정우 오빠야!
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Just a tumblr dedicated to the lovely -J U N G W O O !-Please credit if taking anything out!blog twitter / personal twitterHIATUS. ON VACATION.tags
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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I'm really thankful to all the fans that gave strength during the stage greetings over the weekend.. Starting from the weekend at almost 40 theatres, morning 'til night, to all of you who suffered more than us, I'm thankful and sorry. I'm just always becoming indebted to you. Seeing everyone looking tired at the last theatre I was so sorry I'm always with the feeling that we're together. I'm still thankful even if you're supporting me from afar. I feel like only I was able to go around comfortably while you were unable to even eat properly. I'm sorry. The weather has gotten cold suddenly. Take care of your health, and especially be careful of catching a cold. I was really thankful for yesterday and today.
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr source: (1) (2)
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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[인터뷰]정우, "'쎄시봉' 사람·배우로서 힐링했던 작품" (asiatoday) [Interview] Jungwoo, "'C'est Si Bon' a project where I was healing as a person and an actor"
2013년 드라마 ‘응답하라 1994’로 여심을 사로잡았던 배우 정우가 이번에는 스크린에서 그 인기를 이어간다. 영화 ‘쎄시봉’을 통해서다. The actor Jungwoo who captured the hearts of women through the 2013 drama 'Reply 1994' now continues his popularity through the big screen. It is through the movie 'C'est Si Bon'. ‘쎄시봉’은 한국 음악계에 포크 열풍을 일으킨 조영남, 윤형주, 송창식, 이장희 등을 배출한 음악감상실 쎄시봉을 배경으로 전설의 듀엣 ‘트윈폴리오’의 탄생 비화와 그들의 뮤즈를 둘러싼 애틋한 러브스토리를 그려낸 작품이다. 정우는 극중 이장희(진구)에게 발탁돼 ‘트리오 쎄시봉’에 합류한 통영 촌놈 오근태 역을 맡았다.  'C'est Si Bon' is a project that uses the music hall C'est Si Bon, that produced Cho Young Nam, Yoon Hyung Joo, Song Chang Shik, Lee Jang Hee, etc. who raised the folk scene craze in Korea, as its background showing the birth of the legendary duet 'Twin Folio' and the love story surrounding their muse. In the movie, Jungwoo plays the TongYeong country boy, Oh Geun Tae, who joins 'Trio C'est Si Bon' after being selected by Lee Jang Hee (Jin Gu). “시나리오를 볼 때 제가 할 수 있는 것, 단순히 재미를 떠나 제 마음을 울리는 것을 선택하는 편이에요. ‘쎄시봉’을 봤을 때는 무척이나 설렜어요. 이작품이 영상으로 담겨 음악과 함께 어울러졌을 때 설렘이 증폭할 거라는 확신이 있었죠.” "When I look at the scenario, I look at what I can do, and looking past just being entertaining, I'm the type of person who chooses based on it touching my heart. My heart was extremely fluttering when I looked at 'C'est Si Bon'. I was certain that the fluttering would be amplified after the project would be on screen, combined together with the music."
