Jonathan Jones
577 posts
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
what's your opinion on fandom drama? i would like some advice, if it's okay to ask.
I admit I've been hesitant to answer this and I don't really know what you're involved in or what your 'drama' is or what side of it you're on (hell it may be over considering I took a million years to get back to you) but I will state some things that may be helpful to keep in perspective. Allow me to be brutally honest with you. If the drama you're in relates to you liking/disliking ships or characters, let it be really. Someone bashing a ship or character you like is subjective and at the end of the day a battle of opinions. Unless you like something with a pretty universal ire directed towards it (rape/ped*philia ect) then you're entitled to like whatever the hell you want. Someone saying mean things about it shouldn't change your opinion (it sure doesn't change mine) and I find it amusing that people think if they yell louder/talk more it makes their point more valid and can somehow 'convince' you.
If the drama is more personal, I can say it with my entire heart that people need to go outside/practice getting out of parasocial relationships/separate themselves from the internet/get therapy because it's very unhealthy to exhibit the kind of attitude that goes into false virtue signaling/callout culture. I can't imagine being that obsessed with someone and letting it consume you to an unhealthy degree. Don't let it fool you, someone trying to make you a pariah because they feel like they've suffered an 'injustice' by you and using people as ammunition by turning them against you is nothing short of immature and a symptom of something toxic and very unhealthy. If someone does that, I have no choice but to believe that they are mentally ill and need help. They are making it about them, and that's purely the fact of the matter. Just because someone did something to someone else to make them feel this way, doesn't mean it'll happen to you. Relationships are electric and dynamic. You don't know what others are going through with each other and not everyone has the same chemistry. Some people just don't get along. Sometimes two people are abusive together who otherwise would not be with others. People also change after going through drama. There are a lot of factors in this. It goes without saying that the guilty party always outs themselves through their own paranoia and guilt. Putting out someone's light won't make yours shine brighter, in fact it just makes what you've done stand out all the more.
Also, if you have been made into a social pariah in the past, then you should know the grief and pain and not want to do it to others. Be an adult and just not acknowledge the situation and go on your merry way. Also, I don't know about you but I don't need to be 'warned' about anyone. I'm a grown ass adult and I can make decisions about people myself. I don't need someone telling me that their petty drama with someone else makes them 'a bad person' and I should 'stay away' from them or you're 'protecting the fandom'. Again, it's about them and weaponizing numbers against those they feel invalidated by to make them seem more 'in the right'. It's pure insecurity which circles around to my first point.
Also, once you try and silence someone you have lost the conversation. People can be wrong about you, and in most cases (unless they are accusing you of something illegal) I think it's just best to let them. They aren't people you need to associate with. Honestly? Who cares what a bunch of randos you'll never meet, who do not really know you think of you? Those who have gotten to and know who you are and keep you close matter more than popularity and meaningless numbers that will mean all of jack and shit once you leave/show disinterest in a fandom mean more. Trust me, cherish those who stick by your side. The goal in fandoms is to have fun and enjoy something with people who make you feel safe and loved.
I've always had the attitude of 'play with whoever shows up to play' and I think more people should adapt to that.
If you're the one trying to weaponize your insecurities and turn people against each other- suck it up and accept that people will be friends with others you aren't. Let them have their autonomy and right to choose. You don't have to 'like' it. You can in fact, blacklist/block it if you think it's best for your mental health.
I am not sure if any of these thing help you, but I can say after over 30 years of roleplaying these are things I've found useful in my endeavors. I hope whatever you're involved in (whether directly or indirectly) isn't anything too serious/dicey. If you really need to, taking a hiatus or limiting your time online or on this site is also something that may help you if you're feeling overwhelmed. It can make you come back refreshed and concentrating on your friends/support and people who truly matter.
Often times coming to a place, day after day where you feel hated or bad isn't good for your mental health and you absolutely have to put yourself first. People come and go, and bad people step out to leave a space for a good person to step in. At the end of the day, you're the one you go to sleep with every day. You're the one staring back at you in the mirror, and I cannot stress how important it is to take care of that person.
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 2 months ago
I'm still here, but lurking. I've mostly been on my other account. If you want to add me there feel free to dm me!
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jonathancjones · 3 months ago
friendly reminder that even if i take ages to reply, i still want to roleplay with you
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jonathancjones · 3 months ago
One day I'll stop lurking here and actually be active.
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jonathancjones · 3 months ago
One day I'll stop lurking here and actually be active.
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jonathancjones · 4 months ago
I live.
Sorta. This account is going to be low activity for a bit but I'm by no means out of the fandom. My Johnny shenanigans will resume.
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jonathancjones · 4 months ago
If you guys want to add me on BlueSky!
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jonathancjones · 4 months ago
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"It's hard not to stare when yer such a sight to behold! I mean, who DOESN'T want to lay eyes on THE Super Mario? Mates with no taste I'd say!" Even behind those glasses, he noticed a change in the man's stare. It was less...quizzical, and more emotional. A gaze of affection he'd wanted for so long.
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"If I were-a you, I'd look at-a me longingly too! Stare all you-a like.... my-a glasses may hide it but I'm-a looking at you too." Earlier in their relationship he was trying to figure out Johnny's anatomy. But now, he'd accepted it. Johnny was inside this... shark body which honestly raised more questions but for now, for the sake of enjoying the sight of him, it didn't matter.
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jonathancjones · 4 months ago
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"I could stare at ya all day, mate. No matter the place or time of day!"
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"I uh...may stare at you occasionally without you knowing..."
"You're pretty, I'm-a pretty."
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"Let's-a go home and-a stare at each other."
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