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• kim hongjoong is a one of a kind treasure • 24 • she/her
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joongtreasure · 11 months ago
Hihi I just read cupcakes and kisses and it was so cute!!! I was giggling and kicking my feet and everything I can't wait to read more of your work and thank you for writing!! 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
It's been days since I've read this. I really wanted to respond ASAP, but I was nervous. I wanted to make my first message/ask really special.
This message warms my heart so much, like, more than you can imagine. I was not expecting anything at all. Writing isn't my forte, so this made me feel really good about myself. Thank you for being kind and supportive. Please continue to support me and ATEEZ!
Thank you so much again! Wish you all the best! <3
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joongtreasure · 1 year ago
Cupcakes and Kisses
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Mingi x Fem Reader (ft. ATEEZ members) Word count: 6.6k Genre: high school au, jock Mingi, kissing booth au Note/s: Based on the film Kissing Booth (2018). This was in my drafts since 2021? + Mention of Changbin of Stray Kids <3 hehe Photo credits: 1, 2, 3
High school—it's the period for the most embarrassing moments of your life. Not only was it the time for raging hormones and puberty, but also a time for wrong decisions.
And today was no exception.
Today was the last day of the pitch for the spring carnival at KQ Prep. The student council required every club in the school to set up a booth for the event. Or else, no extra funding for club activities.
You were the vice president of the culinary and baking club, or as others would like to call it, the foodies. It's not that bad or insulting, to be honest (depending on you if you take it to heart). It is certainly not for your best friend, Jung Wooyoung, who was also the president of the club.
You and Wooyoung were like a tandem, a buy-one-get-one-free deal. In many ways, you and Wooyoung fill each other up: you were the shy and patient one, while Wooyoung was the confident and loud one. There was never a boring moment with him, but that doesn't mean all moments with him were good. Like right now...
Wooyoung, with a firm grip on your school blazer sleeve, dragged you across the hallway, whining, "It's a good idea!"
You, on the other hand, tried to pull away, saying, "No, it's not!"
Wooyoung grumbled. "The water sports are doing a toss and dunk booth! We have to beat their sorry asses!"
"You just want to beat Changbin!" You tried to pull away again but Wooyoung's grip was so firm that your school shoes were starting to skid against the school floor. "How is a kissing booth by us any better?!"
"It will be a hit!"
"It spreads germs!"
"We'll provide sanitation and mints!"
"We could be sued for public indecency!"
Wooyoung sighed and let go of your hand. "Oh, come on, live a little, Y/N."
You shrugged. "Can't we just make a bunch of food for the carnival? I know everyone will be hungry."
Wooyoung gave you a pointed look. "Everyone is going to sell food and trinkets at the carnival."
"Well," you jutted your chin out in confidence, "we could do, uh, well, an apple bobbing competition?"
Wooyoung scowled at you. "That's boring." He sighed. "Look, the majority of the officers already agreed to the kissing booth, Y/N. Except you."
"That's because you implied that San will be in the lineup of kissers," you stated. "Even though you haven't even asked him yet."
"That's because he and I think alike. Trust me, he would agree."
You pouted. "And trust me, the food will sell."
Wooyoung smiled and patted your head. "Oh, sure, you do that," he said before turning around and scurrying towards the student council's office.
You sighed.
You slumped on the empty front steps of the school, sporting a frown on your face. Wooyoung was taking so long in the meeting. You hoped the kissing booth was rejected by the student council.
The doors of the school opened, the sound of the creaking metal startling you out of your thoughts. You looked back to see Song Mingi, the star of KQ Prep's basketball team, exiting the building and looking fresh out of a shower. He probably just finished practice.
You looked away before he could catch you staring. Mingi was one of those guys who looked straight out of a movie—tall, handsome, athletic, always wears a varsity jacket, drives a Jeep, and center of the school's attention. But it would be foolish to think that he's arrogant and proud like the trope. He's one of the sweetest and nicest people you ever met. 
You had a few classes with him. You could say that the interaction between the two of you is funny. He could be playful yet gentle and respectful at the same time. And in time, you also found yourself liking him like the entire student body.
Unbeknownst to you, as soon as Mingi saw you alone on the steps, he smiled and slightly hurried down. "Hey, Y/N," Mingi greeted, plopping beside you on the warm pavement.
You internally freaked when you saw Mingi next to you. The loose shirt, the sweet scent of his shampoo, and the dopey grin were too much for your poor heart. 
"You had a club meeting today?" Mingi asked.
"Not really," you responded. "I'm waiting for Wooyoung to finish his pitch for the spring carnival."
Mingi nodded. "And what will your club be doing?"
You groaned. "Don't remind me. It's embarrassing."
Mingi chuckled. "Why? It can't be that bad."
You sighed before muttering, "it's a kissing booth."
Mingi's eyes widened in surprise. "That's... interesting."
