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This is for all the people who will always have my back; Brooklin, Hannah, Jessica, Sarah, and Emily. You have all had such a positive effect on my life, and I don't know where I would be without you. You've been there for me at my lowest point and were only one phone call away. I now have five extra moms and I wouldn't change it for anything. The songs I chose in this blog remind me of you, whether its when we blast it on the way to Walska or scream it while we drive the backroads of Jasper. I love y’all to death, and you all deserve the world.
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Redneck Woman by Gretchen Wilson, I would say, is the anthem of our friend group. Although I do not consider any of us redeck women, we know every line to this song. This song reminds me of when we all pile into Brooklins “mom car” and drive through Jasper just so we can roll down the windows to scream “hell yeah” and “yee-haw”. This is not the cutest song, but I feel like it defines our friendship, and that makes it the greatest song. I hope in forty years we roll our windows down on our minivans to scream “hell yeah” along with Gretchen Wilson.
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This is Brooklins song
Brooklin, this is our pre-party hype song. Although, both of us trying to rap to this song is more fun than any party I have ever been to. After discovering this song in September, it is always the last song we play before getting out of the car. Listing to this song without you doesn’t feel right. This song takes me back to sitting in your passenger seat, laughing at how bad we are at rapping. All of our “Mexican restaurant therapy ” sessions mean more to me than I could ever tell you. You have always been there for me and always laugh at my bad jokes. Our handshake will forever be engraved in my mind along with the memories we made together. You truly are the most caring and kind-hearted person I know. I love you.
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Counting the stars, where the cool grass grows
Nitty gritty dirt band
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This is Jessica’s song
Jessica, you know you’re my favorite sister. We've been singing this song together since I was 3 and I don’t think we will ever stop. It started when we were sitting in the back of Aunt Marlas black Toyota. Now driving through Statesboro singing this song in our most southern accent has been the highlight of my time at Georgia Southern. You make every bad day I have better. You are like sunshine to me. You make me feel happy, warm, and protected. You always know how to calm me down when I'm stressed, and take me to get Mexican food when I'm sad. Without you, I would be lost and have no one to share memes with. I love you.
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Me and Hannah at Emily's New Year Eve party
December 2017/ January 2018
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This is Hannahs song
Hannah, I couldn't tell you how many times we have listened to this song. This song reminds me of the summer of 2016. You all were moving away to college, so we tried to hang out as much as possible and was on repeat every time. We must have listened to this song a hundred times that summer and it never got old. I don’t think this song will ever get old because I have so many memories of you connected to it. You are so lovable, Hannah. When you walk in everyone cheers up and you know how to make any situation not awkward. You always bring the games and can sing almost any song perfectly off the top of your head. You have endless stories and funny memories. Even though we don't see each other often when we do its like you never left. I love you.
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This is Sarahs song
Sarah, listing to this song reminds me of our “emo phase’. The days when I wore my hair over my face and black eyeliner under my eyes. Every time I listen to this song I send you a Snapchat of me singing “ a loaded gun complex…” because I know you hate when I say the wrong lyrics. I feel like this song bonded our friendship, and without it, we would've had nothing to listen to on the band bus. You are so unique and I love that about you. You are hilarious and so welcoming to new people. I have never seen someone become friends with a stranger as fast as you can. You give great advice and helped me so much in the lowest point of my life. I love you.
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This is Emily's Song
Emily, you already know this is your song. This song can start any party, but specifically your new years’ party. When I listen to this song it reminds me of all the new years we spent at your house. Always screaming “It must be a crime to be as fine as you” is tradition, and I will never forget it. Emily, you are an old soul. You are the original “mom friend”. You always have Advil and a shoulder to cry on. You know what to say when someone needs comforting and you always stand up for us. You are the best cook and know the best places to eat. You are so generous, and loving to everyone you meet. I love you.
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Me, Lucy, and Emily at Caleb and Skylar's house
September 2018
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This is Caleb and Skylar's song
Caleb and Skylar, I think you're part of the group now. Brooklins 21st birthday in Nashville wouldn't have been the same without you. This song reminds me of you two and that weekend. Whenever the song comes on it reminds me of you and all the memories we have already made. It reminds me of the “family dinner” nights and all the times we sat at the barn just to talk. Both of you have such big hearts and are so easy to talk to. Without you guys, my Saturday nights would be boring. You are the most caring and fun to be around guys I have ever met. Caleb, you're always the life of the party. Skylar, you make every party more fun, especially when your Irish accent comes out. I'm so glad we met and I can’t imagine life without you both.
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People say I've got a drinkin' problem, well that ain't no reason to stop
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This song reminds me of my hometown, Jasper, Georgia. I grew up in Jasper, so did my mother, and her mother too. I lived in the same house for most of my life and went to school with the same people. Without Jasper, I would've never met my friends that I have now. My friends all have very different personalities but when we're together we laugh constantly. My friends have a huge influence on my life and I can't imagine it without them. My small hometown brought us together, and we now have a bond that can’t be broken. For that reason, my small town will always hold a special place in my heart. Jasper, I love you.
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