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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
E-Cigarettes Help You Not Gain Weight When You Quit Smoking
E-Cigarettes Help You Not Gain Weight When You Quit Smoking
 E-Cigarettes are in general a healthier option for someone that smokes normal tobacco. Studies had shown that have less toxics levels than conventional tobacco. But they also have a great advantage over normal tobacco. This alternative to conventional cigarettes can help not gain weight when you are considering quit smoking. The possibility of gaining weight hinders smokers to stop smoking. This…
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
Elесtrоnіс Cіgаrеttе - Smоkе Wіthоut Fire
Elесtrоnіс Cіgаrеttе – Smоkе Wіthоut Fire
What is аn electronic сіgаrеttе? Thе еlесtrоnіс сіgаrеttе has beеn іn еxіѕtеnсе fоr аlmоѕt thrее уеаrѕ аnd іѕ a сlеvеr dеvісе аіmеd at рrоvіdіng ѕmоkеrѕ wіth a healthier орtіоn. Aрраrеntlу аlѕо uѕеful іn helping to rеduсе аnd іndееd ԛuіt smoking аltоgеthеr. Nоw іn a fоurth gеnеrаtіоn, еlесtrоnіс сіgаrеttеѕ hаvе become much more uѕеr frіеndlу thаn еаrlіеr vеrѕіоnѕ which реrhарѕ were a lіttlе tоо…
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
Study Reveals that Electronic Cigarette Doesn’t Impair Cardiac Function
Study Reveals that Electronic Cigarette Doesn’t Impair Cardiac Function
  Electronic cigarettes were invented in China in 2003, and since then they are sold all over the world and have been used by millions of people around the world. This kind of cigarettes has the advantage of not having thousands of other chemicals as the traditional cigarettes. So, smokers all over the world are replacing the normal cigarettes for electronic cigarettes. Smoking normal cigarettes…
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.justecigandvape.com/e-cigarettes-help-you-not-gain-weight-when-you-quit-smoking/
E-Cigarettes Help You Not Gain Weight When You Quit Smoking
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 E-Cigarettes are in general a healthier option for someone that smokes normal tobacco. Studies had shown that have less toxics levels than conventional tobacco. But they also have a great advantage over normal tobacco.
This alternative to conventional cigarettes can help not gain weight when you are considering quit smoking. The possibility of gaining weight hinders smokers to stop smoking. This can be mainly because of a matter of appearance but can also be due to health threats concerns. Being overweight affects the general health at many different levels lowering the quality of life and life expectancy. Gaining weight can also affect the psychological health and perception of a person. It can affect the social life of a person, because that person may not want to leave his or her house since that person may be ashamed of his or her body shape. Therefore, if someone is trying to quit smoking to be healthier, has some reason to fear the weight gain associated to quit smoking. If you quit smoking and gain weight, you aren`t improving your general health and physical aspect.
So, what someone that wants to quit smoking and not gain weight can do?
People who fear the weight gain associated with the loss of addiction can always bet on electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes help maintain the weight when you are trying to smoke.
This happens because the nicotine presence in this kind of alternatives to common cigarette keeps the appetite low, as a detailed study between Stirling University (New Zealand) and at the British Center for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies explains. The investigation has found out that the nicotine deficiency that occurs as soon as you quit smoking increases the appetite, therefore, the ex-smokers tend to gain weight. So, electronic cigarettes are a good short-term option to maintain your weight when you are trying to quit smoking, but only the ones that contain nicotine not tobacco. According to this study, published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research, e-cigarettes with flavors are a great option to diminish the need for food.
So, this are good news for persons who are trying to quit smoking, but fear gaining some pounds!
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.justecigandvape.com/study-reveals-that-electronic-cigarette-doesnt-impair-cardiac-function/
Study Reveals that Electronic Cigarette Doesn’t Impair Cardiac Function
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  Electronic cigarettes were invented in China in 2003, and since then they are sold all over the world and have been used by millions of people around the world.
This kind of cigarettes has the advantage of not having thousands of other chemicals as the traditional cigarettes. So, smokers all over the world are replacing the normal cigarettes for electronic cigarettes.
