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Ratio of countries’ share in total global CO2 emissions to their share in total global population.
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How Much CO2 Does A Single Volcano Emit?
“The Earth’s mantle is full of trillions of tons of carbon alone, and if even a small percent of it were added to the atmosphere, it has the potential to be absolutely catastrophic for the planet. But given the scales of the eruptions we actually have, less than a billion tons are emitted per year thanks to volcanic activity: a small enough amount that our planet can sequester roughly the same amount on a per-year basis. If not for the influence of humans, the climate and carbon dioxide concentrations would be stable. Rising CO2 is a problem that we’re actively causing, and if we want to fix it, that’s up to us, too.”
Every year, dozens of volcanoes actively erupt across the Earth’s surface. In addition, other active volcanoes continue to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and even dormant volcanoes and other fissures in the Earth contribute to our overall carbon dioxide content. If we want to understand the effects that humanity is having on our atmosphere, we need to understand the natural contribution first. Tremendous advances in measuring these natural contributions have occurred since the 1990s, as we’ve now quantified to a much-improved precision the effects of these natural components. Volcanoes of all types, on average, emit somewhere in the ballpark of 645 million tons of CO2 per year, with occasional large eruptions adding tens or possibly even a hundred million tons to that total.
But that’s barely 2% of what humanity emits in a given year. Come find out the science of volcanic CO2, and put humanity’s contributions into its valid scientific perspective.
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CO2 concentration and global mean temperature, 1958 - present
via r/dataisbeautiful
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A Newspaper Publication in 1912 Predicting the Effect of Burning Coal on the Warming of the Planet.
The idea of the Greenhouse Effect goes back even further than this - and in fact, is something that we should all be thankful for as without Greenhouse Gases, the Earth would be a chilly -14C (0F).
Joseph Fourier, known for his famous Fourier Transform as well as his theories of heat exchange, questioned why it is that the Earth stays warm even when the Sun has set for the night. If the Sun was the only source of heat, wouldn’t it rapidly become unbearably cold? This was all the way back in 1822.
From there, Swedish Scientist Arrhenius theorised in 1896 that a rise in CO2 concentration within the atmosphere would cause a warming of the globe.
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Just to give those who arent aussie or who dont live in Australia, an idea of just how bad this is. And it's only getting worse. This started in August. Our winter.
My country is on fire. I live in the Australian Capital Territory, or Canberra. My city is covered in smoke everyday from the fires that are all around us. Some towns are gone. Many people are stuck because the fires have surrounded them. People are dead and missing. Hundreds of homes have been destroyed. Today, it has gotten even worse. 4000 people are currently sitting on the water at the coast because the land is too dangerous. The fires are closing in everywhere. We are terrified. If this doesnt make the people in power, especially in my own country act on the climate crisis, I dont know what will. #ourhouseisonfire
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This is why organizations that tackle food waste at an industrial scale are so important!
Nearly a third of all food produced ends up thrown away, most of it being perfectly fine! These end up decomposing and releasing large quantities of methane (a gas that's ≈25x more potent than CO2) which further accelerates climate change.
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An important analysis from Christopher Sebastian on how the right are using an imagined concern for animals as a means of demonising protestors.
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