for the entire time to avoid fan disapproval.
“Rosie, don’t forget to bring a blanket later! It’s gonna be chilly by the time we arrive!” Y/N yelled out from the room as Rosé was out in the living room, looking for a spare bag.
“And don’t you forget to bring my plushie for when I sleep on the car!”
Creasing her brows, Y/N entered the living room with one plushie in each hands before she questioned, “Shall I bring Milly or Peaches?”
Turning around to face her girlfriend, the sight absolutely melted Rosé’s heart as she giggled and shook her head with adoration. With her girlfriend still sporting a serious expression on her face, the Australian walked towards her before she placed her hands on her girlfriend’s hips while saying, “Hmm, why don’t we bring both?”
“Yeah, I figured,” Y/N said with pursued lips as Rosé looks at her curiously before the girl clarified seriously, “Well, that way none of them gets jealous.”
The Australian laughed loudly as she quickly cupped her girlfriend’s face and unconsciously caressed her cheeks while softly saying, “You, my dear, are the cutest person I know.”
Brows creased and cheeks slightly red, Y/N questioned adorably, “.... Are we still talking about Milly and Peaches?”
Rosé missed this.
She missed the smell of Australian air and how the cold breeze completely compliments the heat of the sun. It was something that she grew up with and has never forgotten- even after she moved to Korea.
Don’t get her wrong, she absolutely loves Seoul and the people there but there was something about Melbourne that gave her a sense of calm. She was even more content now, considering that she was in Melbourne with the person she’s so in love with.
“I remember you telling me that one day we’d go to Brighton beach together,” Y/N chimed in softly as she glanced at her girlfriend before looking back at the road as she continued to drive and said, “You were so excited by the thought of it, I knew it must’ve been amazing.”
Smiling contently at her girlfriend, Rosé leaned the side of her head against the head rest as she nodded and quietly chirped, “It was on my bucket list growing up; to go to Brighton beach with the person I’m crazily in love with.”
“And I’m the person who you’re crazily in love with?”
The Australian giggled before she took Y/N’s free hand and placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles while saying, “Yes and I have been for the past 11 months.”
Y/N looked at Rosé temporarily, at the same time as the sun hits her face and emphasizing her gorgeous brown eyes as the former sighs contently and breathes out, “God, I have no idea what I did in my previous life to deserve someone like you, Park Chaeyoung.”
As her girlfriend looks back at the road, Rosé leans over the center console before she leans her head on Y/N’s shoulder and said, “Sweets, as long as we’re together in this current lifetime, nothing else really matters.”
That instantly made the driving girl smile as she leaned her head on top of the Australian’s head while they continued to drive to Brighton beach. The drive didn’t really take that long but due to sudden traffic, the couple finally arrived at the destination 35 minutes later. Because it was a weekday, the beach was rather empty but honestly, the couple enjoyed it that way.
Stepping out of the car with all their items in their hands, the couple looked at the gorgeous sky that were a mixture of yellow, orange and a hint of magenta. It was so picture perfect that Rosé couldn’t help but take a deep breath and released a sigh of content.
“This almost seems unreal.” The Australian whispered, loud enough for her girlfriend to hear as she added, “The color of the skies are just... wow.”
While Rosé gazes at the sky, Y/N gazes at her.
She’s experienced this multiple times whenever she’s with Rosé because she can’t believe that such a person exists in her lifetime. Not only was her girlfriend a multitalented human being, but she was one of the kindest and most caring soul too.
Rosé then looked at Y/N and realized that the latter was shamelessly staring at her before she teased, “Why don’t you take a picture, sweetheart? It’ll last longer.”
“Photos don’t do your beauty justice; how the color of the sky hits your skin and makes your eyes shine a little bit brighter than before; God, this is what I dream of everyday.”
Out of the complete blue, tears were threatening to leave Rosé’s eyes as she hears the sweet words before she abruptly looked away and croaked out, “Let’s go hang out by the beach before the sun sets.”
The couple then made their way to the empty beach, sitting at the steps at one of the colorful houses that were known to tourists all around the world. They laid out everything that they’ve brought, Milly and Peaches enjoying the sight of the scenery themselves as the couple hugged each other while a blanket covers their shoulders.
Their eyes were locked on the skies as the colors of orange, yellow and magenta began to darken slightly and the breeze of cold air were more blatant than they were before. The sound of the currents and the loud squawking of the seagulls making its appearance as shades of gray entered the warm colored sky.
With her arms wrapped around her girlfriend’s waist, the Australian leaned her head at the crook of Y/N’s neck as she took a deep breath and released a content sigh before saying, “Can’t believe we’re finally here.”
“Who would’ve known that I’d be sitting at Brighton beach with the one and only, Roseanne Park?” Y/N questioned rhetorically as a small smile formed on her lips before she continued, “Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream and in five minutes, I’m going to wake up and realize that it was all a dream.”
Rosé then looked up at her girlfriend before she whispered, “Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” She teased before she joked, “What can we do to change that, Ms. Y/L/N?”
Chuckling softly at her girlfriend, Y/N hummed before she pretended to think while suggesting, “I’m not sure myself, Ms. Rosie; do you think a kiss would do?”
The Australian then grinned adorably as she nodded slightly before saying, “I can’t think of a better solution, Ms.”
With that, Rosé then scooted closer before she gently connected her lips with her girlfriend’s, both of their eyes fluttering shut at the contact as the sound of the whistling air fill the atmosphere.
Slowly pulling away, the tips of their nose were slightly touching before the couple smiled affectionately at each other as Y/N whispered teasingly, “It is definitely one of my favorite solutions, that’s for sure.”
The Australian then laughed warmly before she rolled her eyes playfully and stood up with the blanket around her shoulders as she faced her girlfriend while saying, “You better cherish it, my love; I don’t give out my solutions easily.”
And in that moment, when her girlfriend was simply smiling at her with that beautiful smile of hers, Y/N knew that she was screwed forever.
Rosé was not only beautiful on the outside but after dating her for so long, she knew that her girlfriend had one of the most beautiful souls she’s ever known.
She loved the fact that her girlfriend was sensitive and could easily cry to a heartwarming video; it told her that Rosé was insanely empathetic.
She loved the fact that her girlfriend loved her pet fish like crazy and would do anything to pamper it; it meant that she was loving to the one she cared, regardless of who or what they are.
She loved how Rosé would eat all the food that she cooked, even if it was burnt because the Australian said that the effort was what matters; it meant that she was appreciative of the smallest things.
Long story short, Y/N loved Rosé entirely- it was as simple as that.
“You make it so easy.”
Rosé looked at her girlfriend with slight confusion as she chuckled softly and asked, “Huh? I make what so easy?”
Y/N then stood up, cupped her girlfriend’s face with both her hands before she lovingly admitted, “You... make it so easy for me to love you.”
As expected, Rosé teared up slightly before she wrapped her hands around her girlfriend’s wrist as she whispered, “Y/N-“
“I can’t explain in detail on how much you affect me, Rosie because every time I look at you or think of you, my mind just goes wild,” Y/N revealed as she gently caressed Rosé’s cheek before continuing with, “And whenever you’re sad or angry, all I want to do is to make sure you’re gonna be okay and that you’re letting it all out instead of bottling it up.”
Finally, a tear finally fell down Rosé’s cheek as she grabbed onto her girlfriend a little bit tighter before Y/N continued, “Yeah, we may have our bad days and we may have our disagreements but I know for sure that there is no one else I’d rather have bad days with... because with you, Park Chaeyoung, everything makes sense,” She whispered as the pads of her thumbs wipe away the fallen tears, “I have some doubts about my life in the world but you, my darling, are the one thing that I’m absolutely sure of.”
Rosé then sighed in content before she leaned herself against Y/N as she whispered, “.... I’m so in love with you, Y/N Y/L/N..” She lovingly admitted before she pulled away slightly and looked into the eyes of her girlfriend as she added, “I hope you know that you’re stuck with me for a long time.”
“Oh baby, I’m yours for a lifetime, if you’d like.”
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
after 5 days of resting and constantly sneezing my ass off, i am happy to announce that my health is going back to the way it was before 🙏🏼😭
not gonna lie, it’s been a hellish 5 days but i’m feeling so much better than i was before and I AM SO READY to write again 🥰
i’m so sorry i didn’t answer any chats/requests, i really took the time to rest and avoid any social media that could make me sleep late and have lack of rest BUT im back and im ready to gay it up again ❤️
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
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Twice Reacts ; you reappearing after going missing for a year.
writer’s notes : this is my first request AND react so i’m pretty excited for this one so thank you for requesting this 🥰 also, i’ve decided to make Y/N forget who some of the girls were so that there’s a bit of cliffhanger going on SO PLS ENJOY 😘
warning : angst, angst, angst baby
tips : you know the drill bebies, music in the background while reading is the best way to go 🥴 i actually listened to an instrumental from a korean drama i watched recently, and it actually suits the reactions really well! the title of the song is ‘Long Lust Love’ by Jung Se Rin from the tv show, Signal. so if you’re keen, give it a listen while reading this! ❤️
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“When was the last time you ate?”
Nayeon shrugged at her best friend’s question, looking longingly outside of the dorm window as she silently muttered, “I’m not hungry.”
Jihyo sighed while shaking her head as she pointed out, “Unnie, you have to eat something - this behavior isn’t healthy!”
However, the oldest member simply ignored the pleas of the younger member as she continued to look out of the window. It was nothing special but she could see the narrow street down below and for some reason - it was one of the only things that could keep her calm, ever since her girlfriend disappeared a year ago.
Standing up by the window, Nayeon abruptly grabbed her face mask, her phone and her bag before she suddenly left the dorm. As to why she did it, Nayeon didn’t really understand it herself because she just felt like she needed to do it.
Switching off her phone so her members can’t disturb her, the Twice member walked around the nearby park and took a deep breath as the smell of freshly cut grass, flood her nose. With that said, Nayeon had an unexpected rush of memories as she remembered how her ‘missing’ girlfriend, would despise the spring season because it usually triggers her sinus allergies.
The girl then sighed as she looked around the entire park, smiling at the sounds of kids laughing and the sight of older couples just sitting at the benches, talking within their own world. She craved that sense of normalcy in her life, and the feeling of having her own kids one day but she knew that there was so many obstacles that she still had to overcome in order to have the life she wants.
After what felt like hours, Nayeon took a quick glance at her watch and realized that it was probably best for her to head home. Even though she cherished her alone time, she didn’t want to worry her bandmates too much. Having said that, on the way home, the Twice member had a sense that someone was following her. She didn’t want to acknowledge it but slowly, it became too blatant to ignore. As soon as she reached an area where there was a few people around her and the city lights were a little bit brighter, Nayeon halted her movements and turned around quickly. Her eyes quickly landed on a person who was sporting a baseball cap and a face mask but the moment she took notice of the stranger’s eyes, she didn’t hesitate.
“What are you doing here?”
With Nayeon’s direct question, the stranger chuckled in amusement and joked, “I haven’t seen you for a year and this is what I get in greeting?”
The Twice member scoffed in disbelief as she pointed out, “You were the one who disappeared for a year, Y/N; you told all of us that this was for the sake of our safety but you could’ve at least mentioned that it was for a God damn year!”
Her girlfriend sighed and nodded defeatedly as she revealed, “I wasn’t expecting it to be this long either but Josh and his family... they’ve got trackers on me wherever I go. The only time I managed to hide my tracks, was when I disappeared from the face of the Earth which was exactly a year ago.”
“Y/N, if I had known that it was going to be this bad, I should’ve just filed another restraining order against him.” Nayeon huffed out before she added, “But you left me with no calls, no text and no letters! Absolutely zero! You completely left me in the dark and while you were out there, probably happy that-“
“Wait, wait, wait- you thought that I was happy?” Y/N asked in disbelief as her brows furrowed, “You really think that I’d rather be away from the love of my life and keep being on the run? Nayeon, I’m doing this for you! For us! For our future!” She reminded as she quickly added, “So, don’t you ever think that I didn’t want to come home to you because for the past 365 days- that’s all I’ve been wanting to do.”
“Then come home,” Nayeon pleaded softly as she placed her hands on Y/N’s chest before adding, “Baby, let’s just stop all of this; we can just go the cops and settle it, once and for all.” She said as she leaned forward and added, “Let’s just go back to how it used to be-“
But right before Nayeon could even finish her sentence, Y/N’s phone rang and her eyes widened in fear as she looked around her in slight panic. The Twice member could only observe Y/N in worry as her girlfriend looked at her once again and hurriedly said, “I need to leave; you’re not safe here,” She revealed before Y/N quickly placed a rushed kiss on Nayeon’s forehead while mumbling, “I love you, Im Nayeon; I’ll come home soon, okay?”
Silent tears had finally left the corners of Nayeon’s eyes as her gaze stayed on the retreating back of her girlfriend before she whispered to the cold and silent air, “How soon is soon, Y/N-ah?”
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“Why are you so hard to find?”
Jeongyeon sighed in frustration as she looked at the pile of papers on her table. She’s been looking for her missing girlfriend for the past year but to no avail, she keeps coming up empty handed.
Meticulous and organized as a person, Jeongyeon picked up the papers where her girlfriend’s last location was spotted and it was near the grocery store that they’ve always shopped their groceries at.
The blonde hair girl knew something was wrong as soon as the clock struck two in the morning because Y/N has never been out that late without a proper explanation.
Explaining to the cops was a challenge in itself. They kept telling Jeongyeon that her girlfriend must’ve ran away or got drunk but Y/N would never do that to her. Not her girlfriend. Not her Y/N.
Out of the blue, Jeongyeon’s phone rang and she immediately answered it as she greeted, “Hello?”
“Good evening, is this Miss Yoo Jeongyeon?”
“Yes, this is her?”
“Do you know a Miss Y/N Y/L/N by any chance, miss?”
The blonde widened her eyes in surprise as she stammered, “Y-Yes, I do... What about Miss Y/N, officer?”
“Jeongyeon-ssi, someone found her sleeping by the grocery store this morning when a civilian called us. It was kind of odd though- she seemed clean and healthy but you were the last person who she called on her phone. You can come pick her up at the Yongsan station, miss.”
“Yes, okay, I’ll be there soon; thank you, officer.” Jeongyeon announced before she hurriedly grabbed her things and left the apartment.
She couldn’t believe it. After 12 long and torturous months, her girlfriend was finally found but it was so weird how Y/N’s phone was still dated to the day she went missing.
Arriving at the police station, Jeongyeon quickly made her way inside and directly to the assistance counter as she said, “Hi, I’m Yoo Jeongyeon and I was called about someone named Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Oh yes, she’s waiting for you in the interrogation room, miss; let me take you to her.”
The blonde then followed the police officer before he led them into a small room in the back of the police station as he swung the door open.
Then there she was. Her girlfriend - alive and breathing.
Jeongyeon’s initial reaction was to hug her girlfriend, after having to miss her presence for the past 365 days but as soon as she took notice on how clean and tidy her girlfriend really was, she was unbelievably confused.