Smoking normal cigarettes is the most preventable risk factor for heart and lung diseases, and is expected to cause 1 billion deaths during the 21st century. Wouldn’t be great if this kind of numbers could diminish? According to a 2012 Greek study, in contrast to these normal cigarettes, the electronic cigarettes have no adverse effects on cardiac function. So, it is possible to reduce the number of this deaths. Konstantinos Farsalinos, a doctor that is one of the researchers at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens, reveals that although electronic cigarettes aren’t a totally healthy habit and its long-term effects need to be studied, they are a safer alternative to conventional cigarettes. He also said, at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology in Munich, that “Given the extreme risks associated with smoking cigarettes, the data currently available suggests that electronic cigarettes are much less harmful, and replacing tobacco with electronic cigarettes can be beneficial to health.”.
40% of deaths in smokers are due to coronary artery disease. Since heart disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in smokers, this Greek research team decided to perform the first clinical study of the acute effects of electronic cigarettes on cardiac function. They also have decided to compare their results with the acute effects of normal cigarettes on cardiac function since electronic cigarettes are considered to be an alternative healthier habit. Therefore, in this Greek study, was observed the cardiac function of 20 young smokers, before and after smoking normal tobacco. The cardiac function of 22 electronic cigarettes was observed too, to compare the data between the 2 differences.  This cardiac function was examined using cardiac ultrasound (echocardiography) and hemodynamic measurements (blood pressure and heart rate). And the results were that those who used exclusively the electronic cigarettes only had a slight increase in blood pressure while the tobacco smokers had a significant cardiac dysfunction.
According to Reuters, this was the first clinical study designed worldwide, focused on the cardiac effects of electronic cigarettes. Another Greek study, presented earlier, also concluded that electronic cigarettes have little impact on lung function.
This study just proves what the general population already thinks about the electronic cigarettes: electronic cigarettes are a much healthier option than normal tobacco. But is great to have scientific proves that confirm this fact, instead of being based in common sense.
So, if your family has a medical history of cardiac diseases and you smoke normal tobacco, you should really considerer changing to electronic cigarettes. But even if your family doesn’t have this kind of medical history electronic cigarettes are a better option that should be considered.
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.justecigandvape.com/el%d0%b5%d1%81tr%d0%ben%d1%96%d1%81-c%d1%96g%d0%b0r%d0%b5tt%d0%b5-sm%d0%bek%d0%b5-w%d1%96th%d0%beut-fire/
Elесtrоnіс Cіgаrеttе - Smоkе Wіthоut Fire
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What is аn electronic сіgаrеttе?
Thе еlесtrоnіс сіgаrеttе has beеn іn еxіѕtеnсе fоr аlmоѕt thrее уеаrѕ аnd іѕ a сlеvеr dеvісе аіmеd at рrоvіdіng ѕmоkеrѕ wіth a healthier орtіоn. Aрраrеntlу аlѕо uѕеful іn helping to rеduсе аnd іndееd ԛuіt smoking аltоgеthеr.
Nоw іn a fоurth gеnеrаtіоn, еlесtrоnіс сіgаrеttеѕ hаvе become much more uѕеr frіеndlу thаn еаrlіеr vеrѕіоnѕ which реrhарѕ were a lіttlе tоо lаrgе tо еnсоurаgе a mаѕѕ market арреаl. The “mіnі” is the most rеаlіѕtіс e сіgаrеttе tо date wіth іtѕ lеngth оf 100mm bеіng thе same аѕ a соnvеntіоnаl cigarette.
An еlесtrоnіс cigarette соntаіnѕ a taste of tоbассо but none оf thе harmful substances fоund іn normal cigarettes allowing ѕmоkеrѕ сrаvіngѕ tо be satisfied wіthоut іnhаlіng thе mаnу dangerous tоxіnѕ. Iѕ іt аll smoke and mіrrоrѕ? Or саn thіѕ іtеm really bе thе ѕаvіоur it wаntѕ tо bе?
