jonesing hardy
16 posts
rooney, she/they, '97, ben hardy & apparently hockey as well. limited activity.
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
Slip of the Tongue was so sweet ❤️ I love how Mat is so giddy and insistent. Their banter is adorable. To spend the day at the beach with Mat is a dream 😩
🥺 Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really wanted to do his personality justice. I have some more ideas for fics coming soon!
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
PAIRINGS: Mat Barzal x Reader CONTENT: offseason, established relationship, day out at the beach / boardwalk, fluff (?), mentions of marriage WARNINGS: light PDA, kissing RATING: G WORD COUNT: 1.3k AUTHOR’S NOTE: Hi this is my first Hockey fic, I’m very new to to hockeyblr. I saw a tiktok that inspired this. All my love to @rosesvioletshardy​ for getting me into hockey, she did more in like a month than Canadian culture (andm y dad) has been able to do in 24 years. She got the first peek at this fic while we suffered through the last playoff game :’) hope you enjoy! It’s very sweet.
Mat holds your hand firmly as you walk among the light crowd out along the boardwalk. There are small rides, game booths, food stands, street performers, and vendors selling their wares. Which is why Mat hasn’t let go since you left the restaurant where you’d had a light early dinner. 
Someone had gotten a little too much sun and that someone is now wearing your peachy red bucket hat that you’d chosen to match your bike shorts for the outing, and coincidentally (or not) also matched his t-shirt. Mat’s cheeks and nose are red, and his shaggy offseason hair peeks out from the hat in beachy waves. 
At the car, before dinner, when you’d put your towels and bags away, you kissed his cheek after pressing your lips to an icy cold water bottle, and swiped some aloe onto his face while he held another water bottle to his neck after gulping down half of it.
“I think you were overly ambitious with boogie-boarding, baby,” you’d teased him lightly, watching him smile, eyes closed as you finished tending to his ails. He’d pouted, but he was laughing as he leaned in to kiss you, humming happily if not a little defeatedly.
Now that he’s eaten he’s regained a little energy, and the offensive sun is close to setting, lighting the sky in tones of purple and orange and growing the shadows on the boardwalk. You’re in search of desert, and a little more entertainment before heading back home for the night. 
Mat squeezes your hand as the crowd thins out and you look back at him with a reassuring smile, still tickled by how your outfits matched today. Your linen top is cream with a peachy yellow partial circle shape on the front that you think looks like the sun, but Mat said looks like a fried egg. Your sandals match the yellow, his white shorts complement your shirt and make his thighs look scrumptious. Your hat matched your leggings and his shirt, but you think it looks cuter on Mat.
“There’s a soft serve stand over there,” he says, raising a brow and pointing with his free hand. You look in the direction he’s pointed and find it, nod, and start heading over to it together. 
There’s a family ahead of you when you arrive, giving you both enough time to pick something off the menu. Mat wraps his arm around your waist while you wait your turn. You decide quickly, a cone with raspberry drizzle, but he takes longer to decide after he sees options for both chocolate drizzle and chocolate dipped. 
The mother ahead of you is talking very loudly to the clerk behind the counter, prattling more like, going on about… my husband this, my husband that, in such a snooty and somehow simultaneously resentful way that it makes you grimace. You can’t even tell what her problem is. 
“I never wanna sound like that,” you say under your breath, rolling your eyes when Mat looks at you and snorts trying to stifle his laughter. 
“God, me either,” he says, shaking his head and giving you a little squeeze. “I think I know what I want.” He looks around and nods at a bench. “I’ll order, you wait here?” 
“Okay,” you say, scrunching up your nose when he gives you a quick peck and heads over to the counter with a little bounce in his step. 
You laugh and take a seat, looking around at the nearby stands and booths. The family has moved on, their kids' faces covered in chocolate and ice cream, but looking as content as can be despite what a grouch their mother seems to be. They’re passing a booth full of charming stuffed animals.
There isn’t any fixed carnival game to try to win to get a toy, just a man selling toys. Mat is still waiting and paying for your ice cream, so you get up and take a few steps closer. 
“Babe!” you call, and watch him turn toward you, hands in his pockets, brows raised curiously. You point over at the booth and he nods, understanding where you’re going. 
The toys are even more charming up close, your gaze travelling over them thoughtfully. You squish one of the sample toys and discover them to be utterly pleasant to press your fingers into. 
Just when you think you’re ready to choose, the grouchy mother calls the vendor from the other side of the bench. He looks at you apologetically and goes to help her, and you hear her again; my husband likes… my husband wants, what do you think is best for my husband…
It only takes a moment, and you try to tune out her gratingly irritating voice, but finally you get your turn. You offer the vendor a smile, pointing to two bear toys that kind of look like loaves of bread, one beige and one brown. He turns to retrieve them.
“The beige one for me, and the brown one for my husband,” you say, the word slipping off your tongue accidentally. Your cheeks flush. The vendor doesn’t know that Mat isn’t your husband, but your face feels hot and you let out a heavy, embarrassed breath, almost dizzy with the thought of it.
The vendor turns around and pauses, a skeptical look on his face. Your eyes widen and you turn around, meeting Mat’s stunned, shit-eating grin, holding your ice cream in his hands. 
“Did you hear that, man!” Mat says, voice cracking excitedly. The vendor laughs. “She called me her husband!” 