Walking towards her girlfriend, who for some reason was timid and quiet, Jeongyeon gently asked, “Y/N? Where have you been?? We’ve been looking for you for the past year!”
Her girlfriend however, furrowed her brows and took a step back as she cleared her throat and quietly asked, “I’m sorry, Miss.. but who are you?”
“What do you mean?? It’s me! Your girlfriend!”
“I’m sorry but I think you’ve mistaken me for another person, miss... I-I don’t know who you are.”
“Y/N, it’s me! Jeongyeon! Yoo Jeongyeon! We’ve been dating for 3 years!”
“I’m really sorry for disappointing you, miss but..” The girl said before she suddenly raised her left hand and the most blatant silver ring was on her ring finger as she revealed, “.... but, I’m married.”
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“It’s the one year anniversary today.”
Momo announced sadly to her best friends as she ate dinner with them at a nearby restaurant. She kept her head down and fiddled with her hands as the thought of her missing girlfriend still ached her badly.
“Momo-ya, we’ll find the answers soon.”
“How?? Even the police officers gave up! After a day, Jeongyeon - a day!”
The eight girls sighed and nodded their heads, knowing very well that Momo was still frustrated over the disappearance of her girlfriend. For them, they just knew that who in this world, wouldn’t be frustrated if their partner went missing for 12 months?
Sitting next to the quiet girl, Jihyo took Momo’s hand and reassured gently, “We’ll find out something, I’m sure of it.”
The Japanese girl simply nodded as a response while they continued to eat. At the same time, new customers came in and considering it was the weekend, they were rather loud and disruptive.
“Let’s drink!!” One yelled, followed with another howl of cheers as they were guided to a table nearby the girls.
To be quite honest, Jihyo really disliked the sudden chaos in the restaurant but the moment she laid eyes on table, she couldn’t believe what she saw.
Nudging Nayeon who was next to her, she whispered, “Ya, look at the table that just came in.”
Nayeon then furrowed her brows but did it anyway, not realizing that Momo was curious as to what they were looking at and Jihyo wasn’t really ready for Momo to look yet.
“Momo, don’t-“
“What is it?” Momo asked before she turned her head around and gasped as she stood up from her seat and completely faced the said table.
With Momo walking towards the table, the guests at the table was still talking within themselves before one of them realized Momo’s presence. Looking up, he asked her, “Yes, miss?”
However, Momo’s eyes were locked on her ‘missing’ girlfriend as she stammered out, “Y/N...”
The girl then looked at Momo with creased brows as she stood up and bowed before chuckling awkwardly, “Sorry miss... but I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”
“No, you’re Y/N! You’re my girlfriend!”
Looking at the Japanese girl with surprise, the girl shook her head repeatedly while saying, “N-No miss, I’m not sure how you know who I am but I’m definitely not your girlfriend; I’m not Y/N.”
Jihyo then made her way to her best friend before she held Momo by the shoulders and urged, “Momo-ya, let’s go home-“
“No! This is Y/N!” Momo said determinedly as she shrugged Jihyo’s hands harshly off of her before she exclaimed, “Ya! Did you know that all of us have been looking for you for the past year?! Where have you been?!”
Sighing, the girl kept urging, “Sorry miss but I really think you’ve mistaken me for someone else-“
“Heeyeon-ah, sit down.”
Momo then shifted her gaze to the man next to her girlfriend, who was now looking at her with a threatening glare as the Japanese girl boldly asked, “Excuse me but who are you?”
The man then stood up as he pushed Momo’s ‘girlfriend’ down onto the seat before he made her way towards the girls and whispered, “She said she isn’t Y/N, right? Why are you bothering our Heeyeon?”
To say she was confused, was an understatement as Jihyo pulled Momo away while apologizing repeatedly as the Japanese girl shrugged Jihyo off once again before she faced the man and exclaimed, “I’ll find out who you are, just wait and see.”
“For what cost? Our Heeyeon doesn’t know-“
“Her name is Y/N Y/L/N and she’s my girlfriend - and I’m getting her back.”
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“Please officer, it’s already been a year!”
The police officer sighed as he ran his fingers through his hand and explained, “Sana-ssi, it is not in my power to reopen the case anymore,” He revealed before quickly continuing, “Your girlfriend’s tracks went cold and we have absolutely nothing to work with-“
“What about her location?? Didn’t you guys manage to get her last location??”
“Yes miss, but that place has been checked by one of our officers already - we even checked it twice!”
Sana sighed in frustration before she pointed out, “Officer, you guys checked it twice and completely closed the case soon after! That’s not fair at all-“
“Miss, the only reason why we closed the case that quickly was because we had no absolute leads,” He explained before he added, “Please, if we get any update regarding your girlfriend, you will be informed immediately.”
Sana scoffed in disbelief before she turned around and walked away while muttering, “Looks like I’ll be waiting another year then.”
As Sana left the police station, one of the other officers came up to officer who spoke to Sana and asked, “How long can we keep hiding this from the public?”
The man sighed and shook his head while revealing, “We’re to do as we’re told, rookie; it’s just better this way.”
On her way home, Sana was angry and frustrated at the entire situation and herself. In her belief, if she had worked a little bit harder a year ago, she wouldn’t be in this situation right now. If she had just done a little bit more digging, she wouldn’t be this angry or frustrated.
By impulse, Sana then decided to stop by a GS-25 convenience store and was suddenly craving for snacks and a can of cider. The Japanese scoffed bitterly at herself as she knew if her girlfriend was here with her by now, she would not believe that Sana would buy a can of cider for herself.
Upon purchasing her snacks and her cider, Sana kept her gaze down before she quickly paid and left the store so she could continue her digging on her missing girlfriend.
As the sound of the bells from entrance door fill the air, Sana kept her head down but her steps was suddenly halted by a familiar scent that she hasn’t smelled in the past year. Instinctively turning around, she was met with a hooded stranger, dressed all in black as the Japanese’s heartrate begin to increase rapidly.
“You’re not going to find her - just let her go. It’s for your safety.”
“I-I’m sorry but.... W-Who are you?” Sana stammered as she took subconscious steps away from the hooded stranger.
Well, that was until the stranger removed the hood from their head and with that, Sana couldn’t believe her eyes and kept telling herself that this must be a dream - right?
“.... Y/N?” The Japanese whispered, her eyes teary as she thoroughly looks at her ‘missing’ girlfriend and was honestly confused because she actually looked healthy and well-taken care of. Suddenly reassured that she was with her girlfriend, Sana took a few steps closer to her girlfriend while saying, “Oh my God baby, is that really you?? Where have you been??”
The girl took steps back as she tried to keep a distance between Sana and herself before she muttered out, “Please - just forget about Y/N and let her go.”
Sana furrowed her brows in confusion and said in frustration, “What are you talking about?! You’re right here!” She pointed out before taking a few more steps closer while saying, “Come on, let me take you home and-“
“Sana!” The girl exasperated as she took more steps back, before she continued, “Please... I beg of you. Let Y/N go. I need- ...Y/N needs you to be safe so please; let her go.”
With that said, Sana watched the girl who she recognized as her ‘missing’ girlfriend, put on her hoodie once again before she turned around and ran away - leaving the Japanese with so many unanswered questions.
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“Did you get another present?”
Jihyo nodded with a small sigh as she placed the gift on the table before looking at Nayeon and said, “Yeah... At this point, I’m starting to wonder if it means anything.”
“Honestly, I’m more scared that it’s placed at our dorm building entrance; Jihyo-ya, what if it’s a stalker?”
“That gives me gifts on the date that Y/N and I celebrated our montly anniversary on?” The Twice leader pointed out before shaking her head while saying, “I don’t think so; there’s gotta be more to this.”
Nayeon sighed and felt sorry for her best friend as she made her way to the girl and gently said, “Don’t you think you’re overthinking this?”
Jihyo looked at the older girl, her eyes sad and dull as she softly admitted, “Unnie, I can’t give up on her- not yet.”
The older girl nodded sympathetically as she left the room, leaving Jihyo alone to her thoughts. Till this day, she still can’t understand how or why her girlfriend went missing. After all, the last time she saw her girlfriend was after they spent their last night together at the dorm.
But every month since the disappearance, on the date where they usually celebrate their monthly anniversary, a gift was always dropped off at their dorm building. Truth be told, the first few times creeped Jihyo out but after she noticed the dates on which the gifts were left - she started to wonder what if.
However, she knew that she couldn’t do much until the next monthly anniversary so a month after the last gift she received, Jihyo had decided to hide nearby the entrance door of their dorm building. Thanking the Gods that it was spring instead of winter, Jihyo kept an eye out for anyone suspicious.
She waited and waited, for what felt like hours but the moment the clock struck 21:29 on her phone, someone appeared.
Dressed in a long black coat with a baseball cap covering their hair, Jihyo didn’t hesitate and ran towards the stranger while yelling out, “Excuse me!”
The stranger turned their head towards Jihyo and gasped silently before they themselves ran away, managing to place the gift at the usual spot, before Jihyo yelled out once again, “Please! I need to ask you something!”
That didn’t help the Twice leader in any way as the stranger kept running away but Jihyo, thanking the Lords that she’s been following Chaeyoung running at the tracks- pushed herself and kept running after the stranger.
When Jihyo saw the opportunity to grab the stranger by the arm, she immediately held onto the arm, halted both of their movements before she finally landed her sight on the stranger’s face who was now looking at the Twice leader with worry and a slight fear.
“Y/N...” Jihyo whispered out, her voice full of emotions as she breathed out, “Y-You’re here - you’re alive... H-how-“
Her ‘missing’ girlfriend then looked at her with teary eyes as she whispered, “Jihyo..” She then gently pried Jihyo’s hands off of her arm while she pleaded, “Please.. let me go.”
Jihyo then retightened her grip before questioning, “No. I have been looking for you for the past year and I deserve answers-“
“Please Jihyo, now is not a good time-“
“No!” The leader exclaimed tearfully as she quickly continued, “If this is the only time I get to get answers, then I’m going to get them!”
“Y/N, please..” Jihyo silently sobbed out as she took a step closer before whispering, “You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for this day.”
Y/N looked at the Twice leader and she felt sad and lost. Of course she missed her girlfriend - she just had to go missing for a year without any explanation.
Leaning towards Jihyo’s ear, Y/N whispered, “He’s watching me,” She revealed before she quickly added, “Go home and open the gift I just dropped off; it will tell you something.”
And just like that, Y/N shrugged off Jihyo’s hands off of her and ran away - only this time, the leader stayed. Flooded with questions, Jihyo ran back to her dorm and stopped at the entrance as her gaze landed on the gift by the door. Inspecting closely, Jihyo’s breath hitched as she saw a hidden message on the box.
“He watched us when we had our first argument at the park - go there but don’t go alone.”
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Mina was naturally a quiet person.
Which meant that it wasn’t weird to anyone if Mina was quiet or not as talkative as the others but people did notice that the singer was extra quiet before a performance; especially if it’s a special sub-unit stage.
Today was the D-Day for her ballerina performance with Momo and she couldn’t afford any distraction. This was the first time she was performing in Korea after her much needed hiatus from her girlfriend’s disappearance and she refused to mess it up.
However, she was slightly relieved that this was only a pre-recording session and that she didn’t need to worry about messing up in front of her fans. So then, when it came time to performing on stage, Mina waited with Momo for their names to be called.
“Are you nervous?”
Mina looked at her best friend and forced a smile on her lips as she nodded while saying, “Like the usual.”
Momo looked at the penguin with sympathy as she replied, “Not about the performance, Mina-ya,” She started off before she softly pointed, “It’s the one year anniversary today, right?”
As soon as she heard that, Mina looked away and nodded timidly while softly saying, “I don’t really want to think about it right now.”
“Have you got any updates from the police station?”
“Other than the fact that the CCTV at the shop that she was last seen at, was suddenly erased? No - absolutely no updates.” Mina grumbled out before admitting, “I just hope she’s eating well and has a warm place to sleep at night.”
Momo sensed that her bandmate didn’t want to talk about it further so she simply nodded her head with a sympathetic smile and left Mina alone to think.
As their names were finally called, someone stood behind Mina and whispered, “Good luck - I know you’ll do well, Mitang.”
Obviously, this surprised Mina as she gasped silently and turned her head instinctively at the sound of her rare nickname that she knew, only a few used. Her eyes wide and her breath hitched, Mina whispered, “.... Y-Y/N?”
But unfortunately, her manager gently pushed her towards the stage while her eyes was locked on her ‘missing’ girlfriend who disguised herself as one of the backstage crew members.
Y/N smiled sadly as she kept her eyes on her ballerina girlfriend who she missed dearly. She could see Mina’s eyes gloss up slightly as she returned a sad but relieved smiled before the both of them broke eye contact the moment the music started playing.
“Are you going to tell me when this is all gonna end?” The Twice manager asked as he maintained his gaze on the girls as he added, “I can’t keep hiding this forever, you know? Mina and the girls are going to find out eventually.”
Y/N sighed and softly said, “Not now. I can’t risk it yet. If certain people find out that I’m alive, the girls are in danger and I can’t risk that.”
“We can help you, just tell us what to do-“
“I’m sorry but I can’t do that. There’s a reason why I’m doing this and I wish I could tell you why but I can’t.”
“I have to leave now. If Mina mentions seeing me, just question her until she doubts it.”
“Then why show up today? You know this performance was a big deal for her so why distract her? Why give her hope?”
Y/N then looked at the man next to her, a small but sad smile on her lips as she admitted, “I’m still human, oppa. You have no idea how much I’ve missed her.”
The Twice manager then nodded slightly but as he was about to face the girl, she was no longer there. No trace of her whatsoever.
Whispering to himself, the man breathed out, “I hope all of this is over soon, Y/N-ah.”
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Exams season was an absolute nightmare. Including the fact that this was the one year anniversary of her missing girlfriend, didn’t help it either.
Dahyun finally took some time off from her busy schedules and set it aside for her study sessions but with the particular date repeating over and over again in her head, she was starting to think that maybe she can’t study after all.
Thankfully, being at the local library gave her some space to breathe and with no loud distractions, she figured that maybe she just needed some time to herself.
Thinking back at it, Dahyun never really found out why or how her girlfriend went missing. It was honestly a mystery to her and to the people around them. All she knew was that she was at the dorm when her girlfriend’s best friend called her and asked if she had seen Y/N the whole day.
But the thing is, Dahyun herself was waiting for a response from her girlfriend as she tried to call and text her since the night before. Thinking that maybe her girlfriend had spent the night by going out drinking with her groups of friends, Dahyun brushed her initial worry aside and just waited for a reply back - but she never got one.
Reading the same sentence repeatedly, the fair-skinned girl sighed and pushed her books away as she needed to reorganize her thoughts. She didn’t enjoy her current state; it made her jittery and anxious all day long. It’s crazy to her how she’s managed to handle this for the past year.
