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jungkookie1998 · 4 years ago
Smeraldo (Jin X Reader) Pt.2
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🌼 Summary: You decide to start a new life in the town you grew up then, but everything has changed. There are many new places in your old town, including a flower shop with a peculiar name.
🌼 Genre: romance, fluff, strangers to lovers
🌼 Warnings: None, unless you can’t handle Mr. WWH
🌼 Words: 3.6K
🌼 A/N: This is my second part of this story; I’m thinking of doing a few chapters for this story in particular. As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy :)
🌼 Previous Parts: Part 1
The next day had come, and you were sitting up in your bed feeling very dazed. You had not slept that well last night; You were too giddy from the excitement, part of you not understanding why. You knew one thing though. You needed coffee. You decided to begrudgingly get out of bed and headed over to your pour-over drip. You were the kind of person that did enjoy using appliances and electronic devices for convenience, but when it came to your coffee there was nothing that beats a pour-over cup of coffee. Sometimes, a little extra time and work to you was worth it to truly savor certain experiences. You delicately pour the boiling water over the coffee dripper, watching as the coffee grinds form into a puddle and drip slowly from the bottom and into your cup. You smelled the hints of chocolate, caramel, and sweet nut. You took the filter with the remains of the coffee grinds and threw it away after it finished, added a little bit of milk and sugar to help with the bitterness, and then finally took your first sip. It was smooth, lightly sweet, and brightened up your mood. You grabbed some fruit salad you had made the other day to eat for breakfast. You decided to enjoy some morning cartoons while sipping on your coffee and eating your fruit. You weren’t really a big breakfast person, you never had much of an appetite in the morning but still, you try to be healthy. You finish your breakfast and coffee and go to clean it up and put it away. You go to the bathroom, clean up a bit, and go to pick up an outfit. You decided you wanted to look cute, but still be comfortable as you were doing a lot of work on the house. You wore an older loose floral top and whitewashed overalls on top. 
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You put your hair in a high ponytail to keep it out of the way while you do work. After you finished, it was time to get started on the house. You grab the supplies and equipment you bought and go to the kitchen. You had decided to try to upgrade the house to be more modern, and while you had to wait for the appliances you had ordered, you still needed to fix the piping and paint the cupboards/cabinets and drawers. You get to work on the pipes first. Luckily you had learned this skill when renting a run-down apartment in college and took care of the pipes quickly. You took the old pipes and set them aside for now, and went to grab the paint. You had concluded that you wanted the cupboards to be a light mossy green, and the drawers and cabinets to be white. It took a few coats to perfect it, but you managed to finish them. You grabbed this old custom-built table your grandmother had once used as a mini island and painted it to match. Luckily everything in the kitchen looked brand new with just a simple paint job. You checked the time. About two hours had passed by, and it was now 10 am. You knew everything would take a few days to truly dry so you left it as is and put the unneeded paint cans away, but kept the green color you had used for the cupboards. You were going to paint the outside of the house today. You headed outside and got to work. This time you used a big paint roller and bigger brushes to shed some time. You checked the time again. You had finished about half of the house at this point, and two hours had passed. You thought it would be a good time to take a break and eat something and rehydrate. You kept it simple and made yourself a sandwich since the kitchen was mostly unusable. You quickly ate and grabbed some water bottles before heading back outside to finish painting. You were determined to at least finish painting before Jin came over because you were hoping the flowers would really pop and match the house. It wasn’t for any other reason… you told yourself. You had no one to impress… you kept telling yourself. Another hour went by and you were almost finished. You rushed slightly, afraid Jin would get here before you had finished. You wipe the sweat off your forehead and raise your arm and cheer to yourself. “It’s finally finished! It looks so beautiful.” You truly felt like the house was becoming yours more and more. You put everything away quickly and head inside to cool down a bit and freshen yourself up. You decided to take a break until Jin arrives. You listen to music and draw to