"It's all Wooyoung's idea," you shrugged. "Nothing better than to capitalize on teen hormones, right?"
"Right," Mingi said monotonously.
Seeing his somewhat dry response, you slumped. "I told you it was an embarrassing idea."
"No, I mean, yes���I mean," Mingi stuttered a response. "It was just unexpected, that's all." Mingi somewhat looked conflicted, but he still smiled softly at you. "Is it alright for me to ask if," he paused.
"If what?"
"If you—I mean, would you be joining?" Mingi asked.
You blinked in thought. "What do you mean?"
Mingi studied your confused expression before shaking his head. "Nevermind," he said, standing up.
You groaned. "Great, now you got me curious."
"It's nothing." Mingi laughed. "But, hey, if teen hormones bring you the money, then, why not?" He said, making you laugh as well. "Got a ride home?"
"Yeah," you smiled, "I'm riding with Wooyoung."
Mingi nodded. "Alright, I'll see you around then, Y/N."
You blushed. "Yeah, see you," you said as Mingi continued his way down the steps.
"Hey," he turned to you one last time, flashing you his oh-so-perfect smile. "You look cute as always, Y/N," he said before heading towards the parking lot. You swore you could've melted right on the front steps that day.
It was no surprise the council approved the kissing booth idea. You totally blame Wooyoung. The boy could probably smooth talk himself out of jail if the situation calls for it.
Your club already started building the podium and mini stage for the booth in the school courtyard because there wasn't room in the Home Economics classroom. The weather was too perfect to ignore by anyone who had free period at the time.
"I'm going to get more paint," Wooyoung said to you before jogging towards the doors and into the building.
You were left alone with a few of your members, who were engaged in a hushed conversation while you minded your own business. 
You took a peak at the guys playing at the basketball court. It's no surprise that Mingi and his friends were playing. They always do during free period. They must really love the sport. 
It is also no surprise that they have a few spectators as well. It's the only time you would ever find Mingi and his friends setting their blazers aside, donning only their school shirts that accentuated their build so heavenly. Not that you were staring…
Speaking of, Yunho and Mingi laughed among themselves as Yunho tried to shoot the ball. Mingi effectively blocked him with his hand, however the ball bounced out of the court. It bounced until it was rolling over the pavement and stopped right where you were painting. You were able to grab the ball before it could barrel into the newly painted podium.
Seeing where the ball ended, Mingi ran towards you. "Hey," he greeted as he picked up the ball and crouched down next to you, "it's looking great. What's it for?" He asked, referring to the podium.
"It's for this week's carnival," you answered with a sigh.
"Right," Mingi chuckled awkwardly. "Umm," he paused, "so what will you be doing while," he drifted off, evidently conflicted as he pondered over his words carefully.
You looked at him funny. "While...?"
"While, you know," Mingi shrugged, "while people are kissing."
"I'll just man the booth," you said nonchalantly. "I'll leave it to Wooyoung and the others to facilitate the germ spreading."
Mingi laughed, looking somewhat happy and relieved at the same time. "Still haven't warmed up to the idea, I see."
Mingi grinned. His face morphed into embarrassment as Yunho called for him from a few meters away. "Are we going to play, or are you too busy mingling, Mingi?"
Mingi rolled his eyes before smiling at you. "I gotta go. I'll see you around, Y/N."
You waved at him as he stood up and went back to his friends. You chuckled at the sight of Yunho giving Mingi a headlock and basically hauling him back to court. The boys laughed between themselves before returning to their game with their other friends.
You were feeling blissful, like how you always felt whenever you and Mingi talked to each other. You truly liked the guy. However, the blissful feeling was short-lived as a wild Wooyoung plopped down next to you. "What was that?!" He asked.
You blinked curiously at him. "What was what?" You looked at the spot you were previously painting. "I'm almost done. I didn't miss a spot as far as I could tell."
Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "I wasn't referring to the podium. I was referring to you and Mingi!" He exclaimed.
You looked at him funny. "It was just a friendly conversation."
"Friendly?" Wooyoung sighed exasperatedly. "Oh no no no, honey, you didn't see what I see. The guy is into you!"
"Don't be ridiculous, Wooyoung," you shook your head. "We have always talked like that. He's just super nice—"
"Na-ah! Again, you didn't see what I see," Wooyoung replied. All of a sudden, Wooyoung's face broke into excitement. He started slapping your arm, making you groan not in pain but in annoyance. "I just thought of the most brilliant idea EVER."
You frowned, not liking where this was going. "What?"
"This is worse than you pitching the kissing booth idea to the council."
"Oh, come on," Wooyoung said as he kept pushing you towards the gym where the basketball team was training. "I will be of service to you forever if you manage to get him."
It was already past class hours when Wooyoung dragged you into putting his idea into action. He said you guys should have a meeting about the spring carnival after class. But alas, he deceived you again. That sly fox, you thought.