Taking a deep breath and releasing a shaky one, Dahyun grabbed her books once again, before she tried reading the prior paragraph one more time. Just when she thought she had progress, someone took a seat in front of her but Dahyun didn’t want to break the chain of concentration in her and remained her gaze on the book; .... that was until the stranger talked.
“You’re as beautiful as the last time I saw you - maybe even more if that’s possible.”
At the sound of the familiar voice, Dahyun immediately looked up and connected her gaze with her ‘missing’ girlfriend before she gasped silently while covering her mouth and her eyes began to tear up in complete disbelief.
The ‘missing’ girl chuckled sadly as she offered a small smile while saying, “It’s been a while, Dahyunie.”
A tear finally left Dahyun’s eyes as she softly asked, “Is that really you? Are you really right in front of me right now?” For a response, her girlfriend then nodded before the fair-skinned girl continued asking, “Where have you been? Are you okay? Are you hurt??”
Her girlfriend shook her head before reassuring, “I’m fine, I’m not hurt anywhere but I can’t stay for too long, Dahyun-ah; I just needed to tell you something.”
“What do you mean?? Y/N, you’re here and you’re alive! We have to let people know-“
“No Dahyun, you can’t,” The girl intervened, her voice shaky and soft as she added, “Just- just give me a few more months and this’ll all make sense but please... I beg of you; don’t tell anyone that you saw me today.”
“Y/N, you’re starting to scare me..” Dahyun admitted as she grabbed her girlfriend’s hands instinctively before adding, “Let me just take you home and you can explain to me there-“
Y/N then shrugged Dahyun’s hands off of her while she said, “I can’t. If I do that, all of this will go to waste and I end up putting you and the girls at risk.”
Frustrated at the entire situation, the fair-skinned girl sighed and questioned, “Then why are you here?? Why give me hope when I was just starting to live my life the way that it was before?”
“Because I needed to let you see that I was okay,” Y/N whispered, a wistful smile forming on her lips once again as she added, “Baby, I just need you to forget about me until I’m ready to tell you the entire story.”
Wincing at the sound of the familiar nickname, Dahyun sobbed silently as she shook her head and quietly cried out, “Y-You can’t do this to me... I have been waiting for you, crying for you and looking for you but now that I’ve found you.. you’re asking me to forget about you?? No, no- that’s not right, Y/N-ah...”
Standing up, Y/N leaned over the table as she placed a chaste kiss on Dahyun’s forehead before she whispered, “Just give me another 6 months and you’ll understand why.”
The fair-skinned girl shut her eyes at the contact as she released a shaky breath, trying to hold onto the moment a little bit longer; the same moment that she’s been missing for the past year.
Then all of a sudden, the warmth was gone - just like that.
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Chaeyoung doesn’t know why she’s doing this. It was just out of the complete blue and she still couldn’t understand her own actions. The only thing she knows is that, she’s been doing this ever since the disappearance of her girlfriend- which was a year ago.
Probably explains why she’s just walking around the neighbourhood alone right now, mid-winter in thr middle of the night. She knows that she does this sometimes but never during winter. She usually does this when she needs to think on her own or maybe she just felt like she needs to just.... walk.
That being said, she doesn’t usually get scared of walking alone but something told her tonight was a little bit different. She felt something was off but she can’t exactly pinpoint what it is.
The dark alleys did creep her out a bit and she usually just walks a little bit faster than the usual but tonight, things were different.
Chaeyoung instinctively raised her head and her eyes landed on a shadow by the alley, which was clear to anyone that it was obviously another human being. Now, for most of the time, Chaeyoung would simply call an ambulance or a random stranger to help but for some odd reason, she knew she should check it out herself.
There was loud sounds of breathing from the shadow, and it looked like they were sitting against the wall. Their breathing sounded ragged and it created a slight whistling sound.
Taking small steps towards the shadow, Chaeyoung spoke up and softly asked, “Hello? Are you hurt? Do you need any help?”
The shadow simply stood up, walked towards Chaeyoung who was now frozen in her steps as her heart began to race rapidly. Thankfully, the spot that Chaeyoung was standing on, had a dim light above her and the short-haired girl felt that it was probably safer to stay here than to move forward.
As the distance became smaller and smaller, the light shined slightly on the shadow’s face and that made Chaeyoung gasp in surprise as she unconsciously took a few steps back.
“W-What the hell?” The short haired girl stammered out as she covered her mouth in disbelief before she stuttered, “T-This can’t be real- this cannot be-“
“.... Hi, Chaeyoungie.” The shadow huffed out as they moved slowly towards the light, her face becoming more and more apparent as the minute passes.
The short-haired girl couldn’t believe her eyes, she really couldn’t. It was as if this was a scene from a movie or an excerpt from a book because right now, this could not be real - at least to Chaeyoung that is.
However, when she finally processed that it was her ‘missing’ girlfriend who is currently injured with bruises on both her lips and cheeks, she immediately went to help her and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend’s waist before she led them to a nearby bench where it was out of the dark alley.
“You’re injured, you’ve been missing for a year and you simply say hi??” Chaeyoung exasperated before she added, “I knew something was gonna be weird tonight.”
Her girlfriend chuckled in amusement as she heaved, “I’m surprised that you’re not mad at me right now-“
“No, I am mad,” Chaeyoung admitted through a huff as she tightened her grip around her girlfriend’s waist before she quickly continued, “If you weren’t injured right now, you would hear the lecture of a lifetime; also, what happened to you?!”
The both of them reached the bench and Chaeyoung assisted her girlfriend gently to take a seat as the cold breeze of the air, gave the couple some air to breathe in relief while the injured girl heaved, “I can’t tell you right now, Chaengie.”
With the sudden use of her familiar nickname, Chaeyoung was both frustrated and sad as she exclaimed, “You can’t tell me?? Y/N, you’ve been missing for a year and the moment I finally see you alive, no less, you’re injured for heaven’s sake!” She exasperated before continued, “You look like you nearly died!”
Y/N then gently held the short-haired girl’s hand and tugged it before they made an affectionate eye contact while she softly chirped, “I’m breathing, aren’t I? That’s all that matters, babe-“
“Barely breathing, Y/N; barely,” Chaeyoung reminded before she kneeled in front of her girlfriend, held both of her hands and pleaded, “Please... let me take you home, get you cleaned up and then tell me why you’ve been missing for a God damn year.”
The injured girl removed one of her hands from her girlfriend’s grip as she cupped Chaeyoung’s jaw and caressed it with nothing but warmth before she whispered regretfully, “.... I can’t, baby,” She wistfully admitted before adding, “Not if I want to keep you safe.”
“There she is!”
Both Y/N and Chaeyoung immediately turned their heads at the loud voice before the injured girl widen her eyes in realization and forced herself to stand up, much to Chaeyoung’s disapproval. As the injured girl grabbed her girlfriend by the shoulders, she hurriedly said, “Chaeyoung, go! Go home!”
The short-haired girl looked at her girlfriend with worry as she shook her head in disagreement while exclaiming, “No! I’m not leaving you-“
“Chaeyoung, go!” Y/N insisted, gently shoving Chaeyoung away from her as she begged, “Please, go somewhere safe! I’ll handle these men!”
Chaeyoung looked at her girlfriend with reluctance before she realized the group of men coming towards them and looked at Y/N once again who smiled sadly at her before she gently reassured, “I’ll find you again so just wait for me, Chaeyoung-ah... I’ll find you and we’ll be together again.”
This made the short-haired girl tear up as she croaked out, “Y/N...”
“I love you, Son Chaeyoung- don’t ever forget that,” The injured girl softly reminded before she glanced at the group of men who were getting nearer as she looked a Chaeyoung again and yelled, “Run, Chaeyoung! Go!”
Reluctantly, Chaeyoung turned around and ran as fast as she could while tears ran down her cheeks. Wiping them away furiously, the short-haired girl was now determined than ever that she was going to settle this once and for all.
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Tzuyu knew she was always good at archery but ever since the day her girlfriend disappeared, she always thought of her girlfriend whenever she played the bow and arrow- the same girlfriend who’s been missing for a year now.
With that said, she could never be the same ‘ace’ that she used to be and looking at her current score, it confirmed it.
“You’re distracted, Tzuyu-ah,” Her instructor pointed out as he quickly added, “Your arms are shaking and you’re aiming higher than the target itself- reorganize your thoughts and try again!”
The tall girl simply nodded and took a deep breath as she tried her best to gather her thoughts. She absolutely despises when she can’t do well on something and she knows that she has no one to blame but herself.
Her best friends, Dahyun and Chaeyoung, came up to her before the fair-skinned girl cheered, “Tzuyu-ah, don’t stress about this! You’re the ‘ace’!”
“That’s right, Tzuyu; just take a deep breath and realign your arrow.” Chaeyoung chimed in with a gentle smile.
Tzuyu nodded and released a shaky breath before she realigned her arrow as she tried again. While she was doing that, her two best friends watched her with sympathy before Chaeyoung spoke up and whispered, “It’s the one year anniversary today, right?”
Dahyun nodded and sighed before saying, “Yeah.. Also, Y/N has always been here for Tzuyu whenever it’s the Idol Star Athletic Championship because she knows Tzuyu is hard on herself when it came to archery.”
At the same time, Tzuyu internally groaned when her arrow had landed on a 3 rather than the 10 she anticipated. This was beyond frustrating for the tall girl and she was at the edge of giving up.
Excusing herself, Tzuyu forced a smile on her lips as she decided to calm herself down by sitting outside so she could atleast get a breath of fresh air. It truly surprised her how the cold breeze against her skin, could instantly calm her down.
Looking around, the tall girl recallled the memories of her girlfriend as they usually sat down together while Tzuyu took her break. Of course she was affected by the whole ordeal but life around her made her keep moving with no chance of stopping.
Tzuyu closed her eyes, finding a sense of calm by just sitting still and not having any loud distraction around her... until she felt a sudden warm body heat right next to her.
“.... You’re stressing out again,” The stranger said, their voice soft and gentle as they added, “I know this because you’re sitting alone and not playing with your phone.”
The tall girl immediately fluttered her eyes open at the sound of the familiar voice before she turned her head to the side and connected her gaze with the pair of eyes she’s been missing for the past year. Her breath hitched and naturally, her emotions got the best of her as her eyes glossed up and her lips quivered slightly.
A tear fell down Tzuyu’s cheek, as her lips formed a joyless smile while she shook her head and whispered, “That’s where you’re wrong..” She revealed as she continued quietly, “I’m stressed out because you’re- ...you weren’t here with me, Y/N-ah.”
Her ‘missing’ girlfriend then chuckled wistfully as she said, “I’m here now, Tzuyu-ah.”
“Yeah, but for how long?” The tall girl asked sadly as she reminded, “Because the last time you told me that you’ll see me soon... was a year ago.”
Y/N sighed and broke their eye contact as she silently said, “Give me a little bit more time; I’m nearly done with everything-“
“More time??” Tzuyu asked with slight disbelief as she fully turned her body towards her girlfriend before she added, “What if the next time I see you is in a body bag, Y/N?? Have you ever thought of that??”
“You agreed to this, Tzuyu-“
“I wouldn’t have if I had known that you’d be in this much danger, Y/N!” The tall girl exasperated as she quickly added, “You may be fine today but I am not risking that anymore so- end of discussion.”
Y/N grabbed her girlfriend’s hands before she reassured, “Babe, if I stop now, I put you and the girls at risk- do you understand that?” She emphasized before she added, “Tzuyu, I won’t allow that to happen-“
“Then ask someone else to help you!” The tall girl pleaded as she continued to say, “Please... if you care about me at all, then stop this- all of it!”
Right before Y/N could even reply, her phone rang and the supposedly ‘missing’ girl took her phone out of the pocket before she answered, “Hello?”
“We gotta leave,” The caller said as he hurriedly said, “They found our location and they’re onto us.”
Y/N groaned in frustration as she stood up and hissed, “How is that possible?! You told me that you’ve got the signal blocker on for the next few hours!”
“Y/N, they’ve got ‘her’ on their radar; if you want to keep her safe, we gotta go- now!”
The girl then looked at Tzuyu, who was looking back at her with worry, as Y/N sighed and agreed, “I’ll see you in five.” With that, Y/N put her phone away and looked at her girlfriend who was in complete disbelief.
This caused Tzuyu to stand in protest as she exclaimed, “No! You cannot do this to me again!” She challenged as she grabbed Y/N by the collar of her jacket before she repeatedly hit her girlfriend’s chest while saying, “Y-You cannot leave me all alone again!”
Y/N then took hold of Tzuyu’s angry hands before she halted the jabs while saying, “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I really am,” She apologized softly as she placed rushed kisses on the tall girl’s hands before she said, “I promise... I will see you soon, okay? I love you, Chou Tzuyu.”
The moment she said that, Y/N placed a rush but gentle kiss on her girlfriend’s forehead before she leaned near her ear and whispered, “I’ll come back to you; just wait for me.”
Tzuyu shut her eyes as she tried to hold onto the feeling of the warm lips on her skin, registering it in her memories so that she could have something to look forward to. But not even a moment later, the warm and familiar scent was gone and Tzuyu could feel the heartache repeating all over again.
She then fluttered her eyes open and it immediately landed on the retreating back of her girlfriend. Even though Tzuyu was angry with the entire situation, she was still human and all humans have their weaknesses. For her- it was love.
Taking a deep breath and releasing a shaky one, Tzuyu whispered to the cold breeze, “.... I love you too, you idiot.”
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
Im Nayeon ; queen of confidence.
writer’s note : got inspired to write this by listening to Smallness by Ben Zaidi bc it felt like the kind of song, ya know? Btw, i did not know it was going to be this long bc i would’ve continued it in one post but i actually hit the text-box limit 🤷🏻‍♀️ SO there will definitely be a part 2 bc im a sucker for this fic 🥰
warning : fluffy as fuck
tips : happy music, happy reading wuuhuuu
words : 6,280 words
note : non idol fic, my babies
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Im Nayeon was known to be confident.
In fact, anyone who was close to Nayeon knew that she exuded more confidence than anyone in school. If anyone were to tell her that she looked pretty that day, she wouldn’t shy away but instead would ask, “Aren’t I pretty every day?”
Of course, those who aren’t close to her, would probably find her behaviour annoying but for those who knew her personally knew that her confidence is what makes her lovable.
Who can attest to that? Well, her 8 best friends of course; the same 8 girls who Nayeon has dubbed as her soulmates.
Understandably, the eight girls have grown used to the fact that Nayeon was confident in herself. It was something that they’ve grown to love and found adorable over time. They just knew that Nayeon was never the kind to shy away or reject compliments.
Which is why they’re absolutely confused on the fact that their best friend is actually being shy… right now.
“Ya unnie, just go and talk to her already,” Jeongyeon pushed, looking at the older girl with a teasing grin as she joked, “It’s been over a week and all you’ve been doing is staring at her.”
