33 posts
a place for our combined imaginations. 🥰Meg/Bea
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
could you add me to your taglist.
I got you love! <3
- Bea
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Like how am I not getting tagged here? please tag me!
Sorry! I got you Gem! <3
- Bea
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Hi! I love your writing ☺️ can I please get added to your Angel Reyes tag list? Thank you! <3
Hello lovely! Yes you definitely can! <3
- Bea
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
It’s Bea!
So, Megan and I have been speaking about the holidays, and we’re definitely going to try and get out some holiday themed stories for you all! We’ll give more details once we work it out, so be on the look out!
I was thinking of doing a two updates for Lake, a Thanksgiving one and a Christmas one, you guys onboard with that? 
Let me know!
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
i mean this in the nicest way possible you guys but you NEED to take better care of yourselves online. getting severely anxious about mass quantities of horrible things you cant change every single day is normal considering the internet’s ability to educate on worldwide issues, it shows that you have empathy and that you truly do care. but relentless knowledge of constant suffering on this scale is NOT something humans are psychologically equipped to handle. it’s okay to shut off. it’s okay to just take a break and enjoy yourself for a while in your own localized space
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Trick or Treat
A/N: Hey everybody it’s Megan! Happy Halloween! I hope you all have a fun and safe night! For Halloween here is a little EZ fluff I wrote☺️ I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for reading!
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*gif not mine*
Word Count: 911
Laughter, shrieks, and mischief were all amuck. It was Halloween and a nice evening with that. It wasn’t too hot which was uncommon for Santo Padre. It felt just right as an easy breeze tickled your skin.
A group of kids rushed past you shouting as they raced each other to the next house eager to get the good candy before the others.
You laughed as you watched the three, two boys and a smaller girl, push and shove each other doing whatever they could to get there first.
"Does that remind you of anything?" You looked over at EZ pointing to the three ahead of you.
Of course it did. It took him back to the days when the two of you and Angel would play together, spending most of your time at each other's houses and getting into trouble. Those were the good days, when everything was simple before things changed as you all grew older and your friendship dynamic with EZ became something more.
"Yeah it reminds me of when you and Angel would team up against me to get to the good houses first and get all the candy and then-"
You held your finger to his lips shushing him, "excuse me, what? No no no no no," you weren't going to let him get away with stretching the truth like that. "That is not what happened at all. It was always you" you poked his chest, "and Angel ganging up on me."
"Careful with that finger there Mike Wazowski" He teased you.
For your family outing of Trick or Treating you had decided to dress up as the characters from Izzy, your three year old daughter's favorite movie, Monsters Inc. You were Mike Wazowski, EZ was Sully, and Izzy was your very own adorable Boo.
"For someone with such an amazing memory you seem to forget a lot of things, specifically things that involve you being an ass." You teased back.
EZ often had a habit of stretching the truth when it came to stories of the three of you growing up. Angel and EZ were often little shits to you. You all loved one another and were close but as kids they did often pick on you.
"I don't know what you're talking about." EZ played dumb. "I'm an angel, I've never once been an ass."
You laughed. "Really? Because I can name plenty of moments when you were everything but an angel and definitely an ass."
Izzy stirred in EZ's arm a moment, distracting the two of you before snuggling back down with her head on his shoulder, still sound asleep. You both relaxed, the last thing you wanted was to have a crabby toddler tonight. You were hoping she'd be out for the night and the two of you could spend the rest of your night alone.
He held her tighter to him making sure she felt secure. The three of you had been trick or treating for a few hours now and were on your way back home when she decided she was tired of walking. You knew it wouldn't be long after EZ picked her up that she would be fast asleep in his arms.
EZ reached over into her purple pumpkin bucket you were carrying. He grabbed himself a Kit Kat smiling. Following suit you were about to do the same thing when EZ grabbed your hand, gently stopping you.
"Excuse me." You said for the second time now. Just what did your husband think he was doing. "What are you doing?" You wanted candy and he wasn't going to stop you.
"I have to test the candy first, check it to make sure it’s safe to consume." EZ gave you a grin. "That's a father's duty after all. I have to protect my children."