pass the time. You were getting really into it, as your drawing was coming out nicely. As you were putting the final touches on the drawing, you heard a car door slam. You hop up a little startled and look outside the window. Standing next to a small black car was Jin, who was reaching into the back seat, his arms full of flowers. You rush to go outside but slow once you walk outside to seem composed. You study him while waiting. He was wearing a plain white top, some dark shorts, a dark blue cap, and some plain white shoes. For anyone else, this outfit would be boring or normal, but on him, it looked quite fashionable and comfortable. You shook the thought away. Jin closes the car door with his hip and looks over towards you. “Oh, hey. Sorry if I’m a little late.” You smile and shake your head. “No, it’s completely fine. It’s not that late.” It was only 3 pm, you had plenty of time. You go to grab some of the flowers in his arms, and Jin quietly hands them over and heads to the back of his car and opens the trunk. He grabs what appears to be a bag full of equipment and some bags of fertilizer. You place the flowers on the ground over in the grass and go to help him carry the other things. Jin follows behind you. “Thanks, Y/N.” He smiles again and puts everything down. “Alright, so we have quite a lot of flowers to plant so we should get started.” You roll your sleeves back and nod in understanding. “So Jin, What do you think of these areas for planting?” You point at the areas that are in the front of the house but on the sides. You wanted the flowers to be visible and for them to bring out the beauty of the cottage. Jin nods. “Yes, I think these are the best spots for them. Would you be okay with me being the one that arranges them?” You let out a sigh of relief. “Yes of course. In fact, I’m quite happy that you will.” Jin chuckles to himself and gets up to scope the scene and map out his arrangements. He discusses the plan for the flowers with you, and you start planting. You both plant side by side and start with the lily of the valley. You find it too quiet, so you decided to try talking to him, to get to know him. “So Jin… tell me about yourself.” Jin smirks to himself and responds. “Tell you what? My life story?” You giggle and roll your eyes playfully. “Sure. Whatever floats your boat. It’s better than working in silence, you know.” He scoffs and looks amused. “Well, not much to say. I’m 28… I’ve lived here for a few years now and opened my shop alone. I don’t have family here but it’s quite lively and peaceful here. I spend my day surrounded by flowers and wouldn’t have it any other way.” You can’t help but think about how cute it is that he likes flowers so much. “How did you become so interested in flowers by the way? Not that it’s weird or anything. It’s actually quite sweet.” Jin’s ears flush red in embarrassment, but he has a calm exterior. “Well… I’ve always liked them since I was young, honestly. I do find them quite beautiful and delicate, but I think what really got me was the meanings behind them and the joy they bring to people. Flowers are more symbolic than people really think. They’re used for love, celebration, thankfulness, and even death. In a way, they kind of follow you throughout the steps of your life. It’s something so simple but means a lot at the same time. Maybe that seems lame.” You shake your head and look him in the eye. “Not at all. I never thought about it that way. That’s amazing. Just like the story you told me, flowers really can be so meaningful. It’s a shame most people don’t know more about it.” Jin smiles brightly, in excitement. “I’m glad you feel the same. I don’t normally talk about this stuff with anyone so it feels nice to know someone can understand how I feel.” You both had done a complete row of flowers and were ready to start on the next row. You wiped some of the dirt from your arms and hand Jin one of the water bottles you had brought out earlier. “Thanks.” He took the bottle and started sipping it. You stretch and look back down at him. “So besides flowers, what other hobbies or interests do you have?” Jin pondered a second before responding back with, “Well, I enjoy cooking, traveling, playing games, watching comedy, singing, playing the guitar… many things. I’m usually trying out new things.” You hummed and suddenly felt excited. “Oh wow, we are very similar. I like to do most of those things, I just can’t play guitar.” Jin had just finished his side of the flowers and stood up to dust off his shorts. “Oh really? I should teach you to play it sometime.” You blushed a little, at the mention of spending time together again. “Yeah sure. You could come anytime. I’d be fine with anything.” Jin smiled at you again, your heart started thumping a little quicker than usual. “Actually, before that, I don’t know if you’ve seen the carnival they have here but I haven’t felt comfortable going alone so maybe we could go together? I don’t