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Author Interview: Nick Stephens
Author Interview: Nick Stephens
Hi Nick. First I want to thank you for doing this interview. I’ve looked through your Instagram and your Amazon author page. You don’t have much of an author bio out in the world. What do you want your readers to know about you? First, I want to thank you for this interview. Regarding my bio, I’m a bit new to sharing myself and personal things to the public. I’m still trying to navigate it all…
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New Bookish Tumblr Account
Hey everyone. I want to thank those of you who have been checking out the posts that have been promoting my blog content I totally forgot that I had set up my blog to promote across my socials.
I have set up a bookish tumblr account just for my website. The blog posts will be going there now. If you want to follow that account you can find it here
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5 Ways Real Life Mimics Literary Dystopias
5 Ways Real Life Mimics Literary Dystopias
My MA in literature has a cultural studies concentration. This means how literature reflects culture and society, and how society and culture reflects it back. This will will cover everything from folktales to contemporary literature. I am considering doing my masters thesis on Frank Herbert’s Dune. The thing about science fiction is it always deals with some problem of society, some social…

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Glitterati by Oliver K. Langmead is, in the words of Jack Edwards, chef’s kiss. This book is amazing. I want to tell everything about it, but I don’t want to give spoilers. Simone St. Claire is one of the glitterati, the filthy rich fashion elite. He doesn’t follow trends, he sets them. His fashion rival, and co-worker, Justine, has a habit of stealing his ideas and taking credit for them. A…
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Sci-Fi Sunday: An Intro to Science Fiction
Sci-Fi Sunday: An Intro to Science Fiction
Welcome to the first Sci-Fi Sunday. This is going to be a regular feature on the blog. Why? Because science fiction is my jam and it is a highly underrated genre. My life is one of dodging weird looks and being called strange for my love of science fiction. Even as a child, I couldn’t get enough. Sunday nights were the best because Buck Rogers, Space 1999, Star Trek, and the original Battlestar…

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Free or Cheap Ways to Get Books
Free or Cheap Ways to Get Books
I decided to compile this list after reading a Twitter feed sent to me. Over on TikTok there are “influencers” advocating for the return of e-books to Amazon after reading. Apparently, Amazon has no policy on this. This practice harms authors, especially indie authors and writers just starting out. Royalties from returned e-books are deducted from an author’s account. There is also a delivery…
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10 Books I've Loved so far this Year
10 Books I’ve Loved so far this Year
The City We Became Fanfiction Punk 57 The Kaiju Preservation Society The Murderbot Diaries A Lot of People are Saying
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Little Free Libraries and their Ilk
Little Free Libraries and their Ilk
Not everyone is a fan of little free libraries, official trademarked ones or unofficial “rogue” ones. I know, right?! I made the face too. Let me back up. I was looking for ideas to make my own little free library out of something recycled. Why spend a couple hundred dollars on something when you can just as easily reclaim something and give it a new purpose? While scouring the internet I found…

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Terminus is a debut novel by Proto Dagg. Proto Dagg is obviously a pen name and not much is known about them. This makes the story a bit more interesting because of that anonymity. I did find an interview with them here that is rather interesting. I have never known an author to write something without the standard biography blurb found at the back of all books. Moving on. Terminus is a city…
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Guilty Pleasures
My friend Tyler over at My Queer Disabled Life and I were talking about books one gets shamed for reading. For example romance readers get a lot of crap. Women’s Day posted a blog back in 2016, 10 Things You Should Never Say to a Romance Reader, if you want an idea of the unsolicited opinions spewed. I have never been shamed or made to feel guilty for what I am reading, just for reading. I have a…

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Kindle Unlimited Bookshelf
I was inspired by a friend to share my Kindle Unlimited bookshelf. Like an idiot, I have been paying for KU for some time now and haven’t gotten around to using it. I keep forgetting it’s there. Last night I downloaded 20 books (the limit). The books are now in my Kindle library so they will start me in the face every time I open the app. Hey, I’m paying for stuff, I should use it. I came…

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The Book was Better: Dune Edition
The Book was Better: Dune Edition
I read Frank Herbert’s Dune for the first time in 4th grade. 9 year old me didn’t understand the book, found it boring, and I hated it. 9 year old me didn’t understand what was going on in Ursula K Le Guinn’s The Left Hand of Darkness either. Her alien biology worked the way they did because they were aliens, at least in my mind. There was no way I knew the book was a thought experiment on…
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To quote the book itself, “Is it good? It ain’t Shakespeare, but Shakespeare also wrote Titus Andronicus, so you tell me.” Titus Andronicus just happens to be my favourite Shakespeare play. Yes, I know the play has problems, but so does the Republican party and people still support them. Redshirts is based on a Star Trek trope where someone unnamed crew member, wearing a red shirt, dies on an…
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The Oracle of Vitar
The Oracle of Vitar
I was given an advance reader copy in exchange for a review. Unfortunately, the first book on my ARC list is so not my thing. There are people out there who love these kind of books and I am just not one of them. I didn’t hate it, but it is not something I am going to reread and if I ever need to free up space on my tablet, I will delete it. In my brain, this book would have worked much better as…
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You Read Non-Fiction?
Today, over on Instagram, I posted a breakdown of the genres I’ve read so far this year according to Storygraph. I received a comment from someone who seemed genuinely impressed that I – or maybe anyone – read non-fiction and recommended a book to me. Confession time: I read EVERYTHING recommended to me. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Now, I did admit in my post that most of this non-fiction was read for…

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This is where a book review would go if I had one to share. Right now I am just running a test to see if this plug in works properly because getting wordpress to do what you want it to can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
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