정우가 맡은 오근태는 음악감상실 쎄시봉에서 만난 민자영(한효주)에게 첫 눈에 반해 음악을 시작하는 순정남이다. 정우는 이번 작품을 위해 기타는 물론이고 노래까지 완벽하게 소화해 내야했다. 그는 오근태 캐릭터를 위해 3개월간 기타 레슨과 보컬 트레이닝을 받았다. The character of Oh Geun Tae that Jungwoo plays is a pure man who started music after falling in love at first sight with Min Ja Young (Han Hyo Joo) who he met at the C'est Si Bon music hall. For this project, Jungwoo had to, of course, take on the guitar and also sing perfectly. For the Oh Geun Tae character he received guitar lessons and vocal training for three months. “기타와 노래가 부담이었어요. 그런데 오근태는 윤형주·송창식에 비해 기가막히게 기타나 노래를 잘하는 캐릭터가 아니었기 때문에 제가 연기해도 가능할 수 있겠다는 생각을 했죠. ‘목소리와 기교가 아니라 마음으로 노래하라. 가사에 담긴 진심을 읽듯이 했음 좋겠다’고 보컬 선생님이 조언을 해줘서 ��심을 담아 한 구절 한 구절 부르려고 노력했습니다. 현장자체도 늘 음악이 있었기 때문에 더 편하게 즐기면서 임했던 것 같아요.” "The guitar and singing was burdensome. But because my character wasn't someone who was astoundingly good at guitar and singing compared to Yoon Hyung Joo and Song Chang Shik, I thought that it would be possible for me to act it out. My vocal teacher gave me the advice, 'Sing from the heart, not with your voice and technique. I'd like it if you sang like you were reading the sincerity within the lyrics.' so I made the effort to sing each line sincerely. Since the filming site itself always had music, I was able to take it on more comfortably while having fun." 정우는 이번 영화에서 배우 김윤석과 2인 1역을 연기했다. 정우가 20대의 오근태를, 김윤석이 40대의 오근태를 연기한 것. 두 사람은 가상인물 오근태를 공감대 있게 표현해냈다. In this movie, Jungwoo and actor Kim Yoon Seok both played one character. Jungwoo played Oh Geun Tae in his twenties, and Kim Yoon Seok played Oh Geun Tae in his forties. The two of them expressed the fictional character, Oh Geun Tae, with sympathy. “오근태는 실존 인물이긴 하지만 가상 캐릭터이기 때문에 쎄시봉 선생님들이나 실존 인물에게 특별한 조언을 받지는 않았어요. 실존 인물을 만나서 좋은 에너지를 받기는 했죠. 특히 김윤석 선배와 2인 1역을 할 수 있어 든든했어요. ‘선배가 영화 후반부에 나와서 마무리를 잘 해 줄거다. 나는 앞에서 자유롭게 연기해도 되겠다’라는 믿음감이 있었죠. 정말 감사해요.” "Although Oh Geun Tae is a real person, we didn't receive any special advice from C'est Si Bon or any real people since he's a fictional character. Though we did receive good energy from meeting the real people. I especially felt secure being able to play the same role as Kim Yoon Seok sunbae. There was a feeling of reliability that 'Sunbae will come out in the latter part and will complete the ending well. I will be able to act freely in the earlier part'. I'm really thankful." 정우가 연기한 오근태는 사랑과 우정 사이에서 사랑��� 선택했다. ‘나 그대에게 모두 드리리’라는 노래 가사처럼 민자영을 위해 모든 것을 바쳐 보는 이로 하여금 감동을 안겼다. 실제 정우라면 어떨까.  Between friendship and love, Jungwoo's role of Oh Geun Tae chose love. Like the lyrics in the song 'I'll Give Everything To You', he moves us as he gives everything for Min Ja Young. How would Jungwoo be in real life. “저도 사랑을 택할 것 같아요. 사랑이 우선인 것 같아요. 친구라면 이해해주지 않을까요. 사실 사랑과 우정에 대해서 논하는 것보다는 사람에 대해서 이야기하는 게 맞는 것 같아요. 나는 이 사람에게 어떤 사람이었는가가 중요하죠. 실제 연애 스타일은, 정의 내리기 힘들어요. 진심을 다하려고 해요. 사람에게 진심으로 다가가려고 해요.” "I think I'd pick love as well. I think love comes first. A friend would understand, wouldn't they? Truthfully, instead of discussing about love and friendship, I think talking about them as people is right. It's important to me to know what kind of person I was to this person. It's difficult to define my real dating style. I try to give it my all. I try to approach people with sincerity." 2001년 영화 ‘7인의 새벽’에서 단역으로 데뷔한 정우는 ‘응답하라1994’ 이후 스타덤에 올랐다. 이후 정우는 충무로·브라운관에서 수많은 러브콜을 받게 됐다. 올해는 ‘쎄시봉’ 개봉뿐만 아니라 배우 황정민과 함께 영화 ‘히말라야’ 촬영도 진행 중이다. Jungwoo who debuted in the movie 'Running 7 Dogs' in 2001 as an extra, rose to stardom after 'Reply 1994'. He received numerous love calls from Chungmuro and for television afterwards. This year there's not only the release of 'C'est Si Bon', but he's in the midst of filming the movie 'Himalaya' with actor Hwang Jung Min. “큰 인기에 흔들리는 편은 아닌데 몸이 많이 지치다보니까 육체적으로 힘은 들더라고요. 정말 감사한 상황이긴 하지만 몸이 많이 힘들었어요. ‘쎄시봉’을 하면서는 많이 힐링됐죠. 하루하루 즐기면서 임했기 때문에 배우와 사람으로서 힐링할 수 있었던 작품이에요. ‘히말라야’는 육체적으로 힘들어요. 자칫 잘못하면 큰 사고로 이어질 수 있으니까 위험해서 매순간 긴장하면서 찍고 있어요. 남성적인 부분을 보여드릴 수 있지 않을까 싶어요. 분명한 건 그동안 제가 보여주지 않았던 것을 보실 수 있을 거예요.” "I'm not one to be shaken by large popularity, but since my body is exhausted, it's difficult physically. It's a very thankful situation, but it was very tiring on my body. I got a lot of healing while filming 'C'est Si Bon'. This was a project where I was able to get healing as a person and an actor because I went into each day having fun. 'Himalaya' was physically difficult. If you do something wrong a big accident can occur so I'm filming while being aware at every moment. I feel like I'll be able to show my manly side. What's for sure is that you'll be able to see something that I've never shown before."
