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I'm so broken you can see my inner galaxy dropping like stardust from my wounds 🌌
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 1 year ago
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 1 year ago
It was tragically cruel that Buggys eyes were as green as a stormy sea. The ocean renounced the clown long ago, deeming him a conspirator of the devil. Buggy never faltered from the waves that lapped against his boat like thunder. Buggy commanded ships with the confidence of a man who couldn't drown. Shanks feared the man forgot he couldn't swim.
Shanks watched Buggy sit at the bar mingling with Shank's crew. His cheeks were tinted red as he polished another tankard of ale. Buggy kept the same hypnotic personality he had as a kid. He spoke with his hands and grabbed the attention of anyone in earshot. Even with the sluring of words, he was memorizing. Buggy laughed loud and boisterous at his own joke. Shanks felt the same sting in his heart as he did the day he watched the ocean turn its back on Buggy.
An arm grasping to the heavens begging for salvation. Coming up empty and doomed. Shanks panicked diving from the ship into the depths. He was worried he wasn't strong enough to pull them both through the surf. When Shanks head broke to the surface he made sure Buggys red nose got the air it needed.
Standing on the dock alone, away from the noise of mingling crew's Shanks, realized it was plain cruel, he took Buggys first love. It was never meant to be a jealous act against the water, but it could have been.
Stumbling footsteps.
Warm hands reached out, searching for a wall to brace them, but found Shanks chest. Shanks gently placed his worn, tired hand over Buggys holding him in place. They were shaking. Buggy was shaking. Shanks hadn't uttered a word feeling them die on his tongue.
Buggy lifted his head, and long, whispy blue hair fell around his face. His hurricane eyes locked onto Shanks. They were damp and red around the edges . They were filled to the brim with a pain Shanks would cut off his other arm to sooth. He moved his hand to Buggy's cheek, and stubble greeted his hand, tickling his palm.
Buggys eyes were delicate, but they held the passion of the ocean. Fierce and undeniable. Buggy was destined to be someone. Though the sorrow held him now in the midst of an ale riddled brain, Shanks could see tomorrow and Buggys spirits would be high
When Buggy leaned into Shanks, Shanks knew how to hold the man to make his heart beat steady. An easy ebb and flow. When the sun rose in the morning Shanks vowed this time he wouldn't let his lover go.
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 1 year ago
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We’re gonna have to be quiet if you wanna do this.
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 1 year ago
Me: And it’s so crazy, it’s so crazy you see? Because they weren’t just shipmates, they were childhood friends! They literally grew up side by side together on the same ship! And for the longest time, they just couldn’t imagine a life separated from each other you know what I mean? It’s like … when they were making plans for the future, it was always together, the other was always included! But the craziest thing in all of this, is that Buggy was SO devoted to Shanks, you know? Buggy thought the world of Shanks. He saw him as the future pirate king, he saw him as the sun, the light, as the man that would lead them to the One Piece. The future King Of The Pirates. Like, you don’t understand, Buggy purposely stepped away from the spotlight FOR SHANKS! He was contempt just being by his side because he believed in Shanks THAT MUCH! And you know, I think Buggy always knew that he wasn’t special, you know what I mean? He knows he isn’t the chosen one, he knows he isn’t the stuff of legends. But he was fine with it because he had Shanks and he could follow Shanks into hell if Shanks asked him to. SO LIKE when Shanks told him that he was no longer looking for the one piece? When Shanks told him he no longer wanted to be king of the pirates? It shattered Buggy’s world. Nothing made sense anymore. Imagine Luffy telling that to Zoro! That was a true heartbreak. But the craziest fucking thing in all of this??? Shank’s doesn’t realize that! Shanks was heartbroken when Buggy left him because he didn’t even understand why! He didn’t even understand what it all meant to Buggy and why it was such a betrayal for him! And now so many fucking years later they are separated and they’re both bitter and tired … and they’re different people but also they’re still the two little boys on that ship and they just both WON’T COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER and it’s fucking crazy because it’s the divorce of the century but it’s also a one sided divorce because Buggy never properly communicated his hurt to Shanks and Shanks never stopped loving Buggy and is always happy to see him and would probably love to sail with him again but also I think that Buggy has to find who he his and who he can be without Shanks and I just really want them to meet again, do you know what I’m saying?
My cat, looking at me with huge empty eyes: damn girl, that’s fucking crazy.
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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Like the dawn and the dusk and the ebb of the tides
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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☀️ 🌘
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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Anything - Adrianne Lenker
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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more buggy x shanks doodles from last year
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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he did
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
i regret everything and nothing
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( + bonus live luffy reaction)
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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we as a society need to discuss the shuggy and bugs/daffy cinematic parallels
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
Can we please- PLEASE! get a fic where Shanks and Buggy travel to an alternative universe where Buggy never ate the Devil Fruit 😣
One where Buggy is a great swimmer, hair short because long locks would slow him down, he smiles at Shanks, makes his love for him known and just seems more happy and the Shanks from the original universe is there to witness it all.
Make him feel quilt for accidentally 'ruining' Buggy's life. Make him watch the alternative universe Buggy smile so brightly and swim so happily. Make him watch his Buggy look at the one who never ate the devil fruit. Make him watch his Buggy, usually moody and sarcastic, smile with teeth in pure joy when seeing his au self be a great swimmer. Make him watch as the au Buggy feels no fear in leaping into the ocean. Make him realize the big differences of the two universes. Make him somehow travel back to their universe. Make him feel horrible. Make it angsty- Make it hurt! And at the end, make Buggy tell Shanks how he's forgiven him. How, even if he doesn't show it like the other universe's Buggy does, he loves Shanks. Make Buggy tell him he's happy and even if he still feels depressed about not being able to swim, life moves on.
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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We’re all unlucky in love sometimes. When I am, I go jogging. The body loses water when you jog, so you have none left for tears.
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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just4n0th3rw31rd0 · 2 years ago
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