Now your cheeks are burning worse than his. But if anything can be compared to the sun, it’s his beaming smile. 
“I heard it,” the vendor replies, shaking his head amusedly. 
“Oh my god, you’ve gotta come to our wedding, man,” Mat says, handing you your ice cream and reaching a hand out to shake his hand. 
You break into giggles. “Mat, please,” you plead, fishing out a few bills to pay the man for the toys. He shakes Mat’s hand laughing, and puts the bears into a paper bag for you.
He’s practically bouncing as you step away from the booth, another disbelieving laugh leaving your lips as he loops his free arm around your waist and starts guiding you to the railing to watch the sunset. 
“It was a slip of the tongue—“ you say, embarrassed, amused, but he silences you with a kiss that quickly turns into a grin between you both. 
“Say it again,” he says, pulling back a bit to look at you, still playful but utterly earnest. 
“My husband?” you reply, tummy full of butterflies. Somehow he grins even bigger and chuckles quietly to himself. 
“I like how that sounds,” he says, “A lot. About as much as I like the idea of you being my wife.” 
It’s your turn to grin, and you bite your lip, cheeks aching from trying not to smile too hard. 
“Just the idea?” You tease, and he laughs again. 
“You’re gonna be my wife.” He’s so happy and so sure you have absolutely no doubts about how serious he is. “And it’ll be an honour to be your husband.” 
“You’re gonna make me cry in my ice cream,” you complain, playfully, pouting, but can’t help but laugh again when he kisses you. 
“You’re okay with that right?” He asks, uncertain for a second. 
You nod. “Are you proposing?”
He shakes his head sheepishly. “I’m proposing that I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he says, lifting his hand and stroking his thumb over your rosy cheek. “For now.” 
“For now,” you agree, leaning up to kiss him again. 
He holds your chin with his thumb and index. He tries to deepen it, and you indulge him for just a few seconds before you giggle. 
“Save that for later, our ice cream is gonna melt all over us!” 
He groans playfully. “Ice-cream? What ice-cream?” He kisses your cheek and steps back. 
Mat lifts his slightly melted, chocolate dipped and sprinkle-topped cone to his lips and winks. 
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
Sorry for dipping wrt the Warren fic. I’ve had school and health issues. Will get to it eventually just had to prioritize other things. 
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
i just found ur blog literally a second ago and im just gonna say i love you!!!!!!!! i only skimmed thru ur fics and will read them later on,, so ill try my best to be as supportive as possible!! esp with the lack of warren fics )): <3
i saw the comments on your reblogs, thank you so much for the support! i’m in my finals week and i’m halfway through chapter 3 so i hope to finish it next week or after that. i’m so glad you’re enjoying my fic so far!
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
No More Spitting Feathers 02/?
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PAIRINGS: Warren Worthington III x Reader  WARNINGS: injury, blood, implied drug use RATING: T+, will be raised later.  WORD COUNT: 2.2k INSTALLATIONS: Part 01 AUTHOR’S NOTE: Dedication and thanks to Andi @venombxby​ for discussion and honorary mentions to Monica @rosesvioletshardy​ and Wella for inspo. This is written in second person bc I have never been able to get on board with Y/N trends, and the reader is a mutant with a limited mix of healing, telekinesis and some empathic inclinations. 
The night is never as dark as you’d like in a city, and no matter the hour, night owls are bound to be turning their gaze onto anything that moves above the shadows. 
He casts quite a shadow. 
You don’t speak much after he agrees to go with you. There is a stalemate between the two of you for many minutes before he offers an arm and helps you up, getting you to a more comfortable place in the warehouse to rest until you could stand on your own. 
You didn’t think he’d be able to fold his wings enough to hide them, you thought it would hurt too much, but he manages to do it anyway and tucks them away into a long coat that he found in the disused warehouse staffroom, along with a large umbrella that helps conceal him better.
Once you could stand you found a dusty bathroom with running water and managed to clean your arms and face of blood and wrangle your hair into something less dishevelled. You also took off all your absurd jewelry, cleaning it all with hot water and chucking it into the same locker you find a pair of shoes that are too big but are better than trying to walk barefoot. 
You get the privilege of draping his leather jacket over your shoulders, which doesn’t exactly keep you warm given the modifications he made to the back to accommodate his wings, but you suppose you’d be colder without it. 
You walk in silence side by side for most of the journey, and calling it such is no exaggeration. It only takes half an hour for the pain to creep into his wing again, especially with how he has them folded against his back— you feel it, and have to breathe through the discomfort, the one aspect of your powers that you can’t turn off, but that thankfully doesn’t wipe you out the same way healing or telekinesis does. 
It takes three hours, and neither of you seeks a break, somehow knowing that stopping would benefit neither of you. He gets more tired though, but you can tell he relaxes a bit when the city falls away and the trees thicken, and the people and cars become few and far between.
The safe house looks abandoned from the outside, and to your benefit, it has thick overgrowth around its perimeter that provides plenty of privacy. All of the windows are either frosted or boarded up save for the stained glass windows on the old domed church that will be your shelter. 
You find the key where you expect it, and as soon as you enter you’re working on autopilot. You throw off the shoes that have given you blisters, walk across the confused space to a large set of shelves and pick out a change of clothes that don’t quite fit but are better than the tiny cocktail dress you’ve had to trek your way here in. 
