juhggies · 1 year
four headcanons that i have about our muse's relationship // @behttys
at their homecoming, betty taught jughead how to slow dance. he was reluctant, but betty insisted it was the essential prom experience. he only did it because betty promised him milkshakes afterwards, but it ended up being nice.
out of the core four, jughead sends memes to betty the most, or anything that makes him laugh in general.
once a month, jughead and betty have a traditional food trip together. neither of them remember how it started but they go and travel out of riverdale to have a food trip, each of them picking a few places they've saved to visit.
jughead often falls asleep on betty's shoulder. when he's sitting next to anyone else, he might tilt his head back or get in all sorts of positions to fall asleep, but when he's sitting next to her, his head immediately tilts towards her shoulder.
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juhggies · 1 year
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬,  𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑚 𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒.
the year of 2023 in photos:  betty cooper,  veronica lodge,  jughead jones,  & archie andrews.
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juhggies · 1 year
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GOSSIP GIRL (2007–2012) 5.03 The Jewel of Denial
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juhggies · 1 year
just spotted that rant complaining about shipping in the rpc (the one using an ableist slur as an insult, which already discredits the post's validity in my eyes) and i just wanted to offer my two cents.
"remember when people wrote with you nonstop, bombed your DMs with headcanons and gushings, tagged aesthetics that reminded them of the shipped muses? remember when people actually knew how to juggle and be a partner? it was a double effort and we had loads of fun."
i just did a poll on this blog to determine how long people have been in the rpc... and 66% of the people that voted have been here for 8+ years. do you know what that means? it means "back in the day" when we were "writing nonstop" or when we "knew how to juggle and be a partner" many of us were younger. a lot of us were in high school or college, or we didn't have jobs, or we weren't old enough for huge responsibilities. many didn't have families or kids. we didn't have the responsibilities 8 years ago that we do now.
many of us have busy irl lives with travel, work, children, spouses, family members to look after, animals to care for, money troubles, schoolwork, medical issues. homes to look after, groceries to buy, mental health struggles, irl friends to visit with, etc. as much as we all love this hobby, and we want to find people who are passionate about our characters or our writing as much as we are... you are not owed this. you were never owed this. it was simply easier a few years ago.
you are owed kindness, basic human decency, and a respect for your blog rules. you are not owed ships. you are not owed someone's passion or their constant enthusiasm or their time away from irl events. you are not owed their daily messages, their instant replies, their eternal passion for your ship.
"i long for the days that when someone said they wanted to ship with your muse, they meant it."
they still mean it. unfortunately... they don't always have the time. our lives have evolved and with that, the rpc has evolved into something with less pressure, less demand, less of an obligation. and that's okay, because we have irl things to worry about. this is a hobby. this is not a job. more important things in our lives have taken priority. the rpc has changed... and that's okay.
finally, and most importantly, you should know better than to use the term "spastic" as a derogatory term in your quest to insult these people.
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juhggies · 1 year
the whole reason for this ruse to begin with was so betty could save face in front of varchie; to save herself from their pity and their constant quote-unquote worry over whether or not their relationship would disrupt their own friendships with the other girl. story of their teenage lives, really. jughead had been content to stay out of it until betty pulled him in. and, at first, he'd made peace with it, even willingly had gone along with it if only to help betty gradually save herself from pining over a boy who couldn't make up his mind.
but, now, he feels like every hangout is some staged social experiment. jughead could tolerate lots of things, but he refuses for his and betty's friendship to be reduced to a being a prop on her arm. no matter the echoes of appreciation that he hears every time they survive another damned double date, he's growing more and more uneasy.