"Okay, well I'm not your damn child, I'm your wife." You stared him down waiting for his response.
"True, but he is." EZ reached over placing his hand on your growing bump. Your heart melted at how gentle and sweet EZ's voice sounded. "So therefore I have to test the candy before you have any too. You know, just to be safe."
The moment of melting from his words wasn't long before you caught onto his real motives. You narrowed your eyes at him. "Sure, just to be safe. It couldn't have anything to do with you wanting to get the best candy."
"Of course not."
"Okay then since you're still alive and well I'm going to have a Kit Kat then." The two of you shared a love for them. You waited for him to protest but he surprisingly didn't.
"You can have all the Kit Kats you want corazon." EZ murmured, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you close to him.
Normally you'd fight for them but tonight he'd let you win. You smiled wrapping your arm around his waist too. "Thank you." You leaned in giving him a kiss.
"I'd do anything for you, even give up my Kit Kats." EZ chuckled before giving you another kiss.
"Anything?" You asked as you munched on the candy.
He knew where this was going. "Anything." He repeated.
"Will you rub my feet when we get home?" All this walking tonight was doing a number on your feet.
EZ gave you a smile. "Of course I will." It wasn't his favorite task but like he said he would do absolutely anything for you.
Tagged List: @carlaangel86 @peaches007 @trulysuccubus @buttercup812 @-im-fantastic- @mayans-sauce @mindless-x-dreaming
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
A/N: Hey everybody, it’s Megan. How is everyone doing? Here’s a little spooky Angel one shot for you all. I promise it has a happy ending just hang in there with me. Thank you all so much for all the love you have shown Bea and I. We really appreciate you all so very much 
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*gif not mine*
Word Count: 1337
Warnings: Angst, violence and blood.
The leaves crunched beneath your feet as you ran through the thick forest. Your heart was racing, tears threatening to spill from your eyes, but there was no time for that. There would be time for tears later. 
Right now you just needed to survive. 
You raced on dodging trees left and right praying your feet would not betray you. You could hear him behind you, you swore you could, but maybe that was just the fear taking over your mind. 
Maybe you were just hearing things.
Still you didn’t dare look back, you couldn’t risk making a mistake like that. 
Your mind couldn’t even process how you ended up here. Your get away was just supposed to be a fun time filled with friends and making memories. It was just an excuse to get together and get away. It wasn’t supposed to turn into this nightmare. 
You only hoped that you weren’t alone. That somehow Angel was still alive out there somewhere. 
You screamed, your ankle betrayed you, twisting before you fell and tumbled down the slight slope in the terrain. You hissed at the pain as you grabbed your ankle. You did your best to assess the damage. You froze when you heard the snap of a twig under a heavy boot behind you. 
This was it. This was how your story ended. This was where you died.
Your only regret was never telling Angel how you truly felt about him. How you were madly and deeply in love with him. 
You took a deep shaky breath wiping the tears from your eyes before facing your attacker. If you were to die then you were at least going to make the fucking piece of shit look you in the eyes. 
Turning around you immediately relaxed letting out a sob when you saw Angel there instead, your angel. You had never been so happy to see anyone in your life. 
“Fuck, querida.” Angel breathed out rushing to your side crouching down to examine your ankle. “Are you okay? Do you think you can walk?” 
You shook your head. “I don’t think so.” 
“Okay.” Angel nodded. If he had to carry you then so be it. One thing for sure was he was going to do whatever it took to keep you alive. The fucker already got to EZ and Coco. He wouldn’t lose you too. He would never survive that.
He wished he had his gun, or anything really. This killer caught you all off guard, not one of you were prepared for the horror that would await you at that quiet cabin in the woods. 
Angel reached towards you to lift you up but you stopped him. He gave you a questioning look. You had to tell him. This was your chance. You may not get another one after tonight. “Angel, I have to tell you something.” 
“What's wrong?” Angel kept his focus on you waiting for your response. You could stare into his eyes forever. 
“I-” You paused your mouth suddenly so dry. Swallowing the lump in your throat you opened your mouth to finish your confession but instead of the three most important words you could utter you let out a blood curdling scream. 
Angel now stood before you clutching at his throat as his blood sputtered out and slipped through his fingers. 