“Isn’t it cute, though?” Chaeyoung laughed, looking at the older girl with amusement as she teased, “I never thought I’d live the day to see Nayeon unnie being so smitten.”
As the rest of the girls, except Nayeon, nodded in agreement, Jihyo playfully teased, “You should’ve seen her this morning; the moment she saw the new girl, she completely kept quiet and kept her head down.”
“Unnie, just go and talk to her!” Dahyun encouraged with a grin as she revealed, “I’ve talked to her a few times and she’s very nice!”
Nayeon groaned and sighed as she looked at her best friends dejectedly before whining, “I can’t!”
“Why not??” Jeongyeon questioned amusedly.
“I’m shy!”
“Since when have you been shy??” Jeongyeon exasperated before she quickly teased, “You’re Im Nayeon! You don’t get shy!”
“Maybe a few of us can accompany Nayeon unnie to go talk to her?” Sana suggested cheerfully.
Momo then nodded with a smile as she said, “I’ll go! I wanna see Nayeon unnie shy!”
This caused Nayeon to instantaneously shift her gaze towards Momo with a blatant glare before she growled, “Ya, Hirai Momo! Now is not a good time for funny business!”
“Oh my, Nayeon unnie really is shy!!” Jihyo pointed out while laughing in amusement.
Nayeon could only afford to groan and hide her face in her arms as she mumbled, “What is going on with me?!”
As everyone laughed, Nayeon felt a tap on her shoulder and when she looked up, she was greeted with a grinning Tzuyu who softly teased, “Unnie, that’s what you call having a crush.”
Before anyone could say anything, their class teacher, Kim Taeyeon finally made an entrance as she said, “Good morning, class! Sorry I’m late but are you guys ready for our history project that I’ll be assigning today?”
The whole class groaned as Jeongyeon raised her hands before joking, “Miss, can’t we get a rain check on that project? I have another assignment that I promised to take a date on.”
With the rest of the class laughing at their classmate’s joke, Taeyeon playfully glared at her mischievous student as the older lady raised her eyebrow in disagreement before saying, “Yoo Jeongyeon, you are 2 jokes away from getting a detention.”
“But miss, I am in a committed relationship with ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’-”
“Goodness me Jeongyeon, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet; can’t you give me a break for a minute?”
The whole class laughed at Taeyeon’s statement before the teenager grinned and teased, “You know what Miss, since you’re my favorite teacher, I’ll risk my values for you.”
Taeyeon rolled her eyes playfully before announcing, “Okay, so before I start explaining the guidelines for the project, I should let you know that this is a two-person project.”
The teenagers in the classroom howled in excitement before Dahyun raised her hands and immediately asked, “Miss, can we choose our own partners??”
“Please miss! That way you won’t have to suffer while marking our paper later on!” Jeongyeon added with a playful grin, earning laughters from the whole class.
Taeyeon chuckled in amusement as she shook her head before nodding while saying, “Alright, alright, you guys can choose your own partners.” All of them cheered in excitement once again before Taeyeon intervened and said, “But if I get any paper that’s less than a ‘C’ grade, I’ll give you another assignment as a punishment.”
“Wah miss, isn’t that too much??” Dahyun questioned with frown.
“That’s the deal, kids; you want to choose your own partners? Fine, but I don’t want any papers with a grade that’s less than a ‘C’. Deal?”
As she said that, the entire class grumbled out a ‘yes’ as an agreement before she clapped her hands in satisfaction while saying, “Alrighty then, go on to your partners!”
While the rest of the students were trying to find their partners, Jeongyeon’s eyes had landed on Nayeon, who was shamelessly gazing at the new girl, who was also looking around for a possible partner.
Truthfully, Jeongyeon felt bad for her best friend and the new girl as well as she didn’t really know anyone in the class yet. However, this is Jeongyeon and she helps out in a very, different way.
Making her way to her best friend, she nudged Nayeon while saying, “Unnie, you don’t have a partner, right?”
The older girl then broke her gaze and looked at her best friend before sighing out, “No, do you want to be partners?”
Jeongyeon then grinned before grabbing Nayeon’s wrist and pulling her up while saying, “I’ve got the perfect partner for you.”
Furrowing her brows in confusion, Nayeon followed suit before questioning, “Ya, what are you doing? Who is it??”
With that said, the moment Nayeon realized who exactly was Jeongyeon taking her to, she halted her movements and forcing her best friend to do the same before she hissed quietly, “Yoo Jeongyeon, don’t you dare!”
Jeongyeon acted coy as she innocently said, “What? I’m just helping you find a partner and she doesn’t have one too.”
“Jeongyeon-ah, please don’t do this; I won’t be able to talk to her-“
“Unnie, it’s about time we get the old Im Nayeon back,” Jeongyeon pointed out with a grin before she pulled the older girl once againand led her to the new girl.
At the same time, Y/N felt a bit hopeless when it came to this project. She didn’t really know anyone there and she wasn’t entirely social enough to approach someone.
Looking around, she just sighed and hoped that she can just do the project alone. She figured she’d probably do it better alone anyway.
So, she simply fiddled with her books on the table while waiting for everyone to partner up before she sensed someone standing in front of her.
Instinctively, she looked up and was greeted with two girls, one grinning at her and the other one simply sporting a small but shy smile as the grinning girl spoke up and said, “Hi, do you have a partner yet?”
Y/N quickly stood up and bowed in greeting before she connected her eyes with Jeongyeon and chuckled awkwardly while shaking her head saying, “No, not yet; I don’t really know anyone here yet.”
“Really? Okay, then.” Jeongyeon simply said as she pulled Nayeon to stand in front of Y/N before saying, “This is Nayeon unnie and she doesn’t have a partner as well - you guys can be partners.”
Facing Nayeon, Y/N bowed once again before she said, “Nice to meet you, unnie.”
The older girl giggled quietly as she bowed herself before replying softly, “Nice to meet you too.”
Holding her laughter back as she watched her best friend in amusement, Jeongyeon teased, “Please don’t mind her, she’s usually not this shy- ya!”
Nayeon had kicked her on the ankles as she gave a quick glare before forming another innocent smile on her lips as she simply said, “What were you saying, Jeongyeon-ssi?”
Jeongyeon rolled her eyes before nodding in acknowledgment as she connected her eyes with Y/N once again, who looked rather confused, while asking, “What’s your name? I’m Jeongyeon and you already know this idiot.”
Y/N laughed awkwardly as she replied politely, “My name’s Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you Jeongyeon-ssi.”
The older girl could only afford to giggle and a smile as Jeongyeon looked at her best friend with distaste before she shook her head in disbelief and clapped her hands, gathering both Y/N and Nayeon’s attention.
“Well then, I’ll leave you kids to it!” Jeongyeon said as she grabbed Nayeon by the shoulders and moving her right next to the new girl while saying, “Enjoy your time together!”
Glaring at her best friend with disbelief, Nayeon cursed under her breath, “Yoo Jeongyeon, I’m gonna kill you-“
However, Y/N thought Nayeon was talking to her but she couldn’t quite grasp what she had said so she raised her eyebrows while saying, “Pardon?”
The older girl immediately turned to face Y/N, a shade of red forming on her cheeks as she waved dismissively while shyly laughing, “No, I was just talking to Jeongyeon.”
Y/N nodded awkwardly while softly replying, “Ah, okay; do you want to be partners with her instead-“
“No!” Nayeon exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear, making them all shift their attention to her as the older girl could hear the teasing laughters of her best friends from the back of the classroom before she awkwardly admitted, “I’d rather partner with you; Jeongyeon’s just chaotic.”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to blush as her lips formed a small smile and said, “I’m okay if you’re okay.”
Before Nayeon could even say anything and possibly have a chance to embarrass herself even more, Taeyeon clapped her hands to get the attention of the class once again.
“Okay ladies and gentlemen, have you found your partners?” Taeyeon asked, earning a loud ‘yes’ from her students before she continued, “Well then, it’s time for me to explain to you what project we’ll be doing.”
The class groaned in disapproval, in exception of Nayeon who turned to Y/N and shyly said, “I should probably let you know that I’m not that good at history.”
Y/N smiled reassuringly as she warmly beamed, “It’s okay, unnie, I’ll help you wherever I can; I am your partner after all.”
The younger girl then turned back to face her teacher as Nayeon silently continued to gaze at her side profile with admiration. Blushing silently to herself, Nayeon held back an excited grin as she forced herself to face forward.
Even though she wasn’t sure what was going to happen with her feelings through out this project, she knew one thing for sure.
History has never been so fun.
“Yoo Jeongyeon and Park Jihyo, stop giggling!”
Nayeon crossed her arms as she pouted at her best friends who were now laughing loudly as the rest of the girls joined.
Jihyo laughed before teasing, “Oh my God, Nayeon unnie’s cheeks are so red!”
“I told you, right?? Nayeon unnie was like a tomato when she stood in front of Y/N!” Jeongyeon revealed, earning a playful shove from the oldest girl.
“Unnie, you should invite her to have lunch with us; she probably doesn’t have any friends yet.” Chaeyoung suggested sincerely.
The rest of them nodded their heads in agreement as Jeongyeon and Jihyo continued to laugh before Dahyun chimed in and said, “Yeah unnie, now that you’re both partners, you can use this to your advantage!”
“Oh, there she is!” Momo pointed out loudly as all of turned their heads towards Y/N, who just entered the cafeteria alone, before Momo continued saying, “Unnie, just go invite her already! You can’t let her eat lunch alone!”
Nayeon actually wanted to but with her heart racing and her palms starting to sweat, she looked at her best friends while whining, “I c-can’t! I don’t know what to say!”
“Unnie, just invite her to our table!” Tzuyu suggested quickly.
“If you’re not doing it, then I will.” Jeongyeon simply said before she stood up and yelled out, “Y/N-ah! Come here and have lunch with us!”
Looking at her best friend with absolute disbelief, Nayeon tugged her hand while harshly whispering, “Yoo Jeongyeon, sit your ass down - now!”
However, Y/N had heard Jeongyeon and smiled as she made her way towards the table. While the 8 girls grinned in excitement, Nayeon on the other hand was a complete mess. She looked at herself and made sure she looked proper and nothing was out of place.
Y/N was certainly glad that she had somebody to eat lunch with, even if it means she gained seven new possible friends. Arriving at the largely gathered table, the new student smiled and bowed in greeting as she said, “Hi there.”
Jeongyeon made her way to stand next to Y/N before wrapping an arm around her shoulder while saying, “Y/N, I’d like you to much the seven other idiots that I call my best friends; this is Jihyo, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.”
The new girl waved and smiled as she greeted, “Nice to meet you all, I’m Y/N.”
The seven girls welcomed Y/N with open arms and immediately began to get to know her. Nayeon actually enjoyed the sight and somehow managed to calm herself down as Y/N sat next to her.
Jeongyeon has clearly made herself comfortable with the new girl, managing to make Y/N talk a lot more and eventually, even made her laugh. Truth be told, Nayeon was slightly jealous on how easy Jeongyeon made it seem.
“Ya! We haven’t grabbed lunch yet!” Sana exclaimed, reminding everyone that this was lunch time after-all.
The moment they all stood up, they went and grabbed their lunch and sat where they originally were before. Understandably, all of the girls were hungry and Nayeon had noticed that she didn’t have a muffin on her tray like everyone else did.
Whining, Nayeon subconsciously pouted while saying, “How did I not get a muffin when you all did??”
Simultaneously, her best friends laughed as Jihyo teased, “Looks like Mrs. Jung doesn’t like you very much.”
“Besides, you won’t die for not having a muffin.” Jeongyeon deadpanned as she continued to eat.
The older girl continued to pout as her best friends continued to laugh before eating their meals again while Y/N felt sorry for Nayeon.
Looking at her own tray, Y/N didn’t really mind not eating a muffin today so she took hers and quietly placed it on Nayeon’s tray, not noticing that all of them witnessed her action.
Nayeon however, was so touched by the action and that initially triggered her to blush again as she felt guilty for having Y/N’s muffin on her tray before she placed it back onto the new girl’s tray.
Y/N raised her eyebrows in confusion as she softly asked, “You don’t want the muffin anymore?”
“Of course I do but you should eat it,” Nayeon said shyly as she continued adding, “I can have it another day.”
Shrugging, the new girl simply sported a small smile before placing the muffin back onto Nayeon’s tray while saying, “It’s okay, unnie, you can have mine. I don’t mind. I’d rather you have the muffin.”
Y/N was oblivious on how her actions had affected the older girl and while she continued to eat, there were eight other girls who were smirking at Nayeon and were rather surprised at the things that new girl had just said.
Nayeon began to dig in into her meal but after what just happened, her heart was racing. Nonetheless, she continued to eat but was highly aware of Y/N’s presence right next to her. Her cheeks were red, she was abnormally quiet and her best friends definitely took notice.
Giggling to themselves, the eight girls simply teased Nayeon silently through facial expressions as the older girl rolled her eyes in response while quietly taking frequent glances to the girl next to her.
The new girl then looked at Nayeon unexpectedly and smiled as she adorably asked, “Good?”
Nayeon finally responded with a wide smile, even when her heart was still racing as she nodded briefly and softly gushed, “Yeah.. thank you, Y/N - for the muffin. I’ll eat it well.”
Y/N nodded with a wide-toothless smile as she chirped, “I’ll eat well if you eat well, unnie.” She then stood up and announced, “Excuse me for a minute, I have to go to the toilet.”
Soon after Y/N had left and was out of the cafeteria, the other girls squealed as a reaction, not really believing their eyes as Dahyun laughed and teased, “Wah, I feel like I’m watching a live romance drama!”
“Does she know she’s saying such sweet things to Nayeon unnie??” Sana questioned with an excited grin as she added, “She said it so easily!”
“I think that’s just who she is,” Mina chimed in with a a grin of her own as she added, “She seems very polite and kind.”
Chaeyoung agreed with her girlfriend’s statement and nodded while pointing out, “She also helped me with my tray just now; I forgot to grab chopsticks but she already placed one on my tray.”
“I like her already - she’s nice,” Momo mumbled with her mouth full before beaming adorably, “She also shares her food; I like people who shares food. That means I get to eat their food without feeling bad.”
Patting her Nayeon’s back with approval, Jeongyeon cooed, “Good job unnie, you finally like someone who’s actually decent.”
“…. And honestly, she’s quite nice to look at - just saying.” Jihyo added shamelessly, earning a glare from Nayeon as the other girls laugh.
Throwing a piece of her vegetable, Jihyo managed to dodge it while laughing as Nayeon warned, “You have Daniel, that’s more than enough.”
“Ooooh, Nayeon unnie is jealous!!!”
As months passed by and seasons changed, winter had arrived and Y/N became closer with the girls and Nayeon was not as shy anymore - though, she does have her moments. However, most of the time, they were comfortable with each other. In fact, Y/N and Nayeon were constantly by each other’s side and the others would tease the both of them.