Wooyoung faced you towards him. "Alright, your uniform is clean, no evidence of your lunch anywhere," you rolled your eyes as Wooyoung checked you up and down. Wooyoung scrutinized your face before smiling triumphantly. "No booger or drool in sight too," he said.
"You—!" You exclaimed, but Wooyoung turned you around again and shoved you closer toward the gym doors. Sighing, you walked toward it, and right when you were directly in front of the entrance, you looked back at him. "How is this the most brilliant idea you ever had, again?"
Wooyoung shrugged. "The plan here is simple: talk to Mingi and his friends into joining our lineup of kissers so we can get more people to come to our booth."
"I don't want to use him, Woo."
"The man's too soft for you," Wooyoung smiled. "He will do whatever you want, I guarantee."
You gave him the most innocent look you could ever muster in an attempt to change his mind. But Wooyoung just shooed you with his hand and raised his eyebrows pointedly. With a defeated sigh, you opened the doors and entered.
The basketball team was in the midst of a practice game. You immediately spotted Mingi, running while dribbling the ball across the court. When he managed to outrun his opponent, he immediately made his shot, the ball flying through the air and into the hoop. You stared at him, awed as he was in his element. 
A bunch of squeals echoed in the gym. There was an audience watching with excited grins and squeals near the team's benches. It was an open practice after all. Sighing, you sat awkwardly at the side.
The coach blew his whistle, signaling that training was over. The players rejoiced and immediately jogged to their bags scattered on the benches. There were a few girls who called for Mingi, but he only smiled sheepishly and went to his gym bag. 
"Hey, Mingi," Yeosang, his friend and teammate, spoke between his breaths. "Isn't that your friend?" 
Mingi looked at wherever Yeosang was pointing. And true enough, you were there at the edge of the bleachers, awkwardly twiddling with your fingers.
"Yeah," Mingi said, dumbfounded at the thought of you watching their training.
"I think she's looking for you," Yunho, Mingi's best friend, said. He shook his head in amusement, eyeing Yeosang knowingly as Mingi started wiping his sweat and combing his hair deliberately to the back. Mingi hastily gathered his things before approaching you.
"Hey," he greeted with a smile.
You stood up awkwardly. There was something about a wet-haired Mingi in a basketball jersey that had you tongue-tied for a moment. "Uhh, hi, umm, Mingi."
"Were you waiting for me?"
"Umm, yeah, can I talk to you about something?"
"Sure, have a seat," Mingi said as he sat a bleacher apart from you, not wanting you to smell his sweaty state. "What's up?"
"Well, our club is hosting a kissing booth for the spring carnival," you slightly frowned at your awkward self. "Umm, but I think you already knew that."
Mingi chuckled and nodded amusingly. "Yeah, you might have mentioned it once or twice," he joked.
You let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I did, didn't I? But, well, you see, Wooyoung asked me to ask you about something."
Mingi nodded again, urging you to go on.
You sighed nervously. "Can you," you cleared your throat, "can you be—wait, I must emphasize that it was Wooyoung's idea."
"It was Wooyoung's idea," Mingi repeated. "Got it. Crystal clear. Now, what's up with Wooyoung's idea?"
You sighed defeatedly. Well, here goes nothing, you thought. "Can you be one of the kissers for our kissing booth?"
Mingi's eyes turned wide. "What?"
Your lips formed a thin line. "Umm, can you be one of the kissers for our kissing booth?" You repeated, less confident this time.
Mingi blinked unbelievably. "Why me?"
You sighed. "Well, Wooyoung was hoping your friends too. He said that having the players of the basketball team would bring revenue to the booth."
You frowned. "I'm sorry, I told Wooyoung you might be uncomfortable with it, but he insisted that I should still ask you."
"Why would I be uncomfortable with it?"
"I don't know," you shrugged. You were busy playing with the ends of your school blazer as the conversation pursued. "I guess, I didn't pin you to be the type to openly kiss strangers, or show public displays of affection."
"Maybe," Mingi side-smiled, "maybe not. Or, maybe it depends on the person."
"Oh," you muttered, "sorry. I didn't know."
Mingi then leaned on his knees, getting a better view of your slightly flustered face. "Do you want me to be a kisser?"
"What?" You stared at him blankly.  "Well, Wooyoung said—"
"I mean, do YOU want me to be a kisser?" Mingi emphasized, "You as in Y/N L/N, and not Jung Wooyoung?"
You didn't reply immediately, pondering over what his question meant. "Why are you asking me?"
"I don't know," Mingi said. "I feel like I should listen to you."
Why, though? This conversation was going nowhere and it was making you more nervous than before. Not to mention Mingi's inquisitive gaze that had you looking anywhere but him. 
Do you actually want him to, though? I mean, the kissing booth opens so many opportunities, but you were uncomfortable with the thought of him... the thought of him kissing...