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr original article
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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N a r e k i ♥
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
Jungwoo Quote Compilation (PDF)
There was this project that I had started probably around the beginning of this year that kind of didn't really go as well as I had planned -- which was to translate A LOT more bits and pieces from a lot more interviews/articles and put them together. The thing is, I worked hard on it for a bit then ended up not doing anything for it for many many months.
SO. I just pieced together what I had and decided to just put it out there as is. Some quotes are from things that I already have translated on the blog, and other quotes are new (new as in newly translated, all the interviews and stuff are from like the beginning of the year/earlier).
That is all. It's not the best thing in the world, but hope you enjoy it nevertheless!
Happy Holidays to everyone! I guess this can be considered as some type of Christmas gift (if I don't end up doing anything else for the blog) lol.
(original sources listed within the file and all belong to their respective owners, all translations by jung-woo@tumblr Please credit if taking out/posting translations elsewhere)
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
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14/08/30 xportsnews article:
'연예가중계' 정우 "현빈, 마음으로 응원하는 동료" 'Entertainment Relay' Jungwoo "Hyun Bin, a colleague I support with my heart"
배우 정우가 현빈을 마음으로 응원하는 동료라고 전했다.  30일 방송된 KBS 2TV '연예가중계'에서는 정우의 첫 팬미팅 현장이 공개됐다.  이날 정우는 리포터 조충현 아나운서가 현빈 얘기를 꺼내자 "신인 시절에 같이 오디션을 보고 했던 동료다"라고 말했다. 정우는 "서로 마음으로 잘 되기를 응원하는 동료다"라고 덧붙이며 현빈과의 친분에 대해서 전했다.  이어 정우는 조충현 아나운서가 현빈과의 관계를 부러워하며 "저도 좀 도와달라"고 하자 "제 밥그릇 챙기기도 벅차다. 드라마 끝나고 쑥 빠져서"라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.
Actor Jungwoo relayed that Hyun Bin is a colleague that he supports with his heart.
The site of Jungwoo's first fanmeeting was revealed during KBS 2TV's 'Entertainment Relay' that aired on the 30th.
On this day when the reporter Jo Choong Hyun Announcer pulled out the topic of Hyun Bin, Jungwoo said, "He is a colleague that had auditions with me during our rookie  days."
Jungwoo also added, "we're colleagues that support each others success within our hearts" and relayed his friendship with Hyun Bin.
Afterwards, Jo Choong Hyun Announcer who was envious of his relationship with Hyun Bin said, "please help me too" to which Jungwoo responded, "Taking care of my own bowl (aka himself) is already overwhelming. Because after the drama ended it was sucked(?) right out of me" causing laughter.