Dove throws off the coat and drops onto the nearest cot, groaning as he stretches out his wings. You shudder from the incomparable empathic impression it leaves in your back. You change without caring if he looks (he doesn’t), putting on the pants and a too-large shirt, collecting a blanket from a crate in the corner and yourself dropping onto a cot not too far from where he’d lain down. You pass out after you heal your blistered feet. 
You sleep for eighteen hours. 
He sleeps for twelve, and when he awakens he’s hungry and hungover, aching in unpleasant but not unfamiliar ways. You can feel the malaise even though it doesn’t wake you, creeping into your body and your dreams and then fading once he freely navigates the space and finds the food and water kept in the makeshift pantry. 
You feel better when you wake, but you’re ravenous, and dig into whatever shelf-stable item seems most appealing— you’re still chewing when you go and find him, having made himself a more private corner to relax in with cushions, two cot mattresses and a few blankets. 
Swallowing doesn’t quite soothe the scratch in your throat, and you notice some subtly floating feather particles in the air, leaving you to idly wonder how much he sheds. 
“Are you well enough to heal me now?” he asks, filling the silence. You’re not sure if he believes you are, he seems tired and resigned.
“No,” you reply. “Not significantly anyway.”
He levels you with an incredulous look. 
You sigh. “I could give myself an aneurysm if I try to heal you too fast.” 
“What can you do, then?” 
“I could have you flying again in ten days,” you say, “that won’t put too much strain on me.” 
His wing, the undamaged one, flutters slightly. “Fourteen.”
“Take fourteen days. You were like a rag doll at the warehouse, Häschen, you’re no use to me like that. You think you can do ten days— I don’t have anywhere to be— we’ll do fourteen.”
You look at him for a moment, trying to spot some ulterior motive and figure he must be doing the same. 
“Okay, alright. Two weeks.” That’s probably how long you’ll need to arrange extraction anyway. 
You swallow again against the scratch in your throat and take a deep breath. 
“You need a tour?” you ask, feeling awkward. 
He shakes his head. “I looked around while you were sleeping.” 
“The church is free-reign,” you say, explaining anyway, “the rest of the building is not really safe, but isn’t off-limits.” You shrug. “The shower room is over there.” You point. “Towels and soap are in the baskets… they’re all labelled.” 
“You planning to leave me alone here, Häschen?” he asks, sitting forward slightly and canting his head to the side. 
You both react when he strains his wing, and you try to hide your whimper with a cough. His wings shudder and the feathers tighten up, drooping slightly as he sits back against the wall with a slight grunt of pain.
“I want to get some supplies from the store… like better food,” you explain with a shrug. You also want to get him some medicine to tide him over between your attempts to heal him. 
“Are you going to walk?” 
You shake your head. “There’s a car stored on the property, I have what I need. I shouldn’t be more than forty minutes.”
He doesn’t say anything further, and it feels too invasive to watch him struggle through his pain.
“You want anything?” you ask, already planning to get him some clothes. 
“Okay. What clothing sizes do you wear?” 
The look he gives you is almost a smirk, a raised brow and a quirk of his lip that makes you flush. You look away in embarrassment and clear your throat again. 
He tells you the sizes. “You don’t like my clothes?” he asks. 
“That’s— that’s not the point,” you say, and motion at him, his pants and boots, the lack of a shirt, the modified leather jacket he’d taken back while you slept. “That’s all you have.”
He shrugs with his hands. “Do what you want.”
“I will.”
“See you in an hour, then.” He seems inclined to give you more time than you think you’ll need.
The subtle hiss and splash of water greet your ears from across the echoey safe house when you return. You took less than the hour, but more than the forty minutes to get everything done. You put the bags down on the tables that make up the kitchen (which isn’t much of a kitchen at all. There is an old fridge, two hot plates, a toaster oven and some cookware and dishes next to a deep industrial sink).
There is steam coming from the shower room, and when you get closer with the bag of clothes you got for him, you feel a malaise creep into your body. 
“Dove?” you call, but he doesn’t answer.
You put down the bag and go to the door, not sure what you’ll find, but hardly wanting to violate his privacy nor open yourself up to any teasing if you’ve misinterpreted the empathic impression. 
A small gasp leaves your lips. His wings are almost totally clean now, free of the dirt and char and blood that had been caked on them— some of which sits over the drain grate to his right. Feathers are missing from his left wing, and it continues to droop, but what concerns you is how he’s kneeling on the floor with his head against the wall, taking in shuddering breaths. The wings hide his nakedness almost completely, but that hardly crosses your mind as you step into the room.
“Dove?” you say again, more urgently now, your new shoes splashing on the wet floor as you cross over to him. 
It’s a rather bare room, stripped of all curtains and half-stalls, with only a dozen showerheads set a few feet apart around the space. He has two showers running to cover all of him, and you gasp when you feel how hot the water is, yanking the tap to the left to make it cold and then reaching over him to do the same to the other. 
“What are you doing!” your voice is louder than you intend, and he tenses, groaning when cold water penetrates whatever daze he was in. You get down on one knee and grab his face between your hands. He’s hot hot hot, and not just from the water, flushed. He startles, wings jerking and feathers fluffing, and he gives a slight grunt of alarm.
“Hey, hey, it’s me— it’s just me.” 