“No!” You cried as he fell into your arms. “No, this isn’t how this is supposed to end.” You sobbed as you clutched his head to your chest, not caring anymore about the killer anymore. “No, you can’t leave me. Wake up!” Your tears spilled down your face falling onto his soft lashes. “Wake up.” You begged and pleaded. “Please, I can’t lose you. I love you Angel.” 
“Querida, wake up.” Angel's soft voice pulled you out of your nightmare. 
“Huh?” You opened your eyes before picking your head up off his shoulder. You wiped the stray tear from your eye looking around your living room. You must have fallen asleep during the movie you had been watching. 
You invited the club and friends over to your house for a little Halloween horror movie marathon. You made it through the first two films you remembered but some time during the third you must have passed out. 
You looked around for everyone else finding your living room empty of everyone but you and Angel. The tv was now on the main menu of Friday the 13th. You wondered just how long you had been out for. “Where is everyone?” 
“They all went home a little over an hour ago.” Angel replied looking over at you as you came to your senses. He was a little concerned as you started to mumble in your sleep and the tear that escaped your eyes didn’t go unnoticed. 
“You should have woke me up.” You mumbled scooting closer to the edge of your couch. 
“You looked so peaceful and I know how tired you get with how much you work, I didn't want to disturb you. I thought it would be good to let you sleep a little longer." Angel grabbed your hand, finally pulling your attention to him. "Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You gave him a smile. You weren't but you would be. “Just a silly nightmare.” 
Angel nodded, not fully convinced but he didn't want to push you. “Okay.” 
You glanced to the clock, seeing just how late it was. “Shit, you better get going. Don’t you have an early shift tomorrow?” You asked. 
“Yeah but it’s no big deal.” Angel reassured you. He was in no rush to leave you. Not after what he heard you say as you slept. He had no idea you felt the same way about him as he did you. “Unless you’re sick of me already, then I can leave.” 
“No!” You stopped him before he could move. You didn’t mean to shout the dream just really rattled you. “I’m sorry, I just,” you took a deep breath, “I don’t want to be alone." You confessed. "Do you think you could stay?” 
Angel didn’t even have to think of his answer to that. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere.” He promised placing his hand on your knee.
Your body immediately relaxed. “Thank you.” You whispered.
Angel reached forward for your remote. He turned the tv off before standing up.  “Are you ready to go to bed?” He asked you watching you yawn. He could tell you were still sleepy.  
You nodded, taking his hand in yours. Angel helped you up to your feet. He then led you to your bedroom as you slowly followed him. Once there you disappeared to your bathroom to get ready for bed. As you did Angel slipped out of his clothes so he was just in his tank and briefs. He then slipped into your bed pulling back the covers on your side after he did so. He turned on your tv to a light comedy hoping that would help ease you and distract you from whatever horrors you had faced in your sleep.
You came out of the bathroom now dressed in your comfiest pajamas. You smiled at Angel who looked comfortable in your bed. 
“Is this okay?” He asked. He wasn’t sure if you would be okay with this but he didn’t think you wanted to be alone. “I can move to the couch.” 
“No, it’s perfect.” You flicked the light switch off then joined him in bed. You turned to him, the two of you just barely not touching. You chewed on your lip as you mustered the courage to ask him for what you really wanted. “Do you think you could hold me?” 
Angel didn’t hesitate as he wrapped his arm around you pulling you to him. You sighed, relaxing into him while you snuggled close. It wasn't long before you drifted back to sleep in his arms.
You never wanted Angel to let you go and if he had it his way he never would. 
Tagging: @peaches007 @trulysuccubus @buttercup812 @-im-fantastic- @mayans-sauce @mindless-x-dreaming @carlaangel86​
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
would you prefer to learn French or Italian before you die?
the threatening aura of this message reads like it was sent by the duolingo owl
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Better Than Sex
A/N: Hey everyone! It’s Megan 😊 I hope you all had a great weekend! Mine was chilly with snow ❄️ A perfect excuse to stay in and get cozy.