"No," you said.
Mingi smiled, nodding at your answer, which confused you. "Then I won't," he sat properly again against the bleacher, letting his intense gaze turn into a soft one. "I won't join then."
"What? Why?" You were dumbfounded. 
"Just tell Wooyoung I'm busy or something," he said. "But I will try to talk to my friends, though. Emphasis on the word 'try.'"
"W-Would you have joined if I said yes?" You probed, but Mingi already stood up as if the conversation was already over, smirking at your confused look.
"Do you have a ride home?" He asked.
"Umm, yeah, Wooyoung's right outside," you answered.
"Well, then, I'll see you around." Mingi smiled at you for the last time before exiting the gym.
You sat back on the bleachers. Though your stance was already relaxed due to the conversation being over, your mind still couldn't wrap around what just happened in the conversation. Would he have agreed if I said yes?
The doors of the gym creaked as someone entered. It was Mingi again. He approached you with a different glint in his eye this time. What now?
"Hey," Mingi greeted. "Could you hold this for a moment?" Before you could ask, he put the object he was referring to in your hand. It was a set of keys—car keys, in particular. "Don't lose it, okay? I'll be quick, I swear." And just like that, he left again.
You stared at the keys in your palm. You really like Mingi, but he was seriously giving you a whiplash at the moment.
Your phone buzzed in your blazer pocket, indicating that you received a text message. You pulled it out to see a text from Wooyoung.
There's an emergency at home. Had to pick up Kyungmin from our grandma's house. Go get your man!
You walked back and forth in the hallway, in front of the boy's locker room. You didn't know why Mingi left these keys with you, but you figured you had to return them to him before you leave for the bus stop. You couldn't just leave it somewhere and message him about it. Someone could steal it. Or worse, someone could steal his car.
Just in time, Mingi exited the locker room, fresh out of the shower and now sporting a big hoodie and sweats. "Hey," Mingi smiled.
"Hey, you gave these to me for some reason," you jiggled the car keys before placing them on his palm.
"Right," Mingi chuckled. "Shall we?"
You stared at him. "Shall we what?"
"Wooyoung already left, didn't he?"
"How did you know?"
Mingi chuckled. "The hallway was empty when I left," he shrugged, putting his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, "I figured he went somewhere."
"Ah, yeah, he said he had an emergency at home," you responded, following Mingi outside the school. 
Truth be told, Mingi met Wooyoung in the hallway.
Mingi smiled as he saw Wooyoung in the hallway. "Hey," he greeted. "Sorry, I don't think I can join. I think I have to visit my grandma that day."
Wooyoung slumped. "Oh, okay. Where's Y/N?"
"She'll be right out, I guess," Mingi replied. "See ya—"
"You like her, don't you?" Wooyoung asked.
"Uhh," Mingi blushed. "I-well, I, umm—"
"Yup, you like her," Wooyoung smirked. "Why won't you ask her out then?"
Mingi sighed. "I don't think she's interested in me in that way."
Wooyoung scoffed. "Believe me, she does." He started walking away. "I'll be taking my leave. Hope you get the guts to ask her out."
Mingi sighed again when suddenly he remembered, "Hey, aren't you her ride home?"
Wooyoung turned around and started walking backward with a smirk. "Am I?" He waggled his eyebrows before disappearing in the hallway.
Mingi grinned and shook his head in amusement before rushing back inside the gym to leave you his car keys.
Mingi glanced momentarily at you with a smile. He would have to apologize in the future for using your kindness like that. But he hoped that doing this would drive him to ask you confidently out on a date.
Mingi opened the school doors wide enough for the both of you and waited until you were completely outside before closing it. 
"Come on, I'll give you a ride," Mingi offered.
"Oh, no thank you," you hastily refused, "I'll take the bus."
Mingi shook his head. "I'm not taking no for an answer. We live a few blocks away, anyway, so it's really convenient."
"But I don't want to impose," you sighed.
"You're not, Y/N," Mingi said. "And you won't. Like ever."
You sighed again. "But—"
Mingi shook his head then snatched your school bag. "If you ever want to see this bag again, you're going to have to catch me," and with that, Mingi ran towards the parking lot.
"Hey, no fair!" You followed him, pouting as the distance between the two of you widened. Damn his athletic build.
You chased after him, groaning in annoyance when Mingi reached his car and wiggled your bag as if to spite you. But you both found yourselves laughing as soon as you almost barreled into him and he caught you before you both could barrel into his jeep.
"Come on, Y/N, it's really not a bother," Mingi said, opening the passenger door.
You sighed. "Fine," you huffed as you grabbed your bag and settled in his passenger seat. "Just this once," you told him.
"Oh, don't count on it," Mingi said, winking at you before closing your door. You swore he would be the death of you.