" why do you want to keep doing this ? what's it gonna take, betty ? what's the endgame here ? 'cause i, for one, would love t'know. "
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          FAKE DATING JUGHEAD JONES WAS  not supposed to  hurt  this much,  actually.  but his words had made betty flinch,  brows furrow,  and dare she say her face felt hot,  eyes felt wet.  she wasn't crying,  but one  MINOR  insult,  and perhaps it would blow the gasket over.   " oh, i definitely know you are an asshole, jughead jones. no ifs, ands, or buts about it. "   she's proud to say her voice hasn't even cracked,  and she's gotten good at bottling up at least parts of her negative emotions.  
             betty doesn't see him like  this  often,  taken aback,  showing more feeling than adoration for his burgers and comics.  it's how he's  always  been,  and she blinks in surprise,  too;  at both her own actions,  and his reaction.  betty cooper continues to surprise herself.    " if i look like a fool, at least i'm being honest with how i feel. and putting the work to get over it. "   because it doesn't take a genius to know she had harbored feelings for the boy next door since  elementary school,  and it takes time to get completely over it.  a part of her wonders if she ever will.    " if you don't want to do this with me anymore, jug - "   she mutters angrily,  taking a deep breath and pushing her hair away from her face.    " just say it. "
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juhggies · 1 year
how do strangers perceive you ?
lightning never strikes the same place twice : midnight phone calls. original art hanging on the wall. indie music. the color blue and the feeling of knowing someone your whole life. you have a striking appearance. your best feature is probably your eyes. you're a rare soul, hard to figure out and impossible to forget. you probably don't speak often, but each word carries weight somehow. even when you're joking, you're revealing a tiny piece of you. you want to be loved so badly. you don't know that you already are.
tagged by : @behttys tagging : you !!
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juhggies · 1 year
" often enough to have a growing tab. " he admits, a sheepish shrug in pop's direction as he raises a brow at the young man. " but, it's really the only place that gets burgers just how i like 'em. " it's a well known fact that jughead isn't all too picky, willing to eat just about anything that gets close enough to his mouth. but, he does have opinions and standards, after all. pops just ticks every box. " and, you ? what're you doin' out so late ? "
it came to the brunette's surprise upon hearing this new information, she never cared to pay full price, but it's such a nice deal. " huh, you must come often to know this. " she commented, taking the menu in her hands while glancing between the pages. " is this the reason why you're so groggy in mornings? coming here late at night, eating your heart's desire? " she chuckled closing the menu, pushing it to the end of the table. notifying pop she was ready to order. " strawberry milkshake and a side of fries, please. "
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juhggies · 1 year
maybe it was too soon, but the fact it was framed in a joke makes him feel like he can breathe. snorting and shaking his head, he brushes his thumb over the edges of the tickets. it's a sentimental thing that he's sure betty would understand despite her efforts for the environment. " oh--- well, she was s'pposed to come, but decided to hang out with her friends instead. guess, she's too cool to see a movie with her big brother. " really though, he doesn't mind. jughead's never been too bothered by solitude. but, if he hears one 'lone wolf' joke, he might vomit. " and, it so happens that i might have a ticket for betty. since jellybean didn't tell me soon enough. " holding out one of the stubs, he finally smiles the way jughead jones usually smiles at betty cooper, light and fond. " we are gonna be in the dark, though. i'm wondering if either of us should be worried. "
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          SHE SUPPOSES HE'S GOTTEN BETTER  with his instincts  -  or at least she had hoped,  because the voice at the back of her head will remind her she can't be by his side forever,  no matter how this ends.  jughead jones and betty cooper took  TOTAL OPPOSITES  to a whole new level,  and the werewolf hunter and her werewolf ?  it was just another,  annoying,  added level.  the blonde will pause,  eyes flickering to the ticket stubs and  -----  of course  he would have ticket stubs.   " so now you're killing trees for slashers too, huh ? "   wonders for a moment if it's too soon,  but just because she wasn't  EXACTLY  who she said she was,  didn't mean she wouldn't call out non-sustainable practices at the same time,  okay ?  still.  it might've been her throwing up a wall against the  warmth in her stomach  when her intial reaction was      ' oh, jug '   .   she'll shake her head in response to his question,  eyes studying him carefully.    " i'm here alone. is jellybean around ? "   she's asking if the rest of his family's pack is around,  too.   " ...  you got an extra ticket for this girl i know, called betty, by any chance ? "
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juhggies · 1 year
heaving a sigh, jughead mulls over the wise thing to say. what he wants to say is, that she should know better than to turn it into a competition, and even if she insists it isn't one, that's exactly how it sounds. but, it would only propel her further into her souring mood. instead, he digs in his pocket for his phone, navigating into his saved recipes folder on instagram. " an amazing dinner doesn't have to be extravagant. i should know. i'm as lazy as they come, but i still want my food to taste good. on the occasion that i actually make myself something, i saved a bunch of twenty minute dinner type recipes. ------you wanna try one ? "
" i wanted to try something new! i'm always baking cookies, cupcakes, and other desserts. i thought ... well maybe if i'm good at those, i could be good at making dinner. " the heiress quietly admitted, waving the smoke out of her face as she closed the grill. turning off the knobs before slamming the kitchen glove down in defeat. " she offered, but i refused. " veronica crossed her arms in annoyance. " i wanted to make the amazing dinner for once! " she exclaimed, upset that her plan didn't go accordingly.