Here’s a little Jax one shot for you all 💖 I hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for reading! Your support means so much to Bea and I 🥰
Word Count: 1,133
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Thank you so much @carlaangel86 for making another beautiful collage for us 😍
Fall was in the air and you couldn’t be happier. You were trying to soak in every minute of it that you could, filling up your days with all the fun activities you wanted to do with your family.
With the club Jax couldn’t do everything with you but for the activities he could participate in the two of you made a day into it.
You wanted to make as many memories with Abel and soak up as much time with him as you could before his world shifted with the welcoming of his baby sisters.
You followed behind Jax as he chased after Able through the pumpkin patch. It wasn’t long before you were way behind them. Carrying twins could be a bitch, you certainly weren’t as fast as you once were. You used to be able to keep up with the little Teller but now that was proving impossible.
“Woah, slow down little man.” You heard Jax say as he scooped Abel up into his arm, Abel giggling the whole time. “We’re leaving Momma in the dust.” Jax headed back towards you with his signature smirk on his face. “Sorry darlin.”
“Oh don’t mind me, I was just giving you two a head start before I left you in the dust.” You teased.
"Of course you were." Jax came over giving you a kiss before setting Abel into the wagon you were pulling. Taking the handle in one hand and yours in the other the three of you kept making your way through the patch.
It was only after a few moments of looking at pumpkins that you found the one. It was beautiful, the biggest, roundest one you had seen. Your eyes lit up as soon as Abel pointed it out to the two of you with a squeal.
Jax knew that look. Walking over he tapped the pumpkin asking “This one?” To make sure he had the right one for his queen and prince. You nodded smiling giddily. You couldn’t wait to have it gutted and carved up.
Back at the clubhouse you had the pumpkin sitting on the bar. You were carefully outlining the design of the Reaper along with the SOA letters behind it onto the surface. You were so focused on your work and making sure to get every detail perfectly you didn't even hear Jax come back out from putting Abel down for a nap.
"That looks amazing babe," Jax commented, wrapping his arms around you from behind, resting his hands on your bump.
You sighed under his touch leaving back against him. You always felt such comfort from his touch. "Yeah?" You asked looking back at him. "It should, I've only done the very same design I don’t know how many times for the Sons."
With as many times as you had tattooed the Reaper onto various members of the club you could practically do the design in your sleep by now. Still, each time you did you made sure to take your time perfecting it.
"I'm almost done. Then you get to the actual carving." That was the deal, you would outline and Jax would carve. "Did Abel give you any troubles?"
"No more so than usual."
"Gemma got him to go down didn't she?" Gemma had stopped in saying greeting you, her favorite daughter in law and granddaughters before going to see her grandson.
If there was anyone who could get the young Teller to do something it was her.
"She may have helped." Jax grinned back at you.
"That woman is magic I swear," you giggled. "I'm so thankful to not only have her help with Able but to have her help with these two. They're gonna be trouble, I can feel it." At that the two of you felt two little kicks."See, I told you, trouble just like their father."
Jax smiled rubbing your bump lovingly. "Nah I don't think so. These two are going to be daddy's little angels."
You let out a laugh shaking your head. "That's exactly what they want you to believe. They've already got you wrapped around their fingers and they aren't even here yet."
"That's not hard to do. They're just like their mother. I'd do anything for them just like I'd do absolutely anything for you." Jax murmured burying his face in your neck.
He held onto you and the two of you just enjoyed each other’s company as you worked and he watched. With the last finishing touches you sat back and smiled admiring your work.
“You’re up.” You smiled, slipping off the stool.
Jax switched places with you. You gave him a kiss on the cheek before making your way to the kitchen to roast the seeds from your big fat pumpkin.
With Abel on your hip you brought him out to show him the big reveal of your pumpkin fully carved with a candle inside. It looked amazing, Jax and you were a great team.
“That looks fucking sick.” Juice commented, checking out your work.
All the guys were back at the clubhouse hanging out after a long day of work. Opie stepped over giving you a hug as he towed over you. “It looks great (Y/N).”
“Hey, I fucking helped jackass.” Jax said from across the room.
“Maybe,” Opie shrugged, “but we all know (Y/N) did most of the work.” All the men agreed, picking on their VP.