really know many people here.” Your mind was screaming, shouting YES YES YES. You tried to compose yourself, so you didn’t come across as excited or too enthusiastic. “Yeah, of course. I’d like to see more of the town as well.” Jin nods and bites his lip lightly. “How about… this weekend? Maybe Saturday?” You know you’re not busy and can make it, but you wanna play with him a little. “Hm… Saturday… I suppose that works. It’s a date.” You turn quickly to avoid seeing the look on his face and play it off as you picking up your water bottle to have another drink. Jin comes closer to you and reaches his hand out towards your hair. You turn around, not expecting him so close, and you swallow your water quickly and start coughing. Jin becomes startled, and then his face twists into worry. “Are you alright?” Your face flushes in embarrassment and your coughing comes to a halt. “Y-yes I’m good thanks.” You bite your lip, feeling awkward. Jin reaches out again, brushing away some dirt that somehow ended up in your hair. “I was just trying to get this off, didn’t mean to startle you.” You hum in thanks and look over at the work you two had done so far. Well, looks like there’s not much left to go. We should finish this. Jin agrees, and you two start again, finishing up the last row. You two finish and Jin sighs in content. “It’s perfect. I’m glad we managed to finish today.”
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He looks around and looks over towards you again. “Do you have a hose?” You make an ‘ah’ sound and run over towards the little storage shed near you. You open the door, and move through the maze of random objects in your way and grab the needed hose. You make your way back to him and hand it over. You show him where to hook it up, and he tests it. He puts it in the proper setting and makes his way to the flowers and starts to water them. You watch as he gently mists the water over the flowers, noticing the rainbow it had created and smiled. You decided you wanted to do some watering, and asked him if you could have it. He goes to hand it over, but as you go to grab it, you pressed the handle down and ended up spraying water everywhere. You scream from the coldness of the water and fling it out of your hand, and slowly glance over at Jin, feeling embarrassed. He was also soaked from the water, but you couldn't help but notice his white shirt now clinging onto his- wait are those abs? You gulp and look away quickly, trying not to get caught. You get up and start laughing. “Oh jeez.. I’m sorry. I’ll go get us some towels.” You dash off before he can say anything, and rush into the house to grab the first set of towels you can find. You grab them and head on out back to Jin. When you reach him, you hand him a towel. He takes it from your hand, and before you could react he threw the towel over your head and started trying to dry your hair. You look up at him startled. He smiles down at you reassuringly. “Just trying to dry you off quickly, I wouldn’t want you to get sick.” Your heart fluttered from the gentleness of his voice. You couldn't really deny it at this point, you liked Jin. You weren’t usually this easy to fluster, but there was something different about him. As much as you wanted to know what he was thinking, you didn’t want to ruin anything before it started and kept quiet. You took the towel you had left in your hand and stood on your tip toes and started to mirror Jin, drying his hair and then gently wrapping it around his broad shoulders when you finished. Jin cleared his throat and moved away. “I have some extra clothes in my car that I keep for emergencies, do you mind if I change?” You nod and hold your hand up at the house. “Of course, come in whenever you’re ready. The bathroom is the first door on the left. I should probably do the same.” You head inside, and start ripping apart your bedroom to find an outfit to change into quickly. You find something suitable and throw it on, before Jin comes inside. You clear everything away in record time and head back to the front of the house, just in time for Jin to come in. He walks over towards the bathroom and looks back in reassurance. You nod your head, confirming he’s correct and he goes inside. You decided to make some tea, to warm both of you up. You decided on a rose tea, thinking Jin might really like floral teas...for reasons. The smell of the tea helped to relieve the tension you didn’t realise you had been holding. You took a deep sigh and placed the teas down on the table. Jin came out of the bathroom, wearing an identical outfit as the previous one. You guessed that it was his working outfit. Jin looks over at the tea and smiles brightly. “Is that rose tea? Thanks. That will help a lot.” He sits down and starts to sip at the tea. He hums in delight. You giggle to yourself. “Jin, it's getting late, would you like to stay for dinner?” He tilts his head and thinks to himself. “I don’t mind, but could