A bаttеrу, аn аtоmіѕеr and a rеnеwаblе nісоtіnе сhаmbеr аllоwѕ thе ѕmоkеr tо hold аnd smoke thе еlесtrоnіс cigarette juѕt as they wоuld any other сіgаrеttе, even сrеаtіng a “smoke” lіkе vapor аnd glow at thе еnd аѕ thеу drаw. The nісоtіnе сhаmbеr proves vеrу useful аѕ cartridges are available іn dіffеrеnt strengths, реrmіttіng thе user tо rеduсе thе amount of nісоtіnе thеу іntаkе until іf they wіѕh, саn ԛuіt completely.
A nicotine саrtrіdgе tурісаllу lasts thе ѕаmе tіmе аѕ 15 tо 20 сіgаrеttеѕ, thuѕ creating a huge saving tо nоrmаl соѕtѕ. Stаndаrd, medium, low аnd nо nісоtіnе аt аll аrе thе various cartridge ѕtrеngthѕ.
A healthier орtіоn аltоgеthеr іt ѕееmѕ, thоugh thе bеnеfіtѕ don’t еnd thеrе. Duе tо thе electronic сіgаrеttе not еmіttіng any dangerous ѕubѕtаnсеѕ, tоxіnѕ or rеаl smoke for thаt mаttеr, they аrе реrfесtlу lеgаl tо ѕmоkе in рublіс. In winter in раrtісulаr, normal сіgаrеttе ѕmоkеrѕ hаvе tо brave thе frееzіng соld and the rаіn juѕt for a ԛuісk smoking brеаk but this аltеrnаtіvе wіll аllоw thеm tо stay іn their offices, restaurants аnd рubѕ.
Nоnе ѕmоkеrѕ аlѕо will bеnеfіt, аѕ their wоrrіеѕ аbоut passive ѕmоkіng аrе rеndеrеd null аnd vоіd bу thе electronic сіgаrеttе. A muсh mоrе sociable environment thеn!
Upon rеflесtіоn thе еlесtrоnіс cigarette іѕ a hеаlthіеr, сhеареr аnd еnvіrоnmеntаllу frіеndlу alternative to ѕmоkіng аnd аѕ thе awareness аnd thе market grows thеу hаvе grеаt potential tо ѕuссеѕѕfullу rерlасе thе harmful сіgаrеttеѕ wе hаvе all соmе tо knоw аnd many оf us have come tо drеаd аnd fеаr.
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
How to Clean your Vape Tank
How to Clean your Vape Tank
How to Clean your Vape Tank Have you ever taken out this fresh new atomizer from the case, put your beloved e-juice and got an acrimonious taste? Or have you changed your e-juice flavor to another just to get a mixture of two flavors that may not taste as well? Do not worry; we have all experienced the same. This simply means that you need to clean your tank. Cleaning is relatively simple and…
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
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How to Clean your Vape Tank
How to Clean your Vape Tank
Have you ever taken out this fresh new atomizer from the case, put your beloved e-juice and got an acrimonious taste? Or have you changed your e-juice flavor to another just to get a mixture of two flavors that may not taste as well?
Do not worry; we have all experienced the same. This simply means that you need to clean your tank. Cleaning is relatively simple and should be done regularly to keep your tank running properly and your vapor tasting normally.
Keeping your tank cleaning does not take long. You do not even need to use fancy cleaning kits, but except if you really want to. All you require are water, alcohol, a bowl, liquid dish perfume and paper towels.
Here is a step by step guide to getting the atomizer tank clean.
Firstly, if it is fresh out of the box or your old reliable tank, it is necessary to disassemble. This includes removal of O-rings and screws. This part is necessary – remember where every component goes. Draw a sketch if necessary.
Using a clean bowl, pour a 90% alcohol solution and add the components of your tank. Give them a quick rinse to remove remaining oils.
Empty the alcohol bowl and refill it with warm water enough to wash all the components. Add a little detergent and mix it in water with an old toothbrush. Let the parts soak for as long as the manufacturer recommends for your tank.
When the soaking is finished, take this old toothbrush and gently rub all parts. Be sure to pay particular attention to the internal parts through which air will flow.