He doesn’t quite relax but he seems to calm, bowing his head slightly and shivering. You carefully reach up to turn off both showers and bring your hand to his neck. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus through the haze and urgency. 
“What are you doing…” he says dully, lifting a hand to grasp your forearm. He groans when he feels the initial relief of your healing. “Don’t, you’re not— I’ll be fine—”
“I can handle it, you’re not well,” you reply, almost scolding. He makes a sound of acknowledgement but speaks no further, he keeps his hand on your arm. 
You don’t find what you’re looking for, you assumed it would be an infection from the fracture, but his whole nervous system is rioting. You quickly readjust, your fingers pressing against his neck, by the nape. It’s not the healing you expected him to need, but you hadn’t exactly gotten the chance to examine him and come up with a plan. Your healing balances his autonomic nervous system, calming the sympathetic and re-engaging the parasympathetic. He’d need more help than that, you can tell, but easing his distress is your primary goal. 
A drop of blood hits the floor, and his hand squeezes your arm. Your nose is bleeding.
“That’s enough,” he says, his voice much more controlled now.
“I’m alright,” you assure him, “I know my limits, I can do a bit more…” You aren’t lying but you know how far you can push yourself before you get as bad as you were last night. You can do more now that you’re touching him too, that always makes you more precise.
His breathing even outs and his heart rate calm, and his head bows in relief after another long moment. Your bloody nose gets worse, but you set him up better this time, stimulating his immune system and provoking a healing response throughout his body, natural pain relief. It would help his body help itself until you could resume your efforts tomorrow. 
You move your hand away from his neck and move it to under your nose. The leg of your pants is wet when you stand, and you turn away but he gives your arm a little tug, making you look back down at him. His face isn’t as flushed now, and there’s a different kind of pain in his eyes, something non-physical. Something like guilt. 
“I didn’t deserve that,” he says gravely. You slowly pull your hand away. 
“You were in distress, I wasn’t going to leave you like that.” 
His wings twitch, ruffling carefully. “Some pain deserves to be felt,” he argues weakly. “Especially for something of my own doing.”
“Withdrawal isn’t a penance, Dove.” When he meets your gaze, you think he might be searching for judgement, but he won’t find any. He looks away.
“It’s an unfair strain on you.”
You turn away, still holding your bloody nose. “I can’t just pick and choose what I heal. If you’re sick I can’t fix your wing effectively.” You huff, turning away. “And I’m fine. It’s not as draining when I can touch you… I left you some clothes by the door. If you really don’t want to waste my efforts, you’d better get some rest. Your body can do the work itself until tomorrow.”
You start out of the room deliberately, shoesfalls splashing wetly. As you pass the threshold, the echoey walls of the shower room amplify his quiet words just enough for you to hear.
“Thank you.”
You keep going without acknowledging it.
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
No More Spitting Feathers 01/?
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PAIRINGS: Warren Worthington III x Reader WARNINGS: injury, blood RATING: T+, will be raised later. WORD COUNT: 1.3k  AUTHOR’S NOTE: I haven’t written fic in AGES but I have had Ben Hardy brainworms for weeks, and caved and wrote this idea out. Featuring some google translate German, so apologies if it’s not accurate. Dedication and thanks to Monica @rosesvioletshardy​ , Andi @venombxby​ and Wella for inspo and discussion. This is written in second person bc I have never been able to get on board with Y/N trends, and the reader is a mutant with a limited mix of healing, telekinesis and some empathic inclinations.
You’ve been running for eight blocks barefoot in a cocktail dress since you ran out the service exit of the high-class club you’d snuck into. You were caught with one of the patrons, but it’s not clear whether they think you were soliciting or if they saw you using your powers. You were so careful, you only wanted to help, and you’d taken the risk knowing the likely consequences. 
The club district has fallen away to warehouses, traffic is still in earshot and you should really grab a taxi, but you’re listening to your gut. The fewer people around the less likely you are to draw attention to yourself, and besides the dress, without your shoes and with the nosebleed you’ve given yourself, you expect to draw some gazes. 
“Ich sah sie diese Gasse hinuntergehen!” I saw her go down that alley! The voice is clear but it’s far enough away that when you shrink back into the nearest dark doorway you’re sure they haven’t seen you. Standing still makes your feet ache and throb, and your throat taste like blood while you try to gulp in some air. You close your eyes and concentrate, slow deep breaths, and after a moment your feet don’t ache and your nose stops dripping. “Suche nach blutigen Fußspuren!” Look for bloody footprints! 
They’re too close for you to make a run for it and despite your efforts to calm yourself, you can’t locate them with your powers. Something metal clangs nearby and you hold your breath, glancing at the door behind you. Here is a place to hide. You can’t tell if it’s instinct or fear that drives you to thrust forth your hand at the lock, but it you hear it scrape and click. At a distance, with your other hand, you smudge your bloody footprints on the ground behind you, as far as you can before you feel the hot wet drip of blood from your nose again. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, wiping your nose with the back of your hand before opening the heavy door as little as possible to let yourself in, locking it again behind you. When you turn around you find the space empty. Your stomach drops, there’s no way to hide here, you’re exposed. You can hear music playing somewhere above you and immediately hold your breath. The only saving grace is that it’s dark, the only light coming in from skylights above the rafters. 
