Women and Words is on hiatus starting today!
Women and Words is on hiatus starting today!
Greetings, all — I know! Weird, that this day is already here! As you should probably already know, we announced on May 1 that we were going on hiatus June 1. We’re not going to re-hash everything; you can read it in the May 1 post. We do want to reiterate how grateful we are that you all have spent time with us. When Jove and I launched this site just over a decade ago, we weren’t sure what…
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WHAT HAPPENS IF I CAN’T KEEP QUIET? This blog post, the last one I’ll write for Women and Words, is a heartfelt thank you letter to the two people who established this blogger’s collectiveeleven years ago. Andi Marquette and Jove Belle are taking a much-deserved hiatus from their tasks at Women and Words. I only hope that they know their readers and contributors…

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Why is it so hard...?
Why is it so hard…?
The other day I did a full hour of yoga—on my own. And I felt great afterwards! My hips felt loose, my shoulders unknotted, my brain less busy. So why why why don’t I do this more often is the obvious question. Back in the day when I could go to in-person classes, I kept myself on track that way. I mean, I did the occasional home practice, but I let the class be my motivator. It’s the same with…

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Opals and Leather
Since childhood—and I’m talking under five—I’ve wanted exactly two family heirlooms. No one else wanted them so I’m not sure we can even call them that. The first was my maternal grandmother’s opal ring. She promised it to me from birth because I was the only granddaughter and it was my birthstone. The boys (who, again, were not remotely interested) didn’t stand a chance. The second item was my…

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Endings and (Potential) Beginnings
Endings and (Potential) Beginnings
I started blogging for Women and Words in 2012. This place has been part of my life for almost a decade, so obviously I’m sorry to see it go on hiatus. I’ve met some great people, learned about many different places and events, and hopefully brought a little inspiration and enjoyment to others. In the early years of my time on the blog, I lived on the south coast of England, in the bottom bit of…

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With deep appreciation and gratitude we say thank you to Jove Belle and Andi Marquette. Ask the Pros began with a nod from Jove to create a monthly blog that offered encouragement for mental and physical wellness. My wife and I have enjoyed writing for you! We have touched on topics from meditation and exercise, to weathering the former administration and developing pandemic stamina during…
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You can choose to be childless
You can choose to be childless
Hi, all– Just putting in some thoughts even as Women and Words winds down to its hiatus (which begins June 1, ICYMI). I read an essay today on Feminist Giant by Mona Eltahawy titled Essay: Unmothering.” Eltahawy is a feminist author and speaker.It starts thus: I am childfree by choice. My maternal grandmother had 11 children. My mother is the eldest of those children and she has three children…
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Women and Words is going on hiatus June 1!
Women and Words is going on hiatus June 1!
Greetings, all! We know. That headline probably caught your attention and freaked you out. We get it. But it’s okay. We’ll get through this together. 🙂 Here’s the deal. Jove and Andi are alerting you, dear readers, to the fact that we are putting Women and Words on hiatus beginning June 1. We have not made any decisions beyond that. There are several reasons that we’re doing this, but the…
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Thoughts on the Verdict, by Gaile Brown
Thoughts on the Verdict, by Gaile Brown
Hi, friends– Women and Words reader Gaile Brown offers her thoughts on the verdict in the Chauvin trial. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts for murdering George Floyd last year. The Department of Justice just opened an investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department.And now, we’ll turn it over to Gaile. Thank you so much, Gaile, for your…

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You can't get sexier than that!
You can’t get sexier than that!
A reader’s perspective on how doing something is hot! I’m just going to say it, being an environmentalist is sexy!! Proof you ask? One name: Lucy Lawless. I love that a well known Hollywood star is putting her power behind something that impacts us all. Will impact us all. Is impacting us all. Because if you think about it, it’s really tough for someone who depends on traveling to locations to…

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One afternoon eons ago my adolescent self arrived for a routine dental exam. My dentist began the twice-a-year probe, then paused and launched into a lecture lauding the many benefits of the Pritikin Plan Diet. He credited the fat and cholesterol free regimen with banishing the symptoms of heart disease that had begun paying him visits. He returned…

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Shit-Kickin’ Sistahs
In 2009, when I first signed with Bold Strokes Books, I knew nothing of publishing, nothing about lesfic, nothing about maintaining an online author presence. I’d written The Middle of Somewhere, was impressed with myself for having done so, and assumed I’d figure out the rest later. (I know, I know. So naïve!) After the BSB announcement of my debut novel, I received a bunch of welcoming emails…

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#Andi Marquette#Bitterroot Queen#Bold Strokes Books#Dirt Road Books#Dog Ear Audio#Edge of Darkness#Friends in High Places#Jove Belle#The Middle of Somewhere
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Meditation on a Year of Shelter
Meditation on a Year of Shelter
I do not like people. I don’t generally like people in my space. I’m not a hugger. I’m exhausted by all interactions. All of them. Even the ones with people I love. My wife is the only exception. So this past year hasn’t sucked for me, personally. It was difficult to watch the world, the country fall apart in very predictable ways. It was exhausting to watch authority crush vulnerable people and…

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Socially Distanced Moonraking: Moonshine
Socially Distanced Moonraking: Moonshine
With so many events having been cancelled last year, and restrictions continuing for the present, the pressure has been on organisers to find alternative ways to entertain their regular attendees. The Slaithwaite Moonraking Festival usually takes place in the February of odd numbered years, and so was unaffected last year. However, since many of its events are usually communal activities…

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Traitorous Tombs
I haven’t been reading much lately. Maybe it’s the emotional exhaustion, maybe it’s the stagnation of quarantine life. Possibly it’s reading burnout. Never had one of those, but there’s a first time for everything, right? But recently, with the weather changing and the days getting longer, I had more opportunities to take my brother out to the playground, and what��s there to do when you’re…
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Ask the Pros by Angela Grace
Ask the Pros by Angela Grace
What I wish someone had told me before I chose a job/career. Have you ever wished that an older, wiser woman had put her arm around your shoulder and explained the ins and outs of employment? With the shifting sand of employment from the pandemic, I’m writing an addendum to last months blog because I think it is so important that we support each other and younger women who are searching for…
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Pandemic Puzzles by Lori L. Lake
Pandemic Puzzles by Lori L. Lake
A CHALLENGING FAVORITE! The Rare Book Library – 1,000 pieces, White Mountain Puzzles. Because of the Pandemic, and especially during most of 2020, I found myself with time on my hands, feeling lonely, and with nerves to quell. When you’re stressed, is there anything better than getting out a snack, turning on some good tunes, and putting together a jigsaw puzzle? One thing that’s very nice…

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