Rinse the pieces and let them dry on a paper towel or cloth. Microfiber works perfectly for this.
It is time to re-assemble the atomizer. Use the sketch you drew previously as a guide. First of all, your O-rings could be a bit difficult to insert, after they have been cleaned. A simple solution is to use some e-juice or oil to lubricate.
Once your O-rings are properly lubricated, you can continue with the assembly until it is finished. Do not forget to install a new coil.
Now that it’s fully assembled, it’s time to enjoy a tasty serving steamer!
Maintaining the battery/mod is also a simple process. Be careful not to drop it. Electronic mods have delicate pieces that can be easily broken. If you have a built-in battery, you have to worry about making sure the connectors are free of dirt and e-juice. Friction with a Q-tip will go a long way to keep it clean. A mod with detachable batteries requires a little more maintenance. Check your cell phone connections every day. Weekly, look for dirt, dust and e-juice. Make sure that the coil of the negative connection still has its spring. Ensure there are no signs of burns or corrosion.
Care of the Vape ensures that you will always get a tasty serve. It also ensures that it will have a long shelf-life.
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
Clearing the Air: “Very Encouraging”
Clearing the Air: “Very Encouraging”
Have you read the article on VapingPost.com By Jérôme Harlay? Clearing the Air: Ecigs have a “Very Encouraging” tobacco harm reduction potential, concludes the report A scientific report that emphasizes the harm reduction potential of e-cigarette has been released by researchers at the University of Victoria, BC (Canada). Gateway effect, secondhand exposure and emissions are some of the topics…
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
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Clearing the Air: “Very Encouraging”
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Have you read the article on VapingPost.com By Jérôme Harlay?
Clearing the Air: Ecigs have a “Very Encouraging” tobacco harm reduction potential, concludes the report
A scientific report that emphasizes the harm reduction potential of e-cigarette has been released by researchers at the University of Victoria, BC (Canada). Gateway effect, secondhand exposure and emissions are some of the topics addressed by the authors who conclude in a “very encouraging” harm reduction perspective for vaping devices.
The University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC) just released a scientific report, “Clearing the Air“, around e-cigarettes. The report is a literature review and a synthesis of scientific research on e-cigarette.
A systematic review on the harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and vapour devices
Conducted by Renée O’Leary, Marjorie MacDonald, Tim Stockwell and Dan Reist, the study updates scientific knowledge around e-cigarette until April 2016 and browses 15 databases and 1,622 journal articles.
Cessation with Vapour Devices: evidence from higher quality studies is encouraging although not enough studies have been carried out in this domain to assert their efficacy for cessation.
Youth Use of Vapour Devices: the authors found in the literature two independent analyses in contradiction with the gateway theory. They add that in the US, Canada, and other countries, tobacco use by the 12-19 year olds is declining as vaping does the opposite. Use of non-nicotine e-liquids is reported by up to 72% of this young population.
Secondhand Exposure to Vapour: Chemical analyses on e-cigarette emissions conclude in a far less toxicity compared to combustible cigarettes (by several orders of magnitude). However, bystanders may be exposed to significant levels of nicotine when inhaling vapor. A major point of uncertainty concerns emissions of particulate matter, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and metals for which results are conflicting.
The researchers find “very encouraging” the conclusions of comparative studies between smoking and vaping in a tobacco harm reduction context. The absence of tar, of carbon monoxide and of 77% of the toxins contained in tobacco smoke are established facts in favor of e-cigarettes.
The authors recommend that “best available evidence” is used for regulatory purposes and not “ungrounded fears of a ‘gateway effect’”. To them, policy must ensure that “only the safest devices are legally available” and that smokers are accompanied in their cessation efforts.