As Mingi drove his jeep out of the school lot, you both fell into a casual conversation. "So why don't you want me to be a kisser?" Mingu asked.
You narrowed your eyes at his teasing expression. "Oh, stop smiling. I don't want anyone to be part of that"
"I guess, you didn't have much say on the idea?"
You slumped against the car seat with a soft 'yeah.'
Mingi looked at you momentarily before focusing on the road. "What was your idea?"
"Nothing special." You smiled. "I was thinking of just baking cupcakes or pastries."
"I think that's a great idea."
"Yeah, right," you muttered sarcastically.
"No, I swear. I think your baking's great," Mingi stressed.
"How would you know?"
"Because I bought and ate a lot from last year's fundraiser." Mingi smiled and chuckled, almost as if he could smell and taste your fresh batch just by thinking about it. "Especially those cupcakes. I swear, they're good."
"Huh, no wonder the cupcakes sold out easily," you chuckled. "We had an influencer."
"Or," Mingi drawled, "your baking is just that good." He smiled, switching his gaze back and forth between the road and you.
"Said no one ever," you shot back teasingly.
"I just said like seconds ago that they're good." Mingi shook his head in disbelief. "You don't take compliments very well."
"Maybe because I don't usually get them," you retorted.
"Ahh, all the reason for me to compliment you more then."
You looked at him before turning away upon seeing his smirk. "Oh, stop it," you said jokingly, but your heart felt like it was ramming against the seatbelt of his car.
The car slowed down to a stop just right in front of your house. You were about to thank him when Mingi suddenly exited the car. He rushed to your side before opening the car door.
"Thanks for the ride," you said. "You didn't have to do that." 
"I don't mind," he replied, following you to the front door.
"And you didn't have to walk me to the door." You chuckled. "It's literally like a few steps away from the fence."
"But I want to, though." Mingi shrugged and put his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie.
You both arrived at the front door. You were too busy finding your keys to notice that he was lingering to stay with you longer. As you opened your front door, you finally noticed his awkward stature. "D-Do you want to have dinner with us?"
"Oh," Mingi snapped out of it. "Uhh, maybe next time. My mom's waiting for me at home."
You nodded in understanding. 
"Y/N," Mingi sighed. "Do you want to...?"
"I mean, umm," Mingi scratched his head awkwardly. "Do you—do you have any of those cupcakes lying around?"
"Oh, could you wait here for a minute?" You smiled before disappearing into your home.
Mingi palmed his face in frustration, muttering 'stupid' and 'dumbass' to himself. He pulled himself together when he heard your footsteps nearing.
You came out again with a small box in hand. "I baked them last night but they're still good," you said, handing out the box of cupcakes to Mingi.
"Thanks," Mingi grinned sheepishly nonetheless. "I'll give some to my mom."
"You better," you smiled.
"Thanks again, Y/N. I'll see you at school," Mingi started walking backward with a soft smile.
"See you," you waved at him. "Thanks for the ride."
Mingi winked at you before hopping into his jeep. As soon as Mingi's jeep disappeared into the night, you slumped against your front door and tried to calm your blushing self.
It was the day of the dreaded carnival. The field where your school held the said carnival was almost in full swing, the lights and excitement gradually increasing as time passed by.
Your club has been there since early morning to finalize everything for the booth. Despite your judgment against the club's concept, you still had to do it for the sake of the team. 
Although, you had convinced Wooyoung to sell baked goods nonetheless. Your point was to remind the audience that you were still the culinary and baking club of the school. Thankfully, he agreed.
So, here you were, setting up a separate table for different baked goods beside the registration.
Wooyoung surprised you with an arm around your shoulder and a big grin. "I can already feel wads of money in our laps." He dramatically inhaled for effect. "I mean, look at our lineup so far."
You begrudgingly looked at the people readying themselves on the mini-stage. 
Leave it to Wooyoung to invite people from the top of the high school food chain. Everybody likes Wooyoung anyway. At least there were a few friendly faces—school mascot San, street dancer Seonghwa, up-and-coming celebrity Jongho, and... student council president Hongjoong?
"How did you get him?" You almost giggled at Hongjoong's icy demeanor just standing in the middle of the lineup.
"Oh, he owes me," Wooyoung said nonchalantly. When you gave him a look, he just replied, "Don't ask."
You shook your head as if to shake the idea of Hongjoong in Wooyoung's debt. It's an amusing sight, though.
"So where's your pretty boy's friends?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't seen them ever since."
You knew it was too good to be true. Your moment with Mingi lasted only a day as you haven't seen him for the rest of the week. Not even on free period. And when you had a class together, he looked like he was about to doze off and fall from his desk. You didn't want to be a bother.
"Oh, wait, nevermind. Here they come."
You immediately glanced up to see Mingi, Yunho, and Yeosang walking toward your booth. You could feel the crowd starting to buzz upon seeing the star players approach the kissing booth. Your gaze landed on Mingi who sported a plain oversized shirt and ripped jeans. So simple yet so handsome.