Albeit Y/N was still oblivious on the effect she has on Nayeon, the rest of them gave the older girl no mercy as they continued to tease her for her blushed cheeks and shy behavior.
Y/N on the other hand, had showed signs of affections towards the older girl but none of them really knew whether she felt the same as Nayeon did. Some days, they’d catch her gazing at Nayeon’s side profile like a love-sick puppy but then other days, they’d catch her being completely indifferent.
To be completely honest, Y/N didn’t know it herself. Yes, she had to admit that she does have a soft spot for the older girl but she doesn’t really know why. The only thing she knew was that out of the nine of them, Y/N looks forward to seeing Nayeon the most.
Right now, the other girls were currently waiting for both Jeongyeon and Y/N’s arrival as it became a tradition for Jeongyeon to pick up the latter since they found out they lived nearby to each other.
Waiting by their lockers, Sana looked at Jihyo and asked, “Where are they? Class starts in 15 minutes.”
Jihyo shrugged and pursued her lips while saying, “I’m not sure, I’ve texted both of them and they haven’t replied me yet,” She revealed before she looked at Nayeon who was playing with her phone, “Ya, are you texting any of them?”
Nayeon looked up, clearly not listening to the prior conversation as she nodded and said, “Yeah, I’m texting Y/N right now.”
“Of course she is- I mean, when has Nayeon unnie never texted Y/N?” Momo teased, earning herself a glare from the older girl.
“For your information, she and Jeongyeon were grabbing breakfast for us before she texted me, to let me know that she was going to arrive right before class starts.”
“And she texted you instead of anyone else?”
“Momo, where are you going with this?”
The Japanese chuckled before nudging Nayeon while teasing, “Just admit the fact that you guys are a ‘thing’ - even better, go to the Winter Prom with her.”
“I am going with her and all of you included! That was our plan anyway!” Nayeon furrowed her brows in disbelief as she questioned, “And what ‘thing’? We are definitely not a ‘thing’. We’re just friends!”
“No unnie, we never said that because I was going to go with Daniel and Chaeyoung was gonna go with Mina,” Jihyo recalled with a smirk on her lips as she added, “Besides, it is a ‘thing’ - I mean, you guys are so glued by the hip, that the only time we get Y/N to ourselves is when you’re not here.”
“That is so not true!” Nayeon defended while crossing her arms defiantly, “She hangs out with Chaeyoung and Mina a lot too! And all of you guys!”
“Yeah but she hangs out with us because you’re probably in a different class,” Chaeyoung pointed out smugly as she added, “The moment you’re there, you guys stick together like magnets.”
Dahyun and Tzuyu then shifted their focus from their phones to the conversation as Dahyun chimed in, “Are we talking about Y/N and Nayeon unnie?”
“Yeah, we’re telling her that she can’t go anywhere without Y/N.” Mina teased quietly with a small smile.
Tzuyu then raised her brows before joining, “Isn’t it true, though? Nayeon unnie gets jealous if Y/N goes somewhere with someone else.”
Nayeon then gasped in disbelief before looking directly at Tzuyu and exclaiming, “When have I done such thing?? Wah, you girls are crazy, I swear.”
“You did! You got jealous when Sana unnie invited Y/N to go shopping together,” Dahyun pointed out with a small grin before she added, “You kept using my phone to call Sana unnie and kept asking her when were they coming back.”
“Oh, that’s right! That’s why Y/N’s phone kept ringing all day long!” Sana added with a teasing grin.
“Unnie, just admit it, you guys can’t stay away from each other.” Jihyo cooed, nudging Nayeon multiple times with a teasing grin.
“Who can’t stay away from each other?”
The seven girls then quickly turned around at the familiar voice as they were greeted by both Jeongyeon and Y/N, who had their arms full of take-outs.
“Who are you guys talking about?” Y/N asked with a small smile as she began to hand out food for everyone, starting with Mina and Chaeyoung first.
Jeongyeon didn’t need to know the answer because after receiving a quick glance from Jihyo, she simply laughed and nodded her head while saying, “Ah, okay, I know who they’re talking about.”
Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion before continuing to hand out food to Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jihyo simultaneously as she asked again, “Who is it?”
As Jeongyeon gave food to Sana and Momo, Dahyun laughed and exclaimed, “We were talking about Nayeon unnie-“
“Kim Dahyun!” Nayeon hissed, earning laughters from everyone besides Y/N, before she looked at the latter and whined, “Y/N-ah, they’re bullying me.”
Jihyo watched her best friend in disbelief as she boldly teased, “Wah, look at this unnie; the moment Y/N’s here, she becomes a big baby.”
Y/N was now standing in front of the whining older girl as she chuckled warmly and gently asked, “Why? What happened?”
“I’m the unnie but they treat me like a baby!” Nayeon whined as she unconsciously grabbed onto Y/N’s arm and clung to her as she added, “They bully me everytime you’re not here!”
“It’s okay, I’m here now.” Y/N reassured gently while patting the top of Nayeon’s head as their friends watched in amusement.
Jeongyeon then playfully jabbed Y/N by the shoulder as she joked, “Y/N, don’t! This is why she’s so spoiled! You baby her too much!”
“It’s not babying, you idiot!” The older girl scolded before she looked at Y/N entirely with puppy eyes and asked, “My food’s with you, right?”
Y/N nodded with a smile as she lifted the take out with her free hand and said, “Yeah, but we’ll have to go to class first; we can eat then.”
“Did you get extra pickles?”
“Mhm and extra mustard too, right?”
“Did you also get extra ketchup packets?”
“Yeah I did, and they’re spicy ketchup too, just like the ones you like.”
As they were entranced in their own little world, eight other girls watched them with amusement as some of them smiled with adoration. It was clear that they both cared about each other than they let on and the fact that they know the smallest things about each other, was cute.
Chaeyoung chuckled in amusement before softly teasing, “Look at them - they’re like an old married couple.”
The rest nodded as Y/N and Nayeon were still talking to each other, not paying attention to the others.
“Who knew it only took one person to trigger that side of Nayeon unnie?” Momo chimed in, her lips forming a small smile.
“Yeah but Y/N babies her too much; she’s too soft for Nayeon unnie.” Jihyo pointed out jokingly.
“Honestly, I think Y/N enjoys being soft for Nayeon unnie considering how she actually is with all of us, so I don’t think it’s stopping anytime soon.” Sana said, making the rest of them nod in agreement.
Jeongyeon however, groaned playfully and whined, “Great, Nayeon unnie is going to be spoiled for the rest of her life then.”
“Ya, we need to go to class - we’re already late.” Mina reminded them, as all of them followed suit.
Quickly getting into class, the girls immediately made a beeline for their designated seats before Taeyeon shook her head towards them and said, “Glad you ladies can finally join us this morning.”
“Of course miss, I would never miss your class.” Jeongyeon joked, earning laughters from the rest of the class.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes and teased back, “Your charms can’t help you now, Yoo Jeongyeon; you’re all 5 minutes late but because I’m in a good mood, I’ll let it slide.”
Squinting her eyes playfully, Jeongyeon joked, “See, I knew I liked you for a reason, miss.”
“Anyways, as I was saying, do you want to know why I’m in a good mood?” Taeyeon asked her students, grinning from ear to ear as she quickly added, “It’s something related to winter and dancing.”
The whole class went silent for a moment until Dahyun energetically raised her hands and said, “It’s the Winter Prom, miss! Winter Prom is in a month!”
“Yes Dahyun, you’re right!” Taeyeon chirped excitedly before she announced, “Which also means that prom love letters will be passed around very soon and who knows, it may be from someone you know.”
The moment the teacher had said that, the 8 girls, excluding Y/N, immediately looked at Nayeon with a smirk as the older girl rolled her eyes and waved her best friends dismissively.
“Anyways, before I move on with today’s topic, does anyone want to join the prom committee-“
“Excuse me, Miss?”
The whole class shifted their attention to the front door as a student from another class bowed in greeting before Taeyeon smiled and questioned, “Oh, Solbin-ah! What can I do for you?”
The girl, Sol-bin, made her way into the class and quietly asked, “I’m sorry to interrupt your class but is it okay if I pass a letter to one of your students?”
The class was rather confused as none of them were really close with Sol-bin in general before Taeyeon grinned teasingly and said, “Is it a prom love letter? I heard your class was the first ones to send them out this week.”
Sol-bin simply smiled and nodded as she replied, “Yes miss, which is why I’ve came here.”
Gushing at the sight of puppy love, Taeyeon simply grinned and nodded as she said, “Go on, give your prom love letter.”
Everyone’s eyes was on Sol-bin, watching her take small steps to the back of the class. Slowly, the sounds of teasing cheers began to increase as Sol-bin began to blush furiously and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.
After what felt like forever, Sol-bin finally stopped in front of a particular student and the moment they looked up, to say they were surprised - was an understatement.
Y/N was confused and surprised to see Sol-bin standing in front of her. Instinctively standing up, the teasing cheers were louder than before as she asked, “Yes?”
Sol-bin blushed at the sound of Y/N’s voice as she handed out the letter in front of her while saying, “I hope you’ll say yes, Y/N-ah.”
The nine girls were surprised, especially Nayeon who was now just throwing death glares at Sol-bin. The other eight girls looked at each other with worry, knowing very well that their Nayeon unnie wasn’t going to take this news very well.
Y/N was flustered but she felt bad for leaving the girl hanging before she gently took the letter from Sol-bin and softly said, “Okay, I’ll let you know soon.”
Sol-bin grinned excitedly, a flushed face still apparent as she nodded and chirped, “Okay, I’ll see you some other day then… and also, you look cute today - everyday actually.”
The class howled at Sol-bin’s statement, before some of them erupted into cheers. Sol-bin was now definitely blushing with a shy smile on her lips and anyone could tell that she was crushing on Y/N.
“… Oh? T-Thanks, Solbin-ah.” Giving the girl a nod along with an awkward small smile, Y/N simply watched Sol-bin run out of the class with her friends greeting her at the front door before their excited squeals were being heard by the whole class.
“Wah, Y/N received a prom love letter!!” A random student howled teasingly, earning playful whistles from the rest of them, except the nine girls who were still taken aback by what just happened.
“And it’s from Ahn Sol-Bin!!” Another student howled out teasingly.
Taeyeon grinned and clapped as she congratulated, “Congratulation, Y/N-ssi, you’re the first to receive a prom love letter in this class.”
Y/N chuckled awkwardly as she nodded before sitting down once again while she scratched the back of her neck. For some reason, she didn’t feel that excited even though she was definitely flattered.
Feeling someone nudging her elbow, Y/N looked to her side and Jeongyeon immediately asked her, “You knew Sol-Bin??” She questioned, earning a nod from her close friend as she added, “How??”
“We have art class together and we’re also partners for our art project but I didn’t know she liked me - I didn’t even do anything.”
“Well, whatever you did, it was enough to make her like you,” Jeongyeon pointed out before exclaiming, “And did you see her face?! It was like someone painted her face with red paint!”
Suddenly, Y/N chuckled in amusement as she shook her head and said, “Unnie, now you’re just talking nonsense.”
“Are you going to say yes to her??”
Y/N sighed and she shrugged before admitting, “I don’t know actually. I’ve never been asked before.”
Jeongyeon grabbed Y/N’s arm and shook it playfully before saying, “Ya, do you know how big of a deal is winter prom here??”
“Not to me, actually. Yeah, it’s flattering but it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Think about it properly, alright? Just - just don’t rush it, Y/N-ah.” She advised sincerely, before she shifted her focus back to the class.
Unconsciously, Y/N turned her head around and looked at Nayeon, who was already looking at her with sad eyes as the older girl forced a smile on her lips.
She gazed at the older girl, finding solace in her gentle but sad eyes. There was something about Nayeon that made Y/N feel things - things that she never really noticed before but when it came to the older girl, Y/N slowly realized.
She noticed how her heart would skip a beat everytime Nayeon smiled at her or acted cute with her. She noticed how she would drive in the middle of the night to Nayeon’s house with food because the older girl wanted seaweed soup when she’s sick. She also noticed that apart from everyone, Nayeon was one of the very few who can turn Y/N’s day upside down because the older girl will not leave her side until Y/N goes back to her cheerful self.
Long story short - Nayeon made her feel things that she wanted to last forever.
But for some reason, the younger couldn’t bring herself to smile back as her heart ached out of the blue. Nayeon, who was trying her best to not be obvious with her emotions, broke the gaze and looked away. This made Y/N turn back around as she sighed silently to herself.
Tapping Jeongyeon by the shoulder and getting her attention, Y/N softly asked, “Unnie, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, what is it?” The blonde-haired girl asked.
Y/N bit her bottom lip as a habit and was really reluctant to talk about this to anyone else but she knew she should talk about it nonetheless.
She wasn’t naive to her current feelings but she didn’t really know what to do with them or how should she handle them. Therefore, she figured that it would be best if she asked Jeongyeon instead.
“Can I ask you what it means if I’m feeling…. certain things?”
Jeongyeon furrowed her brows but nodded anyway as she listened to something that she wasn’t expecting at all.
Two classes later and an immense amount of day dreaming, Nayeon stood at her locker alone as she switched some of her books and sort of lost track of time.
Her feelings of jealousy were still lingering but she tried her absolute best to push them aside as she knew that she was just overthinking the entire situation.
“Aish, what am I doing?” Nayeon muttered to herself as she sighed and shook her head before she slammed her locker shut and made her way to her next class.
Once she arrived to her next class, she was greeted with Y/N waiting for her by the door, alone, as she offered the older girl a small smile. Confused as to why she was there, Nayeon asked, “Why are you here? Don’t you have class with Dahyun and Sana?”
“I wanted to see you.. so I came here before I went for my next class.” The younger girl explained quietly, her tone gentle and her demeanor slightly awkward.
Taken aback by what she said, Nayeon raised her eyebrows in surprise as she stammered out, “W-Why? Why did you wanna meet me?”
Y/N took a deep breath and released a shaky one as she quietly admitted, “I just wanted to let you know that I’m not going to the winter prom with Sol-bin.”
Even though shebwas relieved by the fact, Nayeon half-heartedly replied, “Why not? You’ll have fun with her-“
“Because I want to go with you.”
Nayeon’s breath hitched as Y/N looked directly into her eyes, nothing but warmth inside the younger girl’s gaze before she whispered, “Y-Y/N..”
“I didn’t realize it before this but after Sol-bin gave me that prom love letter… all I’ve been thinking is that I’d rather go with you.” Y/N admitted softly as she added, “Then I couldn’t stop thinking how pretty you’d look that night.”
Nayeon couldn’t help but tear up at the sudden confession as she unconsciously took a step closer to the younger girl and softly joked, “…. Aren’t I pretty everyday?”
That made Y/N laugh with adoration as she nodded and said, “Yes unnie, you’re pretty everyday.”
To say she was happy - was an understatement of the century as she squealed in happiness before hugging Y/N immediately while cutely mumbling, “Y/N-ah..”
“Yes, unnie?”