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juhggies · 1 year
what greek god are you ?
ATHENA : congrats, you're a lesbian icon. you stunt on everyone who's only smart in the high INT way, or only smart in the high WIS way, by effortlessly combining both street smarts and academic knowledge to form an unstoppable pub quiz power house. you don't have to posture or perform. people know not to fuck with you because your reputation speaks for itself. unfortunately this does also scare off people who you could have gotten along with because you're incredibly intimidating. you can come off as cold, or arrogant, or downright callous even if you don't mean to. partly that's because you keep your cards close to your chest and don't like to really display your emotions openly. you prefer to share yourself only with people you trust completely. that's fine, but those aren't exactly a dime a dozen and you'll give yourself emotional constipation from all that swallowing stuff down while you wait for them. you're allowed to feel things in public sometimes, queen. it doesn't make you weak. plus, just because you don't show it doesn't mean you don't feel deeply! in fact, you probably experience emotions a lot stronger than many people who are more open about it, and you tend to lose yourself in memories a lot. you hold yourself to a really high standard, and therefore you have a lot of regrets, especially around the person you would like to be for your loved ones. those stay with you, and the guilt propels you onwards. just make sure it doesn't end up dragging you down. also partly that's because you don't suffer fools and you have very little patience for people who can't keep up with you. again, work, but let's be honest here: very few people can. and that's fine! not everyone's mind has to work like yours, at 5000 miles a minute and with the same amount of clarity as an MMO raid screen. like, that would drive most people crazy. it drives you a little crazy sometimes! just because they might take a little longer than you to arrive there doesn't mean it's not worth stopping and waiting for them. they might have something to share about the things you missed while you were racing ahead. the world isn't always black and white, and you would have a much easier time with pretty much everything if you let a little of that grey into your life every now and then. prommy.
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juhggies · 1 year
good morning, starting a petition to have a band au (is it an au thought if it's canon in some comics). jughead as drummer as per usual. and we have a battle of the bands thread or sumn...
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juhggies · 1 year
SWEET SLICE OF LIFE. ↳ for uncomplicated interactions with no bigger picture. there are references to food and alcohol in this meme.
"do you want to grab lunch later in the week? i feel like we haven't hung out enough recently."
"i saw this the other day and thought of you. i hope you like it."
"did you see that new romcom yet? i've heard it was incredible."
"[name] gave me the nicest gift last week for our anniversary. [pronoun] has excellent taste in jewelry."
"i've had the new taylor's version on repeat since it came out and i think it's safe to say that i'm obsessed."
"would it be bad if i were to have accidentally washed an expensive cashmere sweater in hot water?"
"there's a possibility the dishwasher is leaking, and by possibility, i mean that there is a standing inch of water in the kitchen now."
"are brussel sprouts supposed to smell that bad while they're cooking?"
"all i want to do is quit my job and get paid to lay on my couch watching chopped."
"if i'm being honest, i don't want [pronoun] coming back to my apartment after the champagne flute incident of '21."
"i didn't think that class could get any more boring, but today we literally watched paint dry for ten whole minutes."
"we're renovating the kitchen. do you think we'd need a hot water tap on the sink?"
"i've been playing candy crush for three hours. i spent twenty dollars. please take my phone away from me. please."