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
Flavor is not the only reason to switch to ejuice
Flavor is not the only reason to switch to ejuice
Electronic cigarettes have been faced with controversy from activists.   What many people do not know is that ecigs and vapor are not as dangerous as some make them out to be. In fact, they are a healthier and cheaper alternative for smokers who want to keep their “smoking habits”. Although, it is not encouraged for those who have not tried nicotine to start using electronic cigarettes, but for…
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justecigandvape · 8 years ago
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Flavor is not the only reason to switch to ejuice
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Electronic cigarettes have been faced with controversy from activists.   What many people do not know is that ecigs and vapor are not as dangerous as some make them out to be. In fact, they are a healthier and cheaper alternative for smokers who want to keep their “smoking habits”. Although, it is not encouraged for those who have not tried nicotine to start using electronic cigarettes, but for past users or current smokers, it is a safer alternative and can even help you stop smoking. Electronic cigarettes are battery operated nicotine inhalers that have an LED that lights up at the end when you puff on the ecig, this provides the feeling of smoking still. The puff of vapor is released when a heating element boils the e-liquid until it produces a vapor. The vapor released comes in a wide variety of different flavors from menthol to Frosted Doughnut and Marlboro to Apple Pie.
Flavor is not the only reason to switch to ejuice. Vape is better for the environment, you, and your wallet. Cigarettes have at least five hundred additives that when you smoke them release about four thousand chemical compounds into the air. Electronic cigarettes on the other hand release only four chemicals into the air, and one of those is only water. While extra compounds can be used in the juice to produce flavoring, those have also been deemed to be perfectly safe. With all of those chemicals cigarettes produce, why would you want to put that in your body?   Ecigs still contain nicotine, but you can choose the amount. The vapor for electronic cigarettes offers nicotine amounts of anywhere from none to 36 mg. Smokers who are trying to quit smoking could even use this to slowly lower the amount until they stop smoking. Using electronic cigarettes and vapor instead of smoking can also save you anywhere from eighty to two hundred dollars a month as shown by studies. That is a lot of money that you could be saving.
E-liquids are like your favorite seasonal coffee or teas, and just like these flavors your e-juice should complement your mood and taste. February is just around the corner; needless to say it is high time you upgrade your e-liquid collection to fit the mood.
I found a great place to get e-juice. The flavors are fantastic! At You Got E-Juice they work hard to bring the best tasting, highest quality USA made e-juice on the market at an affordable price. They use only Premium NicSelect Nicotine, 99.7% pure USP grade Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, and 99.97% pure USP grade Kosher Propylene Glycol. No food coloring, nor any other unnecessary additives are used in You Got E-Juice premium e-liquids.
You are not limited to a tobacco taste, though it is an optional flavor among vapers who are inhaling to quit smoking. I found that cinnamon was a great option to switch from cigarettes to ecigs. The red hot cinnamon tasted like those tooth picks and created a sensation that helped prevent me from going back to the nasty cigarette taste. Vaping sessions can be insanely fun, and there is even a way to mix your own flavors.  Vaping is a tobacco-less alternative to cigarettes, and you can change flavors so that will never taste the same, but it will feel like you’re smoking a cigarette.
Why not have it taste better along with the excellent health benefits of switching to vaping? At You Got e-Juice they have the following flavors that I highly recommend;
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Apple Jack – Just like our favorite apple cereal with cinnamon. For those who like a kick with your breakfast!
Banana Nut Bread – Reminiscent of grandma’s banana nut bread! Sweet banana, hints of cinnamon mixed with walnuts
Blueberry Cheesecake – Fluffy cheesecake topped with freshly picked blueberries
Blueberry Custard – Sweet and creamy custard with delectable blueberries
Blueberry Waffle – A fresh Blueberry topped Belgian Waffle.
Watermelon Rocks, Summer Breeze, and Lucky Cereal are also popular as well.
Choose a custard flavor, a fruit flavor, there are even cereal flavors. The possibilities are endless. Wouldn’t you much rather inhale a cheesecake flavored vapor than smell like tobacco for the rest of your life?