With her arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist, Nayeon looked up at the younger girl and muttered, “I like you,” She confessed, the younger’s smile beginning to grow as she continued, “I really like you - like, more than a friend.”
“I know,” Y/N revealed, her cheeks red as her eye smile began to appear before admitting, “Jeongyeon unnie told me just now.”
“Eh?!” The older girl exclaimed as she pulled away slightly and growled, “Wah, Yoo Jeongyeon is so dead.”
Y/N laughed as she pulled Nayeon back in for a hug while saying, “Don’t worry; she only told me because I said I like you too.”
Nayeon giggled as she laid her head on Y/N’s chest and hummed before mumbling, “If you’re pulling a prank right now, I swear to God Y/N, I will never forgive you.”
As Y/N laughed and swayed slightly with Nayeon in her arms, they failed to realize that there were eight pairs of eyes watching them in complete shock.
“Is… Is that Nayeon unnie and Y/N?” Dahyun asked in disbelief as her eyes were wide open.
“Are they hugging?!” Sana exclaimed as she quickly added, “What’s going on??”
“They’re not going to kiss, are they? Because I’m still a child.” Tzuyu joked with a straight face as she ignited laughter within the group.
Jihyo and Jeongyeon glanced at each other with wide smiles as the latter announced, “Girls, looks like our queen of confidence has finally confessed her love.”
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
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Myoui Mina ; all too well pt. 2
writer’s note : ok i wasn’t expecting to have a continuation of this but i already have a whole plot which will prolly go up to a few parts. so MINA STANS, REJOICE!!! ALSO, Jisoo from Blackpink will be making her debut in this fic bc i felt like she fit the character i had in mind the most so in this fic, Jisoo is a non-idol 😌
warning : angst (im sorry ill make it up to u soon)
tips : put on a song that you feel like would set the mood - trust me, nothing beats reading sad ass imagines with songs in the background
words : 3,318 words
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“Are you ever going to tell me what happened with that girl you met at the coffee shop?”
Surprised by the sudden question, Y/N looked at the girl with wide eyes as she confusedly asked, “What do you mean?”
Jisoo found it cute that Y/N was trying to pretend that she didn’t know what she was talking about, but Jisoo knew that it needed to be talked about. Because the moment Y/N came back during their date after disappearing for half an hour, Jisoo just knew something big had happened and that her swollen eyes were as apparent as ever.
Chuckling amusedly, Jisoo leaned on her palm and asked, “During our date last week, you met someone who seemed like an old friend? Why’d she run out so fast?”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to chuckle awkwardly as she scratched the back of her neck before shrugging and saying, “Oh, she’s just somebody that I know a while back... And she probably ran out because she’s just naturally a shy person so..”
Jisoo gazed at Y/N, and simply just observed the girl’s facial expression before a memory hit her and she quietly pointed out, “... I heard you call her Mina,” Jisoo revealed, Y/N’s eyes saddening slightly as silence took over them before she added, “It was her, wasn’t it? The ex you always wrote about?”
With that information, Y/N furrowed her brows before quietly asking, “How’d you know? I never showed anyone-“
“You left it in your messy pile by the dining table one day,” Jisoo revealed before she quickly added, “I know I shouldn’t have... but I thought it was just one of your random writings and you know how much I love to read your stories.”
Y/N’s winced, her eyebrows down and closed together as her lips frown at the sudden revelation. She remembered every word she wrote in those stories and how intimate it was to her, let alone to another reader.
She wrote those stories in a place of pain, longing and love. Something she still has, since the day she left.
“I always envied how you wrote about her in your stories,” Jisoo chuckled sadly as she continued, “How the moles on her face was like precious stars and how whenever she danced, she was a swan who you couldn’t look away from. I saw it in your eyes whenever you wrote about her; .... I’ve never seen that side of you before.”
Looking away, Y/N simply sighed and ran her fingers through her hair before softly adding, “I wrote that a very long time ago, Jisoo-ya; I wrote that when I was still very much in love with her.”
“Can you really tell me with a 100% confidence that you’re not in love with her anymore?” Jisoo rasped out, her voice weak as she continued with, “Can you really tell me that? Because the moment she ran, you went after her without even looking back.”
Y/N instinctively shut her eyes as she took a deep breath and released a shaky one. Out of the blue, she felt a pair of hands on her thighs and when she fluttered her eyes open, she saw Jisoo kneeling in front of her with glassy eyes before she whispered, “It’s okay - I understand,” She reassured gently before continuing, “If anyone read your stories, they too would see the amount of love you have for Mina and I can’t stop that.”
“Jisoo-ya, I-“
“It’s okay, I promise,” Jisoo softly reassured before she grabbed Y/N’s hands and held them tightly before whispering, “You deserve to be happy the way you want to be, Y/N and I can’t provide that for you because deep inside, you already know who’s the only one who can.”
Jisoo then stood up before placing a kiss on Y/N’s forehead then grabbing her bag and phone right after. As she was about to walk away, Y/N grabbed her hand and stood up before she quietly said, “I’m sorry I can’t give you the same love that you gave me.”
Jisoo cupped Y/N’s face with her free hand as she smiled sadly while saying, “I’m just glad I could make you forget even for a moment... but I think we both know that it’s never going to be enough.”
“I’m sorry, Jisoo. It should never have come to this.” Y/N whispered, the feeling of guilt overwhelming her slowly, “I should’ve been honest with you from the start.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s no one’s fault; I can’t keep lying to myself that I can make you happier than she did. I mean, sure, I can keep pretending but you’ll just never be as happy and I - I can’t do that to you.”
Placing a chaste kiss on Y/N’s cheek, Jisoo caressed her face momentarily before she whispered, “You loved her and - ... and that’s not a weakness, Y/N; that’s a virtue.”
Soon after, Jisoo gave one last sad smile before she turned around and made her way out, her last words scarring Y/N’s thoughts. Standing still, Y/N was at lost for words. Everything was changing around her and she didn’t know what to do next.
At the same time, Y/N’s phone had vibrated at the couch and that caused her to instinctively turn around. Grabbing her phone, she opened a text message.
From : Jihyo TWICE [8:33pm]
Hey, are you free to meet up?
Surprised at the sudden text, Y/N raised her brows as she typed a quick reply.
To : Jihyo TWICE [8:33pm]
Sure unnie, where do you want to meet?
Around half an hour later with the time at 5 minutes past 9pm, Y/N was now sitting at a park near Gangnam.
Her mind was a mess and she couldn’t think properly anymore. Shivering slightly at the cold temperature, Y/N felt a sudden warmth right next to her and when she looked to the side, she was greeted with Jihyo who offered a small and polite smile.
“Long time no see, Y/N - I hope you’re doing well.”
Y/N could only chuckle sadly as she greeted, “And the same goes to you, unnie.”
“I think you and I both know why I wanted to see you tonight, right?” Jihyo asked, her gaze never wavering and that was something Y/N has always known about the Twice leader. Jihyo was intimidating but it was only because the other girls were her family - her sisters.
Y/N nodded with pursued lips before suggesting, “How about we talk about this over a cup of hot chocolate?”
That was the only thing that was obvious as Y/N and Jihyo sat opposite of one another, eyes away from each other, at an isolated coffee shop nearby.
Y/N had spent time with the other members before but never after the break up. They were all very protective over each other so after the break up, Y/N was quick to assume that the girls wouldn’t want to talk to her ever again.
“I heard you’re dating again.”
Y/N quickly shifted her gaze to Jihyo, who was already looking directly right at her, before she chuckled awkwardly, looked away once again and revealed, “Kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“We broke up right before you texted me.”
“May I ask why?”
Y/N sighed audibly before she looked down at her hands and fiddled with her fingers while whispering, “I think you know why, unnie.”
Jihyo tilted her head slightly as she kept her gaze on the girl in front of her before saying, “Because of Mina?”
“If you loved her that much, why did you break up in the first place?” The Twice leader question, her piercing gaze never wavering as she added, “And you knew how much she loved you, and she saw you as her safe haven; so, tell me why Y/N - why’d you leave?”
Y/N looked up, connected her eyes with the Twice leader and she revealed joylessly, “Did you know how much it hurt me to see Mina being harassed, bullied and requested to be removed from Twice because she was with me?”
Jihyo couldn’t say anything, her heart feeling the pain in Y/N’s words as she simply listened because she knew that sometimes listening is the best medicine.
“She was called a ‘dyke’, a ‘rug licker’ and that wasn’t even close to the worse ones I’ve seen,” Y/N revealed, her eyes getting glassy as she continued saying, “The haters actually emailed JYP and requested Mina to be removed from the group because she brought shame to the Nation’s girl group; so, tell me unnie - was I supposed to just let that happen?”
The Twice leader felt sorry for the girl in front of her, her heart slightly aching in response before Y/N continued, “Mina’s anxiety was getting worse by the day and even though she kept telling me that she was ‘fine’, her cries in the middle of the night in the kitchen, told me a different story.” The girl revealed, a tear finally going down her cheek as the painful memory flooded her emotions.
As tears began to fall even more, Y/N released a shaky breath as she tilted her head facing upwards, trying her best to stop her tears while she quietly sobbed out, “I thought that maybe - maybe if I had just left and give her life a break from all the haters, then maybe she can finally stop crying alone at night.” Y/N then wiped her tears as she looked at Jihyo with red and teary eyes before she admitted, “I’m tired of pretending, unnie; I’m tired of pretending that I’m not hurting because... I miss her so much and that’s slowly killing me.”
Jihyo couldn’t stop the tears from falling from her own eyes and looked away from Y/N as she herself tried to wipe her own tears. She released a shaky breath and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl in front of her.
Taking a deep breath, Jihyo made herself face Y/N and connected their teary eyes before pointing out, “When they forced you to leave, that’s when you should’ve stayed, Y/N-ya,” She croaked, letting tears fall as she added, “But I also understand where you’re coming from because that’s the same trouble I went through when my relationship went public.”
This caught Y/N’s attention as Jihyo sighed out, “The haters always said I was never good enough for someone like Kang Daniel and how was I just with him because I was someone who would never get someone better looking than him,” She recounted, her emotions getting the best of her as she added, “Every single day, I wanted to leave him because I wanted to do it before he did it to me.”
“I always wondered, ‘what if he falls for another girl who’s prettier?’ or ‘what if he falls for another girl who isn’t as insecure?’ because I never felt good enough for him,” Jihyo explained before she continued saying, “Yes, I am the leader of the Nation’s girl group but there are eight other girls who everyone said was prettier than me and yet, I was the first one to be officially dating someone; I was called a ‘slut’, a ‘whore’ and there’s more on that list than I’d like to admit.”
“But even when Daniel could’ve left me and trust me, I’ve pushed him a few times saying that maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore then he looked directly into my eyes and said that if he leaves, he’s giving them exactly what they wanted,” The Twice leader recalled, as she released a shaky breath and concluded, “I wanted to see you today because I know enough about you that you’re doing exactly what I would’ve done; the only reason why it took me this long to approach you is because Mina needed me first and I wanted to be there for her.”
“Then tell me what to do, unnie because I don’t know anymore,” She sniffled, her eyes red and both of her hands on the table top as she pleaded, “There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t thought of her and it’s starting to hurt - so, if you were in my position, what can I do to stop hurting this much?”
Jihyo felt for the girl, she really did. In fact, she was just lost for words at how relatable Y/N’s situation was for her. She knew how tough it is to date an idol, being an idol herself, so she can’t imagine the burden of a non-idol having to carry when the public finds out something so intimate.
Wiping her tears once again, Jihyo grabbed one of Y/N’s hand and used her free hand to grab something from her bag. Placing the item on Y/N’s hand, Jihyo wrapped the girl’s hand around it before saying, “December 24th, 6pm at JYP building; text me when you get there and I’ll pick you up myself.”
Y/N was about to inspect the item but before she could, Jihyo leaned forward and whispered, “This is your one chance to redeem yourself, Y/N-ya; don’t screw this up. I’m doing this because I like you for Mina. You’re a good person and sometimes, even the best break so now, I’m helping you - like how Daniel helped me.”
The Twice leader then gave a kind smile before she squeezed the girl’s hand and released her grip as she took her belongings and left.
As Y/N could only stare at the retreating back of Jihyo, she slowly looked down at her hand and saw an employee pass for the JYP building, feeling something she hasn’t felt in a long time.
“I’m home!”
Sounds of loud footsteps surround the apartment, 7 girls making their appearance as Jihyo took of her shoes before making her way into the apartment.
“Unnie, how did it go??” Chaeyoung asked, her eyebrows raised in interest.
“Did it work?? Is she going to be there??” Sana asked, grabbing onto Jihyo’s arm.
However, Nayeon then scoffed and cautioned, “I’m telling you guys - this whole thing is pointless! She has a new girlfriend, for heaven’s sake!”
“They broke up, actually,” Jihyo revealed, earning gasps of surprise from the girls in exception of Nayeon as the leader announced, “They broke up right before I texted her.”
“And that’s good news, how??” Nayeon questioned with furrowed brows as she huffed, “She couldn’t handle the pressure and left Mina to suffer alone - alone, guys! Why would you guys want her back with someone like that??”
“Unnie...” Dahyun perplexed, not believing her ears as she knew Nayeon was one of the closer members to Mina’s ex.
“Ya, Im Nayeon, don’t you think you’re being too unfair?” Jeongyeon protested, crossing her arms in defiance.
Nayeon then faced her best friend and rebuked, “Have you forgotten the nights where we had to calm her down from her anxiety attack after the break up?” She jabbed before she quickled added, “You were there with me, Jeongyeon-ah!”
“Does that mean she doesn’t deserve a second chance??” Jeongyeon spat, “There’s two sides to every story! Two sides!
Jihyo sighed and massaged her temple as she sighed, “Guys, that’s enough, Mina will hear us-“
“You’re unbelievable, Yoo Jeongyeon; after all the nights she cried to us, asked us why Y/N left and you dare say all of this??” Nayeon hissed, crossing her arms as she added, “Yes, there’s two sides to every story but she should’ve talked to Mina and given her a chance to fix this.”
“And now she wants to but you’re refusing to let her??” Jeongyeon argued before she added, “Do you really think that Y/N isn’t hurting too??”
“Wah, Jeongyeon, you’re really somethi-“
“Jeongyeon unnie’s right.”
At the sound of the quiet voice, the 8 girls immediately turned their heads towards Mina who was now watching and hearing their entire conversation.
The Japanese singer walked towards the group with her dejected eyes and her shoulders slightly down before she admitted, “If you girls know Y/N’s side of the story, you would understand too - which you should know by now, right Jihyo?”
Then all eyes shifted to Jihyo, who was looking directly at Mina, before she nodded slightly and admitted, “Yeah, she told me her reasons.”
Mina then nodded acknowledgingly, her eyes momentarily looking down at the floor before she looked at Jihyo once again and wistfully asked, “How is she?”
“How do you think, Mina-ya?” Jihyo asked gently, taking steps forward before she boldly asked, “The request of removal - was it true? Did they really email JYP for a removal?”