“Oh, and these pumpkin seeds!” Tig said from his seat at the bar as he enthusiastically plopped a couple more into his mouth. “Just beautiful, amazing, I’m addicted. I’m gonna need your secret. This shit is better than sex.”
“Better than sex?” Happy arched his eyebrow looking down at Tig.
“I said what I said.” Holding up the bowl Tig offered some to Happy. “Try some for yourself.”
Grabbing a handful Happy poured the seeds into his mouth. You all watched the Tacoma Killer as he chewed the seeds up before swallowing, his facial expression never changing.
“Better than sex.” He grinned, grabbing another handful.
Soon the guys had devoured the bowl wondering if there was anymore.
“Looks like you’re going to have to get another pumpkin.” Gemma commented as she took Abel from you.
“Looks like it.” You laughed following Gemma back to the kitchen.
“I told you it’d be smart to hide some away.” She smirked, grabbing a few from your secret stash for herself before handing the container to you to grab a few.
Sitting together at the table the two of you shared stories as Abel played. You could hear the guys just outside talking and laughing. You smiled holding your bump. The family you had found with Jax in the club was crazy and wild but there was no other group of people you would rather have as your family.
Tagging: @peaches007 @trulysuccubus @buttercup812 @-im-fantastic- @mayans-sauce @mindless-x-dreaming
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
like me better (Coco Cruz)
A/N: Good afternoon everyone! This is Bea! I’m back with another installment for our fall series! This one is for Coco! I’ve never written for Coco, so I hope I did him some justice!
Megan and I would like to thank you for all the love you’ve been giving us! We truly appreciate it and we love giving you all some content to read. 
We love you all!
Word count: 1654
We’re currently working on the tag list! If you would like to be added, please message us or drop a comment!
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Johnny Coco Cruz never thought he deserved anything. 
At a young age, he wasn’t exactly nurtured by his mother. The earliest memory he had of his mother was when he would watch men come in and out of their apartment, his sisters trying to shield him away from her work. 
His eldest siblings Elma and Selena, they were decent. 
But as soon as they had the opportunity to leave Celia’s home, they left.
At an early age, he recalled that he never called Celia mom, at least not when he spoke of her with his friends. He would rarely refer to her as his mother. But till he was eighteen, he called her mother.
Till he got in the Marines and told her she could fuck herself.
He had an ounce of respect for her, just due to the fact she birthed him, but otherwise, Coco stopped caring about his mother way before than he could remember.
Due to his tumultuous relationship with Celia, he chose to not be a part of his kids life, Letty and his son, Leo. He wanted Letty to be given up for adoption as her mother was no better than him, but Celia adopted her at her faux reasoning of getting a second chance as a mother. 
Coco never believed that and he was correct.
It was for welfare.
He finally found his place in the Marines, the discipline and skills he learned didn’t prepare him for life outside of the military, but it prepared him to contribute to his family.
The Mayans MC.
A place where people who didn’t belong anywhere fit. 
A place where Coco was able to find a family he never knew he needed.
Johnny Coco Cruz never thought he deserved anything.
Not until he met you.
You were a tattoo artist for one of the shops the club frequents. It was rare for you to do a piece for any of the members since you were in high demand and the shop owner, your father, was one of the few people the MC feared.
A gentle man that would make no hesitation to kill for you.
Your father had numerous stories going around about him, but the most prominent seemed to be him being a former gang leader who reformed.
Your father was never part of a gang, he was a firefighter once upon a time and now, he was a tattoo shop owner.
When Coco first laid his eyes upon you, you were leaving the shop as he and Riz waited for one of your co-workers to finish a piece on Creeper. 
You turned towards them, your glasses slightly slipping down the bridge of your nose. A small smile to greet your father’s favorite customers appeared on your face, your eyes lingering at Coco before walking out.
And that was the start.
Coco never tried to talk to you, you were too pure for him.
Too good.
So kept his distance because nothing ever goes well for him and he was almost certain that nothing would ever happen with you.
But then you worked on a piece for him and his life, well his self-hatred due to past trauma began to change.
“Damn, so you punched him on the face?” Coco chuckled, trying to contain his laughter since he didn’t want to ruin the piece you were doing on him.