translation & screencap by: jung-woo@tumblr original article original article/screencap source (video)
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jung-woo · 10 years ago
14/09/02 Jungwoo mentioned on KBS News [excerpt of only JW's part] [연예수첩] 힘들었던 그 시절…스타 눈물의 고백 [Entertainment Notebook] That Period of Hardships...Confessions of a Star's Tears
>> VIDEO HERE << (translated from a transcript provided with the video, I can only provide a link to the article containing the video because I can't download it)
지금은 많은 사랑을 받는 스타들, 하지만 그들에게도 힘들었던 순간이 있었다는데요. 스타들의 힘들었던 그때 그 시절을 만나봅니다. <리포트> 때로는 힘들고 때로는 힘겨웠던 스타들의 성공 뒷 이야기! 스타들이 재도약 할 수 있었던 그 계기를 만나봅니다. 지금은 대세 연예인!  그러나~ 10년 전만 해도 힘들기 그지없던 배우 정우씨! 드라마 최고다 이순신으로 점차 인지도를 쌓아온 그의 힘들었던 시절! <녹취> 정우(배우) : "원래 10년까지 해보고 안 되면 그만 두려고 했었어요 잘생긴 외모, 꽃미남, 길거리캐스팅 그런 느낌은 아니니까" 웃으며 이야기 하지만 그 무게만큼은 가볍지 않았던 정우씨의 길었던 무명 시절~ 깡패, 양아치등 다수의 단역과 조연으로 출연한지 어언~ 10년!  배우 생활을 하면서 황당한 일을 겪기도 했다는데요. <녹취> 정우(배우) : "스무 살 때부터 배우 하려고 오디션 보고 다녔어요 오디션을 봤어요 주인공이 된 거예요 첫 번째 촬영 끝나고, 두 번 째 촬영 끝나고 세 번째 촬영 끝났는데 너무 힘든거예요 대표님에게 전화가 온 거예요 정우야 네가 인지도가 너무 약해서 주연배우를 바꿔야겠다" 힘든 시간도 있었지만 연기라는 정공법을 택해 꾸준히 작품 활동을 하며 연기력을 쌓는 것을 최선이라고 생각했던 정우씨. <녹취> 정우(배우) : "불러 주십시오 불러주시면 달려 갈게요" 이제는 대중들에게 정우씨의 마음도 통했으니~ 우리 자주 만나요~
These stars are receiving a lot of love these days, but there was a time when they faced hardships.
Let's take a look at the stars' period of struggle.
The stories of tiring and difficult times behind the stars' success! Let's take a look at those opportunities where the stars were able to reform.
Right now he is the trendy celebrity!
But~ just 10 years ago the actor with never ending difficulties, Jungwoo!
The difficult period for he who steadily built up his popularity with the drama You're The Best, Lee Soon Shin!
JW: "Originally, I planned to quit if it still wasn't working out after 10 years. Because I didn't have a good-looking face, I wasn't a flower boy, and I didn't have that kind of feeling to get cast on the street"
He spoke while smiling, though the weight of Jungwoo's long period of being unknown wasn't light at all like that~
Playing the role of gangsters, good-for-nothings, etc. the majority of the time as an extra or supporting character for~ 10 years already!
He says he also faced ridiculous matters while living as an actor.
JW: "Starting from when I was 21 years old I started going around to auditions in order to become an actor. I had an audition. I became the lead. I finished the first filming, then the second filming, and then the third filming and it was really tiring. Then I received a call from the representative saying "Jungwoo, we're changing the lead actor because your popularity is too low""
Though there were hard times, picking acting as his method, the best that Jungwoo thought he could do was to consistently act in projects and build up his acting skills.
JW: "Please call me. If you call, I'll run there"
Now that Jungwoo's heart has connected with the public~ Let's meet often~
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr original article/video
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
[Reply 1994 DVD] Shin PD Talks About Casting for Reply 1994 (rough translation) [Jungwoo excerpt]
like Shin PD has mentioned before in interviews and writer Lee Woo Jung as well, the production crew all liked the movie ‘Wish’
during meetings, since they’re looking for Gyeongsangdo satoori, when they get stuck or if the atmosphere becomes down, they played clips from ‘Wish’ on the computer a lot
they looked at a lot of sources, but they watched ‘Wish’ the most
from all of them, they really liked Jungwoo’s acting in ‘Wish’
their drama wasn’t one where they focused on one character the whole way, so there’s something called acting out real life – acting one way when he’s with his mom, another way with friends, and another way with his dongsaengs – he wanted someone who could show this type of acting
they had the thought that he (Jungwoo) was the only one who was able to act out real life while speaking with a Gyeongsangdo satoori and they had this thought since Reply 1997
when looking at Reply 1997, there wasn’t really a right character for Jungwoo to take on. Maybe at least something like Taewoong’s role
without a character picked out, he asked the casting director to look for him, but at that moment he was in the army so he couldn’t see him
then this time, the character of Sseureki was one that was a perfect fit for him
Shin PD told them to go find him, but saw a picture of him after he got out of the army and he had gained a lot of weight
so he thought, “oh why didn’t he take care of himself better”, and said no this won’t do
though acting is acting, he would take an important role that has to do melo acting, so the outward appearance can’t not be important
Shin PD saw a lot of pictures where Jungwoo looked like he had gained a lot of weight and thought, this will probably be difficult and so started looking for someone else and was holding auditions