"Hey," Mingi greeted with a smile, never looking away from your gaze.
"H-Hey, how have you been?" You tried to keep your blush at bay.
"We're so glad to be here, Y/N. Mingi really convinced us to be here," Yeosang smiled in a—teasing?—manner, which you responded to with an awkward chuckle. 
"Yeah," Yunho chimed in. "Mingi really, really wanted us to join your kissing booth." Yunho smiled widely at Mingi, who only rolled his eyes.
"That's great, great news!" Wooyoung rejoiced. He quickly winked at you before ushering Mingi's friends to the lineup.
When you and Mingi were the only ones left, you smiled sheepishly. "I hope it wasn't much of a trouble convincing your friends."
"Don't worry, Y/N, it wasn't." Lie(-ish). Yunho and Yeosang complained a lot and made Mingi do whatever they liked for the past few days. From doing their homework to washing their cars, they were relentless. He hadn't gotten any proper sleep because of it. But, it wasn't really much of a trouble since he was doing it for you. Well, your club. But mostly for you.
Mingi stared at the table of baked goods in front of you. "I see you convinced Wooyoung to continue with your idea." He smiled.
"He still listens anyway." You chuckled. "Do you want one?"
"Definitely. I'll take a—" 
Before Mingi could finish, Wooyoung appeared and dragged you away from Mingi. "Sorry, Mingi! We're about to start now!" He yelled, but not before freezing on the spot as an idea popped into his head.
Wooyoung went back to Mingi with you in tow. "Actually, can you do us a favor and man the table? I need Y/N for the register."
You clicked your tongue and were about to protest when Mingi immediately said, "Sure."
You looked at him curiously. "Really?"
"I don't see why not," Mingi smiled.
Deep inside, Wooyoung was popping confetti. Wooyoung thanked Mingi before going to the center of the mini-stage. You placed yourself at the registration table as Wooyoung shouted, "And the kissing booth is officially open!"
You thought you could handle the smooch-fest behind you. But... you thought wrong. The amount of kissing and hooting was too much for your poor heart. Thank the heavens the registration continued to pile up and you had to put your sole focus there. Well, not entirely.
You would sometimes peek at Mingi who had his own long line to attend to. Mingi manning the food table seemed to generate a longer line than the kissing booth, which made you chuckle softly before turning your attention back to the registration.
It wasn't long before Mingi managed to sell everything on the table and he approached you with the funds he generated. You dumbfoundedly accepted and stared at the small lunchbox where he put the money. 
"I hope I did well, Ms. Y/N." Mingi smiled.
"You did, Mingi," you replied. "Thank you so much for helping us."
Mingi shrugged. "It was no problem." He looked at his watch. "Well, I have to do something for the time being. Will you still be here later?"
You nodded. "I'm here 'til it closes."
"I'll see you then." Mingi winked before disappearing into the carnival crowd.
If you were being honest, the rest of the afternoon felt slow despite the buzz around your booth. With Mingi gone, it suddenly felt boring. You didn't show it though. You still wanted to be presentable to the carnival-goers. 
As night rolled in, the excitement started to die down. The crowd dissipated until only a few people were passing by the booths. The kissing booth was more successful than you thought, thanks to Wooyoung and his lineup of volunteers. 
As Wooyoung set aside the podiums, you counted all the money you had raised from the kissing booth and food table. You were halfway done when Wooyoung finished packing up and stood beside you. "So, how much did we earn?" He asked.
"I'm not done counting," you said. "But, we already have enough to win the student council's favor and have some extra funds for our own," you happily gleamed.
"Yes! Let's get drunk and party!" Wooyoung cheered.
You glared at him. "You're joking, right?"
Wooyoung forced a smile and patted your head. "Of course, I'm joking," he said, though his tone didn't sound as sincere as you had hoped.
You tutted before turning back to the money in your hands. For a moment, Wooyoung was quietly watching you count the bills. Then, all of a sudden, he spoke, "Oh, would you look at the time, it's getting late. Gottagohomenowbye," before scurrying away.
You looked up confused, your eyes following his seemingly excited figure before landing on a tall one that was walking towards the booth. You tried to hide your fluster as Song Mingi stopped in front of the registration counter with a smile. "Hey," he said.
"Hey," you smiled sheepishly. You can't help but notice the oversized windbreaker that he is now sporting. "Umm, we've closed already."
"I know," Mingi said, "I just came here again to talk to you."
"Oh, what about?"
Mingi scratched the side of his head. "Uhh," he mustered, "nothing in particular. What are you doing?"
"I'm just counting all our earnings," you referred to the bills in your hand. "Thanks again to you and your friends. I think you were the ones who attracted the crowd, Yunho and Yeosang especially."