The Japanese looked away, hurt by the memories of the incident before she nodded and tried her best to hold her tears.
This confused the rest of the girls before Nayeon took a step forward and questioned, “What? What removal are you guys talking about?”
Ignoring the other members, Jihyo then crossed her arms and questioned, “Why didn’t you tell us?” Jihyo asked sadly before she added, “Why didn’t you tell me? If you had told me, I would’ve done something.”
“Jihyo-ya, I didn’t know what to do! My mind was a mess!” Mina defended, tears leaving her eyes as she continued, “It was triggering my anxiety and I was lost! I hated how they looked at me!”
The Twice leader then placed her hand on her best friend’s shoulder before she asked, “Mina, I love you and I want nothing but the best for you and everyone else in here - but how do you think it felt for your girlfriend to find you crying in the middle of the night when you tell her that you’re fine?”
The rest of them then looked at Mina sympathetically as it was Jeongyeon’s turn to take a step forward as she placed a hand on the Japanese’s arm before knowingly asking, “It was because they found out about you and Y/N, right?”
“And you didn’t want to let Y/N unnie know because you didn’t want her to suffer the name-calling; am I right?” Chaeyoung suddenly chimed in, her voice gentle and warm as she added, “But Jihyo unnie has a point; I can only imagine how helpless she felt watching you cry alone at night - which is probably why she thought it was her fault.”
“I didn’t want to worry her,” Mina croaked out weakly, her tears now apparent as she sobbed, “I was getting used to the name calling but the night I was told that they actually emailed the company for my removal, I just - I just lost it; I tried to hide it from Y/N but she found out from the internet and I guess... that’s where things went wrong. We fought and fought then one day, she just said that we weren’t working out. After I saw her last week and got an explanation... I knew then we both were in the wrong - not just her.”
As Mina’s quiet sobs took over the silence of the room, Nayeon huffed angrily as she gazed elsewhere while growling, “Those fucking idiots; they can’t stand to see us happy for one minute.”
“What’d you expect, unnie? To them, we’re just like properties that they think they own.” Momo chimed in, her own experience with the public making her angry.
“What do you want to do now, Mina unnie?” Tzuyu questioned gently, her voice kind and sincere as she added, “Are you going to talk to her?”
Mina wiped her tears and looked at Jihyo with hope as she hesitated, “Jihyo?” She questioned softly before adding, “What should I do?”
Then all eyes were back on Jihyo, who felt the pressure on her shoulder out of the complete blue, but there was no way in hell was she going to let this go. This was her best friend, her family and she was willing to go hell and back for her.
“We’ll just wait until our December 24th broadcast; everything will happen then.”
87 notes · View notes
justfriends-iguess · 4 years
Myoui Mina ; all too well pt. 2
writer’s note : ok i wasn’t expecting to have a continuation of this but i already have a whole plot which will prolly go up to a few parts. so MINA STANS, REJOICE!!! ALSO, Jisoo from Blackpink will be making her debut in this fic bc i felt like she fit the character i had in mind the most so in this fic, Jisoo is a non-idol 😌
warning : angst (im sorry ill make it up to u soon)
tips : put on a song that you feel like would set the mood - trust me, nothing beats reading sad ass imagines with songs in the background
words : 3,318 words
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“Are you ever going to tell me what happened with that girl you met at the coffee shop?”
Surprised by the sudden question, Y/N looked at the girl with wide eyes as she confusedly asked, “What do you mean?”
Jisoo found it cute that Y/N was trying to pretend that she didn’t know what she was talking about, but Jisoo knew that it needed to be talked about. Because the moment Y/N came back during their date after disappearing for half an hour, Jisoo just knew something big had happened and that her swollen eyes were as apparent as ever.
Chuckling amusedly, Jisoo leaned on her palm and asked, “During our date last week, you met someone who seemed like an old friend? Why’d she run out so fast?”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to chuckle awkwardly as she scratched the back of her neck before shrugging and saying, “Oh, she’s just somebody that I know a while back... And she probably ran out because she’s just naturally a shy person so..”
Jisoo gazed at Y/N, and simply just observed the girl’s facial expression before a memory hit her and she quietly pointed out, “... I heard you call her Mina,” Jisoo revealed, Y/N’s eyes saddening slightly as silence took over them before she added, “It was her, wasn’t it? The ex you always wrote about?”
With that information, Y/N furrowed her brows before quietly asking, “How’d you know? I never showed anyone-“
“You left it in your messy pile by the dining table one day,” Jisoo revealed before she quickly added, “I know I shouldn’t have... but I thought it was just one of your random writings and you know how much I love to read your stories.”
Y/N’s winced, her eyebrows down and closed together as her lips frown at the sudden revelation. She remembered every word she wrote in those stories and how intimate it was to her, let alone to another reader.
She wrote those stories in a place of pain, longing and love. Something she still has, since the day she left.
“I always envied how you wrote about her in your stories,” Jisoo chuckled sadly as she continued, “How the moles on her face was like precious stars and how whenever she danced, she was a swan who you couldn’t look away from. I saw it in your eyes whenever you wrote about her; .... I’ve never seen that side of you before.”
Looking away, Y/N simply sighed and ran her fingers through her hair before softly adding, “I wrote that a very long time ago, Jisoo-ya; I wrote that when I was still very much in love with her.”
“Can you really tell me with a 100% confidence that you’re not in love with her anymore?” Jisoo rasped out, her voice weak as she continued with, “Can you really tell me that? Because the moment she ran, you went after her without even looking back.”
Y/N instinctively shut her eyes as she took a deep breath and released a shaky one. Out of the blue, she felt a pair of hands on her thighs and when she fluttered her eyes open, she saw Jisoo kneeling in front of her with glassy eyes before she whispered, “It’s okay - I understand,” She reassured gently before continuing, “If anyone read your stories, they too would see the amount of love you have for Mina and I can’t stop that.”
“Jisoo-ya, I-“
“It’s okay, I promise,” Jisoo softly reassured before she grabbed Y/N’s hands and held them tightly before whispering, “You deserve to be happy the way you want to be, Y/N and I can’t provide that for you because deep inside, you already know who’s the only one who can.”
Jisoo then stood up before placing a kiss on Y/N’s forehead then grabbing her bag and phone right after. As she was about to walk away, Y/N grabbed her hand and stood up before she quietly said, “I’m sorry I can’t give you the same love that you gave me.”
Jisoo cupped Y/N’s face with her free hand as she smiled sadly while saying, “I’m just glad I could make you forget even for a moment... but I think we both know that it’s never going to be enough.”
“I’m sorry, Jisoo. It should never have come to this.” Y/N whispered, the feeling of guilt overwhelming her slowly, “I should’ve been honest with you from the start.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s no one’s fault; I can’t keep lying to myself that I can make you happier than she did. I mean, sure, I can keep pretending but you’ll just never be as happy and I - I can’t do that to you.”
Placing a chaste kiss on Y/N’s cheek, Jisoo caressed her face momentarily before she whispered, “You loved her and - ... and that’s not a weakness, Y/N; that’s a virtue.”
Soon after, Jisoo gave one last sad smile before she turned around and made her way out, her last words scarring Y/N’s thoughts. Standing still, Y/N was at lost for words. Everything was changing around her and she didn’t know what to do next.
At the same time, Y/N’s phone had vibrated at the couch and that caused her to instinctively turn around. Grabbing her phone, she opened a text message.
From : Jihyo TWICE [8:33pm]
Hey, are you free to meet up?
Surprised at the sudden text, Y/N raised her brows as she typed a quick reply.
To : Jihyo TWICE [8:33pm]
Sure unnie, where do you want to meet?
Around half an hour later with the time at 5 minutes past 9pm, Y/N was now sitting at a park near Gangnam.
Her mind was a mess and she couldn’t think properly anymore. Shivering slightly at the cold temperature, Y/N felt a sudden warmth right next to her and when she looked to the side, she was greeted with Jihyo who offered a small and polite smile.
“Long time no see, Y/N - I hope you’re doing well.”
Y/N could only chuckle sadly as she greeted, “And the same goes to you, unnie.”
“I think you and I both know why I wanted to see you tonight, right?” Jihyo asked, her gaze never wavering and that was something Y/N has always known about the Twice leader. Jihyo was intimidating but it was only because the other girls were her family - her sisters.
Y/N nodded with pursued lips before suggesting, “How about we talk about this over a cup of hot chocolate?”
That was the only thing that was obvious as Y/N and Jihyo sat opposite of one another, eyes away from each other, at an isolated coffee shop nearby.
Y/N had spent time with the other members before but never after the break up. They were all very protective over each other so after the break up, Y/N was quick to assume that the girls wouldn’t want to talk to her ever again.
“I heard you’re dating again.”
Y/N quickly shifted her gaze to Jihyo, who was already looking directly right at her, before she chuckled awkwardly, looked away once again and revealed, “Kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“We broke up right before you texted me.”
“May I ask why?”
Y/N sighed audibly before she looked down at her hands and fiddled with her fingers while whispering, “I think you know why, unnie.”
Jihyo tilted her head slightly as she kept her gaze on the girl in front of her before saying, “Because of Mina?”
“If you loved her that much, why did you break up in the first place?” The Twice leader question, her piercing gaze never wavering as she added, “And you knew how much she loved you, and she saw you as her safe haven; so, tell me why Y/N - why’d you leave?”
Y/N looked up, connected her eyes with the Twice leader and she revealed joylessly, “Did you know how much it hurt me to see Mina being harassed, bullied and requested to be removed from Twice because she was with me?”
Jihyo couldn’t say anything, her heart feeling the pain in Y/N’s words as she simply listened because she knew that sometimes listening is the best medicine.
“She was called a ‘dyke’, a ‘rug licker’ and that wasn’t even close to the worse ones I’ve seen,” Y/N revealed, her eyes getting glassy as she continued saying, “The haters actually emailed JYP and requested Mina to be removed from the group because she brought shame to the Nation’s girl group; so, tell me unnie - was I supposed to just let that happen?”
The Twice leader felt sorry for the girl in front of her, her heart slightly aching in response before Y/N continued, “Mina’s anxiety was getting worse by the day and even though she kept telling me that she was ‘fine’, her cries in the middle of the night in the kitchen, told me a different story.” The girl revealed, a tear finally going down her cheek as the painful memory flooded her emotions.
As tears began to fall even more, Y/N released a shaky breath as she tilted her head facing upwards, trying her best to stop her tears while she quietly sobbed out, “I thought that maybe - maybe if I had just left and give her life a break from all the haters, then maybe she can finally stop crying alone at night.” Y/N then wiped her tears as she looked at Jihyo with red and teary eyes before she admitted, “I’m tired of pretending, unnie; I’m tired of pretending that I’m not hurting because... I miss her so much and that’s slowly killing me.”
Jihyo couldn’t stop the tears from falling from her own eyes and looked away from Y/N as she herself tried to wipe her own tears. She released a shaky breath and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl in front of her.
Taking a deep breath, Jihyo made herself face Y/N and connected their teary eyes before pointing out, “When they forced you to leave, that’s when you should’ve stayed, Y/N-ya,” She croaked, letting tears fall as she added, “But I also understand where you’re coming from because that’s the same trouble I went through when my relationship went public.”
This caught Y/N’s attention as Jihyo sighed out, “The haters always said I was never good enough for someone like Kang Daniel and how was I just with him because I was someone who would never get someone better looking than him,” She recounted, her emotions getting the best of her as she added, “Every single day, I wanted to leave him because I wanted to do it before he did it to me.”
“I always wondered, ‘what if he falls for another girl who’s prettier?’ or ‘what if he falls for another girl who isn’t as insecure?’ because I never felt good enough for him,” Jihyo explained before she continued saying, “Yes, I am the leader of the Nation’s girl group but there are eight other girls who everyone said was prettier than me and yet, I was the first one to be officially dating someone; I was called a ‘slut’, a ‘whore’ and there’s more on that list than I’d like to admit.”
“But even when Daniel could’ve left me and trust me, I’ve pushed him a few times saying that maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore then he looked directly into my eyes and said that if he leaves, he’s giving them exactly what they wanted,” The Twice leader recalled, as she released a shaky breath and concluded, “I wanted to see you today because I know enough about you that you’re doing exactly what I would’ve done; the only reason why it took me this long to approach you is because Mina needed me first and I wanted to be there for her.”
“Then tell me what to do, unnie because I don’t know anymore,” She sniffled, her eyes red and both of her hands on the table top as she pleaded, “There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t thought of her and it’s starting to hurt - so, if you were in my position, what can I do to stop hurting this much?”
Jihyo felt for the girl, she really did. In fact, she was just lost for words at how relatable Y/N’s situation was for her. She knew how tough it is to date an idol, being an idol herself, so she can’t imagine the burden of a non-idol having to carry when the public finds out something so intimate.
Wiping her tears once again, Jihyo grabbed one of Y/N’s hand and used her free hand to grab something from her bag. Placing the item on Y/N’s hand, Jihyo wrapped the girl’s hand around it before saying, “December 24th, 6pm at JYP building; text me when you get there and I’ll pick you up myself.”
Y/N was about to inspect the item but before she could, Jihyo leaned forward and whispered, “This is your one chance to redeem yourself, Y/N-ya; don’t screw this up. I’m doing this because I like you for Mina. You’re a good person and sometimes, even the best break so now, I’m helping you - like how Daniel helped me.”
The Twice leader then gave a kind smile before she squeezed the girl’s hand and released her grip as she took her belongings and left.
As Y/N could only stare at the retreating back of Jihyo, she slowly looked down at her hand and saw an employee pass for the JYP building, feeling something she hasn’t felt in a long time.
“I’m home!”
Sounds of loud footsteps surround the apartment, 7 girls making their appearance as Jihyo took of her shoes before making her way into the apartment.
“Unnie, how did it go??” Chaeyoung asked, her eyebrows raised in interest.
“Did it work?? Is she going to be there??” Sana asked, grabbing onto Jihyo’s arm.
However, Nayeon then scoffed and cautioned, “I’m telling you guys - this whole thing is pointless! She has a new girlfriend, for heaven’s sake!”
“They broke up, actually,” Jihyo revealed, earning gasps of surprise from the girls in exception of Nayeon as the leader announced, “They broke up right before I texted her.”
“And that’s good news, how??” Nayeon questioned with furrowed brows as she huffed, “She couldn’t handle the pressure and left Mina to suffer alone - alone, guys! Why would you guys want her back with someone like that??”
“Unnie...” Dahyun perplexed, not believing her ears as she knew Nayeon was one of the closer members to Mina’s ex.
“Ya, Im Nayeon, don’t you think you’re being too unfair?” Jeongyeon protested, crossing her arms in defiance.
Nayeon then faced her best friend and rebuked, “Have you forgotten the nights where we had to calm her down from her anxiety attack after the break up?” She jabbed before she quickled added, “You were there with me, Jeongyeon-ah!”