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justecigandvape · 9 years ago
Electronic Cigarettes Not as Bad for Young People As Tobacco Cigarettes
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justecigandvape · 9 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://www.justecigandvape.com/electronic-cigarettes-not-as-bad-for-young-people-as-tobacco-cigarettes/
Electronic Cigarettes Not as Bad for Young People As Tobacco Cigarettes
The New England Journal of Medicine recently stirred up controversy where electronic cigarettes are concerned. They published a letter that stating that electronic cigarettes releases a substance called “formaldehyde,” which is known as a cancer causing substance that gets released under extreme heat. Since electronic cigarettes use batteries that contain high amounts of voltage, it could easily cause the formaldehyde to get released and increase the user’s chances of getting cancer. You can see the details at: http://www.inquisitr.com/1856323/electronic-cigarettes-still-deemed-far-less-hazardous-than-smoking The studies into this research have not verified how likely it is for people to get cancer from this substance. What they do know is people are more likely to get cancer from smoking tobacco cigarettes than from simply vaping with an electronic cigarette. If somebody had to choose one or the other, the electronic cigarette would still be the safer choice. Of course, you could say that people should wait until scientific studies have been done to prove that vapor is not bad for you. In reality, there are so many worse things that you could be exposed to. They say walking down the street in New York City for 5 minutes is just as bad for your lungs as smoking a pack of cigarettes. So with all the carbon emissions and other pollution that already exist in the air we breathe, e-cig vapor is the least of your worries.
It does seem like health experts and government officials are working to put more regulation on electronic cigarettes. This will be tough for people that are already used to them because electronic cigarettes have become sort of a trend, especially with young people. If restrictions are put in place to stop them from vaping, they may just turn to regular cigarettes as an alternative. On the flip side, if they are allowed to vape freely then it could get them addicted to the nicotine and make them want to smoke tobacco cigarettes. So, what is the real answer? It all boils down to logic and common sense. Are young people really going to give up the tasty vaping experience for some crusty sour tobacco cigarette? Don’t forget that taste goes a long way with young people and e-liquid tastes a million times better than straight up tobacco. Therefore, it will be interesting to see how any new restrictive legislation impacts the youth and their joys of vaping those tasty electronic cigarettes.
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justecigandvape · 9 years ago
Electronic Cigarette Myths Exposed
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justecigandvape · 9 years ago
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Electronic Cigarette Myths Exposed
There are a lot of myths about electronic cigarettes that have been made over the years. Most of these myths are derived from people who have never actually vaped from the device themselves. If they did they would realize that there are no negative health effects. You can also look at the millions of people whose lives have improved because of electronic cigarettes. But despite all of the evidence, it never stops myths and rumors from spreading to oppose something that has already become widely accepted. Myth # 1 is that electronic cigarettes encourage smoking. The idea here is that nicotine in e-liquid will get people addicted to it, which will then cause them to go out and purchase tobacco cigarettes. According to a study performed in 2014 by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics, only 1 in 300 people who tried e-cigs became tobacco smokers. Therefore, the myth is clearly false and e-cigs will not turn you into a smoker. Myth # 2 is that e-cigs cause cancer. Scientific research has already been done to study this and has proven it does not cause cancer. E-liquid only has small amounts of nicotine and carcinogenic materials. If you are a secondhand vapor who happens to be around someone else vaping, then you definitely have nothing to worry about. You have better chance of getting cancer from breathing the air in New York City. Myth # 3 is that e-cigs have side effects and cause allergic reactions in certain people. The only reaction people will experience is if they quit smoking and replace it with e-cig vaping. The body will go through an adjustment because it won’t be getting the tobacco relief any more that it was used to getting. So basically, it is like a mini withdrawal from tobacco. It has nothing to do with the e-cig itself. People who have never smoked before and tried e-cigs can verify this. The newest myth is that electronic cigarettes can explode in your hands at any time. The truth is all electronic devices that use lithium batteries can explode, including your Smartphone. If you get a good quality electronic cigarette from a reputable brand, then you won’t have to worry about this. They are made to minimize risk of explosion and battery fire through venting. As a user, all you have to do is follow the instructions for the e-cig and you should never have to worry about this. If you want to read up on more electronic cigarette myths, then visit: http://www.ecigalternative.com/electronic-cigarette-myths.htm
Learn about Vaping
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justecigandvape · 9 years ago
What’s all the Hype?
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