Chihiro: Not even a little bit!
Chihiro: But they're TV shows... They're not real, so things will probably be very different. =/
Judy: Sorry ^-^"
Judy: Yeah but, they have some truth to them. Even if it's not entirely true.
Judy: But you're right, it probably will be different.
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Hermes laughed when she jumped. “Yeah, I’m Hermes. Thanks for letting me know you found Happy’s notebook.”
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“Hermes? That’s an unusual name,” Judy muttered. She looked at the notebook in her hand. “I didn’t realize Happy was a name,” she said. “I thought it was, like, one of those positive reinforcement type deals.”
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Meet Up
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Stitch: Well that's rude
Stitch: WAS IT MARKL???😠😠
Judy: I don't know! Like I said, it was just sitting here on some bench in the courtyard...
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Victor: I don't think it counts when you are trying to figure out who it belongs to.
Victor: If you found a wallet you'd go through to look for a card would you not?
Judy: I think it counts. It definitely counts.
Judy: Well I would look to see if there was an ID present WITHOUT me looking through their wallet... Normally people have it at the front of their wallet, so you don't normally have to go through someone's wallet.
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As soon as Hermes read the text, he popped his head out of his office door. He wouldn’t have known who to look for if he hadn’t seen Happy’s notebook in the girl’s hand. He waved at her. “I’m right here.”
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Judy nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the man’s voice. “Cheese and crackers!” Judy gasped, “You scared me half to death. Are you.... the guy I’ve been texting?” 
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Meet Up
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Our muses have been set up on a blind date. Send ✿ for a starter.
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Send me “☼” and I’ll generate a number between 1-25 to see what my muse says to yours. You can also send me a sentence if you want.
Keep reading
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“I know, right!?” Judy gasped, “Like, I know Thanksgiving is an American thing, but there are plenty of Americans here. Right? So... we should totally celebrate it!”
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“One thing that sucks about being out here is y’all don’t even celebrate Thanksgivin’. That’s so much good food y’all missin’ out on.” 
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Meet Up
Judy was standing outside of the Student Affairs office with the notebook she’d found in hand. She’d been waiting there for a few minutes before she realized she had no idea who she was waiting for. It could be the girl sitting in the waiting area, or the guy who’d just walked out of one of the offices. After realizing how pointless standing there was, Judy took out her phone to text the person she was supposed to be meeting.
Text: Hey um... I’m here! Not really sure who I’m looking for though...
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Chihiro: Thank you and I hope not!
Chihiro: :/ maybe you should watch less.
Judy: Well if you ever feel like you're in danger, you should go to campus security. Or don't go places alone! ...I'm not helping, am I?
Judy: But I like those shows! They gives me (kind of) an idea of what it'll be like when I graduate and become an officer.
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Mushu: ... Do you take everything so literally?
Mushu: I mean a youngster like a freshy or a sophy somebody small. Not an actual kid.
Judy: Even a sophomore or a freshmen would still not be a kid. I mean, you have to be at least 18 to enter college. 18 makes you an adult, not a kid.
Judy: I don't take EVERYTHING literally.
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Bo: No there's not.
Bo: I don't know what you're talking about. You're confusing.
Judy: Yes there is. You could be a psycho killer for all I know. If I meet up with you, then you have the chance to do awful things to me. But through text, I have the safety of privacy.
Judy: I'm confusing!? YOU'RE confusing!
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Nick: Ouch.. I think you need to work on your people skills.. Im a little hurt.. Except you did violate it.. Hey dont take it too hard, Its just.. Well I cant have the book back now. No.. I wouldnt leave it open.
Judy: My people skills are just fine, thank you!
Judy: Why can't you have the book back? What does leaving it open have to do with not getting it back? Is it not yours?
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A condescending smile formed on her face. “Well la-dee-da, don’t we just have a real hero over here? That’s a precious notion, really. Love it,”
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“Are you being sarcastic?” Judy asked. “You sound very sarcastic to me.”
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Hermes: Yeah, his name was on the notebook. You said it yourself.
Hermes: It's on the South side of the campus, by lost & found and the medical center.
Judy: His name? Happy? That's weird...
Judy: OK! I can have it there ASAP! :)
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Chihiro: Right....
Chihiro: Agh... so annoying.
Chihiro: My name's Chihiro! Chihiro Ogino, if they need a full name to remember me by.
Judy: Yeeeeah...
Judy: Suppose?
Judy: OK, Chihiro. Cool name. And I'm sure no one's stalking you ^-^" I'm just uh... you know... I watch a lot of crime shows.
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“You tell me. I just got here a few days ago.”
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“Maybe it’s just your nerves. You know, being in a new place and all. It’s a scary thing.”
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