Is there a security office here? In an empty warehouse? You can’t make any assumptions here. You take a few deep breaths and start crossing the space, trying to stay in the shadows, heading for the opposite door which would put you in a better position to get somewhere safe. 
“Eindringling!” Interloper! A man’s echoing shout comes from above.
You slam your hand over your mouth, barely muting a scream as you jump in fright. You’re about to plead your case, play the damsel, beg the man that shouted to let you go, but then the music stops. It’s still too echoey and too dark. You feel cold now that you’ve stopped running, paranoid. Your head hurts. The longer you stand there the more an ache creeps into your shoulder.
“Dies ist kein Ort für ein häschen!” A bottle smashes a few feet away and you yelp, staggering back, looking up to the rafters from where it came. Wings. Huge wings. Your breath gets caught in your throat and a startled sound leaves your mouth. 
He drops from above in shadow, boots crunching on broken glass when he lands. He’s clutching another bottle in his hand. He stalks toward you and you back up, tripping and falling with a grunt onto the dusty floor. You throw your hand out and he stops his advance when he collides with a lucky telekinetic shield. Your nose is definitely bleeding again.
He’s a mutant.
He’s hurt.
He doesn’t try to come at you again. You can see now why your shoulder aches, so strangely too, as he steps into a patch of light. His left wing is burnt, drooping— the pain you feel radiating from him tells you it’s broken. You wipe your nose with the back of your hand, coughing from what you assume is the dust.
But then you realize what he said. This is no place for a bunny!
“Ein häschen?” A bunny? you ask stupidly. You touch the obnoxious necklace you wore to the club, all the VIP girls wore something similar; a thick twisting gold chain with a Playboy bunny charm on it. 
He exhales, something between a scoff and a laugh. “If that’s what you want it to mean.” He doesn’t sound German now. Some mix of British and American. 
“You’re with them,” he says, assuming, bringing the bottle to his mouth and drinking, letting it drip over his chin and onto his chest.
“The cage.”
“I don’t kno—”
He turns his back on you then, starts walking away with this drunken swagger, making you understand why your head hurts— your clarity returns when you feel a jolt of pain.
“Wait!” You throw out your hand, straining your powers to keep him from using the broken wing. This time he staggers, his pained yell echoing throughout the warehouse as he drops to his knees, his bottle smashing next to him.
“I can help you!” you gasp, wiping your bloody nose on the back of your hand again.
“I don’t want anything from you!” he growls. 
“I can help you,” you repeat stubbornly, pushing yourself up, kneeling now, arm still outstretched. You feel the ache in your shoulder and trace it back to him, feeling a tingly coldness in your body as you strain your powers to heal him. It’s more than you can handle and you know it, you’ve already healed someone and yourself tonight, but you keep going. 
He gasps when the relief washes over him, groaning and trying not to cry out at the healing pains that follow. 
You push yourself until your head is spinning and your vision goes hazy black. You growl in frustration and lean forward, choking from your bloody nose, which you wipe on your arm. 
“Blöder häschen,” he mutters, half amused, half reproachful. Stupid bunny. “You’re too weak to help.”
“I can finish it,” you retort. “Don’t try to fly… I just— I just need to rest.”
You look up to find him staring back at you, a conflicted expression on his face. Dizziness threatens you toward unconsciousness. You put your head back down reluctantly, leaning it on your arm. You cough again, your throat stinging and your tongue feeling gritty.
“This isn’t a good place to rest.” His voice is closer now, you didn’t hear him get up.
“I have a place,” you say, trying to breathe through your mouth. This is what you get for pushing yourself this hard. If you could relax you could heal yourself enough to stop the nosebleed. “It’ll be good for you too, it’s big enough.”
When you tell him, he gives a slight grunt of acknowledgement. “Fine.”
You sigh, still leaning your head on your arm. You don’t want to think about how you must look; bloodied and barefoot, dusty, in a little cocktail dress, keeled over in something approximating child’s pose.
“What’s your name?” you don’t look up to ask this. 
“Why do you want my name?” Now that he’s not in so much pain, his personality is coming out. He’s stubborn. You don’t blame him. 
“Why not?” 
“So what’s yours?” 
“I won’t tell unless you say it first.”
He scoffs. “Keep your name, häschen. Call me what you want.” 
Still leaning your head on your arm, you turn to look at him. His wing looks better, not dropping as badly, but your efforts didn’t touch the burnt feathers, which look so stark against his white wings, pale skin and light hair. At least he looks calmer. 
“Dove,” you finally decide.
He look like he was expecting you to pick something else.
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
Billy / Four Character Analysis
After first seeing the photos of Billy’s tattoos, I ended up going down a little rabbit hole of research to try and figure out what they might mean since we don’t get a lot of behind the scenes info about the 6 Underground characters. I have since then developed some ideas and analysis into Billy’s character and felt like sharing. I’m not debating this with anyone, this is just for fun.
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The tattoos on his knuckles say something that looks like 2 2 E 5, it could also be 2 2 E S, but my research revealed some more interesting results with the former sequence. 22E5 lead me to 2+2=5 which is a reference to George Orwell’s 1984 and is seen as a slogan for anti-establishment, anti-fascism, and anti-authoritarian ideologies. 