I help you cook? I like cooking but I don’t do it very often these days since it's just me.” You blink in surprise. You knew he mentioned he liked cooking earlier, but we’re still surprised. You weren't used to men cooking really, most relationships or friends you had didn’t even know how to cut an onion. “Sure, of course. Feel free to look around and decide what you’d like to make.” Jin gets up and starts to look in the fridge. He nods to himself and grabs a few items. He then moves to go to the cabinets, but you just remembered you painted, so you quickly pipe up, “Wait! Let me grab them, I forgot I just painted the cabinets. What would you like?” Jin chuckles and starts giving you the list. You grab each item as he lists them. “Honey, Corn Syrup, cornstarch, Frying Oil, sesame seeds… a big pot for frying, a sauce pan, and another pot for soup.” You set everything down on the counters, and look over to him. “Are you making YangNyeom Chicken (Korean Fried Chicken)?” Jin nods and finishes grabbing the ingredients from the fridge. He holds up some tofu. “I’m going to make some Doenjang Jjigae (Soybean Paste Stew) as well, if that’s alright. You have everything for it.” You nod in excitement. It’s been a long time since you’ve had them homemade... since your grandmother passed away. Jin motions for a cutting board and knife, and you grab each of you a set, and some bowls (both big and small) for mixing, and anything else you might need. You both start to get to work, and you follow behind Jin, not wanting to get in his way. You decided to start the rice first, so it would be finished in time. Jin starts cutting all the vegetables to have them prepared ahead of time. You start the oil, to have it ready for later, and then start to cut the chicken to bite sized pieces. You mix up the cornstarch and water mixture, and coat the chicken. Jin finishes cutting the vegetables, and goes to start the soup. He puts everything in, and starts heating it up. He goes to make the sauce, and uses gochujang, corn syrup, ketchup, a little honey, and more to make the sauce. He takes a spoon and dips it in to taste it. He nods in approval. “Chicken can go now.” He watches the stew, and occasionally taste tests and adds things in. You start to fry the chicken, and wait for it to get a solid crust and take it out to rest a little, and then fry them all again. This time you waited for them to turn golden brown and you finally finished frying them. Jin quickly tosses them in the sauce, and adds sesame seeds on top. You grabbed dishes for the food, and started to plate everything. You also grabbed some kimchi. You both set the table up, and smile at each other. “Let’s eat.” You motioned for Jin to sit, and he did. You grabbed some water for you both to drink and finally sat down to eat. You both start to dig in. Jin moans in happiness. “This is so good. Sometimes I surprise myself with how good I am with cooking.” He shakes his head in disbelief and you laugh. “You’re right, it’s great. You have some nice confidence.” You keep eating, and sip at the soup. Everything was perfect. You listened to the sounds of Jin in bliss, enjoying his food and couldn’t help but find it super cute. You couldn’t believe a man like him was sitting in your kitchen and eating with you. You both finish eating, and Jin gets up and heads over to the dishes. You rush over and try stopping him. “You don’t have to do that!” Jin smiles and grabs a sponge despite your protests. “Let’s do them together. I wash, you dry. I don't want to leave you with everything.” You purse your lips and just grab a dish towel in compliance. You glance at him every so often, noticing different features of his everytime and admiring them. He has such long eyelashes, you envied him. His eyes were a beautiful brown; they were a dark chocolate brown in the dark but in the light they were almost a milk chocolate. His lips… you couldn’t even go there. You suddenly felt shy and focused on drying the dishes. You both finished, and Jin looked at the time. “I should definitely get going. I had fun though, and thank you for dinner.” You waved your hand, replying with, “Oh not at all! I had fun too. Please be safe on the way home!” Jin grabs his phone from his pocket, and hands it towards you. “Can I have your number just in case?” You try to hide your smile as you grab it and punch in your number. “Alright, here you go.” Jin puts it away, and goes towards the door to leave. You follow, to see him out and he suddenly says, “Ah.... and Y/N…!” He turns to face you, a little closer than you expected. He smirks in a playful way and whispers softly, “Don’t forget our date this Saturday. I’ll come pick you up. I’ll text you when.” And with that, he leaves you standing there a blushing mess. After you watch him leave, you go to your bed and start squealing into your pillow. Your heart was a mess, and you didn’t know how to handle it. The date couldn’t come quicker for you. 