from that (Jungwoo’s) company, the manager had come for a meeting
so Shin PD mentioned that Jungwoo had gained a lot of weight and asked how he is these days
the manager said that Jungwoo didn’t gain weight and that the staff had somehow ended up seeing pictures in which Jungwoo had turned out really badly in them
so he asked to see Jungwoo and met with him and saw exactly what they had wanted, but there was one worry – since he was someone that hasn’t done much melodrama acting, there was truthfully some worries about that point. Jungwoo felt it and so did Shin PD
since their positives are that they show things that haven’t been shown before, they thought that that could be an important point
he definitely had a charm that makes a woman’s heart flutter and they both became confident that they’d be able to use those points well
for this role Jungwoo did so well that, truthfully if Jungwoo wasn’t able to play this character, it was to the point that they couldn’t even imagine who would have taken it on
looking at the results, he is receiving so much love and when they see each other it’s like they don’t even remember ever having any worries – it’s only because Shin PD’s talking about this topic now, that he even remembers it. He took on the melodrama acting really well
they’re really thankful to each other
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr interview courtesy of Luna @ soompi's Nareki thread
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
Interview | The Man of the Gentle, but Strong Malibu, Movie Actor Jungwoo
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Right now, Jungwoo is the most ‘hot’ actor. He who has risen to stardom through <Reply 1994> is standing in the centre of the spotlight as if he has now been rewarded for all his hard work. Although it’s true that he was somewhat known, 13 years after debuting, as an actor, he was not able to get his name known. He just stayed in the place that he always needed to be at and acted without complaints or rest. If his start was with the ‘Underling 7’ role in <Break Out>(2002) that nobody noticed, a leading role in <Wish>(2009) that contained his personal story of growth and also his ‘natural born’ satoori, opened the door to possibilities. And at last, through <Reply 1994> it came into fruition for Jungwoo. From this past February, he became the face of the Chevrolet Malibu. If you’re a successful actor, a car advertisement is something that is watched for at least once. On Jungwoo’s various online forums the restless voices of fans saying “did you see Jungwoo’s Malibu ad that comes on TV” come and go. There’s a saying amongst them. It’s ‘Jungwoo sickness’.
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<Reply 1994> is the project that got me to rise above the surface
‘Jungwoo sickness’, the fans that watched <Reply 1994> will understand. Jungwoo who was an unknown actor became a popular star overnight through <Reply 1994>.  Through the role of ‘Sseureki’, a medical student with a manly face, a Gyeongsangdo man who is even good at sports, he reached his prime after 13 years. Exaggerating a little, he is currently living as part of ‘Jungwoo’s period’.
‘Sseureki’, the role that Jungwoo took on in <Reply 1994>(As the drama gained popularity, the fans put the R(eung), the beginning of ‘Reply 1994’, with the ending number ‘4(sa)’ started to call it with its shortened form ‘R4(eung-sa)’. Afterwards, the media started using the form <R4> and so it became a proper name, from now on <R4>) flips the stereotypical idea of a Gyeongsangdo man being unrefined and rough. Did they call a man that you become fonder of the more that you see him rather than right from the first impression as ‘bol-su-rok mae-ryeok eet-da (more charming as you keep seeing them)’ so ‘bol-mae (short form)’? ‘Sseureki’ who is brusque and playful, but with a tender voice and warm eyes was also a man who can charge in recklessly after realizing that he was in love with the female lead ‘Najung’. As <R4>’s broadcast views increased, the women’s hearts towards bol-mae Jungwoo became hotter.
To the public, <R4> that had gotten the name ‘Jungwoo’ known, couldn’t be anything but special to him. He called <R4> the project that “got me to rise above the surface”. He said that “it was the project that taught me what it was to be joyful while working”. From now on Jungwoo’s background will be clearly split into before and after <R4>.
Although he has appeared in many projects like the movies <Running 7 Dogs>, <Breakout>, <Zero Conduct>, <My Tutor Friend>, <Spin Kick>, <Fate>, <Wish>, etc., he wasn’t able to become known to the public. The period as an unknown actor was long and difficult. But he never showed nervousness nor did he give up. He also didn’t forcefully put in extra effort in order to move forward faster than others. What he wanted was to do the work that he liked as an ‘actor’ as ‘Jungwoo-like’ as possible.
