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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
I don’t want to hurt you,“ he says. “I don’t care,” I tell him honestly, and I don’t. He could leave me for the moon and I wouldn’t regret a second of the time we spent together. I know in this moment that I would rather have my heart broken than not have this. I make a contract with myself. I will love him and forget the consequences - just this once. He can have everything.
S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #255 (via blossomfully)
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
all I do is say I don’t care then cry about it later
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
 lexie smiled at juniper. it had felt like forever since her and her oldest friend had been here. it was their favourite bar to head to when they were both in town. “I know it’s made a few changes since we last came here together. they revamped it and made it a little more cozy which i love. They changed the menu and added a few more speciality cocktails which are delicious” lexie said smiling. “Yes! I swear I leave everytime with a sore stomach. but i love it. i think it is still my favourite bar of all time”
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irises focused on the girl as she spoke, their attention only flickering when she allowed her hand to bring her glass to her lips . ‘ its .. cute . i love it honestly, ‘ juniper stated after, ‘ it definitely has a new tone, but it works . it really works , ‘ she smiled , placing her glass back in it’s original spot.  ‘ i almost forgot what city humor was like .. it was a nightmare heading back to california with jokes, and slang and just behavior that the west coast just didn’t get . ‘ she told her friend, ‘ it’s almost like culture shock ? i feel like that might be the wrong phrase but it was crazy, ‘ she laughed . ‘ but i missed this; new york, this bar, you ! it’s feels like its been forever . ‘ 
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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may thirteenth and may fourteenth, twenty nineteen. 
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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tiredness hijacking every bone, muscle, and nerve in the brunette’s body placed juniper in hands of dizziness and injected more then enough sleep haha’s then she could bare . her eyes had felt heavy and her legs had felt as if they no longer belonged to her .. yawns fell from her lips, and her brain had begged her to catch an uber home and crawl into her cloud like bed, entangle herself in her own soft sheets . but despite how tempting the idea was, juniper could not force herself to leave the four walls of the studio . instead ? she seemed to have done everything but sleep . she rubbed her eyes, span around in her chair, even got up and did jumping jacks . and when that failed ? she let out a big old huff and puff, grabbed her purse and headed for the vending machines . her ambition and excitement she had for her new album being to dominant and powerful to let the tiredness win. or at least that’s what she told herself as she grabbed the fourth redbull from the vending slot . she was going to drink these, power through and then she would sleep . it was the perfect plan .. or more like it seemed like the perfect plan before she turned around and spotted another . the reality that holding four red bulls in her hand seemed a bit crazy hitting her right in the face . and well ? she couldnt help but laugh at herself . full on laugh . ‘ god i look insane don’t i ? ‘ she asked the bystander, a sleepy smile on her lips . ‘ i swear , im not but  i wont blame you if you answer yes . ‘ she laughed, head shaking . ‘ im .. trying to fight of sleep and well ? whats better to do that then getting a caffeine high ? ‘ she told them, holding the red bulls up and shaking them slightly .
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
me: *says dog’s name*
dog: *ignores me*
me: *repeats his name a million times until he looks up*
me: love you
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
im in a big mood to write so ! if you want a personal starter like this maybe? and if you would like to plot ( or plot some more ) please just message because i could definitely use more !!
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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head nodding along to the music that fell from the speakers, juniper would have normally been to lost in her own little world to catch the mumbling of another . but today ? she seemed to be in some sort of funk . one that sat on the line of oddly good. ‘ it’s catchy, ‘ she told him, laughing slightly at the fact that she kind of just barged in on the males own personal conversation . ‘ i mean thats probably why they play it .. it’s a nice little song . ‘ she smiled, ‘ a fun little beat , fun lyrics .. ‘ she farther explained herself, nose scrunching . 
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Victor stopped people-watching for a moment as the song coming from the speakers changed. He knew this song. He knew this song very well and he wasn’t the biggest fan. “Why’d they have to choose this one? It wasn’t even one of our good ones,” he muttered to nobody in particular. Victor had written this particular song earlier in his career and although it was popular, it was kind of embarrassing for him to hear it now. 
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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acrylic white nails tapping soundlessly and softly again the hard surface, juniper found her warm orbs on the man that has been filling her ear drums with laughs for the last hour. the taste of malibu rum and pineapple still sitting boldly on the tip of her tongue, reminding her for the second time that maybe just maybe she should slow down . her eyes being pulled from the man and to a female as her voice hit juniper’s ears . a small smile taking capture of her lips. ‘ i haven’t been here in years , ‘ juniper commented, ‘ it feels like it changed so much ‘ her eyes had now taken a small trip around the building. it along with many other buildings and even people, sending a clear message of just how fast things change when you are not around. ‘ i was thrilled to see that they still can put on a show , ‘ she beamed, ‘ i’ve laughed so hard tonight my stomach literally hurts. ‘ 
Lexie needed a good laugh and she knew exactly the place to go. The girl arrived at her favourite comedy bar and was excited to laugh and drink for a few hours. The minute she walked into the bar she was already laughing and she knew she was in for a good night. Lexie smiled as she down at the bar. “i love this place” she said to herself thinking no one else was listening. before she had a chance to order herself a drink she was in hysterics again from the guy on stage. 
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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a small giggle danced on the female’s plump lips, her brown hair moving slightly as her head shook. ‘ how ... how did you even manage to do that ? ‘ she questioned, curiousness sitting in her eyes before flashing the girl before her a softer smile. “ i was doing some writing but , i could use a break . ‘ she stated, “ food run ? we can come up with a plan to break back into your home once we have food in our bellies . “ 
“my first time back in new york in months and the first thing i do is lock myself out! awesome.. what are you doing right now? i have a lot of free time at the moment!”
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
I still remember you as a little girl who overwaters plants because she doesn’t know when to stop giving.
Trista Mateer (24 of 30)
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juncpers-blog · 6 years ago
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margo:  i am proud of me.  i’m such a good friend.  margo:   ew stop unstan he’s a dweeb stan me instead i don’t partake in crackhead activities.  margo:   so you can fly in real life?? i’d pay to see that sis.  margo: awww how sweet. i’d trade elvie for a bag of licorice and he’s the closest thing i have to a brother. !!! i would love to june!! sounds fun. we can have a sleep over? i’ll bring my big comfy blanket. 
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juniper: truly an angel from above . what would i do without you ? 
juniper: but .. crackhead activities make life a little more fun .., 
juniper: is that sarcasm i sense ??? please change your tone girly 
juniper: no but um i can get on a plane and fly so that counts !!! 
juniper: i feel like .. we’ve all been there before ? when i was younger i tried selling my brother, made a sign and everything .. please, we’ll have so much fun ! im screaming 
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