Mingi scoffed. "If the crowd knew how weird they are, they wouldn't be lining up at all."
"And you're not?" You teased.
Mingi raised an eyebrow. "Who wanted me to join your lineup again?"
You rolled your eyes. "That was Wooyoung, not me."
"Sure, okay," Mingi shrugged with a smirk. 
You shook your head, wanting to wipe that smirk off his pretty face. You turned back to your money and jotted down the numbers under the last person to register. "Weren't you interested in our lineup of kissers? I can't thank you enough for helping us and being here and all."
Mingi leaned over the counter and crossed his arms. "No, not at all," he answered as he watched you work.
You looked at him and chuckled. "So you just came to watch your friends make out with a bunch of people, then?" 
"Well, I did to maybe get some material for blackmail," Mingi chuckled then cleared his throat, "but I was also waiting for someone."
"Oh," you said. You sounded so dry that you wanted to beat yourself up for seeming affected. "Who?"
"For you, actually," Mingi answered without a hitch, making you blush madly. "I—uh—also got you something." He placed a small chick plushie on the counter. 
You smiled uncontrollably as you grabbed and squeezed its fluffy material. "Where did you get this?" You happily asked.
"The claw machines rented by the robotics club," Mingi sighed. "My talent is limited to basketball I guess, since I only got one."
"It's cute," you chuckled. "What is this for anyway?"
"I figured a gift is better than $5 for a..." Mingi trailed off, unsure of how you would react.
Your face morphed from happy to surprise upon realizing what he meant. You looked him in the eyes to see whether he was joking or not, but eventually, you avoided his intense gaze. And you suddenly realized how close he was as he continued to lean over the counter, waiting for your response. "Stop that," you mumbled, "please."
"Stop what?"
"That," you said, not looking at him as you pushed him gently away from the counter. "Stop messing with me." 
Mingi sighed as he stood properly, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. "I'm not messing with you, Y/N. I," he paused, plucking up the courage, "I want to kiss you—no, I want to ask you out first because I like you a lot."
You bit your lip anxiously. He wouldn't mess with you, right? You continued to stare at your feet. You can't bear to see if he was joking or not.
Mingi leaned over the counter again in an attempt to see your face. "I can see that you're holding yourself back. What's stopping you?"
You sighed, meeting his eyes for a moment before looking back down. "You're Song Mingi—"
"Nope, don't start. I don't wanna hear that bullshit. Give me a logical one like, I don't know, you don't like me back?" Mingi said sternly. His deep voice made the hairs on your nape stand. "I can date whomever I want. And that's you, Y/N. I like you for who you are. You're sweet and kind to everyone. You're one of the smartest people I know. You even stand up to your best friend for what you think is right."
You bit your lip again in a fluster, still too shy to make your move.
Mingi sighed. "If you don't like me back, it's alright, Y/N. I'm not going to be mad." He smiled softly. "I'm sorry for bombarding you with these things. You don't have to answer when you're uncomfortable." He moved to walk away, but you instantly grabbed the lining of his jacket to stop him.
"No, I—" you gripped the material nervously. "I like you too, Mingi. I—" You paused again, not knowing how to say your problem.
Mingi's eyes widened in surprise but waited for you to finish.
"I like you, Mingi. I—" you gulped. "And I also want to kiss you."
"But?" Mingi asked. "I feel like there's going to be a 'but' there."
You looked down at the counter. "But, I don't know how."
"I'm sorry." He smiled apologetically. "We don't have to kiss right now. We can just have dinner for now—"
"But I want to," you blurted out, which you immediately apologized for nonstop.
For a moment, you thought Mingi was going to laugh at you. You guessed that most of the people your age had already gotten their first kiss. Heck, your club's booth was a testament to that. So you were utterly embarrassed by your confession. 
However, Mingi did no such thing. "Move over," he said. You didn't know what he meant until he climbed over the counter. You almost tripped backward when he jumped down right in front of you. He caught you just when you were about to stumble.
"What are you doing?" You mused.
"Can't you tell?" Mingi teased as he held your face tenderly. "I'm trying to kiss you properly."
You shook your head in disbelief and amusement. This guy is really sleek. 
"C-Can I kiss you, Y/N?" Mingi asked. He rubbed his thumb against your cheek, comforting you.
You were extremely flustered by the warmth, not to mention the anticipation of what he was about to do, so all you could do at the moment was nod silently at his question.
Mingi smiled. You thought your heart was going to explode as Mingi came closer. You thought he was going to kiss you on the lips right away, but he planted a soft kiss on your forehead first. Then on your nose. You had to refrain from giggling, given the soft moment. Then he slowly came closer to your lips. You closed your eyes when you felt it against yours.
You couldn't explain it, but you felt warm and fuzzy inside despite your heartbeat ramming against your chest. The air felt soft yet exciting at the same time. It was definitely more than what you had imagined it to be. 