"i wrote this poem and i really like it, but i was wondering if you'd want to set it to music? cool if you don't, it was just something i was thinking about."
"do you want to go to the beach? i know it's a twelve hour drive, but i want to feel the sand under my feet."
"well, it happened. my ipod from 2005 finally bit the dust. it was a good eighteen years, but i guess it's time to move on."
"it was a mistake. it won't happen again. honestly, i don't see how i could make that mistake again. you don't forget you're at a funeral and open tiktok every other week, you know?"
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juhggies · 1 year
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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juhggies · 1 year
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑦 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑠
Feel free to add context if needed! Add "Reverse" to any action to swap the roles!
[BRUSH] Sender offers to brush receivers hair
[STYLE] Sender offers to style receivers hair
[ADJUST] Sender straightens/fixes receivers clothing (Tie, coat, hair accessory, etc.)
[FASHION] Sender brings over an outfit for receiver to try on
[EAT] Sender brings receiver food while they're focused on another task.
[KISS] Sender kisses receiver on the cheek
[FOREHEAD] Sender kisses receiver on the forehead
[HUG] Sender suddenly hugs receiver
[REST] While out on a walk, sender guides receiver to sit down somewhere and rest.
[OPEN] Sender opens something for the receiver (pickle jar, package, etc.)
[GIFT] Sender gives receiver a small gift (Make sure to name what it is!)
[PAY] Sender pays for receivers meal
[HOLD] Sender hugs receiver and holds them close.
[LIFT] Sender picks up receiver princess style
[HIGH] Sender gets something off the high shelf for receiver
[WATER] Sender brings receiver a water bottle
[HAND] Sender takes receivers hand so they don't get lost in a crowd.
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juhggies · 1 year
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𝐉𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 & 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀 , © / © / ©
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juhggies · 1 year
what tragic death are you ?
the betrayal : you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
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juhggies · 1 year
jughead can tell when someone's staring at him, feels the hairs bristle at the back of his neck and a tickling behind his ears. shoulders tense at the expectation of --- something, whatever it was. and, although his immediate instinct is to be relieved to see a familiar face. the familiar face is also his would be hunter, betty cooper, out of all people. worry gnaws at the edges of his smile. he wishes he could be happier to see her rather than it be tainted with the bad blood that has since grown cold. hopefully. " guess there's no hiding from you, is there, betty ? " holding up the movie stubs ( yeah, he could get the barcode on his phone, but he liked collecting the stubs ), jughead confirmed it indeed is a slasher. " you know what they say, slasher summer--- reshowing of scream. but, did ya really come all this way to watch a movie ? or, did you come with a friend ? " genuine curiosity bleeds into his tone, peeking around her with a raised brow. it wouldn't be surprising if betty immediately caught anyone's interest. her and ronnie did turn heads wherever they went.
@juhggies / @de2thlettergone 💗.
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         there are better ways to go about this.  she could send a text,  announce that she sees him.  she could make herself noticable,  for it's not hard for people to be drawn to her when  BETTY COOPER WANTS TO BE SEEN  ( veronica taught her well ).  alas,  the two have found themselves in california,  near the city of angels,  and though betty herself has been called such  -  it takes a bit more work to stand out in a city filled with those like you.  the blonde takes into consideration the fact she's grown up with him,  and he her,  so even if the california september weather is a bit too  WARM  for her liking,  her and jughead had truly never had such a thing called  personal space,  had they ?   " i found you. "   and okay,  yeah,  she definitely coulda been  NICER  than sneaking up behind him in the movie theatre lines,  jellybean somewhere else,  she's sure.  hands land on his shoulders,  giving a light squeeze,  hopefully he recognizes her touch the way she does his.  to anyone else,  it would be flirty;  and perhaps it was,  and betty cooper found herself  flirting with death  more often than not.  " what're we watchin', jug ? i hope it's a slasher. "   what ?  it was september.  the entire month was basically halloween's eve.  a girl has needs !  and besides,  what a way to start a conversation between werewolf and werewolf hunter  after months of seeing each other,  no ?  
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