The anti-establishment ideologies align with those of parkour culture, which embraces a “freedom of movement that pays little attention to the instructions of [a] city”* and is a means of engaging in urban politics in a very childlike way because it encourages its participants (traceurs) to view a city as a playground and lets it become a “tool of freedom, of liberation, of individualised power without constraint and limitless exploration”*. Parkour is also a personal philosophy to free the mind of the limitations of physical movement within urban space. It is about reclaiming that space from the institution. 
This also aligns with skateboarding culture, which we know Billy to participate in as well, which also reclaims urban space and espouses similar values. “Skaters imagine their bodies outside of the boundaries of urban design and re-appropriate environments designed to segregate or gentrify, imprinting their bodies on the city landscape.”* London has a rich parkour and skateboarding community, which is likely where Billy would have encountered these crowds initially. 
It is likely that Billy had some professional training with regards to rock climbing, but that his immersion in the parkour culture lead him to pursue urban climbing and free climbing. While we can’t really be sure how he ended up associated with the thieves we see in his flashback scene, it’s easy to assume that he met them through the parkour and urban climbing circles or because he was simultaneously involved in an overlapping circle of traceurs who used their skills for their own benefit (in a Robin-Hood, eat the rich kind of way).
In the flashback scene Billy says he has been robbing his whole life, he also clearly has an issue with police, having twice (and only) referred to them as “pigs”. I’d assume his association with parkour, skateboarding, and theft all would have put him in situations where he needed to avoid and evade police in many circumstances. His politics reflect an anti-police rhetoric which makes sense in these circumstances. He references criminal records and reasons he’d been arrested, which don’t particularly contradict the values of the subcultures he was apart of. “No more getting arrested by the pigs just for being naked or just usual stuff. You know being naked, getting drunk, casual stuff.” It may be a stretch but nakedness is a form of self expression and rebellion in a society that requires people to be clothed, however it’s just as likely that Billy may have had a penchant for drunken disorderlies.
Trespassing, property damage, public intoxication, and indecent exposure would all be likely charges Billy could have faced before he “died”. There also remains shoplifting, theft, burglary, larceny, and grand theft as other possible charges, though he was clearly actively pursuing high reward scores given the jewelry he was stealing at the time of his “apprehension” by One. His skill as a thief must have been infamous enough in order to be on One’s radar at all, but he was evasive enough to have remained outside the clutches of the law. 
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His other tattoo, the LYPTA on his neck, lead me to less interesting results than the hand tattoo, however the translation and definition comes from Old Norse, and means “lift”. This could have a double meaning, using the definition in association to theft or being a thief, but it could also have some symbolism related to climbing and his title as “Skywalker” considering the meaning of “to raise” and “to cause to move upwards” and how many urban climbers seek to conquer skyscrapers among other urban edifices.
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Take the following with a grain of salt, it’s more speculation than anything, and did not receive as much research as everything I considered above.
There’s also the matter of his scar, as well as his skillset with weaponry and reconnaissance that I’d like to consider. It is entirely possible that Billy learned these skills following his induction into the ghost program, however, it is more compelling to assume that he had some kind of formal training. Given his respect for Seven’s military experience (compared to a disparagement for cops), I would argue that Billy also had some army training himself, and possibly additional Adventurous Training in Mountaineering and Rock Climbing. 
I cannot say I did as much research in this area, but my assumption would be that he went into training, but never completed it, or did not pursue the career very long. I don’t think his personality is especially military-oriented, but I do believe he might have tried to please his mother and applied. He has the scar before his fall in the flashback so it’s likely he endured some kind of accident. I would assume a fall impact or blunt force trauma, and suggest an orbital fracture by the brow, and concussion. Which would lead me into my next assumption, that such a head injury resulted in him being discharged from or lead to the cessation of training with the UK Armed Forces and a return to his previous associations with new skillsets. 
Finally, and less seriously, I have some personal ideas and headcanons about the character that have not been analysed from the film in great detail, but are more observations of physicality Ben Hardy put into the role. The first is that Billy is ADHD and possibly dyslexic, but also multi-lingual, purely from having been around immigrant kids growing up and picking up the languages by ear. Such groups (ie, marginalized groups, poc, class, etc) would have lead him into the parkour and skateboarding communities. The ADHD headcanon speaks highly to the physical and hands-on nature of Billy’s skills, and that his intelligence and interests were largely influenced by the politics of the subcultures of which he was a part, and could have also influenced his inclination toward those cultures to begin with considering the impulsivity that would embolden him to learn potentially dangerous sport.
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
Billy / Four headcanons coming soon. ✌️
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
I’m going to write a modern Walter Hartright fic where he’s an art professor and his love interest is the nude model for one of his painting classes (it’ll have mystery, mental health, drama and romance themes, but isn’t a complete modern adaptation). It was gonna be straight up Walter x Reader, but I had a cool idea for an oc, so I’ll post character bios for them both soon! 
Feel free to ask questions or shoot me a prompt for some short and sweet drabbles! Info is on my pinned post!
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
First Meeting Starters
Send “First meeting+a symbol” for a starter of our muses meeting for the first time.