“Does that mean she doesn’t deserve a second chance??” Jeongyeon spat, “There’s two sides to every story! Two sides!
Jihyo sighed and massaged her temple as she sighed, “Guys, that’s enough, Mina will hear us-“
“You’re unbelievable, Yoo Jeongyeon; after all the nights she cried to us, asked us why Y/N left and you dare say all of this??” Nayeon hissed, crossing her arms as she added, “Yes, there’s two sides to every story but she should’ve talked to Mina and given her a chance to fix this.”
“And now she wants to but you’re refusing to let her??” Jeongyeon argued before she added, “Do you really think that Y/N isn’t hurting too??”
“Wah, Jeongyeon, you’re really somethi-“
“Jeongyeon unnie’s right.”
At the sound of the quiet voice, the 8 girls immediately turned their heads towards Mina who was now watching and hearing their entire conversation.
The Japanese singer walked towards the group with her dejected eyes and her shoulders slightly down before she admitted, “If you girls know Y/N’s side of the story, you would understand too - which you should know by now, right Jihyo?”
Then all eyes shifted to Jihyo, who was looking directly at Mina, before she nodded slightly and admitted, “Yeah, she told me her reasons.”
Mina then nodded acknowledgingly, her eyes momentarily looking down at the floor before she looked at Jihyo once again and wistfully asked, “How is she?”
“How do you think, Mina-ya?” Jihyo asked gently, taking steps forward before she boldly asked, “The request of removal - was it true? Did they really email JYP for a removal?”
The Japanese looked away, hurt by the memories of the incident before she nodded and tried her best to hold her tears.
This confused the rest of the girls before Nayeon took a step forward and questioned, “What? What removal are you guys talking about?”
Ignoring the other members, Jihyo then crossed her arms and questioned, “Why didn’t you tell us?” Jihyo asked sadly before she added, “Why didn’t you tell me? If you had told me, I would’ve done something.”
“Jihyo-ya, I didn’t know what to do! My mind was a mess!” Mina defended, tears leaving her eyes as she continued, “It was triggering my anxiety and I was lost! I hated how they looked at me!”
The Twice leader then placed her hand on her best friend’s shoulder before she asked, “Mina, I love you and I want nothing but the best for you and everyone else in here - but how do you think it felt for your girlfriend to find you crying in the middle of the night when you tell her that you’re fine?”
The rest of them then looked at Mina sympathetically as it was Jeongyeon’s turn to take a step forward as she placed a hand on the Japanese’s arm before knowingly asking, “It was because they found out about you and Y/N, right?”
“And you didn’t want to let Y/N unnie know because you didn’t want her to suffer the name-calling; am I right?” Chaeyoung suddenly chimed in, her voice gentle and warm as she added, “But Jihyo unnie has a point; I can only imagine how helpless she felt watching you cry alone at night - which is probably why she thought it was her fault.”
“I didn’t want to worry her,” Mina croaked out weakly, her tears now apparent as she sobbed, “I was getting used to the name calling but the night I was told that they actually emailed the company for my removal, I just - I just lost it; I tried to hide it from Y/N but she found out from the internet and I guess... that’s where things went wrong. We fought and fought then one day, she just said that we weren’t working out. After I saw her last week and got an explanation... I knew then we both were in the wrong - not just her.”
As Mina’s quiet sobs took over the silence of the room, Nayeon huffed angrily as she gazed elsewhere while growling, “Those fucking idiots; they can’t stand to see us happy for one minute.”
“What’d you expect, unnie? To them, we’re just like properties that they think they own.” Momo chimed in, her own experience with the public making her angry.
“What do you want to do now, Mina unnie?” Tzuyu questioned gently, her voice kind and sincere as she added, “Are you going to talk to her?”
Mina wiped her tears and looked at Jihyo with hope as she hesitated, “Jihyo?” She questioned softly before adding, “What should I do?”
Then all eyes were back on Jihyo, who felt the pressure on her shoulder out of the complete blue, but there was no way in hell was she going to let this go. This was her best friend, her family and she was willing to go hell and back for her.
“We’ll just wait until our December 24th broadcast; everything will happen then.”
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
.... i mean 🤷🏻‍♀️
myoui mina is a living proof
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When a mutual posts a selfie
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326K notes · View notes
justfriends-iguess · 4 years
Me @ myself
338K notes · View notes
justfriends-iguess · 4 years
was a mASSIVE mina trash back when i was active, still a super trash for her today 💛
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happy birthday to the best girl in the world ♡ #happyminaday
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
ok im honestly SUPER trash for blonde-haired chaeyoung bc DAMN 😭
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chaeyoung x grey for @gothmessi
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
...... i feel personally attacked
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61K notes · View notes
justfriends-iguess · 4 years
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go on my baby gays 💛
calling all
• once
• blinks
im using my lesbianest side of me and making female readers dreams come true as i write stories of y/n with these beautiful ladies ~
that being said, im not comfortable with the idea of writing for a male reader just yet BUT i am not ruling any possibility . however, i am only currently writing for female readers at the moment ~
considering this is a blog about being ‘in lesbian’ with each other, homophobes can fuck off screw it and let us lesbians read in peace :)
requests are accepted and my inbox is open to anyone who wants to chat~ OK LETS GO LESBOS
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
GAAAAAAAH, well this is my first imagine / scenario so hope you ladies like it because its ;
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Myoui Mina ; all too well.
writer’s note : ok ngl i wrote it this at 3am and i was listening to Taylor Swift’s All Too Well & got inspired but this is so SAD so prepare yoself
warning ; angst
word count : 1,799 words
tips : put on ‘All Too Well’ by Taylor Swift if you wanna cry a little bit more but IF you’re not a Swift fan, then go hear any sad song of your choice ~
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It only took Mina to hear the sounds of the rain to be reminded of everything.
It was supposed to be their two-year anniversary today but instead, she was in their group’s dorm, all alone with the sounds of rain being her only friend.
However, Mina refused to be affected by her previous relationship any longer and decided that what she needed is an alone time with herself while shopping.
After getting ready, she quickly grabbed her phone and her handbag before leaving for the luxurious district of Gangnam in Seoul.
From : Nayeon Unnie [7:37pm]
Mina-ya, where are you? Did you go out?
To : Nayeon Unnie [7:37pm]
Yep, needed some alone time. I won’t be out long x
Putting her phone away, Mina released a shaky breath as she walked down the streets of Gangnam before impulsively going into a coffee shop that was very familiar to her.
As soon as the door made the bell ring, Mina halted her movements and took a deep breath as memories flooded her mind. Looking around, she could see memories being played out right in front of her eyes and even though her heart reacted, she brushed it aside and made a beeline for the counter.
Considering there was a queue, Mina lined up and waited patiently while the door bell rang once again, signaling that another customer had entered the coffee shop.
Out of the blue, a familiar scent flooded her nose and she was so tempted to turn around to reassure herself but she knew she was imagining things and there was no way that ‘she’ would be here.
Sighing, Mina shook her head and focused on her original task which was to order a hot cup of coffee for a cold winter day.
Thankfully, she finally got her hot cup of coffee and impulsively decided to order a slice of cake at the same time before she went to look for a vacant seat. However, when she turned around, she caught a glimpse of the customer behind her and her heart stopped.
It was her.
Mina couldn’t believe her eyes and she really didn’t want to believe it but it was definitely her. Her ex didn’t notice her yet as it seemed she was in a cheerful conversation with someone and that was when Mina reluctantly looked to her side and saw the cause of her ex’s smile.
With her heart aching, Mina quickly looked down, silently excused herself and went to a vacant seat but subconsciously chose a seat with a perfect view of her ex.
Sitting down, Mina slowly looked up to make sure whether what she saw was real or not and when she saw the familiar winter coat, she could’ve broke down then and there.
Mina kept gazing from her ex’s favorite pair of boots, all the way to her favorite smile that used to make her heart race instantaneously. However, her eyes immediately shifted to the girl next to her and acknowledged the fact that she was pretty but it hurt even more that the girl made her ex laugh like she used to.
She was slightly shorter than Mina was which mean she was shorter than her ex but she also noticed how their hands were intertwined. The sight had nearly killed Mina internally but she took a deep breath and looked away as she tried her best to fight her tears.
Slowly looking up again, she saw her ex ordering and saw how happy she looked, reminding Mina of how they used to be before.
The way her ex caressed the other girl’s face with affection while ordering because her ex knew it would make Mina blush her favorite shade of pink. The way her ex remembers their usual orders by heart because she knew that even the smallest detail is important. The way her ex made sure that the other girl was warm because she knew Mina shivers easily during winter.
Mina remembered everything - all too well.
Getting up to leave, Mina kept her eyes down as she rushed to leave, not being able to handle the familiarity of the sight in front her. She could care less for her half eaten cake because right now, all she wanted was to leave.
Unfortunately for her, she accidentally bumped into someone and was held protectively before the stranger asked, “Oh my, I’m sorry-“
Mina’s eyes widened. The voice was familiar. The voice used to be her favorite sound to hear.
Looking up and finally making eye contact, Mina quickly backed away, her eyes expressing her feelings as she kept bowing and apologizing before she ran out of the coffee shop, completely ignoring her name being yelled out by the familiar voice.
After what felt like forever, Mina halted her movements on the pavements and finally released her tears and gasped for breath. Her anxiety, slowly taking over her as she prays to God that this goes away - soon.
Taking slow and steady breaths, Mina was surprised again as someone grabbed her shoulders from behind and turned her around.
Once again, Mina saw her disheveled ex who’s also out of breath as the both of them kept their eyes on each other.
When her ex noticed that Mina was crying, her ex instinctively wiped her tears away with the sleeves of her sweater as she gently said, “Please don’t cry.”
This made Mina cry even more as she began to sob before looking away and refused to continue the eye contact with her ex who was getting teary eyed herself.
Mina quickly wiped her own tears before taking a step back, connected her eyes with her ex once again and putting on a forced smiled as she bowed and said, “Sorry for interrupting your date, I should get going now-“
“Mina, please-“
“I hope you’re doing well, Y/N,” Mina said softly, her voice cracking as she let a tear slide down her cheek, “I’m glad to see you’re happy again.”
This time it was Y/N’s turn to have a tear to leave her eyes as she smiled sadly and gently replied, “Have you been doing well?”
As Mina looked into her ex’s eyes and felt the warmth that she still loved, she was angry. She was angry that Y/N was still the same person. She was angry that Y/N still had managed to make her feel like a high school teenager who was falling in love. She was angry that Y/N still had that same look in her eyes when they were happy together.
“I’m as a good as I can be,” Mina replied softly, her voice weak and full of emotions as she surprisingly added, “It’s supposed to be our second anniversary today; did you know that?” She asked boldly, a sad laugh leaving her mouth.
That was one of the things that Mina had always loved when she was with Y/N. Her ex had always made Mina more brave, more confident and made Mina forget her anxiety better than anyone - but now... Y/N and their memories together was the cause of her anxiety.
Y/N nodded sadly with a forced smile and subtly wiped her tears away as she quietly replied, “How could I forget?”
“Even when another girl is holding your hand?” Mina whispered, holding back a sob as her heart broke at the sight of her ex’s reaction to the question.
Her ex then knitted her brows sadly before nodding and gently replying, “Even when another girl is holding my hand.”
Not being able to hold it in, Mina released a quiet sob as she quickly wiped her tears as fast as it went down her cheeks before she forced another smile and said, “I should get going, the girls are looking for me at the apartment. I hope you enjoy your date and sorry for interrupting.”
Mina then turned around and was about to walk away but she needed to get herself together before going back to apartment because the last thing she needed was her members to ask her why was she crying.
“How can I forget the one thing that I know all too well?”
This caused Mina’s breath to hitch as she turned around slightly to face her ex who was now looking down at her boots, tears clearly falling down her face as Mina could feel her own tears tempting to leave once again as well.
Y/N looked up, connected her teary eyes with Mina’s as she continued saying, “The one thing that I was so sure of, in a world where everything is uncertain.”
“Then why’d you leave?” Mina asked sadly as she quickly added, “Why are you with someone else if I was someone who you’re so sure of-“
“Because being with me meant you would have to sacrifice your hard work, Mina! People hated the fact that I was with you! That a commoner like me was with an idol! They were calling you names, they were mocking your hard work and they were slowly dragging you down with me and I couldn’t let that happen - I just couldn’t,” Y/N intervened, her voice raspy as tears continued to fall before she continued saying, “I knew how much you loved to perform - how much joy you felt from performing for your fans and how proud you felt when your hard-work was being acknowledged; I-I couldn’t take that away from you.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because if you had just told me, you would’ve known that I would choose you over anything, Y/N!” Mina cried out as she subconsciously took a step closer before saying, “I can’t even perform like I used to because I keep looking for you in the crowd and when I realize that you’re not there, it hits me - it hits me hard and it breaks my heart-“
“Please, Mina-“
“It breaks my heart because you were the reason why I performed so well despite my anxiety.” Mina sobbed quietly as she wiped her tears away and added, “You made me forget that I was Mina from Twice because to you, I was Mina - just Mina, and that made me feel like I could go through anything with you by my side; I felt special.”
Y/N then raised her hand, cupped Mina’s face and wiped her fallen tears away with her thumb as she whispered, “You are special, Myoui Mina and you don’t need me to prove to you that you are one of a kind - you just needed someone to remind you.”
This caused Mina to sob once again as she leaned her forehead on Y/N’s jaw as she cried out, “You should’ve talked to me; you should’ve told me. We could’ve fixed this.”
“At the cost of your dreams, I’d rather lose my happiness then to see your hard work go to waste.” As Y/N’s tears continued to fall, she whispered, “You are one of a kind, Myoui Mina and I’ll be damned if anyone thought anything different.”
Pulling back slightly, Y/N placed a chaste kiss on Mina’s forehead before she leaned into her ear and softly said, “In another life where things are different, if I were given the chance to fall in love with you again - I would, because loving you has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and it was the best thing I ever did.”
With that, Y/N placed another chaste kiss on Mina’s cheek before wiping her tears away, offering her a gentle and sad smile as she turned around and she walked away. The sight of Y/N walking away, was too heartbreaking for Mina.
It was a sight that was too familiar - a sight she knew all too well.
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justfriends-iguess · 4 years
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ok so i know i’ve been AWOL since god knows how long but i needed time off Tumblr and it’s been a tough few months but thank the Lord for getting me back on track 🙏🏼
ANYHOE, i just wanted to update y’all that i actually have something to announce hehe
so go to @twicepinkmeup-imagines and give it a follow because UM HI, I’M STARTING AN IMAGINE blOG!!!
i know, its so random but in the midst of Covid-19 (pls wash your hands and social distance always, kids), I’ve been feeling a surge of writing so I figured, why the hell not?
ANYLESBOS, pls go give it a follow, request, reblog and tell me what u think of it! 😘
and dont y’all worry, my blog is bout to be the most lesbianest its ever been 😊
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