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jungkookie1998 · 4 years ago
Smeraldo (Jin X Reader) PT. 1
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🌼 Summary: You decide to start a new life in the town you grew up then, but everything has changed. There are many new places in your old town, including a flower shop with a peculiar name. 
🌼 Genre: romance, fluff, strangers to lovers
🌼 Warnings: None, unless you can’t handle Mr. WWH
🌼 Words: 2.12K
🌼 A/N: This is my first Jin FF and second FF ever over all. I hope you all enjoy, and thanks for reading!
Warmth. That’s what you felt as you squint your eyes and look through your fingers towards the bright and protruding sun. The warmth brought you slight comfort as you drag your overfilled suitcase along, walking through the path towards the house you will be staying at from now on. It had once been your childhood home: filled with happiness, sadness, and endless memories. Your grandmother had raised you, as your parents were not in the picture from as far as you can remember. You become painfully aware of how quiet and dark the house feels now as you think about your grandmother that had recently passed away. It had been years since you had left this town, and everything that you remember has now changed. The town had grown exponentially, adding many new stores, restaurants, and even activities that now suited the younger generation that you had not gotten to experience before. After taking time to yourself to figure out what you wanted to do with your life, you decided after your grandmother's passing to come back and make a life for yourself here. Your grandmother left this cottage in her will, and you can’t be more than happy to start your life in the most precious place you remember.
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You decided the first step to your new life here would be to fix up the cottage, making it a dream home just like your grandmother once had. You decide to set out tomorrow to buy the equipment needed to upgrade the house. The house wasn’t too run down, but it was quite old and therefore had older appliances, pipes, and hardware that would need fixing to adhere to modern times. You look around at the dusty tarps covering the furniture and let out a breath. “Okay, time to get to work.” You stretch out a bit before you start to take everything down, carefully as to try not to break or drop anything. You take time to clean everything down, and continue this throughout every single room. The house wasn’t too big, just 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a decent sized living and kitchen area. It was quite cozy and would suit a small family well, not that you were thinking about that quite yet. After a few hours of cleaning, and putting all the useless items away, you had finally finished and decided you were exhausted. You lay on the freshly clean sheets and take everything in. “First night of my new life. I hope it all goes well from here on out.” You smile to yourself softly, as you slowly drift to sleep. 
The next day, you’re out shopping for supplies and decide to also check out the town and see all the new places that were not around when you had lived here. You quite enjoy the bustling of the new town. Laughter fills the air as the children run down the sidewalks; You hear the music from the mini amusement park, and smell the sweetness of the cotton candy. Families are sat down outside of the restaurants, as the weather is quite comfortable here. Although the joy of the world around you is quite contagious, a little part of you also feels a little lonely. You decide to shrug it off, and notice a flower shop a little bit away from everything else. “Smeraldo” you read aloud. You wonder what kind of name that is and why the shop is named that, but don’t dwell on it as you think to yourself that you want to also work on a flower garden for your house and should look inside. As you walk inside, a plethora of different flower scents hit your nose. You’re glad you don’t have allergies, otherwise you might be sneezing like crazy about now.