What is ‘Jungwoo-like’? He answered, “Putting in your all”. Whether it’s towards a project or towards people, in whatever situation, he puts in effort to be sincere. It’s also a method for himself to be comfortable. The life of an actor that he aims for down the road is in touch with these thoughts of Jungwoo. An honest actor that shows sincerity by dragging out what’s inside of himself. He wants to become an ‘honest actor’.
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Malibu and Jungwoo
Since this past February, Jungwoo has been active as Malibu’s endorsement model. With the launching of Chevrolet in 2011, Malibu Gasoline was introduced in Korea as GM Korea’s first midsize sedan model. Malibu Diesel which was released this past March is a trendsetter model as it changed the midsize car market standards by adding a 2.0 diesel engine to midsized cars for the first time in the country. It’s a car advertisement that, as a male actor, one has dreamed of at least once and among them he has become the model for the Malibu, and while showing off his personal charm has naturally formed a balance with the Malibu.
The Malibu advertisement was filmed using ‘the endlessly gentle man becomes a strong man for the woman he loves’ as the subject with San Francisco as the backdrop. In the ‘Malibu Diesel’ portion, it showed Jungwoo strongly stepping on the accelerator towards the airport for the girlfriend who’s running late for the airplane departure time and also showed the Malibu Diesel that directly reflects the intentions of the driver. In the ‘Malibu Gasoline’ portion, it showed the comfort of the Malibu Gasoline with gentle Jungwoo who tries not to wake up his girlfriend who has fallen asleep even while going through a rough course. The Malibu that is dynamic, gentle, and swift, curiously overlaps with the traces of ‘Sseureki’ from <Reply 1994> and naturally introduced the Malibu’s value to the consumers. The Malibu and Jungwoo are the finest partners.
Jungwoo who normally “highly rated GM Korea’s global brand popularity and dependability” replied earnestly with “I hold great pride in becoming active as GM Korea’s endorsement model”. He also didn’t forget to add “I can’t forget the comfort and ease that I felt from the dynamic and sturdy Malibu”.
Jungwoo showed a warm and comfortable manliness through the drama and the advertisement. But what is his real personality like. Though he is an actor with a lot of tears, he is known to have a personality with lots of aegyo. Looking into his big eyes it looks like he would be sensitive and have a lot of affection, but for some reason it also looks like he has some playfulness as well.
“I think I have a dependable and also a sentimental aspect as well. Because I grew up as the maknae, I also have a lot of aegyo. For the tears… I think it’s because I’m a bit emotionally sensitive?(laughs) If there’s a scene that comes up into my head, there are instances where I momentarily become overwhelmed by emotions or my feelings become calmed. This helps a lot when I have to act out emotional scenes.”
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I want to be known as an actor who enjoys work and life
Finishing up with filming advertisements, photoshoots, etc. and official events up until this past March, Jungwoo is devoting himself to preparing for his next project. His next project is the movie <C’est si bon>. He has taken on the role of the main character Oh Geun Tae and is in the midst of practicing the guitar right now. With 1970’s~1980’s Seoul Myeongdong’s C’est ci bon as the backdrop, it is expected to include the acoustic guitar music of our memories that dominated during that time and one man’s unforgettable first love.
The criteria for what would be the burdensome choice of the next project were the script and director and also the actors. He wasn’t concerned about having an image transformation. From his rookie period until now, Jungwoo has been working on projects that he wanted to do. Without caring about the weight, if it was a project in which he could immerse himself in his role, whatever role it was, he was ready to sink himself into it. Jungwoo who says “What’s more important than being at the top is being able to enjoy yourself while acting”, like he has been even up until now wants to show a side that only Jungwoo can show in whatever genre and whatever role in the future.
The present Jungwoo began from the Jungwoo of the past. Jungwoo’s inner self that made himself more firm in order to go from sadness and solitude to becoming free, together with the acting skills piled up one by one made the ‘trendy Jungwoo’ of today. That is the ‘Jjang-gu’ of the movie <Wish> and the ‘Gil-do’ of <Spare>, and also the extra, supporting role, the lead role and all of the roles that he has ever taken on. His past has still not brought out all of its deep intentions. It’s a reason to anticipate even more from Jungwoo’s future.