“Listen, he was messing with my baby sister, of course I did. Let’s be honest he fared better with me cause my dad would have killed him.” You ran the needle along Coco’s skin, admiring the previous work he had done.
“Damn mami, remind me never to mess with you.” Coco smirked.
“I don’t think you’ll need a reminder, but I got you Coco Cruz.”
From there, your relationship evolved. You two started off as friends and in six months, Coco won you over, which wasn’t hard since you had a crush on Coco since he stepped foot inside your father’s shop. You were shy and it’s not like they were exactly approachable.
But when you got to know these men better, you realized they were definitely hardened men who could kill people in a bat of an eye, but, they were also kind hearted men.
There was hardly any black and white in the world.
So many grey areas were what was had instead.
You and Coco have been together for four years now and as much as Coco didn’t think it would last, your relationship would surprise him instead.
Coco was never a big fan of himself.
He thought he was worthless, a scum and he was making up for past grievances by keeping to himself and not ruining others’ lives, like his children.
But you showed him that he was more than that.
Traditions he used to scoff at were now becoming things he looked forward to.
New year’s celebration.
Christmas celebration
Thanksgiving celebration
And Halloween.
You absolutely loved fall and as soon as it was October, you were decorating the house you two shared. 
This was the second year in a row that you were decorating the house and if Coco was honest, he looked forward for the rest of the years you would be doing this.
He realized early he wasn’t willing to let you go. He was in love with you and you made him better.
Even if you forced him to drink a pumpkin spice latte.
Currently, you, Letty and Coco were at the pumpkin patch, looking for three pumpkins that you three could carve together.
Another thing Coco appreciated was how you accepted every aspect of his life. The club was going to be hard, at least he thought so, but you were part of this band of misfits before you two even dated.
But then Letty came and he became lost.
He couldn’t ruin her life.
But then your words brought him down.
“I know you feel that you’re a terrible man, one who ruins anyone’s life when you touch them, but that’s not true. You made my life better. The best thing about life is that everyone gets a second chance, this is it for you and Letty, take it.”
He took your advice and he was incredibly glad he did so. 
You gave him the strength to push the doubts away and give Letty the life she never had with Celia. You and Letty immediately got along and ever since then, you three were a little happy family.
Coco watched as you and Letty took your time picking the pumpkins. He never understood what exactly you were looking for, but that victorious smile on your face always made the question fade away.
“Coco, are you just going to stand there or are you at least going to pretend and help us pick?” You teased your fiancé as you playfully narrowed your eyes at him.
Coco chuckled. “For what? You two got it handled.”
“Your input would be nice.” You pouted.
“Okay mami, I got it.”
You three picked your pumpkins and just as you were all going to go home, Bishop called. Coco had taken his bike, meeting you after his shift at the yard.
“I’m sorry reina,” Coco frowned.
“It’s okay, I get it. We can do it later.” You offered him a smile, understanding the importance of the club. “Letty and I can go shopping for Halloween costumes.”
Coco took his wallet out to give you some cash, but you shook your head. 
“Don't be silly, I got it.” You pressed your lips on Coco’s and hugged him. “Be careful.”
Letty hugged him as well. He got on his bike, glancing at his mirror every once in a while till you both were out of his range.
Coco never cared about losing his life when going to do something for the club, but now, he had something to live for.
Coco came home later that night with Letty asleep and you sketching on the couch. He saw the relief come over your face and he had to smile at that.
“Hello mi amor.” He dropped a kiss on your lips.
“Hey baby, everything okay?” You questioned.
“Yes, just usual bullshit.” The rebels were ambitious and had a good cause, but at times, Coco questioned just how great the cause was. 
You nodded, continuing to sketch, feeling at ease with Coco home. 
Coco watched you, the sense of calmness that he felt whenever he was with you was something he craved for as long as he’s known you. He always waited for the rug under his feet to be pulled, knowing you wouldn’t stay with him for much longer, but for some reason, you’ve stayed.
And with how much he loves you, he would never want you to walk away.
“I love you.” Coco blurted out of nowhere.
The way your eye softened made his heart skip a beat, the blush on your cheeks further making his heart rate race.