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You can’t help but notice how clean and organized everything is, almost a little too much. You notice you are the only one in the shop, and that you don’t see an owner or worker. You decide to wait a bit before searching for them, as you originally came to browse. You don’t remember ever seeing so many flowers in one place, it was almost impressive. You feel a bit overwhelmed as you don’t know flowers too well, you just really enjoy how they look. As you look closer at a specific flower that catches your eye, you are suddenly surprised by an unfamiliar presence that made their way behind you. You look towards this person, not expecting to see the person that graced your eyes. It was a man, late 20’s with strikingly good looks that almost shake you to your core. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I noticed you were looking and wanted to check on you and see if you needed help.” You regain your composure, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I was just browsing.” He gives you a sincere smile, as he nods in understanding. His lips were so perfectly shaped, it baffled you how someone could look so perfect. “Well… let me know if I can help you out in any way, miss.” He goes to turn, but before he could you spoke out. “Um, actually I was looking for some flowers to plant outside of my cottage, but I don’t know flowers too well. I just like how beautiful they are.” You flushed a little, feeling shy suddenly. He tilts his head and offers a reassuring smile. “Yes, of course. They’re in the back. Follow me.” You follow him towards the back, and come upon one of the best flower collections you have ever seen. He takes a moment to look at all the options, before turning to you and asking, “What are you looking for? Is there anything in particular you want as far as color or size?” You ponder for a second, really thinking about what you want. “Honestly, I don’t know. I really just came with the idea of finding something I just thought was pretty…” You crouch down and assess some nearby flowers, taking the time to sniff each one. The man doesn’t say anything for what seems like a while. “What made you want to plant flowers suddenly, if you don’t mind me asking?” He turns to you, curiosity plaguing his face. You smile softly to yourself, while lightly caressing the flower in front of you. “I just moved here after being away for a long time. My grandma had passed away, so I decided to come and fix up the old cottage and I thought adding flowers would be a nice change.” The man takes in what you say, and suddenly reaches to grab an assortment of different flowers. “Say… do you know that flowers have a meaning behind them?” You tilt your head and hum. “Well, I do know that of course but I couldn’t tell you what the meanings are at all.” The man places the flowers in front of you, and begins pointing at a collection of pink and white bulbous flowers. “Protea. This flower’s meaning is change, transformation, and courage.” He points at another flower, a stem of tiny white flowers. “Lily of the valley. While there are many meanings, one meaning is the return of happiness.” He points at the final flower, one that you even recognize even with the different colors. “Iris. The meaning of this one is hope.” You were stunned for a moment, not expecting him to have put so much thought into something that seemed so small to you. You could feel yourself getting a little emotional. “O-Oh thank you. That’s perfectly suited towards my feelings.” you stuttered slightly. For a moment, neither of you speak or move and the atmosphere starts to make you feel stuffy. You decided to break the silence. “So… I’m new around here and don’t know anyone yet, and I have a feeling that I might be coming here often. May I know your name? My name is Y/N.” He looks around frantically for a second, before searching the counter and picking up a small object. “Sorry! I didn’t realize my name tag was off! My name is Jin.” He pins his name back on before laughing off his mistake. “Anyways, nice to meet you Y/N.” You smile at him again before looking down at the flowers again. You’re not the best at talking to people, but you try. “If you don’t mind me asking... I was curious about your shop’s name. What is the meaning behind it?” You nonchalantly say as you start gathering up the flowers that he brought to you, and putting them on the counter. “Smeraldo?” he hesitates for a second and bites his lip before continuing on. “Smeraldo is a flower that does not exist. It is the flower of a legend you could say. Smeraldo means “emerald” in Italian, although the true meaning of the flower is different. The flower’s language is ‘non potevo dire la verità’ which translates to ‘the truth that couldn’t be told.’ The story is about a man who lived in a castle alone, who had come to hate people. He grew flowers in his garden, and one day a little girl had stolen some. He grew angry with the girl and decided to watch the garden to catch her in the act. He later learned that she was in fact poor, and was trying to sell the flowers for a living. He wanted to help the little girl, so he decided to create a new flower no one had ever seen before so she could fetch a higher price. However, after creating this flower, he did not see the girl again. She had passed away. The flower's meaning comes from the feelings of the man who had wondered if maybe he should have shown himself to her, and shown the truth of his existence.” You listened to his story quietly, and watched his expression. You couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the story related to him in a way, as you saw a