🏥 Our muses meet at a hospital
🏘️ Our muses to meet as new roommates 
🏣 Our muses to meet at a post office
🏢 Out muses to meet at a office
🏨 Our muses to meet at a hotel
🏩 Our muses to meet at a ‘special’ hotel (nsfw possibly)
🏪 Our muses to meet at a store
🏫 Our muses to meet at college
💒 Our muses to meet at a wedding
🏞️ Our muses to meet at a park
🏔️ Our muses to meet at a winter resort 
⛩️ Our muses to meet at a festival
🎡 Our muses to meet at a carnival
🚉 Our muses to meet at a train station 
🚆 Our muses to meet on a train 
🚌 Our muses to meet on a bus
🚑 Our muses to meet on an ambulance
🚒 Our muses to meet at a fire station
🚓 Our muses to meet at a police station
🚕 Our muses to meet in a taxi
🚢 Our muses to meet on a ship
✈️ Our muses to meet on a plane
⛱️ Our muses to meet at a beach 
🎭 Our muses to meet at a theater
🎪 Our muses to meet at a circus
🎨 Our muses to meet at an art show
🏆 Our muses to meet at an awards ceremony 
🏅 Our muses to meet at a sports competition 
⚽ Our muses to meet at a sporting event 
🎮 Our muses to meet at a gaming event
🎼 Our muses to meet at a music store 
🎤 Our muses to meet at a karaoke place
🎸 Our muses to meet at a concert 
🎬 Our muses to meet at a set of a movie
🃏 Our muses to meet at a casino 
🎦 Our muses to meet at a movie 
🍽️ Our muses to meet at a restaurant 
☕ Our muses to meet at a cafe 
🐈 Our muses to meet at a pet store
🎂 Our muses to meet at a birthday party
🎃 Our muses to meet on Halloween
🕸️ Our muses to meet at a Halloween party
🦃 Our muses to meet on Thanksgiving
🍁 Our muses to meet at a fall festival
🎅 Our muses to meet at at a Christmas party 
🎄 Our muses to meet on Christmas
🏮 Our muses to meet at a Chinese New Years party 
🍾 Our muses to meet on New Years
🥂 Our muses to meet at a  New Years party 
💘 Our muses to meet on Valentine’s Day
💟 Our muses to meet at a Valentine’s party
🐰 Our muses to meet on Easter
🎆 Our muses to meet on the fourth of July
🎓 Our muses to meet at a graduation party
🎉 Our muses to meet at a party
🍼 Our muses to meet at a baby shower
💍 Our muses to meet at an engagement party
💞 Our muses to meet at a speed dating event
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
PSYCH SENTENCE STARTERS   —   quotes from season six of the usa series. feel free to change pronouns, words, etc. memes for other seasons here.
i’m sorry for expecting a little bit of honesty out of you.
she sent me a cryptic text.
baby, all your facial parts are in the right spots.
you’re not going to be able to sleep tonight, are you?
sugar crash. he just ate six hundred dollars worth of candy from the hotel minibar.
please. i’ve got game.
what happened last night?
it’s no big deal. it’s just a small shiner.
i can’t help it, [name]. my body craves buttery goodness.
i would move heaven and earth to be with you. just as long as that movement is in accordance with the state laws of [state].
what kind of snacks? keeping in mind that fruit and dried fruit are not snacks.
you just can’t tell what a person is capable of until you’ve seen them naked.
you two are so breaking up over this.
if you could think of one thing in the world that could make you feel better right now, what would it be?
she’s got the crazy coursing through her legs!
that’s the weirdest flirting i’ve ever heard.
i’m dangerous. in a sexy way.
did i just see what my brain is telling my eyes i just saw?
you shut your drunk mouth!
i know i’m in the dog house.
i’m like the ice cream man except I have barbiturates! ha!
i know you think that I know stuff, but i can assure you, that i don’t.
you think i care if [name] gives another guy a little attention? how insecure do you think i am? …seriously. how insecure do you think i am?
[name], why are you wearing that ridiculous get-up?
well, the plot, unlike your hair, continues to thicken.
everyone stop what you’re doing and only pay attention to me!
… [name], where are your pants?
you disgust me! you make me sick to my face.
why are you talking so fast?
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
word prompts compilation
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention
[ wake ] for your muse to wake mine
[ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket
[ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.
[ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning
[ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair
[ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine
[ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room
[ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer
[ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger
[ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s
[ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying
[ eat ] for your muse to offer mine food
[ hit ] for your muse to attack mine
[ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance
[ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine
[ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap
[ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring
[ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually
[ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support
[ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm
[ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand
[ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did
[ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine
[ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap
[ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down
[ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away
[ dream ] for my muse to share dream with yours
[ nightmare ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare
[ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation
[ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury
[ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine
[ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger
[ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine
[ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
[ goodbye ] for my muse kissing and/or hugging your muse goodbye
[ secrets ]   my  muse  sharing/confiding  a secret
[ bloody ]   for your  muse  coming  to  my  muse  with  blood  stains 
[ drunk ]   your  muse  takes  care  of my very drunk muse 
[ bed ]  my  muse wakes up in  the  same bed as your muse with little  recollection  of  the  night  before
[ scream ]   my  muse  hears  your  muse  scream  and  runs  to  them
[ trail ]   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scars,  asking  them  about  it
[ piggyback ]   my  muse  gives  yours  a  piggyback  ride
[ jump ]   my  muse  holding  yours  up  by  their  thighs
[ carry ]   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house
[ lighter ]   my  muse  pulls  out  a  lighter  and  lights  it  for  your  muse  to  use  to  light  their  cigarette
[ shot ] my  muse  gets  shot  and  struggles  to  your  muses for aid
[ wound ] my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten
[ fight ]   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else
[ arrest ]   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  
[ hospital ]   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened
[ betrayal ] my  muse  finds  out  that  your  muse  has  betrayed  them and  confronts  them  about  it
[ nude ] my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked
[ karaoke ]  for our muses to sing together
[ wet ]   your muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for my muse  to  join  them
[ crawl ]  for  your  muse  to  crawl  into  bed  with  mine .