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translation by: jung-woo@tumblr source: http://blog.gm-korea.co.kr/ (original article link here but it seems to be missing)
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
14/05/27 Baeksang Art Awards - Best New Actor (TV)
Thank you.
I'm truly thankful to all the viewers that loved Reply 1994. Director Shin Won Ho, for choosing me, and believing in me until the end, I'm truly thankful. Writer Lee Woo Jung, for giving such good writing I think I was able to play around comfortably. I truly thank you. I truly thank the staff who silently cooperated in the back with the actors at the filming site. Thanks to all the actors who appeared together in the drama. I truly thank Team leader Kim In Sung* who together at the filming site became my hands and feet. Thanks to the Bel Actors family and thank you to director Lee Joo Young. Thank you to Sang Hyun*-hyung who doesn't hold back advice every time I go into a project.
And to the family that I love, mom, I'll protect you. My hyung who I love the most in this world, thank you so much for raising me in place of our father. Noona, to the noona that I love, thank you noona. And to our father who's in heaven, I miss you a lot. 
And lastly, there's a person that I'm really thankful to personally. Thank you, and let's meet well. 
Thank you.
*not sure who these people are so I might've gotten their names wrong
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
14/04/09 Apink Sports World Article [excerpt] Eunji mentioning Jungwoo:
“[...]개인적으로 정우 선배님, 너무 좋아해서 카메오 나갔을 때 같이 밥 먹으면서 이야기하는데 인간적인 매력이 있어서 좋더라”라고 신이 나서 이야기했다.
"Personally I liked Jungwoo sunbae-nim a lot, so as we ate together when I went to film my cameo, and as we talked, I liked that he had a humanly charm" she told us with excitement.
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr original article
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
14/05/06 Baro TV Daily Article [excerpt] Jungwoo mentioned:
‘응답하라 1994’ 식구들은 ‘신의 선물’을 모니터하며 바로에게 힘을 줬다. 신원호PD부터 삼천포, 칠봉, 해태까지(바로는 아직도 배역이름으로 선배이자 형들을 불렀다) 잘하고 있다며 격려해줬다고. 특히 빙그레 바로와 특별했던 쓰레기 정우는 직접 연기코치도 해주고, 응원과 함께 “집중이 안 될 때가 보인다”며 따끔한 충고도 해줬다.
The 'Reply 1994' family gave strength to Baro while monitoring 'God's Gift'. From Shin Won Ho PD to SamCheonPo, Chilbong, and Haitai (Baro still calls his sunbaes and hyungs by their character name), they all encouraged him saying that he's doing well. Especially Sseureki Jungwoo who was special to Binggeure Baro, personally coached his acting and with support also gave harsh words as "I see moments when you're not concentrated".
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr original article
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
14/04/19 Osen Article [excerpt] Kang Ha Neul mentioning Jungwoo:
"지금 정우 선배하고의 촬영을 특히 기다리고 있어요. 많이 배우고 싶습니다. 영화 ‘바람’은 물론이고, 잠깐 나온 작품까지 다 찾아봤을 정도예요. tvN 드라마 '응답하라 1994'도 정우 선배 때문에 다 챙겨봤고요.(웃음) 제가 막 눈에 띄는 외모가 아니거든요. 그래서 어떻게 보면 제 경쟁력은 '평범함' 또는 '편안함'일 거예요."
"Right now I'm especially looking forward to filming with Jungwoo sunbae. I want to learn a lot. It was to the point that I looked for and watched, of course the movie 'Wish', but even the projects in which he had little screen time. I even watched all of the tvN drama 'Reply 1994' because of Jungwoo sunbae. (laughs) I don't have the kind of appearance that is eye catching. So if you look at it this way, my edge over others could be my 'ordinariness' and 'comfortableness'."
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr original article
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jung-woo · 11 years ago
14/04/15 Osen Article [excerpt] Hyunbin mentioning Jungwoo from his High Cut interview:
"'응답하라 1994' 끝나고 나서 (정우형과) 통화가 됐다. 형이 잘돼서 너무 좋다"
"(과거 신인 시절) 내가 도움을 준 게 아니라 서로 같이 고생을 한 사이였다"
"After 'Reply 1994' ended, I was able to get in touch (with Jungwoo-hyung). It's really nice that Hyung succeeded."
"It's not that I helped him out, but it was a relationship where both of us went through hardships together (in the rookie period in the past)"
translation by: jung-woo@tumblr original article
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