“I love you too. Everything okay?” You closed your sketchbook then, placing it on the coffee table. You sat on his lap, his arms wrapping around you.
“Yes, everything is good baby.” Coco never liked himself too much. Due to the verbal abuse from Celia, his self esteem wasn’t the best even though he’s been working on it. He craved the assurance that he was enough, that he was good enough. 
He never had a true family either.
But it was changing with you.
He became a part of your family. You had him wanting something more in life. You gave him the strength to be there for Letty. 
“Just realized something.”
You raised an eyebrow, running your fingers through his hair. “And what’s that?”
“I like me better when I’m with you.” 
Johnny Coco Cruz never thought he deserved anything.
He definitely didn’t like himself much.
But being with you, growing with you, he found himself liking himself better.
142 notes · View notes
justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Mayans Masterlist
Like Me Better
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Sons of Anarchy Masterlist
Corn Maze
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Sons of Anarchy
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Corn Maze
A/N: Hey guys, it’s Megan! I hope you all are having a wonderful day and wish you all a great weekend! I’m so excited that it is finally Fall! Here is just a little fluff for my baby Juice who stole my heart. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for reading!
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*gif not mine*
You walked hand in hand with Juice surrounded by the tall corn stalks. You had been in the corn maze about thirty minutes now just leisurely making your way through as you two talked about anything and everything.
The two of you had been officially dating a little over two years now. You met Juice when he came to your rescue in the tow truck after you broke down in the middle of nowhere just outside Charming city limits. You were on your way to your cousin’s wedding and running terribly late. Luckily for you you didn’t care too much since your cousin was a real bitch but you would never hear the last of it from your parents if you didn’t show up on time.
You were one of her bridesmaids after all.
After Juice and a guy strangely called Half Sack dropped your vehicle off at Teller-Morrow Juice offered to take you to the venue on the back of his bike insisting it would be fastest. Normally you wouldn’t just hop on the back of a stranger’s bike but there really weren't many other options and his kind eyes and warm smile gave you the sense that you could trust him.
So you did.
Being bold you asked him if he’d like to accompany you as your date but unfortunately he had to split. The club needed him otherwise there was nowhere else he’d rather be. It wasn’t until about three years later that you found yourself back in the charming town. Juice was pleasantly surprised to see you again. He took you on a date that night and now here you were, helplessly in love.
“Oh, after this we should go to the drive-in theater. I think they are playing A Nightmare on Elm Street.” You said as you continued down the path.
“Huh?” You had been talking for a while now but Juice wasn’t really listening. He was doing his best to stay present with you but his mind was in the future going over his plans over and over again. He wanted everything to be perfect. It had to be perfect for you. Today would be a day you would both hopefully look back on as one of the happiest moments of your life.
Today at the end of the maze Juice was going to propose.
“I said we should see a movie afterwards.”
“Yeah, sure.” Juice gave you a smile. “Whatever you want.”
“Are you okay baby?” You stopped in your steps and turned to face him. “You’ve been acting weird all morning. Well more so than usual.” You gave him a small smile as you ran your thumb across the back of his hand. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“Yeah I’m fine.” He grinned back at you easing some of your worries. “Just slept funny is all.”
You eyed him skeptically before deciding to drop it and move on. Whatever was going on he would tell you when he was ready. “We better get moving if we are going to beat last year's time.”
Juice gladly followed your lead. Slipping his free hand into his pocket he reached down for the ring he had Lyla help pick out for you. He fished around a moment before the panic started to set in. Coming up empty he quickly reached into his other pocket hoping he just put it in there instead but also found nothing.
Then it dawned on him. “Shit.” He cursed under his breath. He forgot to grab it from the drawer in his dorm before the two of you headed out.
“Everything okay back there?” You asked turning around to check in on him once more.
“Yep.” He said a little too quickly. “Just forgot I borrowed a wrench from Chibs and promised I’d return it to him today because he needed it today. I’m just gonna send a quick message letting him know where it is so he can grab it from the dorm.” Pulling out his phone he sent a quick message to Chibs about the ring hoping that by some miracle his brother would get it here for him in time.