[ flower ]  for  your  muse  to  offer  my  muse  their  favourite  flower
[ gift ]  for  my  muse  to  surprise  your muse  with  a  gift
[ homemade gift ]  for  my  muse  to  make  your muse  a  gift
[ bestow ] for your muse to give my muse a gift, bought or handmade ( bonus if you add what it is )
[ serenade ]  for  my  muse  to  sing  to  your  muse
[ caress ]  for  your  muse  to  gently  run  their  hand  down  my  muse’s  face
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt .
[ love letter ]  for  your  muse  to  give  my  muse  a  love  letter  they  wrote  for  them
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose
[ date ]  for  my muse  to  ask  your  muse  to  go  on  a  date
[ confess ]  for my muse  to  confess  their  feelings  to  your  muse
[ sleepy ]  for  my muse  to  slowly  fall  alseep  on  your muse
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
*: ・゚✧   interrogation starters.
feel free to change pronouns etc as needed.
“ tell me, what happened?”
“ did you see anything?”
“ what do you remember?”
“ do you remember anything unusual?”
“ please, try to remember as much as you can.”
“ every detail is important.”
“ and what happened next?”
“ and what did you do when all this took place?”
“ what were you doing around __ am/pm?”
“ where were you around __ am/pm?”
“ can anyone verify that?”
“ was someone with you?”
“ and you had nothing to do with it?”
“ and you weren’t involved?”
“ did you see it happen?”
“ did you see who did it?”
“ did you see or hear anything? anything at all?”
 “ you seem scared… is that why you don’t want to talk?”
“ did someone hurt you?”
“ it’s okay. you can tell me.”
“ you were just trying to defend yourself, weren’t you?”
“ we can take a break, if you want.”
“ everything will be okay, i promise. but you need to talk to me.”
“ it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. but it really would help if you did.”
“ there is something you’re not telling me.”
“ i think you’re lying.”
“ you looked away just now when you said that. are you sure you’re telling the truth?”
“ except what you’re telling me doesn’t align with what we already know.”
“ seems to me like you know more than you’re letting in on.”
“ what aren’t you telling me?”
“ who are you trying to protect?”
“ so you really don’t know what any of it means? no clue at all?”
“ they must’ve told you more than that.”
“ you have to have seen more than that.”
“ and you want me to believe you don’t remember?”
“ and you want me to believe you had nothing to do with it?”
“ an accident? is that what you’re going with?”
“ i need you to tell me the truth.”
“ i need you to tell me what happened.”
“ i know you’re not telling me the truth.”
“ that doesn’t line up with the evidence. so… you wanna try that again?”
“ stop lying. i already know that’s not what happened.”
“ what do you want in exchange for this information?”
“ i’m listening…”
“ you’re coming with me.”
“ since you’re the only one who knows how to find them, i don’t really have a choice but to take you with me.”
“ fine. i’ll take you with me, but if you try anything…”
“ i can’t give you that. you know that.”
“ if we’re going to make a deal, you’re gonna have to ask for something a little more rational than that.”
“ okay. we have a deal.”
“ sorry. no deal.”
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
this is my pinned post, i’ll update it as need be i am more active on twitter, but that’s mostly for shitposting. 
I like to consider myself to be a fairly eclectic fic writer though I have been focusing on original fiction for the last three years. You can find some Marvel fic and Ocean’s 8 fic I wrote on AO3. I don’t take fanfic too seriously anymore, I mostly write it when I have the itch, you can absolutely send requests, but know it may not be a priority! Here are some of my options! I’ll write fic for any of these:
Mat Barzal, that’s it. For now. I’m brand spanking new to hockey and I’m extremely particular about the content I create for fic like this so if you’d like to request anything I reserve the right to alter the prompt to my preferences!
favourite fanfic trope of choice
your specific idea (send me the key details and I’ll see what I can do!)
NSFW (nothing too gratuitous)
billy/four x reader (6 underground)
walter hartright (modern au) x reader (the woman in white)
frank x reader (pixie)
seb x reader (eventually) (the voyeurs)
original character ben x reader 
(ie, you give me a name and a job and some basic details and i realize your idea as best as possible!)
any of the above options x my own oc’s
 (which i’ll link with descriptions eventually)
any of the above in an au of your choice, like... 
“i’m a nude model in a painting class but i can’t take my eyes off the professor” walter x reader au, or a “meet-cute rock climbing” billy x reader, or coffee shop au, romcom tropes, etc.
i’m totally comfortable writing smut, but it won’t be gratuitous. 
i’ll probably reblog prompts you can send me :) please specify a ben character, reader or original character, and au if you send a prompt (and where relevant, who is saying the dialog prompt)
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
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what i imagine facetiming with ben would be like
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jonesinghardy · 4 years ago
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enhanced screenshot :)  
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