You slid your hand against his chest and rested it behind his neck. His hands softly slid against your waist and pulled you closer. You could faintly hear Mingi humming in delight. And a few moments later, you both stopped to gaze at each other.
Although, you still had trouble maintaining eye contact with his intense ones. And Mingi just chuckled lightly at the sight. "You still don't want me to be a kisser?"
"No, I—" you pouted and Mingi just laughed.
"Don't worry, you're the only one I want to kiss," he murmured before kissing your forehead. "Dinner?"
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joongtreasure · 1 year ago
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[240219] ATEEZ for 1883 Magazine
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joongtreasure · 2 years ago
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MINGI ✧ HALAZIA ✧ 230113
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joongtreasure · 3 years ago
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joongtreasure · 3 years ago
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joongtreasure · 3 years ago
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joongtreasure · 3 years ago
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joongtreasure · 3 years ago
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Song Mingi giving me kdrama feels >.<
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joongtreasure · 3 years ago
Deja Vu's First Win! Sept. 22, 2021
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
Hello ATINYs! Do you guys know that ATEEZ comeback is now LESS THAN 10 DAYS away? 🥶
Time is ticking but it seems like we still haven't had enough dedicated ATINYs to make this comeback successful. We still haven't reached the goal to have 8000 streamers for Genie to help ATEEZ win music shows. Realistically, we only have 1.8K streamers (22.73%) now and we are still in need for 6.1K+ (77.28%) ATINYs to help 😭🙌🏻
Streaming on Genie CRUCIAL. It is the most needed criteria to help ATEEZ gain more exposure domestically and win on all Korean music shows. It is also sooo easy! Please look at this website prepared by @/AtinyNetwork on Twitter to see how you can help for Genie (and also Bugs if you can!) It's easy and affordable, and if you can't afford a pass, you can volunteer for free. If you don't know how or where to start, please don't hesitate to ask. There are many ATINYs who can help. We have to work together to give ATEEZ wins after all of their hard work 😭❤️
More info about the comeback:
Don't be shy to ask about digitals and Korean music platforms! Learn how (first!) and ask questions to the fanbases if you need help:
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
Let's stream yall!! ☀️🏝️🍹
Watch "Kim Jong Kook(김종국) X ATEEZ(에이티즈) - ‘바다 보러 갈래?’ Official MV" on YouTube
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
First three trainees comin thru!! 😭😭😭😭😭
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Elastic Heart [3/5 (?)]
Heroes of the Horizon Series
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[Masterlist] [X Notes] [Part One] [Part Two]
Hongjoong x Fem Reader (ft. Yunho and Mingi)
Word count: 4.3k
Genre: x-men au, mutants au, high school au, superpowers au, fluff, angst, action
Warnings: violence, cursing
A/N: Y/N is just a cameo here. Next part is mostly from Y/N’s POV. Other members will slowly arrive throughout the series :))
Two years later…
Keep reading
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
last night's vlive make me wanna write san's story already 🙈 he so hot
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and cute
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
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Hello! HotH is on Wattpad as well! I’m going to update here first though. I’m itching to write San’s story now, but I haven’t even finished Hongjoong’s xDDDDDDDD
Hope you like the story so far. It’s my first time writing a series. I don’t know what ya guys think, but I really do hope you like it. 
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ATEEZ: Heroes of the Horizon (Xavier Institute au) (on Wattpad)
ATEEZ of Earth-1117—A team of mutant teenagers set to be the heroes of the next generation. But before they take on the role, they must go through high school at Xavier Institute first. 
Genre: ATEEZ x fem reader, x-men au, mutants au, high school au, superpowers au, fluff, angst, action 
Warnings: violence, death, mentions of abuse, cursing, slight making out 
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
Heroes of the Horizon
Masterlist (19/07/2021 Last Update)
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ATEEZ of Earth-1117—A team of mutant teenagers set to be the heroes of the next generation. But before they take on the role, they must go through high school at Xavier Institute first.
Genre: x-men au, mutants au, high school au, superpowers au, fluff, angst, action
Warnings: violence, death, mentions of abuse, cursing, slight making out
A/N: This is Earth-1117 (which doesn’t exist as far as I know lol) so it will be really different from the main Marvel universe. I just want some high school au + action yall xdddd
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Xavier Institute Student Database: ATEEZ Unit
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X Notes
Elastic Heart
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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X Notes
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X Notes
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X Notes
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X Notes
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X Notes
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X Notes
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X Notes
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joongtreasure · 4 years ago
Elastic Heart [2/5 (?)]
Heroes of the Horizon Series
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[Masterlist] [X Notes] [Part One] [Part Three]
Hongjoong x fem reader
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: x-men au, mutants au, high school au, superpowers au, fluff, angst, action
Warnings: violence, death, mentions of abuse, cursing
Keep reading
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