You waited patiently for him to put his cell back in his pocket. You extended your hand out taking his in yours once more before leading the way. After a few dead ends and Juice checking his phone multiple times you were starting to get irritated.
“Is the tool really that important?” You asked, stopping once more in the maze. “You’ve spent more time on that damn phone than being here with me. Today was supposed to be our day. Just you and I with no outside interruptions. You promised me that much Juice.”
You loved the club but that didn’t mean you wanted to share your man with it every day. The two of you had been planning this day for weeks now and both promised it would be about the two of you and no one else. You had not picked up your phone once but here Juice was seemingly constantly on his phone.
Juice frowned. He hated letting you down in any way, especially when he was planning something huge for you today. He couldn’t exactly tell you that though. This was definitely not how he planned on today going.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, I promise I’m here with you. I’ll put it away.” He gave you a small smile slipping his phone into the inside pocket of his jacket before zipping it back up. “It’s just you and me baby.”
You smiled leaning in to give him a kiss. Resting your forehead against his you held him and he held you for a little while. “Thank you.”
Juice couldn’t wait to make you his wife. That was as long as you’d have him as your husband and your ring showed up in time.
“I think we’re almost to the end!” You said excitedly, pulling back. “Come on I’m starving.” You giggled pulling him behind you as you were determined to get out of this damn maze now.
Juice chuckled letting you lead the way. Wherever you’d go he would always follow. He truly felt lost before you entered his life just when he needed you most. You were his bright light in his darkest times. You made him a better man.
You were nearing the end and both of you could tell you were close. Juice had not heard from Chibs since he said he was on his way. He just needed to buy a little more time. He pulled you back spinning you around holding you close.
“What are you doing? We’re almost out.” You searched his soft eyes as he smiled. His smile always made you feel like you could melt.
“I just want you to know I love you.”
“And I love you too.”
Juice sighed to himself letting you lead the rest of the way out of the maze. He was disappointed that things didn’t work out as he had planned. All that mattered though was the smile on your face. He could propose another day, at another place. Anywhere and anytime would be perfect because all that mattered was that you were in love.
Exiting the maze you checked your phone for the time. “Well we definitely didn’t beat last year's time but there’s always next year.”
“Aye Juicey!” Both you and Juice looked over to find Chibs jogging your way.
“Why is Chibs here?” You asked Juice as you smiled at the older Son.
Catching up to the two of you Chibs gave you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was quite the charmer. “You’re looking lovely as ever (Y/N)”
“Thank you Chibs.” You blushed. “What are you doing here? Did you find your wrench?”
“I did.” Chibs grinned catching on quickly. “Just came to give Juicey boy his wallet. I noticed he left it.” Chibs passed Juice an older wallet of his with the ring tucked neatly inside. He gave Juice a hug and a pat on the back murmuring good luck before dismissing himself. “Alright I’ll leave you two to it.”
You watched the older man walk away. Something felt a little off about the whole exchange but you weren’t going to question in.
“Do you want a caramel apple?” You asked Juice motioning to the stand just a ways away where a woman was selling treats. You headed off towards the stand with Juice’s hand in yours. You didn’t get two steps before realizing he wasn’t moving with you. “What’s up?”
Now was his chance. He didn’t want to waste another second. He now had the ring in his hand and the wallet tucked away. Before you could really register what was happening he was down on one knee still holding your left hand in his.
“(Y/N),” he began holding back the tears in his eyes. “Today has not been what I imagined when I thought about proposing to you. It definitely didn't go as planned but I wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. Each day I get to have with you is a blessing and I promise to cherish each moment with you, to cherish you and love you always. There is nothing more I want in this world than to be your husband. So (Y/N), will you make me the luckiest guy and be my wife?”
You looked down at the stunning ring Juice held out before you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Wiping the tear from your cheek you nodded smiling wide. “Yes, I would love nothing more than to be your wife.”
Slipping the ring onto your finger Juice then stood up pulling you into his arms. Today would just be one of many with you that he would always cherish for the rest of his life.
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justa-starrynite · 4 years ago
Hello lovely! Could i be added to your taglist please? Your writing is phenomenal. Also, thank you so much for sharing 💖
Thanks lovely!! 🥺🥰 and you absolutely can!
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