flicker of sadness take over his face. It only lasted a brief moment, as he was smiling again, perhaps to hide his feelings. “I really liked the story so I decided to name it after the flower from that story.” he finishes explaining quickly, now trying to help assist you in getting the plants ready for you to take. “Well Jin, I really like the meaning behind it and although it is quite sad, the meaning is very deep. I think it's wonderful how flowers have a language of their own. Thank you for teaching me that today.” Jin pauses a moment, before clearing his throat and nodding his head slightly. You could swear you saw a blush plaster over his cheeks. “You’re welcome. I’d be happy to teach you anytime. Also, If you’d be interested… I’d be more than happy to help you plant all these flowers and bring you more tomorrow as well. This is a lot of work for one person after all.” He shrugs it off, acting like it's not a big deal. You bite your lip, and play with your fingers. “Are you sure? I don’t want to interrupt your work or anything.” He smiles brightly again at you, seemingly in a better mood. “Of course. I love flowers after all, and I’d love to see them in your garden fulfilling their new purpose.” You could feel the passion in his voice, and in the energy surrounding him. “Alright, thank you Jin. I’ll pay for it all now and I’ll see you tomorrow?” you said hopefully. Jin nods and goes to ring you up. “Of course. I’ll come by sometime in the afternoon.” You grab your receipt and bow down slightly to him before saying your goodbye, and get out of there quickly, tightly holding your receipt to your chest. You didn’t know how such a short interaction with him could be making you feel so excited but… you couldn’t wait for tomorrow. 
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jungkookie1998 · 7 years ago
It’s my business when men are forcing their girlfriends into anal sex. It’s my business when women are getting surgeries on their labia and breasts so they can look like model’s in playboy, its my business because young girls are being forced to act out porn scenes with their first boyfriends in case their boyfriends leave them or stop thinking that they’re hot, it’s my business when men are so gorged on porn they think a woman who doesn’t send nude pictures is weird, its my business when men are taking up-skirt photos and groping women, it’s my business when women are being forced to have sex without condoms so that it will feel better ‘for men’, because there are no condoms in porn scenes, its my business when women are lying and faking their orgasms because porn has taught men that sex is about THEIR pleasure, and that sex is just endlessly pumping their dick into a woman over and over again, it’s my business when I can’t look up anything on the internet without coming across advertisements for porn, its my business when I can’t look up any information on my sexual orientation without being overrun by porn even with the safe search on. Its my business, its my business, its my fucking business. 
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jungkookie1998 · 7 years ago
Okay but like why is everyone hating on the possibility of BTS appearing on the Ellen Show?
She is by no means racist or disrespectful to any of her foreign guest that she’s previously had on her show. I saw that one of the reasons people don’t want them on the show was because of the language barrier but that wouldn’t be a problem she usually always has a translator with the guests who don’t speak English and there is also Joonie who usually translates for them. She is also all about charities and giving back. The boys just started their UNICEF Love Yourself campaign which she would 100% mention on the show and bring more attention to it as well as possible donations in some way. All which would be huge for the boys!
Whether they appear on the show or not let’s all just focus on giving our love and support to the boys no matter what they decided to do.
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jungkookie1998 · 7 years ago
Since the day Y/N left, Jungkook hasn't been the same. But what will happen when she comes back into his life? But with her return, comes a surprise that Jungkook had not been expecting. (I'm sorry if the description is bad!) **DISCLAIMER** I do not own the pictures or quotes that are used to make this fanfiction. Please leave feedback and let me know if I should continue this story :) thank you for reading!
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jungkookie1998 · 7 years ago
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We did it y’all
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jungkookie1998 · 7 years ago
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We did it y’all
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jungkookie1998 · 8 years ago
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jimin beating jungkook up for everything ↳ requested by anon
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jungkookie1998 · 8 years ago
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jungkookie1998 · 8 years ago
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170801 BTS_twt’s Tweet
17 >>> 24
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jungkookie1998 · 8 years ago
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taegi are those types of people
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jungkookie1998 · 8 years ago
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jungkookie1998 · 8 years ago
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(broke) Ukulele Brothers
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