jswannabethin · 25 days
Reasons to ⭐️ve
- to make them regret
- to make them jealous
- no flabby arms
- thigh gap
- no chaffing
- thin waist
- ull be able to see ur ribs
- delicate collarbones
- all ur outfits will serve
- ull still look tiny in baggy clothes
- not be embarrassed to be picked up
- validate ur ed
- pretty privilege
- extra confidence
- feeling of control
- people will admire ur control
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jswannabethin · 25 days
let's be real—your problem isn't your metabolism, genetics, or any of the other excuses you keep clinging to.
it's your lack of willpower and discipline.
you say you want to lose weight, but when it comes time to make the hard choices, you cave in every time.
if you can't handle saying no to a donut, how do you expect to achieve anything worth having in life?
until you get disgusted enough with your own laziness, nothing will change.
stop blaming everything else and start blaming yourself.
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jswannabethin · 1 month
things to do instead of food
learn all the lyrics to a song
make slime
watch a movie
go on a walk and look for hot men
do fun makeup looks
make a pinterest board of what u want ur house to look like
dress up like ur favorite characters or celebrities
make edits
sit outside and listen to music
dance and sing to ur favorite songs
get high
go on a bike ride while listening to music
go swimming
shop online
write a story or poetry
do hairstyles
read books outside
create a alter ego of urself new and improved
get all pretty and go shopping
paint ur nails
draw how u feel
watch true crime
have a self care day
make food for ur FAMILY. NOT URSELF. and make sure its something that wont tempt u
binge watch a show
watch all the movies u have been telling urself ur gonna watch
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jswannabethin · 2 months
how do ppl forget to eat? like wdym you’re not thinking abt food all the time 😭
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jswannabethin · 2 months
“You’re more than just a number on the scale!”
Says the stick thin girl.
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jswannabethin · 2 months
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desperately in need of an almond mom
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jswannabethin · 2 months
”did you know diet coke is actually worse than-“ I DO NOT CARE. I. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. FUCK. GIVE ME MY DAMN DIET COKE.
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jswannabethin · 2 months
nothing feels worse than watching yourself gain back the weight you lost
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jswannabethin · 2 months
Anyone have any exscuses for not eating bc im out and not trying to get caught. Pls and thank you🙏
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jswannabethin · 2 months
Ugh the way I would die for this
today i revealed my weight to a boy in my class and he proceeded to tell me how light i was and literally CURLED me and did push ups with me on top of him. not to mention the other people who started gathering around me literally to just TOUCH MY HANDS because of how "bone-y" they are. im so fucking proud of my progress.
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jswannabethin · 5 months
I want to be so thin I scare ppl who have treated me badly I want them to see what they did to me I want them to wish they treated so much better. Especially adults who hated me I want them to be in shame for what they have done.
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jswannabethin · 5 months
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jswannabethin · 5 months
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jswannabethin · 5 months
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i’d sell my kidney to look like alana champion⭐️
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jswannabethin · 5 months
the day i can confidently wear a crop top and jeans is the day i’ve succeeded
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jswannabethin · 5 months
My reminder
You look like the people body positivity was made for
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jswannabethin · 5 months
Rebloging as a self reminder
From today, from this moment, I don't care about your 'ill start tomorrow'. No. No excuses. If you want to be skinny, then act it. And I promise you, you'll thank me in a week.
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