jrwi-rambler · 24 days
Hey you should read my new fanfic read it here
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
Dude it’s been 8 months now I’m going to die I’m going to explode I’m going rat mode riptide come back or I’m crying
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
Psst! I’m writing a new fanfic!!! A big one! It’s called Hold on to what makes you, you (title in progress)
No spoilers, but I’ll post chapter one soon! Keep an eye out!
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
William regrets many things.
Dying, being blackmailed, eating moldy Doritos, and the consequences of his actions, just to name a few.
The consequences of his actions being releasing The Ghost of Party City, leading to the mass possession of his classmates, Tide, and Dakota and Vyncent.
How did this happen?
To understand that, you would have to go back to several hours earlier. When Doug excitedly proposed the idea of throwing a party and Dakota jumping on the bandwagon.
Let the record know that William tried his hardest to stop this. He wanted no part and thought it would be risky! But do his opinions matter?
So that’s how he found himself in the parking lot of a party city.
Oh, and he tried to sabotage. Keyword here is tried.
It didn’t work that well.
William tried getting things that normally would destroy the social reputation of anyone hosting a party.
A robotic Santa, a dragon costume, animal plates.
But he needed to find worse things, and that would be his downfall.
He needed to…
go deeper.
William ventured down the most decrepit aisle to ever exist, from Party City and beyond. The item quality seemed to decrease the farther he went down.
Brightly colored hats with rainbow stripes and pom-poms became boring gray hats, pates of all shapes and colors dulled to muted versions of all colors. God, this aisle looked where joy and happiness went to die.
This was what William was looking for.
But then he saw it. Just a few feet away. A cerulean bag. With a lighter blue banner that seemed to cheerfully proclaim PARTY SIZE in big bold white letters. It was a bag of cool ranch Doritos.
He exclaimed in his whispery voice, “This is perfect!” and went to reach for the bag.
But he froze. For some reason, he really didn’t want to pick up the bag.
He pulled it back, like one would do if they were about to touch a bug or dangerous object.
Slowly, oh so slowly William Wisp reached for this bag of cool ranch Doritos, a bead of sweat dripping down his face.
His hands made contact.
And that’s when he sealed his fate.
Things happened, The Ghost of Party City came out, Dakota fed William the moldy cool ranch Doritos, Vyncent signing a blood contract, blah blah blah.
Fast forward to the party. The party’s in full swing, and so is Vyncent and the rest of the partiers.
Williams really perceptive, and he notices a shine of color over everyone’s eyes and realizes there’s an issue.
Then he sees the ghost and it becomes a bigger issue than it already was.
“Shit, shit, shit!” William muttered. “What do you want?”
“The party to continue on! Forever!” the ghost jovially responded. He waved a hand at all of the people dancing.
This was really ba- “Dakota?! You too?”
William saw as Dakota and Vyncent started to tango. He facepalmed. “God fucking dammit.”
William didn’t know what to do. The ghost seemed to get more and more powerful and more… tangible.
This was not good.
And it got worse when all of the (possessed?) (mind controlled?) partygoers started to dance in a formation that spelled out the party city logo.
William was stuck. He looked for another person, anyone who wasn’t under control. He spotted Cameron, Doug’s little brother, wildly looking around, with a look of fear on his face.
William ran up to him. “Hey, w-whats going on?” Cameron stammered.
William replied, “Something really bad. This is bad. We need to call the cops, or somebody!” “G-good idea!” Cameron said. “Maybe they can stop this?”
But when they came, the Party City Ghost just controlled them too. They joined the dance floor, dancing to the music being played over an invisible speaker. (because they weren’t playing music before the Ghost came)
William groaned.
This wasn’t going well.
All while this was happening there had been a slight tug in Will’s mind, a small insistent voice. “Come on! Let loose! Party until the sun comes up, and then party some more!”
He was able to ignore the voice until now, as it was almost shouting at the same volume as the music pumped from everywhere in the building. “Come on William! You can’t stop this! Just give in and get loose on the dance floor!”
Will clutched his head, wincing, bending over slightly. “S-stop! I-I cant… I n-need to…” he said, desperately trying to stop these thoughts, this force that was trying to bend him to its will.
The music was loud and the lights were strobing, not helping William stay grounded. “C’mon man! S-stay focused!” Cameron said, trying to help while having one hand on Will’s shoulder.
But it isn’t enough.
William seems to go slack with Cameron having a hand on his shoulder, bending down to be at Will’s level.
A shadow seems to go over William’s face, and he’s quiet for too long, to the point where Cameron asks him “Are you okay William?”
No response, until Willam jerks his head up, and the movement startles Cameron.
He notices the RGB swirl of color in Will’s eyes, a tell-tale sign that he is gone, lost to the beat and lights.
“Yeah man! I’m perfectly fine!” William said jubilantly. He looked… too happy. And was that… No. It couldn’t be. “In fact, I’m ready to get to the dance floor!” William stood back up and put his hands on his hips.
Cameron was horrified.
