jollyraleigh-blog · 7 years
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Lazy Sunday Early Birds - digital painting created in Illustrator
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jollyraleigh-blog · 7 years
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Snooze Time - cut-out colored and pattern paper, illustration markers
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jollyraleigh-blog · 7 years
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Early Birds - textured and colored paper - cut-out and pasted
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jollyraleigh-blog · 7 years
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jollyraleigh-blog · 7 years
Adventures in freelance writing!
Attempting to get my foot in the door using writing samples
I have been working towards becoming an official creative writer within a variety of contexts. Every role I have looked into requires the submission of writing samples so the company can get a feel for the skill level and tone of applicants. Some companies have asked for official pieces that have been published and others ask to write a new practice piece with a list of guidelines the applicant must follow.
One company requested a 120-250 word review of a favorite business, brand or store. 
The review below was not solicited. In my attempt to follow proper etiquette for posting a fake review publicly, I have blackened-out the name and location of the business I chose to review.
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jollyraleigh-blog · 7 years
A Clumsy Trot through Colorful Madness
An Aspiring Creative’s Approach to Conquering Depression with Grit, Art and a Bit of Humor
Throughout my life adventure, depression has tagged along as a fiercely loyal albeit unwelcome companion. Until recently this had always been hugely problematic, especially when it came to me flourishing as an adult and aspiring artist. Needless to say, I found myself lagging far behind my peers in terms of my accomplishments and responsibilities, and especially as a genuinely jolly human being.
I had started my journey over countless times after being overcome by grief and going through short-term treatment and hospitalizations. During my last and most profound crash, I was not sure I had the energy to start over yet again.
I was crawling through life as I imagine a rather grumpy and obese sloth just might.
Then a miracle happened. I became supremely fed up!
My frustration boiled over and I realized I would much rather prance through life more akin to a gleeful warthog proudly showing off a bouncy red rump - and potentially lose some extra belly insulation I had acquired in the process. In an attempt to release my pent up frustration and until I was hoarse, I yelled and hollered.
I aggressively exclaimed, “GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”.
It was at this moment that I realized, if I had enough built up inside of me to explode in rage and helplessness there there must still be a small ember burning inside me I can nurture into a monumental flame.
I decided I deserve to live well, simply because I exist.
And that nothing, especially my own mindset, had the right to take control over my quality of life. So with much further conception, development and relentless effort,
I slowly learned to use my cries as a mantra and channel my frustration and energy into a new mindset and lifestyle. In the long term, this proved hugely more sensible and life giving than yelling to the point of exhaustion and allowing my depression to completely consume me. Through my mantra and efforts I began a pattern of self treatment.
I channeled my energy as Grit. Art. And Humor.
1. I unleashed my grit! Unapologetically. I kindly allowed myself to become fed up with depression and brazenly continue to do so when I feel it slyly attempting to make an appearance. My ability to live well long term has been due to developing a tough shell with a squishy squashy inside. I like to picture my inside as a peacefully cocooning octopus hugging my heart. This helps me stand strong in the face of adversity while still allowing me to exercise vulnerability and love deeply.
2. I found my fuel within the hell fire. I reacquainted myself with my single greatest love and passion - art, which I had a tendency to distance myself from when I entered into an especially dark mindset. I would lose the energy and motivation to create. I now attempt to create and write everyday because it feeds my sole and confidence. I have rediscovered my sense of purpose that gives great meaning to my life. My creative endeavors act as the fuel that nurtures my joy and ensures I always have a full supply of grit and passion. Now I can experience very real pleasure and satisfaction while I continue to fight.
3. I sprinkled in generous amounts of humor and ridiculousness. It was all too easy for me to lose perspective when I was enveloped in the darkness that is depression. For this reason, this last step proved to be especially important and life giving in my efforts to stave off its obnoxious advances. I consciously and happily chose to bake humor right into my life through my art, wardrobe and attitude towards myself. I committed to creating everyday and now am madly in love with writing and illustrating whimsical children’s stories and poetry, insist on sporting paddy caps and t-shirts with ducks on them, work on not taking myself too seriously.
Generally, I picture myself as a cartoon living amongst friendly dinosaurs and llamas that join me for picnics during my lunch hour.
I offer my empathy and insight through personal experience because I feel it is profoundly easier to consider the perspective of others if they have walked a few miles in my shoes, and especially lifetimes worth! I know how it feels to live in a way that does not honor my person and to lose control of my life altogether. I choose to believe that living well is my, and every other person’s, natural born right. So I encourage you to start on your way to living well!
Find your mantra.
Then scream and live your mantra with fierce conviction and for the whole world to witness, because you deserve it.
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