William had cat eye eyeliner on. And glittery eyeshadow. He also had more piercings than before, with a side nose and lip ring and multiple hoops in his ears. He was wearing a black choker with a silver ring, a leather jacket with multiple silver chains, and baggy black cargo pants with three pockets on each side.
His voice even seemed to be less whispery, and that scared Cameron the most. He ran, out of the party and away.
“Come on man! Where are you going?” William said, but Cameron was gone.
Huh. Well, William could barely remember the events leading up to this, so he shrugged and walked to the dance floor.
He started grooving with Dakota, Tide, Vyncent, and all of the people from school and lost everything to the beat of the songs.
The Party City Ghost was pleased and pleasantly surprised to find that it was really easy to hijack this party. All it took was that foolish boy, Vyncent, to sign his contract and bam! He controlled Vyncent and then spreaded like a disease to other people.
This wasn’t the end, of course.
No no no, there was more people to join the party! The Party city ghost floated up to the roof and looked at the rising sun.
He would set his smartest minions out, only a few at a time, to multiple different places to draw people in.
He would make sure that people would follow, what kind of host wouldn’t?
He chuckled. He was quite smart and the rest of the people in this building were fools.
The party city ghost smiled menacingly and went back down to the party room to look at the new helpless slaves, especially William, the one who managed to resist him until the very end.
After all, the ghost reasoned, the party simply doesn’t stop.
(Here’s my mini fic! I hope you enjoy!!)
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
I started writing a mini fic and I will post it here soon and it’s if William got possessed by the party city ghost (be nice to me I’ve never written a fic before)
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
Preferably on YouTube
Psst idk like some help if anyone has a tmk playlist and would be willing to let me have it could I :3
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jrwi-rambler · 1 month
Psst idk like some help if anyone has a tmk playlist and would be willing to let me have it could I :3
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
Guys I may or may not be wondering about my lust
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
Hell yeah soda and Gillion shirts are mine baby!
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
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William Wisp but he got possessed by the Party City ghost and gained Charlie's fit and swag from his recent Instagram story
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
Boo bitch double feature baby
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wtf you can’t stop imagining you, your best friend, and your school crush as wolves in the Yellowstone National Park surviving off of elk, rabbits, and Green Day’s Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
…anyone else think about Summer / Vyncent / William ….. hello …. Is anybotty out there………….
Wiwi - Mexican Wolf
Vyncent - Red Wolf
Summer - Timber Wolf
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
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Viv Weylin
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
I’ve been making a point to say Troy math when I can
Mainly doing dnd calculations
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
Guys I picked up something bonkers Troy says something strange during the racing section of wonderlust. He says he feels meis sabotage in his “tail.” Is this a slip up or is he actually a hybrid? Or maybe I’m just crazy and Troy is being Troy
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jrwi-rambler · 2 months
Guys I think Aeon got to Troy before Blink did. Think about it.
When Troy fell down the trash hole he immediately went unconscious. When Blink found him he was not unconscious. In fact, he was wandering around like he hadn't been for a while. He was pointedly described as roughed and dirtied and beat up, like he'dbeen wandering around getting into trouble.
Also the things Troy says "your my only ticket outa here" to which Blink respinds "why me?" And then troy says "I dunno, I'm not supposed to tell you" and then there's also the red flag of "no one's vhasing you, no one's using fir any ulterior motivation" which are the obvious ones, but I noticed some other more subtle ones.
"All I know is I fell down this freaken' hole, I woke in this wacky situation with all these cooky characters" he says this right before saying Blink is the only one who can help him. Why do I point this out? Because what "wacky characters" has he met besides Blink? He was unconscious, and then wandering around confused, Blink should be the first person that he's talking to. Who else did he talk to for that to be a description of his situation?
He also says "you have gotta run with me, if you wanna make it down here" when he just meets Blink. No hi hello, not even names yet. At this point Troy still thinks it's a convention. Currently, he's chased after Blink for seemingly no reason after proclaiming "you!" It very much seems like he's repeating something someone said to him in an effort to get Blink to trust him.
Lastly is the picture that was accidentally posted to patreon by the jrwi crew. It was in a post that was basically all the images from the first episode, but they accidentally included one from a future episode. The image is Troy sitting on a chair looking kinda nervous or indecisive while the rest of the picture is just darkness. Charlie has said that Troy gets worse during the campaign and also commits war crimes(?)
Here's what I think happened between Troy falling and Blink meeting him. I think the bear guy finds Troy, is like "wtf?" Gets a vixen over, they obviously recognize an uplander, so they fetch Aeon. Troy is a fucking dumbass and she decides she could use that to her advantage. She tells Troy that Blink, the owl man can help him get out, and she'll also help, so long as he reports Blink's actions to her. And maybe also brings Blink up to the surface with him (where he obviously won't come back from).
That's my theory, Troy unknowing villain arc. But idk, maybe I'm doing Troy Math wrong.
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jrwi-rambler · 3 months
Guys it’s jover for me and my money new Jrwi shirts are dropping in like August and I want three of them
The soda one, the William one, and the Gillion one
Let’s go about to have no money left :3
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